Commit cb29b42f authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

base structure for membridge

parent 6f2d80e7
......@@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ int pgm_memsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (
width_bursts, // 13-bit - in 8*16=128 bit bursts
height_marg, // 16-bit window height (in scan lines)
0, // 13-bit window left margin in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
0, // 16-bit window top margin (in scan lines
0, // 16-bit window top margin (in scan lines)
(frame16<0)? ASAP: ABSOLUTE, // how to apply commands - directly or through channel sequencer
frame16); // Frame number the command should be applied to (if not immediate mode)
return 0;
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