Commit 3d0b58ad authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

design files added

parent 6447f39a
part numbering system for elphel camera parts (machined and standard)
0353-XX-YY{-ZZ}, where the first group designates camera type for which the parts were originally used
XX - part type,
YY - variant, revision,
ZZ (optional) - equivalents, i.e. standard parts from different manufacturers
0353-00 - PCB assemblies
0353-00-01 - 10353 rev E assembly Most individual components are not shown in the model.
0353-00-02 - 10369 rev A assembly
0353-00-03 - 103693 rev A assy (rev 0 with manually cut corner)
0353-00-04 - 103691 rev A assy
0353-00-06 - 10338 rev A
0353-00-07 - 103692 (no drawings)
0353-01 - cable assemblies
0353-01-01 - flex jumper, 30 conductors, 0.5mm pitch, l=30mm
0353-01-02 - flex jumper, 10 conductors, 0.5mm pitch, l=76mm
0353-02 - other electronic assemblies
0353-02-01 - CF card (generic)
Major body parts
0353-10 - bottoms
0353-10-01 - camera bottom, l=104.77mm
0353-11 - tops
0353-11-01 - camera top plain (no connector holes), l=104.77mm
0353-11-02 - camera top with connector holes for the 10369, l=104.77mm
0353-12 - front ends
0353-12-01 - Sensor front end (...)
0353-13 - back panels
0353-13-01 - Back panel, "vanilla"
0353-13-02 - Back panel, with SATA and USB
0353-17 - decals/overlays
0353-17-01 - back panel overlay, network only
0353-17-02 - back panel overlay for 10369A (RJ45, SATA, USB)
0353-17-03 - bottom overlay
0353-18 - body parts external other
0353-18-01 - tripod mount, 1/4-20 thread
0353-18-02 - connector cover
0353-19 - body parts internal other
0353-19-01 - CF support
0353-20 - custom mounting parts
0353-20-01 - standoff, M2/M2.5, 14.5mm high, DIA 4.5mm
0353-30 - insulator tubing, spacers, tapes
0353-30-01 - insulator tubing, l=12.5mm , ID=4.5MM (heat shrink OK)
0353-60 - custom extrusions
0353-60-01 aluminum extrusion for camera bottoms
0353-60-02 aluminum extrusion for camera tops
0353-70 - optical components
0353-70-01 - IR cutoff filter, DIA 20.0mm, t=0.3mm
0353-80..0353-84 - other standard parts
0353-85 - threaded spacers for other than M2 and M2.5
0353-86 - threaded spacers for M2.5
0353-87 - threaded spacers for M2
0353-88 - unthreaded spacers for other than M2 and M2.5
0353-89 - unthreaded spacers for M2.5
0353-90 - unthreaded spacers for M2
0353-90-01 - spacer, l=4mm (~McMaster p/n 92510A005 - approximate to metric)
0353-91 - nuts for other than M2 and M2.5
0353-92 - nuts for M2.5
0353-93 - nuts for M2
0353-94 - washers for other than M2 and M2.5
0353-95 - washers for M2.5
0353-96 - washers for M2
0353-96-01 - washer, stainless steel,
0353-97 - screws other than M2 and M2.5
0353-97-01 - screw socket cap, #4-40, 0.19"long
0353-98 - screws, metric, M2.5
0353-98-01 - screw, M2.5, Socket cap, Black anodized, l=6mm (McMaster p/n 91239A704 )
0353-98-02 - screw, M2.5, Socket cap, flat, l=6mm (McMaster p/n 92125A084
0353-99 - screws, metric, M2
0353-99-01 - screw, M2, Socket cap, Black anodized, l=6mm (McMaster p/n 91239A704 ) - shown as different
0353-99-02 - screw, M2, Socket cap, Stainless steel, l=10mm (McMaster p/n )
0353-99-03 - screw, M2, Socket cap, Stainless steel, l=12mm (McMaster p/n )
0353-99-04 - screw, M2, philips, flat l=3mm (McMaster p/n )
#** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
#** Preparing Varicad output files output for uploadig to
#** 1 - adding license information to *.stp files output
#** 2 - compressing *.dwb, *.dxf and *.stp files
#** 3 - cropping and converting *.bmp renderings to JPEG
#** Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Elphel, Inc.
#** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
#** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#** (at your option) any later version.
#** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#** GNU General Public License for more details.
#** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#** along with this program. If not, see <>.
#** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
#Replacing description and organization tags in STEP 3D files.
#Varicad outputs them as:
#/* description */ ('VariCAD 2010-3.03 AP-214'),
#/* implementation_level */ '2;1');
#/* name */ '0353-22-10-test-load-saved',
#/* time_stamp */ '2011-10-13T17:21:56-06:00',
#/* author */ (''),
#/* organization */ (''),
YEAR=`date +"%Y"`
DESCRIPTION="(C) Elphel, Inc. $YEAR. Licensed under CERN OHL v.1.1 or later, see";
process_step_files() {
# DESCRIPTION="(C) Elphel, Inc. 2013. Licensed under CERN OHL v.1.1 or later, see";
# ORGANIZATION="Elphel, Inc";
echo "Adding >$DESCRIPTION< and >$ORGANIZATION< to >$1<"
mv $1 $1.original
cat $1.original | sed -e "s#\* description \*/ [(]'[^']*'[)]#* description */ ('$DESCRIPTION')#g" | sed -e "s#\* organization \*/ [(]'[^']*'[)]#* organization */ ('$ORGANIZATION')#g" > $1
tar -czvf $1.tar.gz $1
mv $1.original $1
process_pdf_files() {
if [ -z "`which pdftk`" ] ; then
echo "pdftk is not installed, pdf metadata will not be edited. You may install pdftk with"
echo "sudo apt-get install pdftk"
fullname=$(basename $1)
echo $filename
#cat << EOF
cat >pdfmeta << EOF
InfoKey: Author
InfoValue: Elphel, Inc.
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: $filename (C) Elphel, Inc. $YEAR
InfoKey: Subject
InfoKey: Producer
InfoValue: Qt 4.7.0 (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
mv $1 $1~
pdftk $1~ update_info pdfmeta output $1
rm pdfmeta
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# DESCRIPTION="(C) Elphel, Inc. 2013. Licensed under CERN OHL v.1.1 or later, see";
# ORGANIZATION="Elphel, Inc";
# echo "Adding >$DESCRIPTION< and >$ORGANIZATION< to >$1<"
# mv $1 $1.original
# cat $1.original | sed -e "s#\* description \*/ [(]'[^']*'[)]#* description */ ('$DESCRIPTION')#g" | sed -e "s#\* organization \*/ [(]'[^']*'[)]#* organization */ ('$ORGANIZATION')#g" > $1
# tar -czvf $1.tar.gz $1
# mv $1.original $1
#find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.stp' -exec $0 '{}' \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.stp' -exec $0 process_step_files '{}' \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.pdf' -exec $0 process_pdf_files '{}' \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.dxf' -exec tar '-czvf' '{}'.tar.gz '{}' \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.igs' -exec tar '-czvf' '{}'.tar.gz '{}' \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.dwb' -exec tar '-czvf' '{}'.tar.gz '{}' \;
# Process all bmps
# b - border size in pixels
for f in *.bmp
#if there are no *.bmp it still runs once?!
if [ -f $f ]; then
filename=$(basename $f)
crop=`convert -trim -format %[fx:w+2*$b]x%[fx:h+2*$b]+%[fx:page.X-$b]+%[fx:page.Y-$b] $f info:`
convert $f -crop $crop "$name.jpeg";
exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
File added
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