Commit a9dd5e60 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on documentation

parent cb67914d
/** @file framepars.c
* @brief Handling of frame parameters, making use of FPGA i2c
* and command sequencer that accepts commands up to 6 frames ahead.
* and command sequencer that accepts commands up to 14 frames ahead.
* This module includes parameter storage, code called from ISR,
* from other kernel drivers as well as from the user space
......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
//copied from cxi2c.c - TODO:remove unneeded
#include <linux/types.h> /// div for 64
#include <asm/div64.h> /// div for 64
#include <linux/types.h> // div for 64
#include <asm/div64.h> // div for 64
#include <linux/module.h>
......@@ -58,13 +58,11 @@
#include "sensor_common.h"
#include "framepars.h"
#include "param_depend.h" // specifies what functions should be called for different parameters changed
/// needed for lseek commands
// needed for lseek commands
//#include "cxdma.h" // x313_dma_init
//#include "cci2c.h" // to use void i2c_reset_wait(void), reset shadow static 'i2c_hardware_on'
#include "x393_macro.h"
#include "x393.h"
//#undef _LINUX_WAIT_H
//#include <linux/wait.h>
* \def MDF1(x) optional debug output
......@@ -74,16 +72,16 @@
/* 393: program G_DEBUG through sensor port 0 */
#define MDF(x) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; }
#define MDF2(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 2)) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; } }
/// setFrameParsAtomic
// setFrameParsAtomic
#define MDF5(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 5)) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; } }
#define D5(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 5)) { x; } }
/// processPars
// processPars
#define MDF6(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 6)) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; } }
#define D6(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 6)) { x; } }
///update FramePars
//update FramePars
#define MDF7(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 7)) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; } }
#define D7(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 7)) { x; } }
/// setFramePar[s]
// setFramePar[s]
#define MDF8(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 8)) { printk("%s:%d:%s ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); x; } }
#define D8(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(0,G_DEBUG) & (1 << 8)) { x; } }
......@@ -123,28 +121,28 @@
/* 393: sFrameParsAll is an array of 4per-port structures */
static struct framepars_all_t sFrameParsAll[SENSOR_PORTS] __attribute__ ((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))); ///< Sensor Parameters, currently 16 pages all and 2048 pages some, static struct
unsigned long frameParsInitialized; /// set to 0 at startup, 1 after initialization that is triggered by setParsAtomic()
unsigned long frameParsInitialized; // set to 0 at startup, 1 after initialization that is triggered by setParsAtomic()
#define thisFrameNumber(p) GLOBALPARS(p,G_THIS_FRAME) // Current frame number (may lag from the hardware)
#ifdef NC353
struct framepars_all_t *frameparsall = NULL; /// - will be mmap-ed
struct framepars_all_t *frameparsall = NULL; // - will be mmap-ed
struct framepars_t *framepars = NULL; ///< getting rid of static to be able to use extern
struct framepars_past_t *pastpars = NULL; ///< getting rid of static to be able to use extern
unsigned long *funcs2call = NULL; ///; - each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
unsigned long *globalPars = NULL; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
unsigned long *multiSensIndex = NULL; /// index for per-sensor alternatives
unsigned long *multiSensRvrsIndex = NULL; /// reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
wait_queue_head_t framepars_wait_queue; /// used to wait for the frame to be acquired
unsigned long *funcs2call = NULL; //; - each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
unsigned long *globalPars = NULL; // parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
unsigned long *multiSensIndex = NULL; // index for per-sensor alternatives
unsigned long *multiSensRvrsIndex = NULL; // reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
wait_queue_head_t framepars_wait_queue; // used to wait for the frame to be acquired
/* 393 : Changing to per-port */
struct framepars_all_t *aframeparsall = NULL; /// - will be mmap-ed, in 393 points to an array of structures
struct framepars_all_t *aframeparsall = NULL; // - will be mmap-ed, in 393 points to an array of structures
struct framepars_t *aframepars[SENSOR_PORTS]; ///< getting rid of static to be able to use extern
struct framepars_past_t *apastpars[SENSOR_PORTS]; ///< getting rid of static to be able to use extern
unsigned long *afuncs2call[SENSOR_PORTS]; ///; - each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
unsigned long *aglobalPars[SENSOR_PORTS]; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
unsigned long *amultiSensIndex[SENSOR_PORTS]; /// index for per-sensor alternatives
unsigned long *amultiSensRvrsIndex[SENSOR_PORTS]; /// reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
wait_queue_head_t aframepars_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS];/// used to wait for the frame to be acquired
unsigned long *afuncs2call[SENSOR_PORTS]; //; - each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
unsigned long *aglobalPars[SENSOR_PORTS]; // parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
unsigned long *amultiSensIndex[SENSOR_PORTS]; // index for per-sensor alternatives
unsigned long *amultiSensRvrsIndex[SENSOR_PORTS]; // reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
wait_queue_head_t aframepars_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS];// used to wait for the frame to be acquired
/* Remove after compilation OK */
struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc = NULL;
......@@ -170,14 +168,14 @@ struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc = NULL;
//wait_queue_head_t framepars_wait_queue; /// used to wait for the frame to be acquired
//wait_queue_head_t framepars_wait_queue; // used to wait for the frame to be acquired
* @brief file private data
struct framepars_pd {
int minor; ///< file minor value
struct wait_queue *framepars_wait_queue; ///< wait queue (waiting for file number to increase) ///NOTE: not used at all?
struct wait_queue *framepars_wait_queue; ///< wait queue (waiting for file number to increase) //NOTE: not used at all?
// something else to be added here?
......@@ -188,14 +186,14 @@ struct framepars_pd {
void init_framepars_ptr(int sensor_port)
// frameparsall = &sFrameParsAll; /// - will be mmap-ed
aframeparsall = sFrameParsAll; /// - will be mmap-ed
// frameparsall = &sFrameParsAll; // - will be mmap-ed
aframeparsall = sFrameParsAll; // - will be mmap-ed
aframepars[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].framePars;
apastpars[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].pastPars;
afuncs2call[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port]; /// each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
aglobalPars[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].globalPars; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
amultiSensIndex[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].multiSensIndex; /// indexes of individual sensor register shadows (first of 3) - now for all parameters, not just sensor ones
amultiSensRvrsIndex[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].multiSensRvrsIndex; /// reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
afuncs2call[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port]; // each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
aglobalPars[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].globalPars; // parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both
amultiSensIndex[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].multiSensIndex; // indexes of individual sensor register shadows (first of 3) - now for all parameters, not just sensor ones
amultiSensRvrsIndex[sensor_port] = sFrameParsAll[sensor_port].multiSensRvrsIndex; // reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex
......@@ -272,16 +270,16 @@ void initFramePars(int sensor_port)
memset(aframepars[sensor_port], 0, sizeof(struct framepars_t) * PARS_FRAMES);
/// initialize masks:
// initialize masks:
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(param_depend_tab) / 8); i++) {
afuncs2call[sensor_port][param_depend_tab[2 * i] & 0xffff] = param_depend_tab[2 * i + 1]; /// remove possible flags
afuncs2call[sensor_port][param_depend_tab[2 * i] & 0xffff] = param_depend_tab[2 * i + 1]; // remove possible flags
MDF2(printk("funcs2call[0x%lx]=0x%08lx\n", param_depend_tab[2 * i] & 0xffff, param_depend_tab[2 * i + 1]));
for (i = 0; i < P_SENSOR_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_SENSOR_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; /// by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
/// Same for 10359 registers - will not change anything if there is no 10359 - these registers will not be changed, and if will be it wil cause no action
for (i = 0; i < P_M10359_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_M10359_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; /// by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
for (i = 0; i < P_SENSOR_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_SENSOR_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; // by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
// Same for 10359 registers - will not change anything if there is no 10359 - these registers will not be changed, and if will be it wil cause no action
for (i = 0; i < P_M10359_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_M10359_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; // by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
initMultiPars(sensor_port); /// initialize structures for individual per-sensor parameters. Now only works for sensor registers using G_MULTI_REGSM. Should be called after/during sensor detection
initMultiPars(sensor_port); // initialize structures for individual per-sensor parameters. Now only works for sensor registers using G_MULTI_REGSM. Should be called after/during sensor detection
frameParsInitialized = 1;
......@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@ void initFramePars(int sensor_port)
void initGlobalPars(int sensor_port)
memset(&aglobalPars[sensor_port][GLOBALS_PRESERVE], 0, (NUM_GPAR - GLOBALS_PRESERVE) * sizeof(unsigned long));
/// MDF(GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) = ELPHEL_DEBUG_STARTUP;// removed - add write to fpga init script
// MDF(GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) = ELPHEL_DEBUG_STARTUP;// removed - add write to fpga init script
......@@ -304,7 +302,7 @@ void initGlobalPars(int sensor_port)
int initMultiPars(int sensor_port)
int i, j, n;
int ireg = P_MULTI_REGS; /// multi-reg shadows start index
int ireg = P_MULTI_REGS; // multi-reg shadows start index
unsigned long m;
// memset(amultiSensIndex[sensor_port], 0, sizeof(struct framepars_all_t.multiSensIndex));
......@@ -313,14 +311,14 @@ int initMultiPars(int sensor_port)
memset(amultiSensRvrsIndex[sensor_port], 0, P_MAX_PAR_ROUNDUP * sizeof(int));
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,G_MULTI_NUM) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
m = GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_MULTI_REGSM + i); /// 1 bit per register that need individual shadows
m = GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_MULTI_REGSM + i); // 1 bit per register that need individual shadows
// MDF(printk("i=%d, m=0x%lx\n",i,m));
for (j = P_SENSOR_REGS + (i << 5); m && (GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,G_MULTI_NUM) < P_MULTI_NUMREGS); j++, m >>= 1) {
if (m & 1) {
amultiSensIndex[j] = ireg;
// MDF(printk("j=0x%x ireg=0x%x\n",j,ireg));
for (n = 0; n < MAX_SENSORS; n++) {
afuncs2call[sensor_port][ireg] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; /// by default each "manual" write to any of these registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
afuncs2call[sensor_port][ireg] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; // by default each "manual" write to any of these registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
amultiSensRvrsIndex[sensor_port][ireg++] = j | ((n + 1) << 16);
......@@ -328,7 +326,7 @@ int initMultiPars(int sensor_port)
// remark: the line below is called from initFramePars, consider removing it
for (i = 0; i < P_SENSOR_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_SENSOR_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; /// by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
for (i = 0; i < P_SENSOR_NUMREGS; i++) afuncs2call[sensor_port][P_SENSOR_REGS + i] = ONCHANGE_SENSORREGS; // by default each "manual" write to any of 256 registers will trigger pgm_sensorreg function
MDF(printk("GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_NUM)=%lx\n", GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_MULTI_NUM)));
return GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_MULTI_NUM);
......@@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ inline void set_imageParamsR_all(int sensor_port, int n, unsigned long
for (i = 0; i < PARS_FRAMES; i++) aframepars[sensor_port][i].pars[n] = d;
* @brief called from ISR - advance thisFrameNumber to match hardware frame8, copy parameters as needed.
* before: (thisFrameNumber mod8 pointed to current (for the software) parameters frame (now behind by at least 1, maybe 2)
......@@ -422,8 +420,8 @@ void updateFramePars(int sensor_port, int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * i
unsigned long bmask, bmask32;
int pastParsIndex;
struct framepars_t *framepars = aframepars[sensor_port];
/// If interrupt was from compression done (circbuf advanced, interframe_pars!=null), the frame8 (hardware) maybe not yet advanced
/// We can fix it here, but it will not work if some frames were not processed in time
// If interrupt was from compression done (circbuf advanced, interframe_pars!=null), the frame8 (hardware) maybe not yet advanced
// We can fix it here, but it will not work if some frames were not processed in time
if ((interframe_pars != NULL) && (((frame8 ^ thisFrameNumber(sensor_port)) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) == 0)) {
findex_this = frame8 & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
......@@ -432,32 +430,32 @@ void updateFramePars(int sensor_port, int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * i
if (framepars[findex_this].pars[P_IRQ_SMART] & 4) frame8 = (frame8 + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // verify that this mode is enabled (together with bit0)
while ((frame8 ^ thisFrameNumber(sensor_port)) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
/// before update:
/// framepars[findex_prev] holds previous frame data (oldest availble)
/// framepars[findex_future] holds farthest in the future one
/// after update:
/// framepars[findex_prev] holds farthest in the future one ("this" will become "prev")
// before update:
// framepars[findex_prev] holds previous frame data (oldest availble)
// framepars[findex_future] holds farthest in the future one
// after update:
// framepars[findex_prev] holds farthest in the future one ("this" will become "prev")
findex_this = thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
findex_prev = (findex_this - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
findex_future = (findex_this - 2) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // farthest in the future
findex_next = (findex_this + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
/// copy subset of the parameters to the long buffer of past parameters. TODO: fill Exif also here?
/// TODO:DONE: Change - make pastpars be save for all frames, not just compressed ones
/// With PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES being multiple of PARS_FRAMES - make it possible to calculate past_index from thisFrameNumber
// copy subset of the parameters to the long buffer of past parameters. TODO: fill Exif also here?
// TODO:DONE: Change - make pastpars be save for all frames, not just compressed ones
// With PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES being multiple of PARS_FRAMES - make it possible to calculate past_index from thisFrameNumber
// pastParsIndex= thisFrameNumber & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK;
pastParsIndex = (thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) - 1) & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK; /// copying from what was past frame that might include histogram data
pastParsIndex = (thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) - 1) & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK; // copying from what was past frame that might include histogram data
// memcpy (pastpars[pastParsIndex].past_pars, &framepars[findex_prev].pars[PARS_SAVE_FROM], sizeof(pastpars[0].past_pars));
memcpy(apastpars[sensor_port][pastParsIndex].past_pars, &framepars[findex_prev].pars[PARS_SAVE_FROM], PARS_SAVE_COPY * sizeof(int));
/// Now update interframe_pars (interframe area) used to create JPEG headers. Interframe area survives exactly as long as the frames themselves (not like pastpars)
if (interframe_pars) { /// frame was compressed, not just vsync
///TODO: get rid of *_prev, use it for the future.
memcpy(interframe_pars, &framepars[findex_this].pars[P_GTAB_R], 24); /// will leave some gaps, but copy [P_ACTUAL_WIDTH]
interframe_pars->height = framepars[findex_this].pars[P_ACTUAL_HEIGHT]; /// NOTE: P_ACTUAL_WIDTH,P_QUALITY copied with memcpy
// Now update interframe_pars (interframe area) used to create JPEG headers. Interframe area survives exactly as long as the frames themselves (not like pastpars)
if (interframe_pars) { // frame was compressed, not just vsync
//TODO: get rid of *_prev, use it for the future.
memcpy(interframe_pars, &framepars[findex_this].pars[P_GTAB_R], 24); // will leave some gaps, but copy [P_ACTUAL_WIDTH]
interframe_pars->height = framepars[findex_this].pars[P_ACTUAL_HEIGHT]; // NOTE: P_ACTUAL_WIDTH,P_QUALITY copied with memcpy
interframe_pars->color = framepars[findex_this].pars[P_COLOR];
interframe_pars->byrshift = framepars[findex_this].pars[P_COMPMOD_BYRSH];
interframe_pars->quality2 |= (framepars[findex_this].pars[P_PORTRAIT] & 1) << 7;
/// copy parameters from findex_future (old "farthest in the future") to findex_prev (new "fartherst in the future") if it was changed since
// copy parameters from findex_future (old "farthest in the future") to findex_prev (new "fartherst in the future") if it was changed since
if ((bmask32 = framepars[findex_prev].modsince32)) {
MDF7(printk("framepars[%d].modsince32=0x%lx\n", findex_prev, bmask32));
for (index32 = 0; bmask32; index32++, bmask32 >>= 1) {
......@@ -467,20 +465,20 @@ void updateFramePars(int sensor_port, int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * i
framepars[findex_prev].pars[index] = framepars[findex_future].pars[index];
MDF7(printk("hw=%d framepars[%d].pars[%d]=framepars[%d].pars[%d]=0x%lx\n", frame8, findex_prev, index, findex_future, index, framepars[findex_future].pars[index]));
framepars[findex_prev].modsince[index32] = 0; /// mark as not "modified since" (yet)
framepars[findex_prev].modsince[index32] = 0; // mark as not "modified since" (yet)
framepars[findex_prev].modsince32 = 0; /// mark as not "modified since" super index
framepars[findex_prev].modsince32 = 0; // mark as not "modified since" super index
/// clear "modified" and flags on the brand new future frame
// clear "modified" and flags on the brand new future frame
// remark: framepars[findex_prev].mod is 31 dwords long abd here 32 dwords are cleared
// explanation: mod32 goes after mod[31] and it is cleared too
if (framepars[findex_prev].mod32) memset(framepars[findex_prev].mod, 0, 32 * 4); /// .mod[0]-.mod[30], .mod32
framepars[findex_prev].functions = 0; /// No functions yet needed on the brand new frame
if (framepars[findex_prev].mod32) memset(framepars[findex_prev].mod, 0, 32 * 4); // .mod[0]-.mod[30], .mod32
framepars[findex_prev].functions = 0; // No functions yet needed on the brand new frame
// remark: replace number 7 with named constant, it should correspond to total frame num (16 in new camera)
framepars[findex_prev].pars[P_FRAME] = thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) + (PARS_FRAMES-1); /// that will be the full frame number
/// NOTE: Handle past due - copy functions, and mod if functions were non-zero
if (framepars[findex_this].functions) { /// Some functions were not yet processed (past due)
framepars[findex_prev].pars[P_FRAME] = thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) + (PARS_FRAMES-1); // that will be the full frame number
// NOTE: Handle past due - copy functions, and mod if functions were non-zero
if (framepars[findex_this].functions) { // Some functions were not yet processed (past due)
if (!(get_globalParam(sensor_port, G_TASKLET_CTL) & (1 << TASKLET_CTL_IGNPAST))) {
framepars[findex_next].functions |= framepars[findex_this].functions;
if ((bmask32 = framepars[findex_this].mod32)) {
......@@ -510,10 +508,10 @@ void updateFramePars(int sensor_port, int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * i
inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, int frame8)
unsigned long todo, mask, remain;
int pars_ahead; /// considering parameter "pars_ahead" of the (frame8+job_ahead) mod 8
int frame_proc; /// current frame for which parameters are considered
int pars_ahead; // considering parameter "pars_ahead" of the (frame8+job_ahead) mod 8
int frame_proc; // current frame for which parameters are considered
struct framepars_t * procpars;
struct framepars_t * prevpars; /// maybe - drop calculation for each function, move it to pgm_* where needed?
struct framepars_t * prevpars; // maybe - drop calculation for each function, move it to pgm_* where needed?
struct framepars_t *framepars = aframepars[sensor_port];
unsigned long * p_nasap = &GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_CALLNASAP);
int i;
......@@ -525,8 +523,8 @@ inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, i
framepars[1].functions, framepars[2].functions, framepars[3].functions, framepars[4].functions, framepars[5].functions,
framepars[6].functions, framepars[7].functions));
/// do all ASAP tasks (they should not be done ahead of the corresponding interrupt!)
/// Now try overdue functions with latencies >=1 and try them in ASAP mode
// do all ASAP tasks (they should not be done ahead of the corresponding interrupt!)
// Now try overdue functions with latencies >=1 and try them in ASAP mode
for (pars_ahead = 0; pars_ahead <= 4; pars_ahead++ ) {
frame_proc = (frame8 + pars_ahead) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
procpars = &framepars[frame_proc];
......@@ -536,14 +534,14 @@ inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, i
remain = 0xffffffff;
while ((todo = (pars_ahead) ?
(p_nasap[pars_ahead] & (procpars->functions) & remain) :
(procpars->functions & remain) )) { ///none, *1, *2,*3,*4
(procpars->functions & remain) )) { //none, *1, *2,*3,*4
while (!(todo & mask)) { /// skip zeros - todo will stay current (.functions will not change
while (!(todo & mask)) { // skip zeros - todo will stay current (.functions will not change
mask <<= 1;
remain <<= 1;
/// now (todo & mask) !=0
// now (todo & mask) !=0
MDF6(printk(" todo=0x%08lx (curr=0x%08lx) frame8=%d, pars_ahead=%d, frame_proc=%d i=%d, mask=0x%08lx\n",
todo, procpars->functions, frame8, pars_ahead, frame_proc, i, mask));
......@@ -553,11 +551,11 @@ inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, i
if (sensorproc->pgm_func[i]) {
rslt = sensorproc->pgm_func[i] ( &(sensorproc->sensor), procpars, prevpars, -1);
} else rslt = 0; /// only sensor-specific function, nothing to do common to all sensors
if ((rslt >= 0) && (sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32])) { /// sensor - specific functions, called after the main ones
} else rslt = 0; // only sensor-specific function, nothing to do common to all sensors
if ((rslt >= 0) && (sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32])) { // sensor - specific functions, called after the main ones
rslt = sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32] ( &(sensorproc->sensor), procpars, prevpars, -1);
/// Nothing to do with errors here - just report?
// Nothing to do with errors here - just report?
if (rslt < 0) printk("%s:%d:%s - error=%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, rslt);
procpars->functions &= ~mask;
MDF6(printk(".functions=0x%08lx)\n", procpars->functions));
......@@ -567,7 +565,7 @@ inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, i
/// Next 5 should go in that sequence
// Next 5 should go in that sequence
//#define G_CALLNASAP 119 // bitmask - what functions can be used not only in the current frame (ASAP) mode
//#define G_CALLNEXT1 120 // bitmask of actions to be one or more frames ahead of the programmed one (OR-ed with G_CALLNEXT2..G_CALLNEXT4)
//#define G_CALLNEXT2 121 // bitmask of actions to be two or more frames ahead of the programmed one (OR-ed with G_CALLNEXT3..G_CALLNEXT4)
......@@ -578,32 +576,32 @@ inline void processParsASAP(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, i
inline void processParsSeq(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, int frame8, int maxahead)
unsigned long todo, mask, remain;
int job_ahead; /// doing job "job_ahead" ahead of needed
int pars_ahead; /// considering parameter "pars_ahead" of the (frame8+job_ahead) mod 8
int frame_proc; /// current frame for which parameters are considered
int job_ahead; // doing job "job_ahead" ahead of needed
int pars_ahead; // considering parameter "pars_ahead" of the (frame8+job_ahead) mod 8
int frame_proc; // current frame for which parameters are considered
struct framepars_t * procpars;
struct framepars_t * prevpars; /// maybe - drop calculation for each function, move it to pgm_* where needed?
struct framepars_t * prevpars; // maybe - drop calculation for each function, move it to pgm_* where needed?
struct framepars_t *framepars = aframepars[sensor_port];
unsigned long * p_nasap = &GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_CALLNASAP);
int seq_frame; /// sequencer frame for which pgm_* function should schedule data
int seq_frame; // sequencer frame for which pgm_* function should schedule data
int i;
int rslt;
int max_par_ahead;
int this_ahead;
if (maxahead > (PARS_FRAMES - 3)) maxahead = PARS_FRAMES - 3; /// use 5 if maxahead >5
/// commands that use FPGA queues for the i2c/sequencer commands, executed at frame syncs
/// Modifying - as soon as found the frame to process with non-zero masked .functions - process all functions for that
/// frame with appropriate sequencer frame.
/// For now - scan p_nasap[i] to find latency - improve that later
if (maxahead > (PARS_FRAMES - 3)) maxahead = PARS_FRAMES - 3; // use 5 if maxahead >5
// commands that use FPGA queues for the i2c/sequencer commands, executed at frame syncs
// Modifying - as soon as found the frame to process with non-zero masked .functions - process all functions for that
// frame with appropriate sequencer frame.
// For now - scan p_nasap[i] to find latency - improve that later
for (job_ahead = 0; job_ahead <= maxahead; job_ahead++ ) {
max_par_ahead = min(5, (PARS_FRAMES - 3) - job_ahead);
for (pars_ahead = 0; pars_ahead < max_par_ahead; pars_ahead++ ) {
frame_proc = (frame8 + job_ahead + pars_ahead + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; ///
frame_proc = (frame8 + job_ahead + pars_ahead + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; //
procpars = &framepars[frame_proc];
/// Check if at least one function is needed for frame_proc
// Check if at least one function is needed for frame_proc
if (procpars->functions &
p_nasap[pars_ahead] & ///all, *1, *2,*3,*4 - for all will have G_CALLNASAP twice
p_nasap[pars_ahead] & //all, *1, *2,*3,*4 - for all will have G_CALLNASAP twice
p_nasap[0]) {
prevpars = &framepars[(frame_proc - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK];
// seq_frame= (frame8+job_ahead+1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
......@@ -611,16 +609,16 @@ inline void processParsSeq(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, in
mask = 1;
remain = 0xffffffff;
while ((todo = procpars->functions &
/// p_nasap[pars_ahead] & ///all, *1, *2,*3,*4 - for all will have G_CALLNASAP twice
p_nasap[0] & remain)) { /// eliminate ASAP-only function
while (!(todo & mask)) { /// skip zeros - todo will stay current (.functions will not change)
// p_nasap[pars_ahead] & //all, *1, *2,*3,*4 - for all will have G_CALLNASAP twice
p_nasap[0] & remain)) { // eliminate ASAP-only function
while (!(todo & mask)) { // skip zeros - todo will stay current (.functions will not change)
mask <<= 1;
remain <<= 1;
/// now (todo & mask) !=0
/// find the right latency
for (this_ahead = 1; (p_nasap[this_ahead] & todo & mask) && (this_ahead <= 4); this_ahead++) ; /// this_ahead==1..5
// now (todo & mask) !=0
// find the right latency
for (this_ahead = 1; (p_nasap[this_ahead] & todo & mask) && (this_ahead <= 4); this_ahead++) ; // this_ahead==1..5
// seq_frame= (frame8 + job_ahead + this_ahead) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
seq_frame = (frame_proc + 1 - this_ahead) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
......@@ -628,14 +626,14 @@ inline void processParsSeq(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, in
MDF6(printk(" %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n", framepars[0].functions, framepars[1].functions, framepars[2].functions, framepars[3].functions, framepars[4].functions, framepars[5].functions, framepars[6].functions, framepars[7].functions));
if (sensorproc->pgm_func[i]) {
/// NOTE: Was (frame8+job_ahead +1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK
// NOTE: Was (frame8+job_ahead +1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK
rslt = sensorproc->pgm_func[i] ( &(sensorproc->sensor), procpars, prevpars, seq_frame);
} else rslt = 0; /// only sensor-specific function, nothing to do common to all sensors
if ((rslt >= 0) && (sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32])) { /// sensor - specific functions, called after the main ones
} else rslt = 0; // only sensor-specific function, nothing to do common to all sensors
if ((rslt >= 0) && (sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32])) { // sensor - specific functions, called after the main ones
rslt = sensorproc->pgm_func[i + 32] ( &(sensorproc->sensor), procpars, prevpars, seq_frame);
if (rslt >= 0) {
procpars->functions &= ~mask; /// mark it done
procpars->functions &= ~mask; // mark it done
} else {
MDF6(printk("Error - function result was %d\n", rslt));
......@@ -663,14 +661,14 @@ inline void processParsSeq(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, in
void processPars(int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, int frame8, int maxahead)
/// first - do all ASAP tasks (they should not be done ahead of the corresponding interrupt!)
// first - do all ASAP tasks (they should not be done ahead of the corresponding interrupt!)
// MDF6(printk("before first processParsASAP\n"));
processParsASAP(sensor_port, sensorproc, frame8);
/// now - the rest commands that use FPGA queues for the i2c/sequencer commands, executed at frame syncs
/// for jobahead =0 it is still possible to have some functions in ASAP mode with non-zero latency
// now - the rest commands that use FPGA queues for the i2c/sequencer commands, executed at frame syncs
// for jobahead =0 it is still possible to have some functions in ASAP mode with non-zero latency
// MDF6(printk("before processParsSeq\n"));
processParsSeq(sensor_port, sensorproc, frame8, maxahead);
/// re-test ASAP tasks - they might appear as a result of other commands executed
// re-test ASAP tasks - they might appear as a result of other commands executed
// MDF6(printk("before second processParsASAP\n"));
processParsASAP(sensor_port, sensorproc, frame8);
......@@ -744,7 +742,7 @@ int setFrameParsStatic(int sensor_port, int numPars, struct frameparspair_t * pa
* @param pars array of parameters (number/value pairs). FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEW modifier to parameter number
///TODO: Check that writes never to the future or past frame (only 6 of 8 are allowed). Have seen just_this to flood all
//TODO: Check that writes never to the future or past frame (only 6 of 8 are allowed). Have seen just_this to flood all
int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, int numPars, struct frameparspair_t * pars)
unsigned long flags;
......@@ -754,11 +752,11 @@ int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, i
struct framepars_t *framepars = aframepars[sensor_port];
unsigned long *funcs2call =afuncs2call[sensor_port];
if (!frameParsInitialized) {
initSequencers(sensor_port); /// Will call initFramePars(); and initialize functions
initSequencers(sensor_port); // Will call initFramePars(); and initialize functions
int findex_this = thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
int findex_prev = (findex_this - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
int findex_future = (findex_this - 2) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; /// actually - fartherst in the future??
int findex_future = (findex_this - 2) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // actually - fartherst in the future??
// int frame8= frameno & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
int frame8;
MDF2(printk(": frameno=0x%lx, findex_this=%d (0x%lx) maxLatency=%d, numPars=%d\n", frameno, findex_this, thisFrameNumber(sensor_port), maxLatency, numPars));
......@@ -773,7 +771,7 @@ int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, i
/// not too late, not too early, go ahead
// not too late, not too early, go ahead
for (npar = 0; npar < numPars; npar++) {
D5(printk(" --pars[%d].num=0x%lx, pars[%d].val=0x%lx", npar, pars[npar].num, npar, pars[npar].val));
// frame8= (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS)? -1: (frameno & PARS_FRAMES_MASK);
......@@ -785,8 +783,8 @@ int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, i
D5(printk(" index=0x%x, val=0x%lx", index, val));
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { /// ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { // ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(pars[npar].num, GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,index), val);
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, index) = val;
......@@ -794,9 +792,9 @@ int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, i
} else if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_FUNC) {
funcs2call[index] = val;
D5(printk(" set funcs2call[0x%x]=0x%lx\n", index, val));
// } else if ((frameno !=findex_prev) && (frameno != findex_future)) { /// do not write parameters in the future otherwise
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { /// do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
// } else if ((frameno !=findex_prev) && (frameno != findex_future)) { // do not write parameters in the future otherwise
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { // do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(pars[npar].num, framepars[frame8].pars[index], val);
//TODO: optimize to use mask several parameters together
......@@ -805,42 +803,42 @@ int setFrameParsAtomic(int sensor_port, unsigned long frameno, int maxLatency, i
bmask = 1 << (index & 31);
bindex = index >> 5;
bmask32 = 1 << bindex;
/// Set this parameter for specified frame
// Set this parameter for specified frame
framepars[frame8].pars[index] = val;
framepars[frame8].mod[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[frame8].mod32 |= bmask32;
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; ///Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; //Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
D5(printk(" bindex=0x%x, bmask=0x%08lx, bmask32=0x%08lx, functions=0x%08lx\n", bindex, bmask, bmask32, framepars[frame8].functions));
/// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified (only if not FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS)
// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified (only if not FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS)
if ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0) {
MDF5(printk(": --- setting next frames"));
for (nframe = (frame8 + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; (nframe != findex_prev) && (!(framepars[nframe].mod[bindex] & bmask)); nframe = (nframe + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
framepars[nframe].pars[index] = val;
D5(printk(" %d", nframe));
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; /// for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
/// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
/// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { ///NOTE: frame8 is modified here
// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { //NOTE: frame8 is modified here
framepars[nframe].modsince[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[nframe].modsince32 |= bmask32;
} else { /// error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
} else { // error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
ELP_KERR(printk("Tried to write JUST_THIS parameter (0x%lx) too far in the future", pars[npar].num));
/// Try to process parameters immediately after written. If 0, only non-ASAP will be processed to prevent
/// effects of uncertainty of when was it called relative to frame sync
/// Changed to all (don't care about uncertainty - they will trigger only if it is too late or during sensor detection/initialization)
// Try to process parameters immediately after written. If 0, only non-ASAP will be processed to prevent
// effects of uncertainty of when was it called relative to frame sync
// Changed to all (don't care about uncertainty - they will trigger only if it is too late or during sensor detection/initialization)
if (!(get_globalParam(sensor_port, G_TASKLET_CTL) & (1 << TASKLET_CTL_NOSAME))) {
// processParsSeq (sensorproc, thisFrameNumber & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, 0); ///maxahead=0, the rest will be processed after frame sync, from the tasklet
// processParsSeq (sensorproc, thisFrameNumber & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, 0); //maxahead=0, the rest will be processed after frame sync, from the tasklet
processPars(sensor_port, sensorproc, thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, 0); ///maxahead=0, the rest will be processed after frame sync, from the tasklet
processPars(sensor_port, sensorproc, thisFrameNumber(sensor_port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, 0); //maxahead=0, the rest will be processed after frame sync, from the tasklet
......@@ -878,32 +876,32 @@ int setFramePar(int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_framepars, unsigned l
//TODO: optimize to use mask several parameters together
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { /// ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { // ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(mindex, GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,index), val);
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,index) = val;
} else if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_FUNC) { /// write to func_proc[] instead
} else if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_FUNC) { // write to func_proc[] instead
funcs2call[index] = val;
// } else {
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((mindex & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { /// do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((mindex & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { // do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(mindex, framepars[frame8].pars[index], val);
if ((framepars[frame8].pars[index] != val) || (mindex & (FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEW | FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_PROC))) {
bmask = 1 << (index & 31);
bindex = index >> 5;
bmask32 = 1 << bindex;
/// Set this parameter for specified frame, (for now - unconditionally mark as modified, even if the value is the same as it was - CHANGED!
// Set this parameter for specified frame, (for now - unconditionally mark as modified, even if the value is the same as it was - CHANGED!
framepars[frame8].pars[index] = val;
framepars[frame8].mod[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[frame8].mod32 |= bmask32;
if (mindex & FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_PROC) {
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; ///Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; //Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
MDF8(printk(" bindex=0x%lx, bmask=0x%08lx, bmask32=0x%08lx, functions=0x%08lx\n", bindex, bmask, bmask32, framepars[frame8].functions));
/// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified
// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified
if ((mindex & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0) {
MDF8(printk(": --- setting next frames"));
// for (nframe=(frame8+1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; (nframe != findex_prev) && (!(framepars[frame8].mod[bindex] & bmask)); nframe=(nframe+1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
......@@ -911,21 +909,21 @@ int setFramePar(int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_framepars, unsigned l
framepars[nframe].pars[index] = val;
D8(printk(" %d", nframe));
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; /// for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
// MDF1(printk("\n"));
/// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
/// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
MDF8(printk(": >>> setting modsince"));
// for (nframe=(frame8-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; nframe != findex_future; nframe=(nframe-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { ///NOTE: frame8 is modified here
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { //NOTE: frame8 is modified here
framepars[nframe].modsince[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[nframe].modsince32 |= bmask32;
D8(printk(" %d", nframe));
} else { /// error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
} else { // error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
ELP_KERR(printk("Tried to write JUST_THIS parameter (0x%lx) too far in the future", mindex));
......@@ -968,16 +966,16 @@ int setFramePars(int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_framepars, int numPa
ELP_KERR(printk(" bad index=%d > %d\n", index, P_MAX_PAR));
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { /// ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
if (index >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) { // ignore frame logic, set "static" parameters to frame 0
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(pars[npar].num, GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,index), val);
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,index) = val;
} else if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_FUNC) {
funcs2call[index] = val;
// } else {
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { /// do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { /// combine new value with the old one
} else if ((frame8 != findex_future) || ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0)) { // do not write "JUST_THIS" parameters in the future otherwise they'll stick
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES) { // combine new value with the old one
val = FRAMEPAIR_FRAME_MASK_NEW(pars[npar].num, framepars[frame8].pars[index], val);
//TODO: optimize to use mask several parameters together
......@@ -985,32 +983,32 @@ int setFramePars(int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_framepars, int numPa
bmask = 1 << (index & 31);
bindex = index >> 5;
bmask32 = 1 << bindex;
/// Set this parameter for specified frame, (for now - unconditionally mark as modified, even if the value is the same as it was - CHANGED!
// Set this parameter for specified frame, (for now - unconditionally mark as modified, even if the value is the same as it was - CHANGED!
framepars[frame8].pars[index] = val;
framepars[frame8].mod[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[frame8].mod32 |= bmask32;
if (pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_PROC) {
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; ///Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
framepars[frame8].functions |= funcs2call[index]; //Mark which functions will be needed to process the parameters
/// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified (only if not FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS)
// Write parameter to the next frames up to the one that have the same parameter already modified (only if not FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS)
if ((pars[npar].num & FRAMEPAIR_JUST_THIS) == 0) {
MDF8(printk(": --- setting next frames"));
for (nframe = (frame8 + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; (nframe != findex_prev) && (!(framepars[nframe].mod[bindex] & bmask)); nframe = (nframe + 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
D8(printk(" %d", nframe));
framepars[nframe].pars[index] = val;
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; /// for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
frame8 = (frame8 - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // for " regular parameters "modified since" do not include the target frame itself, for "JUST_THIS" - does
/// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
/// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
// Mark this parameter in all previous frames as "modified since"
// TODO: consider alternative way - first iterate through all parameters, build masks, then apply them
// for (nframe=(frame8-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; nframe != findex_future; nframe=(nframe-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) {
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { ///NOTE: frame8 is modified here
for (nframe = frame8; nframe != findex_future; nframe = (nframe - 1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) { //NOTE: frame8 is modified here
framepars[nframe].modsince[bindex] |= bmask;
framepars[nframe].modsince32 |= bmask32;
} else { /// error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
} else { // error - trying to write "just this" to the "future" - that would stick if allowed
ELP_KERR(printk("Tried to write JUST_THIS parameter (0x%lx) too far in the future", pars[npar].num));
......@@ -1020,19 +1018,19 @@ int setFramePars(int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_framepars, int numPa
return 0;
///TODO: make some parameters readonly (prohibited from modification from the userland)
/// File operations:
/// open, release - nop
/// read - none
/// write -> setFrameParsAtomic (first 4 bytes - absolute frame number, next 4 bytes - latency, then each 8 bytes - index/value)
/// can use current file pointer or special indexes (0x****ff01 - set frame number, 0x****ff02 - set latency) that should come before actual parameters
/// file pointer - absolute frame number
/// lseek (SEEK_SET, value) - set absolute frame number
/// lseek (SEEK_CUR, value) - set frame number relative to the current frame number (thisFrameNumber),
/// lseek (SEEK_CUR, 0) - (used by ftell()) also modifies file pointer - set it to thisFrameNumber,
/// lseek (SEEK_END, value <= 0) - do nothing?, do not modify file pointer
/// lseek (SEEK_END, value > 0) - execute commands, do not modify file pointer (and actually use it - frame number the command applies to)
/// mmap (should be used read only)
//TODO: make some parameters readonly (prohibited from modification from the userland)
// File operations:
// open, release - nop
// read - none
// write -> setFrameParsAtomic (first 4 bytes - absolute frame number, next 4 bytes - latency, then each 8 bytes - index/value)
// can use current file pointer or special indexes (0x****ff01 - set frame number, 0x****ff02 - set latency) that should come before actual parameters
// file pointer - absolute frame number
// lseek (SEEK_SET, value) - set absolute frame number
// lseek (SEEK_CUR, value) - set frame number relative to the current frame number (thisFrameNumber),
// lseek (SEEK_CUR, 0) - (used by ftell()) also modifies file pointer - set it to thisFrameNumber,
// lseek (SEEK_END, value <= 0) - do nothing?, do not modify file pointer
// lseek (SEEK_END, value > 0) - execute commands, do not modify file pointer (and actually use it - frame number the command applies to)
// mmap (should be used read only)
static struct file_operations framepars_fops = {
......@@ -1122,24 +1120,24 @@ loff_t framepars_lseek(struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig)
file->f_pos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
if (offset == 0) return getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port); /// do not modify frame number
file->f_pos = getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port) + offset; /// modifies frame number, but it is better to use absolute SEEK SET
if (offset == 0) return getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port); // do not modify frame number
file->f_pos = getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port) + offset; // modifies frame number, but it is better to use absolute SEEK SET
case SEEK_END:
if (offset <= 0) {
} else if (offset >= LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_REL) {
if (offset >= LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS) target_frame = offset - LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS; /// Wait for absolute frame number
if (offset >= LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS) target_frame = offset - LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_ABS; // Wait for absolute frame number
else target_frame = getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port) + offset - LSEEK_FRAME_WAIT_REL;
/// Skip 0..255 frames
// Skip 0..255 frames
// wait_event_interruptible (framepars_wait_queue, getThisFrameNumber()>=target_frame);
wait_event_interruptible(aframepars_wait_queue[sensor_port], getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port) >= target_frame);
// if (getThisFrameNumber()<target_frame) wait_event_interruptible (framepars_wait_queue,getThisFrameNumber()>=target_frame);
return getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port); /// Does not modify current frame pointer? lseek (,0,SEEK_CUR) anyway returns getThisFrameNumber()
return getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port); // Does not modify current frame pointer? lseek (,0,SEEK_CUR) anyway returns getThisFrameNumber()
} else { //! Other lseek commands
switch (offset & ~0x1f) {
case LSEEK_DAEMON_FRAME: /// wait the daemon enabled and a new frame interrupt (sensor frame sync)
case LSEEK_DAEMON_FRAME: // wait the daemon enabled and a new frame interrupt (sensor frame sync)
wait_event_interruptible(aframepars_wait_queue[sensor_port], get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port, P_DAEMON_EN) & (1 << (offset & 0x1f)));
......@@ -1148,44 +1146,44 @@ loff_t framepars_lseek(struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig)
case LSEEK_SET_FPGA_TIME: /// better to use write, not lseek to set FPGA time
case LSEEK_SET_FPGA_TIME: // better to use write, not lseek to set FPGA time
case LSEEK_FRAMEPARS_INIT: /// reset hardware sequencers, init framepars structure
case LSEEK_FRAMEPARS_INIT: // reset hardware sequencers, init framepars structure
initGlobalPars(sensor_port); /// reset all global parameters but the first 32
initGlobalPars(sensor_port); // reset all global parameters but the first 32
case LSEEK_FRAME_RESET: /// reset absolute frame number to avoid integer frame number overflow
case LSEEK_FRAME_RESET: // reset absolute frame number to avoid integer frame number overflow
case LSEEK_SENSORPROC: /// process modified parameters in frame 0 (to start sensor detection)
case LSEEK_SENSORPROC: // process modified parameters in frame 0 (to start sensor detection)
MDF2(printk("LSEEK_SENSORPROC: framepars[0].functions=0x%08lx\n", framepars[0].functions));
processPars(sensor_port, sensorproc, 0, 8); ///frame0, all 8 frames (maxAhead==8)
processPars(sensor_port, sensorproc, 0, 8); //frame0, all 8 frames (maxAhead==8)
case LSEEK_DMA_INIT: /// initialize ETRAX DMA (normally done in sensor_common.c at driver init
case LSEEK_DMA_INIT: // initialize ETRAX DMA (normally done in sensor_common.c at driver init
case LSEEK_DMA_STOP: /// stop DMA
case LSEEK_DMA_STOP: // stop DMA
//x313_dma_stop(); ///
//x313_dma_stop(); //
case LSEEK_DMA_START: /// start DMA
case LSEEK_DMA_START: // start DMA
//x313_dma_start(); ///
//x313_dma_start(); //
case LSEEK_COMPRESSOR_RESET: /// reset compressor and buffer pointers
case LSEEK_COMPRESSOR_RESET: // reset compressor and buffer pointers
case LSEEK_INTERRUPT_OFF: /// disable camera interrupts
case LSEEK_INTERRUPT_OFF: // disable camera interrupts
case LSEEK_INTERRUPT_ON: /// enable camera interrupts
case LSEEK_INTERRUPT_ON: // enable camera interrupts
......@@ -1211,25 +1209,25 @@ loff_t framepars_lseek(struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig)
ssize_t framepars_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off)
struct frameparspair_t pars_static[256]; /// will be sufficient for most calls
struct frameparspair_t pars_static[256]; // will be sufficient for most calls
struct frameparspair_t * pars = pars_static;
struct framepars_pd * privData = (struct framepars_pd*)file->private_data;
int sensor_port = privData -> minor - CMOSCAM_MINOR_FRAMEPARS_CHN_0;
// struct framepars_t *framepars = aframepars[sensor_port];
unsigned long frame = *off; /// ************* NOTE: Never use file->f_pos in write() and read() !!!
unsigned long frame = *off; // ************* NOTE: Never use file->f_pos in write() and read() !!!
int latency = -1;
int first = 0;
int last;
int result;
MDF1(printk(": file->f_pos=0x%x, *off=0x%x, count=0x%x\n", (int)file->f_pos, (int)*off, (int)count));
count &= ~7; /// sizeof (struct frameparspair_t)==8
count &= ~7; // sizeof (struct frameparspair_t)==8
switch (privData->minor) {
if (count > sizeof(pars_static)) /// only allocate if static is not enough
if (count > sizeof(pars_static)) // only allocate if static is not enough
pars = (struct frameparspair_t*)kmalloc(count, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!pars) return -ENOMEM;
count >>= 3; /// divide by sizeof(struct frameparspair_t); // 8
count >>= 3; // divide by sizeof(struct frameparspair_t); // 8
if (count) {
if (copy_from_user((char*)pars, buf, count << 3)) {
if (count > sizeof(pars_static)) kfree(pars);
......@@ -1247,10 +1245,10 @@ ssize_t framepars_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff
latency = (pars[first].val & 0x80000000) ? -1 : pars[first].val;
case FRAMEPARS_SETFPGATIME: ///ignore value (should be already set in G_SECONDS, G_MICROSECONDS frame0)
case FRAMEPARS_SETFPGATIME: //ignore value (should be already set in G_SECONDS, G_MICROSECONDS frame0)
case FRAMEPARS_GETFPGATIME: ///ignore value, set frame 0 G_SECONDS, G_MICROSECONDS to FPGA registers
case FRAMEPARS_GETFPGATIME: //ignore value, set frame 0 G_SECONDS, G_MICROSECONDS to FPGA registers
......@@ -1270,7 +1268,7 @@ ssize_t framepars_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff
if (count > sizeof(pars_static)) kfree(pars);
return count << 3; /// *sizeof(struct frameparspair_t);
return count << 3; // *sizeof(struct frameparspair_t);
default: return -EINVAL;
......@@ -1318,8 +1316,8 @@ int framepars_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
for (sensor_port = 0; sensor_port < SENSOR_PORTS; sensor_port++) {
initGlobalPars(sensor_port); /// sets default debug if enabled - not anymore. Add here?
initMultiPars(sensor_port); /// just clear - needs to be called again when sensor is recognized
initGlobalPars(sensor_port); // sets default debug if enabled - not anymore. Add here?
initMultiPars(sensor_port); // just clear - needs to be called again when sensor is recognized
frameParsInitialized = 0;
res = register_chrdev(FRAMEPARS_MAJOR, "framepars_operations", &framepars_fops);
/** @file sensor_common.c
/** @file sensor_common.h
......@@ -2,21 +2,18 @@
* @file sensor_i2c.c
* @brief Interface to FPGA-based i2c sequencer for sensor ports
* @copyright Copyright 2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* @par <b>License</b>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/****************** INCLUDE FILES SECTION ***********************************/
//#define DEBUG /* should be before linux/module.h - enables dev_dbg at boot in this file */
#include <linux/module.h>
......@@ -26,20 +23,15 @@
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
//#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
//#include <linux/spinlock_types.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
//#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <elphel/driver_numbers.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include "x393.h"
#include "sensor_i2c.h"
......@@ -67,27 +59,25 @@ struct x393_i2c_device_list {
const char of_prop_name[] = "elphel393-sensor-i2c,i2c_devices";
const char group_name[] = "i2c_classes";
const int max_buf_len = 4096-256; // stop output when only 256 bytes are left in the caller's buffer
const int max_buf_len = 4096-256; ///< stop output when only 256 bytes are left in the caller's buffer
const int max_i2c_classes = 256;
const int mclk_mhz = 200; // mclk frequency in MHz
const int mclk_mhz = 200; ///< mclk frequency in MHz
//const int tenth_sec = max(2, HZ/10); // make it not less than 2 jiffies for some very slow clock
//const int tenth_sec = (HZ >=20) ? (HZ/10) : 2; // make it not less than 2 jiffies for some very slow clock
const int tenth_sec = 2;
static LIST_HEAD(i2c_class_list);
// Number of channels is hard-wired to 4
static u32 free_i2c_groups[4];
static u32 free_i2c_groups[4]; ///< Number of channels is hard-wired to 4
static u32 free_i2c_pages [32];
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(lock);
static u32 i2c_pages_shadow[1024]; // Mostly for debugging to analyze i2c pages allocation
static int sysfs_page[4]; // when positive - page locked for exclusive access
static struct device *sdev = NULL; // store this device here
static u32 i2c_pages_shadow[1024]; ///< Mostly for debugging to analyze i2c pages allocation
static int sysfs_page[4]; ///< when positive - page locked for exclusive access
static struct device *sdev = NULL; ///< store this device here
static u32 i2c_read_data[4]; ///< last data read from i2c device
static u32 i2c_read_data[4]; // last data read from i2c device
/* Mark all i2c pages for each channel as free */
void i2c_page_alloc_init(void){
/** Mark all i2c pages for each channel as free */
void i2c_page_alloc_init(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(free_i2c_groups)/sizeof(free_i2c_groups[0]); i++) free_i2c_groups[i] = 0xff000000;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(free_i2c_pages)/ sizeof(free_i2c_pages[0]); i++) free_i2c_pages[i] = 0xffffffff;
......@@ -95,8 +85,11 @@ void i2c_page_alloc_init(void){
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sysfs_page)/sizeof(sysfs_page[0]); i++) sysfs_page[i] = -1;
/* Reserve i2c page (1 of 256 for a sensor port)*/
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn){
/** Reserve i2c page (1 of 256) for a sensor port
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3)
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn)
int g, b;
u32 * fb;
......@@ -116,8 +109,12 @@ int i2c_page_alloc(int chn){
/* Free i2c page */
void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page){
/** Free i2c page
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3)
* @param page i2c configuration page to release
void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page)
int g = page >> 5;
int b = page & 0x1f;
u32 * fb = free_i2c_pages + ((chn << 3) + g);
......@@ -128,8 +125,11 @@ void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page){
/* calculate value of SCLK 1/4 period delay from maximal SCL frequency*/
int get_bit_delay(int khz){
/** Calculate value of SCLK 1/4 period delay from maximal SCL frequency
* @param khz - maximal I2C clock frequency in KHz
* @return bit delay for 1/4 SCL period in mclk (now 200MHz) cycles*/
int get_bit_delay(int khz)
int dly;
if (!khz)
return 0;
......@@ -139,10 +139,11 @@ int get_bit_delay(int khz){
return dly;
/* Set i2c table entry to raw data (will just overwrite tbl_mode = 2)*/
void set_xi2c_raw(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
u32 data) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/** Set i2c table entry to raw data (will just overwrite tbl_mode = 2)*/
void set_xi2c_raw(int chn, ///< Sensor port number
int page, ///< index in lookup table
u32 data) ///< Raw table data (bits 27:0), bits 29:28 will be set to 2
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
......@@ -157,15 +158,15 @@ void set_xi2c_raw(int chn,
* Set i2c table entry for write operation using known devices
/** Set i2c table entry for write operation using known devices.
* Get device with xi2c_dev_get(), copy and modify, if needed to
* offset slave address or change number of bytes to write, SCL frequency
void set_xi2c_wrc( x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in lookup table
int rah){ // High byte of the i2c register address
void set_xi2c_wrc( x393_i2c_device_t * dc, ///< device class
int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in lookup table
int rah) ///< High byte of the i2c register address
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
......@@ -186,14 +187,14 @@ void set_xi2c_wrc( x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
* Set i2c table entry for read operation using known devices
/** Set i2c table entry for read operation using known devices
* Get device with xi2c_dev_get(), copy and modify, if needed to
* offset slave address or change number of bytes to write, SCL frequency
void set_xi2c_rdc(x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
int chn, // sensor port
int page) { // index in lookup table
void set_xi2c_rdc(x393_i2c_device_t * dc, ///< device class
int chn, ///< sensor port
int page)///< index in lookup table
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
......@@ -215,13 +216,14 @@ void set_xi2c_rdc(x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
/* Set i2c table entry for write operation */
void set_xi2c_wr(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int sa7, // slave address (7 bit)
int rah, // High byte of the i2c register address
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to write (1..10)
int bit_delay) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/** Set i2c table entry for write operation */
void set_xi2c_wr(int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in lookup table
int sa7, ///< slave address (7 bit)
int rah, ///< High byte of the i2c register address
int num_bytes, ///< Number of bytes to write (1..10)
int bit_delay) ///< Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
......@@ -243,12 +245,13 @@ void set_xi2c_wr(int chn,
/* Set i2c table entry for read operation */
void set_xi2c_rd(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int two_byte_addr, // Number of address bytes (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to read (1..8, 0 means 8)
int bit_delay) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/** Set i2c table entry for read operation */
void set_xi2c_rd(int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in lookup table
int two_byte_addr, ///< Number of address bytes (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
int num_bytes, ///< Number of bytes to read (1..8, 0 means 8)
int bit_delay) ///< Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
......@@ -268,29 +271,31 @@ void set_xi2c_rd(int chn,
// Write i2c command to the i2c command sequencer
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
/* Write one or multiple DWORDs to i2c relative (modulo16) address. Use offs = 0 for immediate (ASAP) command */
/* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset */
int write_xi2c_rel (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data){
/** @brief Write i2c command to the i2c command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers
* (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones: 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
* This command writes one or multiple DWORDs to i2c relative (modulo16) address. Use offs = 0 for immediate (ASAP) command.
* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset. Data is written MSB first, first data word starts
* with (in bits 31:24) table index.
* Data written depends on context:
* 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
* after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
* If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
* skipped.
* If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
* bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
* sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
* 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
* in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
* read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one. */
int write_xi2c_rel (int chn, ///< sensor port
int offs, ///< relative frame number modulo 16
u32 * data) ///< data array. Length written is defined by the pre-configured table entry.
///< MSB (data is sent MSB first) of the first entry is index in the table.
///< @return 0 on success, negative error if table shadow is not initialized to data
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data;
int len;
int i;
......@@ -310,9 +315,16 @@ int write_xi2c_rel (int chn,
int write_xi2c_abs (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data){
/** Write one or multiple DWORDs to i2c absolute (modulo16) address.
* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset. Data is written MSB first, first data word starts
* with (in bits 31:24) table index.
* @see write_xi2c_rel */
int write_xi2c_abs (int chn, ///< sensor port
int offs, ///< absolute frame number modulo 16
u32 * data) ///< data array. Length written is defined by the pre-configured table entry.
///< MSB (data is sent MSB first) of the first entry is index in the table.
///< @return 0 on success, negative error if table shadow is not initialized to data
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data;
int len;
int i;
......@@ -332,35 +344,38 @@ int write_xi2c_abs (int chn,
/* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16 (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int addr, // low 8 bits
u32 data){ // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/** Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16 (int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in the table (8 bits)
int addr, ///< low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data) ///< 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr & 0xff) << 16) | (data & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, 0);
* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
/** Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
* Use slave address from provided class structure.
void read_xi2c (x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int addr){ // 8/16 bit address
void read_xi2c (x393_i2c_device_t * dc, ///< device class
int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< Table index (8 bits)
int addr) ///< 8/16 bit register address
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | (dc -> slave7 << 17) | (addr & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, 0);
/* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)*/
void read_xi2c_sa7 (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int sa7, // 7-bit i2c slave address
int addr){ // 8/16 bit address
/** Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode, specify 7-bit slave address
* (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo) */
void read_xi2c_sa7 (int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< Table index (8 bits)
int sa7, ///< 7-bit i2c slave address
int addr) ///< 8/16 bit register address
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | (sa7 << 17) | (addr & 0xffff);
dev_dbg(sdev, "read_xi2c_sa7(%d,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x): 0x%08x\n",chn,page,sa7,addr,(int) dw);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, 0);
......@@ -368,9 +383,11 @@ void read_xi2c_sa7 (int chn,
/* Read next byte from the channel i2c FIFO. Return byte or -1 if no data available, -EIO - error */
/* Sensor channel status will be set to auto update mode (3) if it was in different mode */
int read_xi2c_fifo(int chn){
/** Read next byte from the channel i2c read FIFO.
* Sensor channel status will be set to auto update mode (3) if it was in different mode */
int read_xi2c_fifo(int chn) ///< sensor port
///< @return byte or -1 if no data available, -EIO - error
int fifo_lsb, rslt,i;
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t i2c_cmd;
x393_status_sens_i2c_t status;
......@@ -405,12 +422,16 @@ int read_xi2c_fifo(int chn){
/* Single-command i2c write/read register using pre-defined device classes */
int x393_xi2c_write_reg(const char * cname, // device class name
int chn, // sensor port number
int sa7_offs, // slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address
int reg_addr, // register address (width is defined by class)
int data){ // data to write (width is defined by class)
/** Single-command i2c write register using pre-defined device classes.
* This command reserves and configures table entry, releases it in the end */
int x393_xi2c_write_reg(const char * cname, ///< device class name
int chn, ///< sensor port number
int sa7_offs, ///< slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address,
///< used when multiple instances of the same class devices are present.
int reg_addr, ///< register address (width is defined by class)
int data) ///< data to write (width is defined by class)
///< @return 0 on success, < 0 - error
x393_i2c_device_t * dc;
x393_i2c_device_t ds;
int page;
......@@ -443,12 +464,17 @@ int x393_xi2c_write_reg(const char * cname, // device class name
return 0;
int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
int chn, // sensor port number
int sa7_offs, // slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address
int reg_addr, // register address (width is defined by class)
int * datap){ // pointer to a data receiver (read data width is defined by class)
/** Single-command i2c read register using pre-defined device classes.
* This command reserves and configures table entry, initiates i2c read, waits and receives data, releases table entry in the end */
int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, ///< device class name
int chn, ///< sensor port number
int sa7_offs, ///< slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address.
///< Offset is non-zero when multiple devices of the same class are present.
int reg_addr, ///< register address (width is defined by class)
int * datap) ///< pointer to a data receiver (read data width is defined by class)
///< @return 0 on success, < 0 - error
x393_i2c_device_t * dc;
int page, i, db=-1;
unsigned long timeout_end;
......@@ -470,7 +496,6 @@ int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
dev_dbg(sdev, "got page= 0x%x\n",page);
/* Set table entry for reading */
// ds.slave7 = dc->slave7 + sa7_offs;
set_xi2c_rdc(dc, // device class
chn, // sensor port
page); // index in lookup table
......@@ -489,7 +514,6 @@ int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
*datap = 0;
dev_dbg(sdev, "Trying to get FIFO data for channel %d\n",chn);
for (i = 0; i< dc->data_bytes; i++) {
// timeout_end = jiffies + 20*tenth_sec;
timeout_end = jiffies + tenth_sec;
while (jiffies < timeout_end){
db = read_xi2c_fifo(chn);
......@@ -513,7 +537,10 @@ int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
/* Handling classes of i2c devices */
struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_get(const char * name){
/** Find device list entry by device class name */
struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_get(const char * name) ///< Device class name as string
///< @return list entry or NULL (if not found)
struct list_head *p;
struct x393_i2c_device_list * sp;
list_for_each(p, &i2c_class_list) {
......@@ -525,7 +552,10 @@ struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_get(const char * name){
return NULL;
x393_i2c_device_t * xi2c_dev_get(const char * name){
/** Find device list entry by device class name */
x393_i2c_device_t * xi2c_dev_get(const char * name) ///< Device class name as string
///< @return i2c device or NULL (if not found)
struct x393_i2c_device_list * dl = i2c_dev_get(name);
if (dl)
return &dl->i2c_dev;
......@@ -534,15 +564,16 @@ x393_i2c_device_t * xi2c_dev_get(const char * name){
struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_add(const char * name){
/** Add new i2c device class, OK to provide existing name */
struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_add(const char * name) ///< Device class name (<32 characters)
///< @return pointer to a device list entry
struct x393_i2c_device_list * sp = i2c_dev_get(name);
if (sp) return sp; /* already exists */
/*Allocate new structure */
dev_dbg(sdev,"allocating space for %s\n",name);
sp = (struct x393_i2c_device_list *) devm_kzalloc(sdev, sizeof(struct x393_i2c_device_list), GFP_KERNEL);
dev_dbg(sdev,"Copying name\n");
// INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sp->list);
strncpy(sp->, name, sizeof(sp->;
......@@ -552,7 +583,10 @@ struct x393_i2c_device_list * i2c_dev_add(const char * name){
return sp;
int i2c_dev_remove(const char * name){
/** Remove i2c device class by name */
int i2c_dev_remove(const char * name) ///< existing device class name
///< @return 0 if OK, -ENOENT if specified device class does not exist
struct x393_i2c_device_list * sp = i2c_dev_get(name);
if (!sp) return - ENOENT;
/* remove sysfs entry */
......@@ -565,17 +599,31 @@ int i2c_dev_remove(const char * name){
/* =========================== sysfs functionality ============================== */
/* Get channel number from the last character of the attribute name*/
static int get_channel_from_name(struct device_attribute *attr){
/** Sysfs helper function - get channel number from the last character of the attribute name*/
static int get_channel_from_name(struct device_attribute *attr) ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
///< @return channel number
int reg = 0;
sscanf(attr-> + (strlen(attr->, "%du", &reg);
return reg;
static ssize_t i2c_member_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count){
/** Sysfs function - respond to attempt of write to read only i2c device class member record */
static ssize_t i2c_member_store(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
dev_warn(dev,"i2c_member_store(): not implemented\n");
return count;
static ssize_t i2c_member_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf){
/** Sysfs function - show i2c device class member record */
static ssize_t i2c_member_show(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer
struct x393_i2c_device_list * sp;
sp = i2c_dev_get(attr->;
if (!sp)
......@@ -587,7 +635,18 @@ static ssize_t i2c_member_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr
static ssize_t i2c_class_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/**Sysfs function - add new i2c device class. Buffer data should contain the following data, separated by spaces:
* - name
* - slave addr (7 bit)
* - address width (bytes)
* - data width (bytes)
* - max SCL frequency (kHz)
static ssize_t i2c_class_store(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
struct x393_i2c_device_list * dl;
char name[32];
......@@ -633,7 +692,11 @@ static ssize_t i2c_class_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr
return count;
static ssize_t i2c_class_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - show all i2c device classes */
static ssize_t i2c_class_show(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer
struct list_head *p;
struct x393_i2c_device_list * sp;
......@@ -656,33 +719,43 @@ static ssize_t i2c_class_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
return buf-cp;
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_alloc(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - allocate new page in i2c device table, output page number as a decimal value */
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_alloc(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer, or -ENOMEM
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page;
// if (sysfs_page[chn]>=0)
// return -EBUSY;
page= i2c_page_alloc(chn);
if (page <0)
return -ENOMEM;
sysfs_page[chn] = page;
return sprintf(buf,"%d\n",page);
static ssize_t free_i2c_page(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - release page in i2c device table, input buffer *buf should contain page number as decimal or hex number*/
static ssize_t free_i2c_page(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page;
sscanf(buf, "%i", &page);
page &= 0xff;
// if (sysfs_page[chn] >= 0)
// i2c_page_free(chn, page);
// sysfs_page[chn] = -1; // free
i2c_page_free(chn, page);
return count;
/* Set/get page number for reading */
static ssize_t set_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - set page in i2c device table to use for next reading, input buffer *buf should contain page number as decimal or hex number*/
static ssize_t set_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page;
......@@ -690,7 +763,13 @@ static ssize_t set_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *a
sysfs_page[chn] = page & 0xff;
return count;
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - get page number in i2c device table that was set to use for next reading.
* Output buffer *buf provides page number as a decimal */
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
return sprintf(buf,"%d\n",sysfs_page[chn]);
......@@ -698,8 +777,11 @@ static ssize_t get_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *a
// Get i2c table data as raw data (hex)
static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - get i2c table entry as raw value (as hex number), page number is the same as used for reading, @see set_i2c_page_inuse */
static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer, or -ENXIO
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page = sysfs_page[chn]; // currently selected page for sysfs reads
......@@ -709,7 +791,13 @@ static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr
return sprintf(buf,"0x%08x\n",i2c_pages_shadow[(chn << 8) + (page &0xff)]);
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - set i2c table entry as raw value. Buffer string *buf should contain space-separated
* page number and table data as decimal or hex (starting with 0x) numbers */
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int ni, page, data;
......@@ -724,8 +812,11 @@ static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr
return count;
// Get/parse i2c table (hex)
static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - read and interpret i2c table entry, page number is the same as used for reading, @see set_i2c_page_inuse */
static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_human(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer, or -ENXIO
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data;
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
......@@ -742,7 +833,20 @@ static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *at
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_wr_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - set i2c table entry for i2c write commands. Buffer string *buf should contain the following
* space-separated items as decimal or hex (0x) values:
* - page,
* - slave address (7 bit),
* Optional parameters (device class data will be used if not specified):
* - high reg address byte,
* - bytes to write (1..10),
* - 1/4 scl period in mclk (5 ns for current 200 MHz) */
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_wr_human(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int ni, page, rah,sa7,nbwr,dly,khz;
......@@ -791,7 +895,19 @@ static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_wr_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute
return count;
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_rd_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - set i2c table entry for i2c read commands. Buffer string *buf should contain the following
* space-separated items as decimal or hex (0x) values:
* - page,
* - two byte addr (0 - 8bit,1 - 16 bit reg. addr),
* Optional parameters (device class data will be used if not specified):
* - number of bytes to read (1..8),
* - 1/4 scl period in mclk (5 ns for current 200 MHz) */
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_rd_human(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int ni, page, two_byte_addr, num_bytes, bit_delay, khz;
......@@ -834,7 +950,19 @@ static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_rd_human(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute
return count;
static ssize_t i2c_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
/** Sysfs function - i2c read/write register (read requires subsequent reading from the same node).
* Buffer should contain the following space-separated items as decimal or hex (0x) values:
* - device class name,
* - slave offset, non-zero when multiple instances of the class are present on the bus or the address is different from the base one
* - device register address,
* Additional parameter
* - data to write identifies write operation, if it is missing i2c read will be issued */
static ssize_t i2c_store(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
const char *buf, ///< 4K buffer with what was written
size_t count) ///< offset to the end of buffer data
///< @return new offset to the end of buffer data
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
char cname[32];
......@@ -870,18 +998,28 @@ static ssize_t i2c_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, cons
return count;
static ssize_t i2c_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
// Get i2c read data from fifo
/** Sysfs function - i2c read previously acquired i2c data from i2c read fifo, output buffer *buf
* will contain decimal representation of the value.
* This command should be preceded by the i2c command, @see i2c_store how to start an i2c read command. */
static ssize_t i2c_show(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
dev_dbg(sdev, "i2c_show(), chn=%d\n",chn);
return sprintf(buf,"%d\n",i2c_read_data[chn]);
// Get i2c read data from fifo
static ssize_t get_i2c_help(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
/** Sysfs function - output instructions text of how to communicate with i2c devices attached to the sensor ports.
* Output buffer *buf will contain multi-line instructions text */
static ssize_t get_i2c_help(struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
struct device_attribute *attr, ///< Linux kernel interface for exporting device attributes
char *buf) ///< 4K buffer to receive response
///< @return offset to the end of the output data in the *buf buffer
return sprintf(buf,"Numeric suffix in file names selects sensor port\n"
return sprintf(buf,"Numeric suffix in the file names selects sensor port\n"
"i2c_all: read - list classes of i2c devices, write - add new (name, sa7, address bytes, data bytes, SCL kHz)\n"
"i2c_classes - directory with register i2c classes, when read provide sa7, address bytes, data bytes, SCL kHz\n"
"alloc*: read - allocate and return page, write <page> (any data) - free page\n"
......@@ -923,16 +1061,13 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_rd0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_rd1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_human, set_i2c_tbl_rd_human);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_rd2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_human, set_i2c_tbl_rd_human);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_rd3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_human, set_i2c_tbl_rd_human);
//static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c_rd0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_read, set_i2c_read);
//static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c_rd1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_read, set_i2c_read);
//static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c_rd2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_read, set_i2c_read);
//static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c_rd3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_read, set_i2c_read);
static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , i2c_show, i2c_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , i2c_show, i2c_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , i2c_show, i2c_store);
static DEVICE_ATTR(i2c3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , i2c_show, i2c_store);
/** Contains entries for the root node (directory) of the sysfs representation for sensor-port i2c devices */
static struct attribute *root_dev_attrs[] = {
......@@ -955,10 +1090,6 @@ static struct attribute *root_dev_attrs[] = {
// &dev_attr_i2c_rd0.attr,
// &dev_attr_i2c_rd1.attr,
// &dev_attr_i2c_rd2.attr,
// &dev_attr_i2c_rd3.attr,
......@@ -967,38 +1098,35 @@ static struct attribute *root_dev_attrs[] = {
/** Attribute group for the root node (directory) of the sysfs representation for sensor-port i2c devices*/
static const struct attribute_group dev_attr_root_group = {
.attrs = root_dev_attrs,
.name = NULL,
.attrs = root_dev_attrs, ///< Array of the items in the root directory
.name = NULL, ///< No name for the root node
static int make_group (struct device *dev, const char * name/*,
ssize_t (*show)(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
char *buf),
ssize_t (*store)(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
const char *buf, size_t count)*/)
/** Add a named group (subdirectory) with the specified name*/
static int make_group (struct device *dev, ///< Linux kernel basic device structure
const char * name) ///< Group name
///< @return 0 on success, or negative error.
int retval=-1;
// int index;
struct attribute *pattrs[max_i2c_classes]; /* array of pointers to attibutes */
// struct device_attribute *dev_attrs;
struct attribute_group *attr_group;
attr_group = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*attr_group), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!attr_group) return -ENOMEM;
// memset(attr_group, 0, sizeof(*attr_group));
pattrs[0] = NULL;
attr_group->name = name;
attr_group->attrs =pattrs;
// dev_dbg(dev,"name=%s, &dev->kobj=0x%08x\n",attr_group->name, (int) (&dev->kobj));
dev_dbg(dev,"name=%s, &dev->kobj=0x%08x\n",attr_group->name, (int) (&dev->kobj));
if (&dev->kobj) {
retval = sysfs_create_group(&dev->kobj, attr_group);
return retval;
static int elphel393_sens_i2c_sysfs_register(struct platform_device *pdev)
/** Register this driver to implement sysfs interface */
static int elphel393_sens_i2c_sysfs_register(struct platform_device *pdev) ///< Platform device structure for this driver
///< @return 0 on success, or negative error.
int retval=0;
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
......@@ -1011,14 +1139,15 @@ static int elphel393_sens_i2c_sysfs_register(struct platform_device *pdev)
return retval;
// =======================================
static void elphel393_sensor_i2c_init_of(struct platform_device *pdev)
/** Initialize this driver from the Device Tree.
* Configures some i2c device classes specified in the DT. */
static void elphel393_sensor_i2c_init_of(struct platform_device *pdev) ///< Platform device structure for this driver
///< @return 0 on success, or negative error.
// const __be32 * config_data;
const char * config_string;
struct x393_i2c_device_list * dl;
char name[32];
// int len,chn,pre_disabled,old_dis_por,rc,chn_bits
int rslt;
int num_devs, nd, ni, sa7, num_addr, num_data, khz;
struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node;
......@@ -1072,8 +1201,9 @@ static void elphel393_sensor_i2c_init_of(struct platform_device *pdev)
pr_info("elphel393_sensor_i2c: registered %d i2c device classes\n", num_devs);
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
/** Probe this driver, register it with sysfs and initialize from the Device Tree */
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) ///< Platform device structure for this driver
///< @return 0 on success, or negative error.
sdev =&pdev->dev;
dev_dbg(&pdev->dev,"Probing elphel393-sensor-i2c\n");
......@@ -1089,27 +1219,30 @@ static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
return 0;
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
/** Remove device driver - does nothing, just pretends.*/
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) ///< Platform device structure for this driver
///< @return 0 on success, or negative error.
dev_info(&pdev->dev,"Removing elphel393-sensor-i2c");
return 0;
/** Compatible records in Device Tree fro this driver */
static struct of_device_id elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match[] = {
{ .compatible = "elphel,elphel393-sensor-i2c-1.00", },
{ .compatible = "elphel,elphel393-sensor-i2c-1.00", }, ///< Compatibility data
{ /* end of table */}
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match);
/** Platform driver description of this driver */
static struct platform_driver elphel393_sensor_i2c = {
.probe = elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe,
.remove = elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove,
.driver = {
.name = "elphel393-sensor-i2c",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.of_match_table = elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match,
.pm = NULL, /* power management */
.probe = elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe, ///< Function executed on probe operation
.remove = elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove, ///< Function executed on remove operation
.driver = { ///< Driver specifications
.name = "elphel393-sensor-i2c", ///< driver name
.owner = THIS_MODULE, ///< Driver owner
.of_match_table = elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match, ///< Device tree match data
.pm = NULL, ///< No power management supported in this driver
......@@ -15,16 +15,18 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// I2C device description to be used with i2c sequencer
/** I2C device description to be used with i2c sequencer*/
typedef struct{
char name[32];
u8 slave7; // slave address (7-bit)
u8 address_bytes;
u8 data_bytes;
int scl_khz; // maximal SCL frequency in KHz (currently limited by 200KHz slowest)
char name[32]; ///< Device class name (up to 31 characters)
u8 slave7; ///< Device class base slave address (7-bit). Instances may have it
///< with offset added.
u8 address_bytes; ///< Number of address bytes (1/2, used for read operations)
u8 data_bytes; ///< Number of data bytes (1..10), for writes it includes register address bytes
int scl_khz; ///< maximal SCL frequency in KHz (currently limited by 200KHz slowest)
} x393_i2c_device_t;
/* Reserve i2c page (1 of 256 for a sensor port)*/
/** Reserve i2c page (1 of 256) for a sensor port
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3) */
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn);
/* Free i2c page */
......@@ -61,24 +63,6 @@ void set_xi2c_rd(int chn,
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to read (1..8, 0 means 8)
int bit_delay); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
// Write i2c command to the i2c command sequencer
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
/* Write one or multiple DWORDs to i2c relative (modulo16) address. Use offs = 0 for immediate (ASAP) command */
/* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset */
int write_xi2c_rel (int chn,
......@@ -94,10 +78,8 @@ void write_xi2c_reg16 (int chn,
int addr, // low 8 bits
u32 data); // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
* Use slave address from provided class structure.
/* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
* Use slave address from provided class structure. */
void read_xi2c (x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
......@@ -128,5 +110,3 @@ int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
int sa7_offs, // slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address
int reg_addr, // register address (width is defined by class)
int * datap); // pointer to a data receiver (read data width is defined by class)
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