Commit 7abd0f7c authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

merged with framepars

parents 56064cd8 0c11024a
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
#define IMUCR__IMU_SLOT__BITNM 0 ///< slot, where 103695 (imu) board is connected: 0 - none, 1 - J9, 2 - J10, 3 - J11)
#define IMUCR__GPS_CONF__BITNM 3 ///< slot, where 103695 (imu) bnoard is connected: 0 - none, 1 - J9, 2 - J10, 3 - J11)
#define IMUCR__GPS_CONF__BITNM 3 ///< slot, where 103695 (imu) board is connected: 0 - none, 1 - J9, 2 - J10, 3 - J11)
#define IMUCR__GPS_CONF__WIDTH 4 ///< bits 0,1 - slot #, same as for IMU_SLOT, bits 2,3:
// 0 - ext pulse, leading edge,
// 1 - ext pulse, trailing edge
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static struct file_operations imu_fops = {
static void set_logger_params(int which){ // 1 - program IOPINS, 2 - reset first, 4 - set divisor, 8 set regs, 16 - set period
// IMU should be enable through i2c before opening
// IMU should be enabled through i2c before opening
int i,j,b,f,n;
int nmea_sel[16];
int nmea_fpga_frmt[16];
......@@ -357,10 +357,12 @@ static void set_logger_params(int which){ // 1 - program IOPINS, 2 - reset first
x393_logger_address_t logger_address;
x393_logger_data_t logger_data;
x393_gpio_set_pins_t gpio_set_pins;
// D(int i2c_err=0;)
int i2c_err=0;
dev_info(g_dev_ptr,"============ which = 0x%x =============== \n",which);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"============ which = 0x%x =============== \n",which);
D(for (i=0; i< sizeof (wbuf); i++ ) { if ((i & 0x1f)==0) printk("\n %03x",i); printk(" %02x",(int) wbuf[i]); });
if (which & WHICH_RESET) {
if (logger_is_dma_on()!=0) {
......@@ -386,6 +388,7 @@ static void set_logger_params(int which){ // 1 - program IOPINS, 2 - reset first
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"Enabling I/O pins for IMU, written 0x%x to 0x%x\n", (int) X313_WA_IOPINS_EN_IMU, (int) X313_WA_IOPINS);
port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS] = X313_WA_IOPINS_EN_IMU;
dev_info(g_dev_ptr,"Enabling I/O pins for IMU\n");
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"Enabling I/O pins for IMU\n");
gpio_set_pins.d32 = 0;
gpio_set_pins.chn_c = 3; // enable
......@@ -628,6 +631,7 @@ static int imu_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
if (logger_is_dma_on()==0) {
/// copy defaults
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"Initializing IMU\n");
dev_info(g_dev_ptr,"imu_open(): Initializing IMU\n");
for (i=0;i<sizeof(wbuf);i++) wbuf[i]=dflt_wbuf[i];
set_logger_params(WHICH_INIT |
......@@ -708,15 +712,20 @@ static ssize_t imu_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, lof
if (left==0) return 0;
if (copy_from_user(&wbuf[p], buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
if (p<(X313_IMU_PERIOD_OFFS+4)) which |= WHICH_PERIOD;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
if ((p<(X313_IMU_DIVISOR_OFFS+4)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_DIVISOR_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_DIVISOR;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
if ((p<(X313_IMU_RS232DIV_OFFS+4)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_RS232DIV_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_RS232DIV;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
// if ((p<(X313_IMU_CONFIGURE_OFFS+4)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_CONFIGURE_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_CONFIG;
if ((p<(X313_IMU_CONFIGURE_OFFS+4)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_CONFIGURE_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_CONFIG | WHICH_INIT;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
if ((p<(X313_IMU_NMEA_FORMAT_OFFS)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_REGISTERS_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_REGISTERS;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
if ((p<(X313_IMU_MESSAGE_OFFS)) && ((p+count)>X313_IMU_NMEA_FORMAT_OFFS)) which |= WHICH_NMEA;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
if ((p+count)>X313_IMU_MESSAGE_OFFS) which |= WHICH_MESSAGE;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"which= 0x%x\n",which);
// will not add automatic restarts here
// if (which & WHICH_PERIOD) num_reads=0;
......@@ -880,7 +889,7 @@ static ssize_t imu_read(struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *of
err=copy_to_user(buf, &charDMABuf[byteIndexRead], (pe-byteIndexRead));
if (err) {
dev_err(g_dev_ptr,"1. tried to copy 0x%x bytes to offset 0x%llx, result=0x%x\n", count, *off,err);
//[ 811.889488] imu_logger elphel393-logger@0: 1. tried to copy 0x1000 bytes to offset 0x0, result=0x400000
return -EFAULT;
// advance pointers
......@@ -944,10 +953,10 @@ static int logger_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
unsigned int irq;
int res;
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
g_dev_ptr = dev;
const struct of_device_id *match;
const char *logger_irq_names[4] = {"mult_saxi_0", "mult_saxi_1", "mult_saxi_2", "mult_saxi_3"};
g_dev_ptr = dev;
/* sanity check */
match = of_match_device(elphel393_logger_of_match, dev);
......@@ -1138,6 +1147,8 @@ void logger_dma_start(void) {
......@@ -1146,9 +1157,8 @@ void logger_dma_start(void) {
///dma0 is using external dma 3 (input) with dma channel 9
///dma1 (this) is using external dma 1 (input) with dma channel 7 (shared with async. serial 0, so do not use DMA there!)
unsigned long x313_dma1_init(void) {
int rslt;
#ifdef NC353
int rslt;
reg_dma_rw_cfg cfg = {.en = regk_dma_yes}; // if disabled - will be busy and hang on attemt of DMA_WR_CMD
reg_bif_dma_rw_ch1_ctrl exdma_ctrl = {
.bw = regk_bif_dma_bw32,
......@@ -1207,6 +1217,7 @@ unsigned long x313_dma1_init(void) {
return ((unsigned long)virt_to_phys(logger_buffer)) | 0x80000000;
return 0;
......@@ -405,8 +405,10 @@ int pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (
legacy_i2c(1<<sensor_port);// Setup i2c pages for legacy i2c commands. TODO NC393: update for compatibility with 14MPix
camsync_mode.trig = 0;
camsync_mode.trig_set = 1;
camsync_mode.ext = 1; // use external timestamp (default)
camsync_mode.ext_set = 1;
// This causes mismatch with parameters, let it be there
// camsync_mode.ext = 1; // use external timestamp (default)
// camsync_mode.ext_set = 1;
x393_camsync_mode (camsync_mode);
// dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"trying MT9P001\n");
......@@ -731,8 +733,9 @@ typedef union {
camsync_mode.en = 1;
camsync_mode.en_set = 1;
camsync_mode.ext = 1; // 0;
camsync_mode.ext_set = 1;
// Causes mismatch with parameters, let it be there
// camsync_mode.ext = 1; // 0;
// camsync_mode.ext_set = 1;
camsync_mode.trig = 0;
camsync_mode.trig_set = 1;
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