Commit 721c8ed8 authored by YuriNenakhov's avatar YuriNenakhov


parent ca895095
......@@ -79,13 +79,11 @@ static ssize_t get_cache(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char
static ssize_t flush_cache(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
void *startaddr, *endaddr, *bufstart, *bufend;
void *startaddr, *endaddr;
unsigned long long offset, size;
offset = 0;
size = 0;
sscanf(buf, "%lli %lli", &offset, &size);
bufstart = elphel_buf.paddr;
bufend = bufstart + PAGE_SIZE*elphel_buf.size;
if (size == 0 || offset > elphel_buf.size*PAGE_SIZE || offset+PAGE_SIZE*size > elphel_buf.size*PAGE_SIZE)
startaddr = elphel_buf.vaddr;
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