Commit 6cc49742 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov Committed by GitHub


parent 7deb3303
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This is Eclipse CDT project, and the [setup sctipt](
project configuration (.project, .cproject, .settings) from eclipse_project_setup subdirectory.
Eclipse should be started after Linux kernel is built with `bitbake linux-xlnx` at least once
so all the required files are already present. Then you may import *linux-elphel* as
'existing Git project' in Eclipse (you need either Eclipse for C/C++ developmentg or intall [CDT
'existing Git project' in Eclipse (you need either Eclipse for C/C++ development or intall [CDT
plugin]( separately.
Do not run `bitbake linux-xlnx -c clean` while the project is open in Eclipse - this command
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