Commit b34fa5a2 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

true freq is 22MHz for MT9F002

parent ed39bd0a
* @file mt9f002.c
* @brief Handles On Semiconductor MT9F002 14MPx sensor
* @brief Handles MT9F002 On Semiconductor 14MPx sensor
* @copyright Copyright 2018 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* @par <b>License</b>
......@@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ const unsigned short mt9f002_par2addr[] = {
......@@ -90,6 +87,11 @@ const unsigned short mt9f002_par2addr[] = {
0xffff // END indicator
......@@ -150,20 +152,21 @@ struct sensor_t mt9f002 = {
.flips = 3, ///< bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.init_flips = 0, ///< normal orientation flips bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.bayer = 2, ///< bayer shift for flips==0
.dcmHor = 0xff, ///< 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (doc show [0,6] - change to 0x7f
.dcmVert = 0xff, ///< 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.binHor = 0xff, ///< 1,2,4 0xb{0,1,3}
.binVert = 0xff, ///< 1,2,3,4 0xf [0,3]
.maxGain256 = 4032, ///< (15.75) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.maxGain256 = 4064, ///< (15.875) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.minGain256 = 384, ///< 1.5 times 0x100
.minClockFreq= 20000000, ///< Minimal clock frequency
.maxClockFreq= 24444000, ///< Maximal clock frequency
.nomClockFreq= 24444000, ///< nominal clock frequency
.sensorType = SENSOR_MT9F002, ///< sensor type (for Elphel cameras)
.i2c_addr = MT9F002_I2C_ADDR, ///< sensor i2c slave address (7 bits)
.i2c_period = 2500, ///< SCL period in ns, (standard i2c - 2500)
.i2c_bytes = 2, ///< number of bytes/ register
.hact_delay = -2500, ///< -2.5ns delay in ps
.sensorDelay = 2460, ///< Dealy from sensor clock at FPGA output to pixel data transition (FPGA input), short cable (ps)
.needReset= SENSOR_NEED_RESET_CLK | SENSOR_NEED_RESET_PHASE ///< bit 0 - need reset after clock frequency change, bit 1 - need reset after phase change
......@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_sensorin (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct
int mt9f002_pgm_window (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
int mt9f002_pgm_window_safe (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
int mt9f002_pgm_window_common(int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
//int mt9f002_pgm_limitfps (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
int mt9f002_pgm_limitfps (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
int mt9f002_pgm_gains (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
//int mt9f002_pgm_triggermode (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
......@@ -225,18 +228,6 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_gains (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct
* Detect and initialize sensor and related data structures
* - detect sensor type.
* - if successful, proceed to:,
* -- copy sensor static structure
* -- setup appropriate pgm_* functions
* -- read sensor registers to shadows
* -- initialize appropriate P_* registers (including sensor register shadows) - that initialization will schedule related pgm_* functions
* TODO: when is P_CLK_FPGA initialized? Needs to be done before this
* hardware i2c is expected to be reset and initialized - no wrong, it will be programmed in
* onchange_i2c should be the first after init sensor (even before onchange_sensorphase)
* onchange_sensorphase will be triggered after this
* hardware i2c after this function will be disabled, will need onchange_sensorphase to initialize/start it.
int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< sensor static parameters (capabilities)
......@@ -250,7 +241,6 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
u32 i2c_read_dataw;
//int sensor_subtype=0;
//int i;
//int sensor_multi_regs_number;
struct sensor_t * psensor; // current sensor
......@@ -279,7 +269,7 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
psensor= &mt9f002;
// temporary solution
// temporary solution (move to the common code)
pcfg = &pSensorPortConfig[sensor_port];
name = get_name_by_code(pcfg->sensor[0],DETECT_SENSOR);
dc = xi2c_dev_get(name);
......@@ -318,19 +308,20 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
return 0; // no sensor found
// Sensor recognized, go on
// Sensor is recognized, go on
// copy sensor definitions
memcpy(sensor, psensor, sizeof(mt9f002));
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} copied %d bytes of sensor static parameters\n",sensor_port,sizeof(mt9f002));
// add functions to common pgm_functions
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_detectsensor,&mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor); // detect sensor type, sets sensor structure (capabilities), function pointers NOTE: will be called directly, not through pointers
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_initsensor, &mt9f002_pgm_initsensor); // resets sensor, reads sensor registers, schedules "secret" manufacturer's corrections to the registers (stops/re-enables hardware i2c)
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_sensorin, &mt9f002_pgm_sensorin); // currently: VACT delay hack
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_exposure, &mt9f002_pgm_exposure); // program exposure
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_window, &mt9f002_pgm_window); // program sensor WOI and mirroring (flipping)
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_window_safe, &mt9f002_pgm_window_safe); // program sensor WOI and mirroring (flipping) - now - only flipping? with lower latency
//add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_limitfps, &mt9x001_pgm_limitfps); // check compressor will keep up, limit sensor FPS if needed
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_limitfps, &mt9f002_pgm_limitfps); // check compressor will keep up, limit sensor FPS if needed
add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_gains, &mt9f002_pgm_gains); // program analog gains
//add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_triggermode, &mt9x001_pgm_triggermode); // program sensor trigger mode
//add_sensor_proc(sensor_port,onchange_sensorregs, &mt9x001_pgm_sensorregs); // write sensor registers (only changed from outside the driver as they may have different latencies)?
......@@ -341,9 +332,7 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
// setFramePar(thispars, P_SENSOR | FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEWPROC, sensor->sensorType); // force actions
// MDD1(dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"\n"));
// CCAM_ARO_ON set. Does it need to be set here? Not earlier (as it is now set for NC393)
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} set ARO (TRIGGER) line HIGH\n",sensor_port);
// skipped multisensor regs
sensio_ctl.aro = 1;
......@@ -354,6 +343,7 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
//NOTE 353: hardware i2c is turned off (not needed in 393)
// part of mt9f002_pgm_initsensor
// write to sensor's i2c register, test read
int mt9f002_phases_program_phase(int sensor_port, int phase){
......@@ -374,6 +364,7 @@ int mt9f002_phases_program_phase(int sensor_port, int phase){
return 0;
// part of mt9f002_pgm_initsensor
// read hact_alive bit from x393_status_sens_io_t
int mt9f002_phases_read_flags(int sensor_port,int shift){
......@@ -411,6 +402,7 @@ int mt9f002_phases_read_flags(int sensor_port,int shift){
// part of mt9f002_pgm_initsensor
// phase adjustment for a single lane
int mt9f002_phases_adjust_lane(int sensor_port, int phase, int shift){
......@@ -489,6 +481,7 @@ int mt9f002_phases_adjust_lane(int sensor_port, int phase, int shift){
return target_phase;
// part of mt9f002_pgm_initsensor
// phase adjustment for port (all 4 lanes)
int mt9f002_phases_adjust_port(int sensor_port){
......@@ -544,9 +537,10 @@ int mt9f002_phases_adjust_port(int sensor_port){
return 0;
/** Reset and initialize sensor
* resets sensor, reads sensor registers, schedules "secret" manufacturer's corrections to the registers (stops/re-enables hardware i2c - 353 only)
* i2c is supposed to be already programmed */
* Reset and initialize sensor
* Resets sensor, reads sensor registers, schedules "secret" manufacturer's corrections to the registers.
int mt9f002_pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< sensor static parameters (capabilities)
struct framepars_t * thispars, ///< sensor current parameters
......@@ -557,10 +551,16 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
int i;
int n;
int color;
x393_sens_sync_mult_t dis_sof = {.d32=0};
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[262+(MAX_SENSORS * P_MULTI_NUMREGS )]; // for all the sensor registers. Other P_* values will reuse the same ones
int regaddr,regval,regnum,mreg,j;
int regaddr,regval,regnum,j;
int nupdate=0;
int colamp_gain, a2_gain, gain, a2_inc;
u32 i2c_read_data_dw[256];
//dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} frame16=%d\n",sensor_port,frame16);
......@@ -578,14 +578,14 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
// sa7 is not used
// use broadcast address - which should be 0 for a single sensor?
// soft reset
// sa7 is not used
// delay (needed?)
// sensor is supposed to be streaming by now
......@@ -611,13 +611,8 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
// update multisensor regs
if ((mreg=MULTIREG(sensor_port,regnum,0))) {
for (j=0;j<MAX_SENSORS; j++) {
for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
sensor_reg_copy[sensor_port][i] = i2c_read_data_dw[i];
......@@ -625,8 +620,41 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
// in mt9x00x there's setFrameParsStatic-call ?!!! Parameters that never change?
if (nupdate) setFrameParsStatic(sensor_port,nupdate,pars_to_update); // save changes to sensor register shadows for all frames
//if (nupdate) setFramePars(sensor_port,thispars,nupdate,pars_to_update); // save changes to sensor register shadows
// next are global pars?
// set gains ranges
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAIN_MIN, (sensor->minGain256)<<8); // less than that may not saturate sensor and confuse autoexposure/white balancing
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAIN_MAX, (sensor->maxGain256)<<8);
if (nupdate) setFramePars(sensor_port,thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); // save changes to sensor register shadows
// G_* parameters - can write directly
// fill out the gain tables
for (color=0;color<4;color++){
// 175 =
// 48 (for colamp=1) +
// 48 (for colamp=2) +
// 79 (for colamp=3)
colamp_gain = 2;
a2_gain = 0x30;
a2_inc = 0;
for (i=0;i<176;i++) {
// for mt9x00x
//GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_SENSOR_CALIB+(color<<8)+i)= (i>32)? ((i-16)<<14) : (i<<13); // one extra
// for mt9f002
if ((i==48)||(i==96)){
colamp_gain *= 2;
a2_inc = 0;
// actual formula
//gain = ((colamp_gain*(a2_gain+a2_inc))<<16)/64;
gain = (colamp_gain*(a2_gain+a2_inc))<<10;
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_SENSOR_CALIB+(color<<8)+i)= gain; // one extra
a2_inc += 1;
return 0;
......@@ -651,6 +679,60 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_sensorin (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
return 0;
// also defines vertical blanking
int mt9f002_calc_frame_length_lines(struct framepars_t * thispars){
int v0;
int y_addr_start = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_Y_ADDR_START];
int y_addr_end = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_Y_ADDR_END];
int min_frame_blanking_lines = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_MIN_FRAME_BLANKING_LINES];
// TODO: do
int subsampling_factor = 1;
v0 = (y_addr_end - y_addr_start + 1)/subsampling_factor + min_frame_blanking_lines;
return v0;
// also defines horizontal blanking
int mt9f002_calc_line_length_pck(struct framepars_t * thispars){
int v0;
int v1;
int v2;
int x_addr_start = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_X_ADDR_START];
int x_addr_end = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_X_ADDR_END];
int x_odd_inc = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_X_ODD_INC];
int min_line_blanking_pck = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_MIN_LINE_BLANKING_PCK];
int x_output_size = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_X_OUTPUT_SIZE];
// does not match with the default value
//v0 = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_PCK];
v0 = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_PCK]-2;
// typo in the datasheet formula?
//v1 = (x_addr_end-x_addr_start+x_odd_inc)/(1+x_odd_inc)+min_line_blanking_pck;
//v1 = ((x_addr_end-x_addr_start+x_odd_inc)*2/(1+x_odd_inc)+min_line_blanking_pck)/2;
// what?!
v1 = (x_addr_end-x_addr_start+1)+min_line_blanking_pck;
//pr_info("x_addr_end=0x%08x x_addr_start=0x%08x x_odd_inc=0x%08x min_line_blanking_pck=0x%08x\n",x_addr_end,x_addr_start,x_odd_inc,min_line_blanking_pck);
v2 = MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK/MT9F002_OP_PIX_CLK*x_output_size/4 + 0x5E;
//pr_info("v0=0x%08x v1=0x%08x v2=0x%08x\n",v0,v1,v2);
if (v0<v1) v0 = v1;
if (v0<v2) v0 = v2;
//pr_info("result = 0x%08x\n",v0);
return v0;
/** Program sensor WOI and mirroring
* Validating, changing related parameters/scheduling actions, scheduling i2c commands
* As different sensors may produce "bad frames" for different WOI changes (i.e. MT9P001 seems to do fine with FLIP, but not WOI_WIDTH)
......@@ -698,6 +780,9 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_window_common (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
int nupdate=0;
int styp = sensor->sensorType & 7;
int fll;
int llp;
if (frame16 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; // wrong frame
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} frame16=%d\n",sensor_port,frame16);
......@@ -705,7 +790,6 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_window_common (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
dv= thispars->pars[P_DCM_VERT];
bh= thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR];
bv= thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT];
//wws = sensor->clearLeft;
ww = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXH] * dh;
//wwe = ww + wws - 1;
......@@ -814,6 +898,20 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_window_common (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9F002_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, (int) wh);
// recalc something after this one?
fll = mt9f002_calc_frame_length_lines(thispars);
pr_info("old fll=0x%08x, new fll=0x%08x\n",thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_FRAME_LENGTH_LINES],fll);
if (fll!=thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_FRAME_LENGTH_LINES]){
pr_info("old fll=0x%08x, new fll=0x%08x\n",thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_FRAME_LENGTH_LINES],fll);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_FRAME_LENGTH_LINES, fll);
// recalc exposure after this one
llp = mt9f002_calc_line_length_pck(thispars);
//llp = 0x2350;
if (llp!=thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_LINE_LENGTH_PCK]){
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_LINE_LENGTH_PCK, llp);
// write flips and skips
// reg 0x3040 = P_REG_MT9F002_READ_MODE
......@@ -889,6 +987,228 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_window_common (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port
return 0;
* get TRIG_PERIOD from framepars, compare and update pix_period
* @param pix_period
* @param thispars
* @return updated pix_period
int compare_to_trig_period_mt9f002(int sensor_port, ///< sensor port - only for debug
int pix_period, ///< current pix_period
struct framepars_t * thispars) ///< sensor current parameters
int trig_period;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} thispars->pars[P_TRIG] = %d, thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] =%d(0x%x)\n",
if (thispars->pars[P_TRIG]!=0){
trig_period = camsync_to_sensor(thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD], thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR]);
if (trig_period > pix_period) {
return pix_period;
/** Check if compressor can keep up, limit sensor FPS if needed
* FPS is limited by increasing verical blanking, it can not be be made too big, so this method does not work to make time lapse rate. horisontal blanking
* is kept at minimum (to reduce ERS effect) if not specified. If it is specified (>minimal) - it will be used instead.
* calculate line period.
* FIXME - uses P_VIRTUAL_WIDTH w/o decreasing it when changing image size? Replace VIRT_WIDTH with HOR_BANK?
* Or require always set them to zero when chnaging WOI?
* FIXME for multisensor - needs per-sensor individual parameters. This uses sensor registers, not the general parameters (i.e. height) */
int mt9f002_pgm_limitfps (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< sensor static parameters (capabilities)
struct framepars_t * thispars, ///< sensor current parameters
struct framepars_t * prevpars, ///< sensor previous parameters (not used here)
int frame16) ///< 4-bit (hardware) frame number parameters should
///< be applied to, negative - ASAP
///< @return 0 - OK, negative - error
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[16]; // maximum 7 registers updated (need to recount)
int nupdate=0;
// decimation horizontal
int dh= thispars->pars[P_DCM_HOR]?thispars->pars[P_DCM_HOR]:1;
int ww= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXH] * dh;
int binning_cost = 0;
int width,i;
int row_time_in_pixels=0;
int hor_blank_min;
int hor_blank=0;
int p1,p2, pix_period, sclk,fp1000s, trig_period;
int styp = sensor->sensorType & 7;
int height;
int virt_height;
int vert_blank;
uint64_t ull_fp1000s;
int target_virt_width=(thispars->pars[P_VIRT_KEEP])?(thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH]):0;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} frame16=%d\n",sensor_port,frame16);
if (frame16 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; // wrong frame
width = 2 * ww / (2 * dh);
if((width * dh) < ww) width++;
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT]) {
case 2:
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR]) {
case 1: binning_cost = 276; break;
case 2: binning_cost = 236; break;
case 4: binning_cost = 236; break;
case 4:
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR]) {
case 1: binning_cost = 826; break;
case 2: binning_cost = 826; break;
case 4: binning_cost = 826; break;
//hor_blank_min = 0x138;
//dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} hor_blank_min =%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,hor_blank_min,hor_blank_min);
//hor_blank = hor_blank_min;
//dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} hor_blank =%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,hor_blank,hor_blank);
row_time_in_pixels = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_LINE_LENGTH_PCK];
//dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels);
//i = 2 * (41 + 208 * thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT] + 99); //strange 41 and 99, why not 140?
//if(i > row_time_in_pixels) row_time_in_pixels = i;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels);
if(target_virt_width > row_time_in_pixels) { // extend line by adding horizontal blanking
hor_blank = target_virt_width - width;
if (hor_blank > sensor->maxHorBlank) hor_blank = sensor->maxHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + hor_blank;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels);
// schedule updating P_VIRT_WIDTH if it changed FIXME: Does not come here?
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x), thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ]=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels,(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ],(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ]);
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ] != row_time_in_pixels) {
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_VIRT_WIDTH, row_time_in_pixels);
// schedule updating P_MT9X001_HORBLANK senosr register and shadow FIXME: Seems hor_blank is too high. is the width itself subtracted?
if (hor_blank != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} hor_blank =%d(0x%x), thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,hor_blank,hor_blank,(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK],(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9X001_HORBLANK, hor_blank);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_HORBLANK, (int)hor_blank);
// Now calculate P_PERIOD (extending it as needed)
// int vh, vb, wh, h, dv, sclk, row_time_in_pixels, ve, e, i;
// calculate minimal virtual heigth for current window height
/* NOTE: Was this for a long time - make sure replacement does not break anything !!!
int wh = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HEIGHT] + 1;
int dv = thispars->pars[P_DCM_VERT];
int height = 2 * (wh / (2 * dv));
if((height * dv) < wh) height++;
height = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXV];
//virt_height = height + sensor->minVertBlank;
virt_height = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_FRAME_LENGTH_LINES];
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_KEEP]) {
if (virt_height < thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT]) {
virt_height = thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT];
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} height =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,height,height,virt_height,virt_height);
// limit frame rate (using minimal period), but only in sync mode - async should be programmed to observe minimal period
if ((thispars->pars[P_TRIG] & 4) == 0) {
int virt_height1= thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MIN]/row_time_in_pixels; // always non-zero, calculated by pgm_limitfps (common)
if ((row_time_in_pixels * virt_height1) < thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MIN]) virt_height1++; //round up
if (virt_height < virt_height1) virt_height = virt_height1;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} height =%d(0x%x), modified virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,height,height,virt_height,virt_height);
vert_blank= virt_height - height;
if(vert_blank > sensor->maxVertBlank) {
vert_blank = sensor->maxVertBlank;
virt_height = vert_blank + height;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} vert_blank =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,vert_blank,vert_blank,virt_height,virt_height);
// schedule updating P_VIRT_HEIGHT if it changed
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT] =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT],(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ],virt_height,virt_height);
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ] != virt_height) {
// schedule updating P_PERIOD if it changed
if (!pix_period ){
dev_warn(g_dev_ptr,"** mt9f002_pgm_limitfps(%d) pix_period == 0!! (row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels,virt_height,virt_height);
pix_period = 1000; // just non-zero
pr_info("check 0: pix_period = 0x%08x (0x%08x*0x%08x)\n",pix_period,row_time_in_pixels,virt_height);
// IMPORTANT: this is moved above setting P_PERIOD
// Update period from external trigger (assuming internal/self trigger, we do not know real external trigger period)
pix_period = compare_to_trig_period_mt9f002(sensor_port,pix_period,thispars);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} thispars->pars[P_PERIOD] =%d(0x%x), pix_period=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,(int)thispars->pars[P_PERIOD],(int)thispars->pars[P_PERIOD],pix_period,pix_period);
if (thispars->pars[P_PERIOD] != pix_period) {
// switched order
// Update period from external trigger (assuming internal/self trigger, we do not know real external trigger period)
//pix_period = compare_to_trig_period(pix_period,thispars);
sclk = MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK;
ull_fp1000s=((long long) 1000)* ((long long) sclk);
fp1000s= ull_fp1000s;
pr_info("check 1: FP1000S = 0x%08x\n",fp1000s);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} thispars->pars[P_FP1000S] =%d(0x%x), fp1000s=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,(int)thispars->pars[P_FP1000S],(int)thispars->pars[P_FP1000S],fp1000s,fp1000s);
if (thispars->pars[P_FP1000S] != fp1000s) {
// schedule updating P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK sensor register and shadow
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK] =%d(0x%x), vert_blank=%d(0x%x)\n",sensor_port,(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK],(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK],vert_blank,vert_blank);
if (vert_blank != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK, vert_blank);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MPAR(0x%x, 0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK, (int) vert_blank);
if (nupdate) setFramePars(sensor_port,thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); // save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
return 0;
/** Program sensor exposure */
int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< sensor static parameters (capabilities)
......@@ -907,8 +1227,10 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[16]; // maximum 7? registers updated
int nupdate=0;
// P_VEXPOS is the coarse exposure, reg value
int video_exposure = thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS];
// when P_VEXPOS is used exposure will be overwritten
// set in microseconds
int exposure = thispars->pars[P_EXPOS];
// this sensor has the following 2 registers
int coarse_exposure;
......@@ -917,7 +1239,7 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
// vt_pix_clk
// TODO: Do not forget this - add those div registers?!
//int sclk = thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR]*MT9F002_PLL_MULTIPLIER_VALUE*0x2/0x6/0x6; // pixel clock in Hz before PLL, but PLL setting is ~240MHz?
int sclk;// = (thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR]/0x6/0x6)*0x2*MT9F002_PLL_MULTIPLIER_VALUE;
int sclk = MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK;// = (thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR]/0x6/0x6)*0x2*MT9F002_PLL_MULTIPLIER_VALUE;
int vert_blank;
......@@ -930,9 +1252,6 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
// wrong frame
if (frame16 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1;
sclk = MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK;
pr_info("SCLK = %d (%08x)\n",sclk,sclk);
pr_info("EXPOS: %d\n",thispars->pars[P_EXPOS]);
exposure = thispars->pars[P_EXPOS];
......@@ -946,16 +1265,34 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
pr_info("using P_EXPOS\n");
// exposure is in microseconds
exposure = thispars->pars[P_EXPOS];
ull_video_exposure = (long long) (MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK / 1000000) * (long long) exposure;
line_length_pck = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_LINE_LENGTH_PCK];
pr_info("ull_video_exposure = %d (%ull)\n",ull_video_exposure,ull_video_exposure);
pr_info("exposure = 0x%08x, line_length_pck = 0x%08x\n",exposure,line_length_pck);
// actual equation is : sclk*(exposure/10^6) - the result is in Hz*s
ull_video_exposure = (long long) (sclk / 1000000) * (long long) exposure;
// result is a reg value for coarse exposure
pr_info("ull_video_exposure = %d (%ull)\n",ull_video_exposure,ull_video_exposure);
coarse_exposure = ull_video_exposure;
pr_info("coarse exposure = %d (0x%08x)\n",coarse_exposure,coarse_exposure);
// at the same time the fine exposure will be:
ull_video_exposure = (long long) (sclk / 1000000) * (long long) exposure;
fine_exposure = ull_video_exposure - (long long) coarse_exposure * (long long) line_length_pck;
pr_info("fine exposure = %d (0x%08x)\n",fine_exposure,fine_exposure);
if (exposure <1) exposure=1;
if (video_exposure <1) video_exposure=1;
// check against max shutter?
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} sensor_port=%d, frame16=%d, frame=0x%lx (%s)exposure=0x%lx, (%s)video_exposure=0x%lx\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, thispars->pars[P_FRAME], FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_EXPOS)?"*":" ",thispars->pars[P_EXPOS],FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_VEXPOS)?"*":" ",thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS] );
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} row_time_in_pixels=0x%x\n",sensor_port, row_time_in_pixels); // 0
......@@ -1077,9 +1414,10 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
// is video exposure P_VEXPOS modified?
if (thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS] != fine_exposure) {
if (thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS] != coarse_exposure) {
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_VEXPOS, coarse_exposure);
// is exposure P_EXPOS modified?
if (thispars->pars[P_EXPOS] != exposure) {
......@@ -1088,17 +1426,18 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
// Now sensor registers
// schedule updating P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK sensor register and shadow
// coarse integration time
if (coarse_exposure != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port,frame16,P_MT9F002_COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME, coarse_exposure);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",
sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16,(int) sensor->i2c_addr,(int)P_MT9F002_COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME,(int)coarse_exposure);
// fine integration time
if (fine_exposure != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_FINE_INTEGRATION_TIME]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port,frame16,sensor->i2c_addr,P_MT9F002_FINE_INTEGRATION_TIME, fine_exposure);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port,frame16,P_MT9F002_FINE_INTEGRATION_TIME, fine_exposure);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",
sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16,(int) sensor->i2c_addr,(int)P_MT9F002_FINE_INTEGRATION_TIME,(int)fine_exposure);
......@@ -1112,57 +1451,182 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_exposure (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number
return 0;
int mt9f002_calculate_gain(int parvalue){
typedef union {
struct {
u32 analog2: 7; // [6:0] analog gain 2
u32 analog3: 3; // [9:7] analog gain 3
u32 colamp : 2; // [11:10] colamp
u32 digital: 4; // [15:12] digital
u32 d32; // [31: 0] cast to u32
} gain;
gain reg = {.d32=0};
if (parvalue > 0x200000){
reg.analog2 = 0;
reg.analog3 = 1;
reg.colamp = 3; = 4;
}else if (parvalue > 0x100000){
reg.analog2 = 0;
reg.analog3 = 1;
reg.colamp = 3; = 2;
}else if (parvalue > 0x60000){
reg.analog2 = 0;
reg.analog3 = 1;
reg.colamp = 3; = 1;
}else if (parvalue > 0x30000){
reg.analog2 = 0;
reg.analog3 = 1;
reg.colamp = 2; = 1;
}else if (parvalue > 0x18000){
reg.analog2 = 0;
reg.analog3 = 1;
reg.colamp = 1; = 1;
reg.analog2 = ((((parvalue*64)/>>(reg.colamp+reg.analog3))/0x10000)&0x7f;
return reg.d32;
* new: Get gain table index by register value
* TODO: reduce hardcoding
* What if the table is recalibrated?
* @param gain
* @return table index
int gain_get_table_index_by_reg_mt9f002(unsigned long gain){
int colamp_gain;
int a2_gain;
int index_base = 0;
int index_inc = 0;
int index = 0;
colamp_gain = (gain>>10)&0x3;
a2_gain = gain&0x7f;
case 1:
index_base = 0;
case 2:
index_base = 48;
case 3:
index_base = 96;
index_inc = a2_gain - 0x30;
index = index_base + index_inc;
return index;
* new: Get initial approximation of table index by parameter value
* TODO: reduce hardcoding
* @param g
* @return
int gain_get_table_index_by_par_mt9f002(int g){
int index_base = 0;
int index_inc = 0;
int index = 0;
int colamp_gain = 0;
if (g>=0x60000){
index_base = 96;
colamp_gain = 3;
}else if (g>=0x30000){
index_base = 48;
colamp_gain = 2;
index_base = 0;
colamp_gain = 1;
g = g>>colamp_gain;
index_inc = (g*64)/0x10000 - 0x30;
if (index_inc<0){
index_inc = 0;
index = index_base + index_inc;
return index;
* new: Calculate reg value from par value
* TODO: reduce hardcoding
* @param parvalue
* @return regvalue (+added sensor's digital gain)
int gain_get_reg_by_par(int parvalue){
int colamp_gain = 0;
int a2_gain;
int regvalue;
if (parvalue>=0x60000){
colamp_gain = 3;
}else if(parvalue>=0x30000){
colamp_gain = 2;
}else if(parvalue>=0x18000){
colamp_gain = 1;
a2_gain = ((parvalue>>colamp_gain)*64/0x10000)&0x7f;
// add digital gain = 1 here
regvalue = 0x1000|(colamp_gain<<10)|a2_gain;
return regvalue;
#define SHIFT_DGAIN 1 // shift digital gain right, so 1.0 is 0x8000 an the full range is 4:1 - make it a parameter?
/** Split full gain (0x1000~1.0) into analog register gain and residual digital gain (also 0x10000~1.0)
* provide some hysteresis for analog gain (1/2 step) when goin to positive, but never let residual
* gain to be <1.0 (0x10000). Uses gain correction table. */
unsigned long gain_ajust_mt9f002(
unsigned long gain, ///< required full gain
unsigned long * gainTab, ///< pointer to 81 element table of actual gains for each step. Uses calculated ones after init
unsigned long curRegGain, ///< current value of the sensor gain register
unsigned long * newRegGain, ///< pointer to the new value of the sensor gain register
unsigned long anaGainEn, ///< enable analog gain adjustment (0 - use current)
unsigned long minGain, ///< minimal allowed value of the analog gain (normally 0x10000 ~ 1.0)
unsigned long maxGain) ///< maximal allowed value of the analog gain (normally 0xfc000 ~ 15.75)
///< @return residual value of the digital gain (>=1.0 0x10000) except limited by the minGain
int g=gain;
int gainIndex; // index of the gain value in the table (each register value has index, each index has preferrable register value)
int curGainIndex; // current index in the gains table matching sensor register value
uint64_t ull_gain;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"gain=0x%lx, curRegGain=0x%lx, minGain=0x%lx, maxGain=0x%lx\n",gain,curRegGain,minGain,maxGain);
// sensor's digital gain bits are ignored when getting table index
// curRegGain &=0xfff;
// find out gain index for the current value of the sensor gain register
curGainIndex = gain_get_table_index_by_reg_mt9f002(curRegGain);
if (anaGainEn) {
if (g<minGain) g=minGain;
if (g>maxGain) g=maxGain;
// calculate theoretical gainIndex (0..175)
// adjust using gain table
while ((gainIndex>0) && (gainTab[gainIndex-1]>=g) && (gainTab[gainIndex-1]>=minGain)) gainIndex--; // adjust down
while ((gainIndex<175) && (gainTab[gainIndex+1]< g) && (gainTab[gainIndex+1]<=maxGain)) gainIndex++; // adjust up
// Apply hysteresis
if ((gainIndex==(curGainIndex+1)) && (((gainTab[gainIndex]+gainTab[gainIndex+1])>>1)>g)) gainIndex--;
// did the analog gain change?
}else {
// now divide gains
ull_gain =((long long) gain) << 16;
__div64_32(&ull_gain, gainTab[gainIndex]);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"((unsigned long) ull_gain)=0x%lx\n",(unsigned long) ull_gain);
return ((unsigned long) ull_gain) >> SHIFT_DGAIN;
/** Apply scale (0x10000~1.0) to data using 64-bit intermediate data */
inline unsigned long mt9f002_applyScale16 (unsigned long data, ///< 32-bit unsigned data
unsigned long scale) ///< 32 bit (0x10000 for scale 1.0)
///< @return scaled result
return (unsigned long) ((((long long) data) * scale) >> 16);
/** Calculate ratio of the two 32-bit numbers, scaling it by 16 bits, so equal numbers will result in 0x10000 (1.0) using 64 by 32 bit division */
inline unsigned long mt9f002_getScale16 (unsigned long nominator, ///< 32-bit nominator
unsigned long denominator) ///< 32-bit denominator
///< 32 bit result scaled by 16 bits
uint64_t ull_result =((long long) nominator) << 16;
__div64_32(&ull_result, denominator);
return (unsigned long) ull_result;
* Program analog gains
* program analog gains TODO: Make separate read-only P_ACTUAL_GAIN** ?
* apply sensor-specific restrictions on the allowed gain values
* includes sensor test mode on/off/selection
#define MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN 0x300 //integer x256 (0x300 ~3.0)
int mt9f002_pgm_gains (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< sensor static parameters (capabilities)
struct framepars_t * thispars, ///< sensor current parameters
......@@ -1184,55 +1648,252 @@ int mt9f002_pgm_gains (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port numb
unsigned long maxGain;
int limitsModified=0;
//int gaingModified=FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GAING);
unsigned long gainr, gaing, gaingb, gainb;
//unsigned long rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all;
//unsigned long rscale, gscale, bscale, rscale_ctl, gscale_ctl, bscale_ctl;
//unsigned long newval;
unsigned long rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all;
unsigned long rscale, gscale, bscale, rscale_ctl, gscale_ctl, bscale_ctl;
unsigned long newval;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} frame16=%d\n",sensor_port,frame16);
if (frame16 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; // wrong frame
//make sure limits are OK. Allow violating minimal gain here
// wrong frame
if (frame16 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1;
// - Those gain registers include digital gain - bits [15:12] - include or not?
///make sure limits are OK. Allow violating minimal gain here
if (minAnaGain < 0x18000) {
minAnaGain = 0x18000;
if (maxAnaGain > (sensor->maxGain256 << 8)) { ///sensor->maxGain256 is not calibrated, so digital gain should be able to accomodate for variations
maxAnaGain = (sensor->maxGain256 << 8);
// maxGain= maxAnaGain * (MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN >> 8);
maxGain= (maxAnaGain * MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN) >> 8; ///should not overflow for Micron as max digital gain <4.0 (0x400), max analog <0x100000)
gainr= thispars->pars[P_GAINR];
gaing= thispars->pars[P_GAING];
gainb= thispars->pars[P_GAINB];
// scales will not be modified if they make gains out of limit, but gains will be. So automatic white balance should deal with gains, not with scales.
rscale=rscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
gscale=gscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
bscale=bscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
rscale_ctl=(rscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
gscale_ctl=(gscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
bscale_ctl=(bscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
// what's this fixme is about?
// FIXME: use different gain limitation when anaGainEn==0 (from current analog channel gain to that * MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN>>8),
// make P_GAIN_CTRL trigger this function
// Scales will not be modified if they make gains out of limit, but gains will be. So automatic white balance should deal with gains, not with scales.
// Preserving application-set values for scales simplifies recovery when the green gain is adjusted so all colors fit in the limits
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d}, gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gaingb=0x%lx, gainb=0x%lx, rscale_all=0x%lx, gscale_all=0x%lx, bscale_all=0x%lx\n",
sensor_port, gainr, gaing, gaingb, gainb, rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all);
///Verify that green gain itself is within limits:
if (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GAING) || limitsModified) {
if (gaing < minAnaGain) {
gaing = minAnaGain;
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAING, gaing); // Update as it was set too low
} else if (gaing > maxGain) {
gaing = maxGain;
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAING, gaing); // Update as it was set too high
// Second part - combine P_*SCALE and P_GAIN* parameters
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_RSCALE_ALL))) // either green color or red scale changed
&& (rscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL) // update red from rscale is enabled
&& !FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GAINR) ) { // red gain is not specifically modified
// Update red gain to rscale and gaing, limit it if it is out of range
if (((newval=mt9f002_applyScale16(gaing,rscale)))!=gainr) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
if (gainr!=newval) {
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GSCALE_ALL)))
&& (gscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL)
// Update green2 gain to gscale and gaing
if (((newval=mt9f002_applyScale16(gaing,gscale)))!=gaingb) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
if (gaingb!=newval) {
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_BSCALE_ALL)))
&& (bscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL)
// Update blue gain to bscale and gaing
if (((newval=mt9f002_applyScale16(gaing,bscale)))!=gainb) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
if (gainb!=newval) {
// Update scales only if the corresponding color gains (not the base green one) were modified outside of the driver
// (not as a result of being limited by minimal/maximal gains)
reg = mt9f002_calculate_gain(gaing);
pr_info("{%d} setting GR gain to 0x%08x\n",sensor_port,reg);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINGR, reg);
rscale=mt9f002_getScale16(gainr, gaing);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, rscale=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,gainr, gaing, rscale);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} gaingb=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gscale=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,gaingb, gaing, gscale);
bscale=mt9f002_getScale16(gainb, gaing);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} gainb=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, bscale=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,gainb, gaing, bscale);
// remove recalc flag
if (rscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) rscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
if (gscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) gscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
if (bscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) bscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
// update P_*SCALE if either scale or scale control changed
if (((newval=((rscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (rscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=rscale_all) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
if (((newval=((gscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (gscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=gscale_all) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
if (((newval=((bscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (bscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=bscale_all) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} newval=0x%lx\n",sensor_port,newval);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gaingb=0x%lx, gainb=0x%lx, rscale_all=0x%lx, gscale_all=0x%lx, bscale_all=0x%lx\n",
sensor_port,gainr, gaing, gaingb, gainb, rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all);
// Third part: Split overall gains into analog and digital components
// Split required gain for red into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9f002(gainr,
//pr_info("{%d} RED thispar=0x%08x newRegGain=0x%08x digitalGain=0x%08x\n",sensor_port,thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_GAINR],newRegGain,digitalGain);
// apply sensor register gain red if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_GAINR]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINR, newRegGain);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) P_MT9F002_GAINR, (int) newRegGain);
// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the red channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINR]) {
// Split required gain for green_red into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9f002(gaing,
reg = mt9f002_calculate_gain(gainr);
pr_info("{%d} setting R gain to 0x%08x\n",sensor_port,reg);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINR, reg);
// apply sensor register gain red if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_GAINGR]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINGR, newRegGain);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9F002_GAINGR, (int) newRegGain);
// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the red channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAING]) {
reg = mt9f002_calculate_gain(gaingb);
pr_info("{%d} setting GB gain to 0x%08x\n",sensor_port,reg);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINGB, reg);
// Split required gain for blue into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9f002(gainb,
// apply sensor register gain red if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_GAINB]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINB, newRegGain);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) P_MT9F002_GAINB, (int) newRegGain);
// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the red channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINB]) {
reg = mt9f002_calculate_gain(gainb);
pr_info("{%d} setting B gain to 0x%08x\n",sensor_port,reg);
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINB, reg);
// Split required gain for blue into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9f002(gaingb,
// apply sensor register gain red if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9F002_GAINGB]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR_LUT(sensor_port, frame16, P_MT9F002_GAINGB, newRegGain);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n",sensor_port, sensor_port, frame16, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9F002_GAINGB, (int) newRegGain);
// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the red channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINGB]) {
// test mode off/on/select
testmode= thispars->pars[P_TESTSENSOR];
......@@ -20,26 +20,45 @@
#define MT9F002_PARTID 0x2E01 ///< MT9F002 PartID register value
#define MT9F002_I2C_ADDR 0x10 ///< MT9P I2C slave address (7 bit)
// bit 9 should have set masking for broken frames
#define MT9F002_RESET_REGISTER_VALUE 0x001c
// number of lines to sacrifice before generating Frame Valid
#define MT9F002_VACT_DELAY 2
// Clocks, this is basis
// from x393_parameters.vh:
// 220MHz -> 22MHz - the real clock is 22MHz - that's why multiplier is 0xb4
// The 3 parameters below are needed to calculate sensor clock
// line 568
#define PXD_CLK_DIV 10
// line 940
#define CLKFBOUT_MULT_PCLK 36, // 880 MHz
// line 941
#define CLKOUT_DIV_PCLK 4, // 220 MHz
// note: there is also DIVCLK_DIVIDE_PCLK
// External sensor clock before pll
// Constant = 24.444MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_EXT_CLK 24444000
// This is not a constant = 24.444MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_EXT_CLK MT9F002_IFACE_CLK
// Virtual pixel clock is used as the basis for frame timing equations.
// Constant = 244.44MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK 244440000
// Constant = 220MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_VT_PIX_CLK 220000000
#define MT9F002_OP_PIX_CLK 110000000
// Serial output clock
// Constant = 733.32MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_OP_SYS_CLK 733320000
// Constant = 660MHz in Hz
#define MT9F002_OP_SYS_CLK 660000000
// Sensor clock dividers and multiplier
// These should be calculated based on the clocks above
// pll multiplier
// pll multiplier, default is 0xa5 (165), also tried 0xa2 (162)
// pre_pll_clk_div (0x0304), default value is 0x6
#define MT9F002_PRE_PLL_CLK_DIV_VALUE 0x6
......@@ -603,7 +622,14 @@
#define P_MT9F002_X_OUTPUT_SIZE 26
#define P_MT9F002_LINE_LENGTH_PCK 27
#define P_MT9F002_READ_MODE 28
#define P_MT9F002_X_ODD_INC 28
#define P_MT9F002_MIN_LINE_LENGTH_PCK 30
#define P_MT9F002_READ_MODE 33
//#define P_REG(x) x
......@@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ int mt9x001_pgm_gains (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port numb
if (maxAnaGain > (sensor->maxGain256 << 8)) { ///sensor->maxGain256 is not calibrated, so digital gain should be able to accomodate for variations
maxAnaGain = (sensor->maxGain256 << 8);
// maxGain= maxAnaGain * (MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN >> 8);
......@@ -506,7 +506,8 @@ int pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (
// ************************************************************************************************
setFramePar(sensor_port, thispars, P_CLK_FPGA, 200000000); // FIXME: NC393
//setFramePar(sensor_port, thispars, P_CLK_FPGA, 200000000); // FIXME: NC393
setFramePar(sensor_port, thispars, P_CLK_FPGA, 240000000);
// Freqs for sensors
if ((thispars->pars[P_SENSOR]==0) &&
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