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Kconfig Merge branch 'circbuf'
Makefile working on lepton driver
cci2c.h added i2c driver from NC353 for IMU and GPS (disabled chn 0)
circbuf.c Used @suppress() at few lines to test
circbuf.h changes to mem - vaddrs are 4 bytes, paddrs are 1 byte
clock10359.c debugging with 10359 multiplexer (Eyesis mode)
clock10359.h edited headers
command_sequencer.c edits related to moving includes to include/uapi
command_sequencer.h added more files from 353 to work on
cxi2c.c updated to create devices in sysfs
debug393.h more debugging
detect_sensors.c working on lepton driver
detect_sensors.h vospi, lepton3.5 changes
elphel393-init.c updated
elphel393-mem.c Working on exif, fixing some other problems
elphel393-pwr.c updated
exif.h circbuf compiles
exif393.c fixed another exif bug, generated goot tiff
exif393.h Merge AHCI driver from 'origin/master-initial'
fpgajtag353.c updated to create devices in sysfs
framepars.c more on lepton driver
framepars.h added spinlock
gamma_tables.c typo
gamma_tables.h just debugging
histograms.c typo
histograms.h Debugging multi-sensor operation
imu_log393.c updated to create devices in sysfs
imu_log393.h working on logger driver
jpeghead.c updated
jpeghead.h Merge read and write code into one command
klogger_393.c updated to create devices in sysfs
klogger_393.h added header file with debug macros
latency.h sensor-individual ahead tabs (latencies)
lepton.c working on lepton driver
lepton.h working on lepton driver
mt9f002.c moved hispi lanes phases adjustment to from mt9f002_pgm_initsensor to mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor - this supposedly removed rare i2c write errors
mt9f002.h moved hispi lanes phases adjustment to from mt9f002_pgm_initsensor to mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor - this supposedly removed rare i2c write errors
mt9x001.c working on lepton driver
mt9x001.h sensor-individual ahead tabs (latencies)
multi10359.c Working on exif, fixing some other problems
multi10359.h debugging with 10359 multiplexer (Eyesis mode)
param_depend.h improving handling of trigger-related parameters
pgm_functions.c reversed, was OK
pgm_functions.h Working on exif, fixing some other problems
quantization_tables.c fixed several warnings, removed unused files
quantization_tables.h Add multichannel support to quantization_tables.c, fix formatting
sensor_common.c more on lepton driver
sensor_common.h working on lepton driver
sensor_i2c.c 1. fixed i2c discover
sensor_i2c.h initial changes to dynamic page registering and sensors with 16 bit register addresses
x393_fpga_functions.c Add recording speed measurement to AHCI driver
x393_fpga_functions.h fixed several warnings, removed unused files
x393_macro.h optimizing fpga tables write
x393_videomem.c formatting debug + added 'linear' bit printing
x393_videomem.h modified for raw, depends on x393 branch 'lwir'