Links between project tree and kernel source tree are generated by Bitbake during 'link' task when using `meta-elphel393`. Some required header files are automatically generated during the build process.
. ./oe-init-build-env
bitbake linux-xlnx -c clean -f
bitbake linux-xlnx -c link -f
bitbake linux-xlnx -f
##Importing project into Eclipse
Run Eclipse from its location directory and provide additional heap memory to it.
./eclipse -vmargs -Xmx4G
or just edit eclipse.ini (same directory as eclipse executable) and make sure -Xmx has at least 4G
This is Eclipse CDT project, and the [setup sctipt]( copies
project configuration (.project, .cproject, .settings) from eclipse_project_setup subdirectory.
Eclipse should be started after Linux kernel is built with `bitbake linux-xlnx` at least once
so all the required files are already present. Then you may import *linux-elphel* as
'existing Git project' in Eclipse (you need either Eclipse for C/C++ development or intall [CDT
plugin]( separately.
- File → Import... → General → Existing Project into Workspace