Commit 3c64c8e0 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: fix 32 bytes offset

parent a89358c3
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,4 +42,8 @@ struct circbuf_priv_t {
extern struct circbuf_priv_t *circbuf_priv_ptr;
/* debug code follows */
extern unsigned short circbuf_quality;
/* end of debug code */
#endif /* _CIRCBUF_H */
......@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
//#include <linux/of.h>
//#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <asm/outercache.h>
#include <asm/cacheflush.h>
//#include <asm/system.h>
//#include <asm/byteorder.h> // endians
......@@ -114,6 +116,10 @@ struct image_acq_pd_t {
int minor;
struct jpeg_ptr_t jpeg_ptr[IMAGE_CHN_NUM];
/* debug code follows */
// jpeg_hw_wp is equal to hardware pointer, jpeg_wp will lag from jpeg_hw_wp by one frame
static volatile int jpeg_hw_wp[IMAGE_CHN_NUM];
/* end of debug code */
static struct image_acq_pd_t image_acq_priv;
......@@ -242,10 +248,12 @@ DECLARE_TASKLET(tasklet_fpga, tasklet_fpga_function, 0); /// 0 - no arguments fo
static inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
phys_addr_t phys_addr;
void *virt_addr;
int xferred; /// number of 32-byte chunks transferred since compressor was reset
x393_afimux_status_t stat = x393_afimux0_status(jptr->chn_num);
//int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) >> 2;
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE);
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) >> 2;
//int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE);
xferred = stat.offset256 - jptr->fpga_cntr_prev;
if (xferred == 0)
......@@ -253,8 +261,27 @@ static inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
jptr->flags |= SENS_FLAG_IRQ;
jptr->fpga_cntr_prev = stat.offset256;
// if (xferred < 0)
// xferred += (1 << 26);
// increment in 32 bit words
jptr->jpeg_wp += (xferred << 3);
// jptr->jpeg_wp += (xferred << 3);
jptr->jpeg_wp = (stat.offset256 << 3);
// if (jptr->jpeg_wp > circbuf_size)
// jptr->jpeg_wp -= circbuf_size;
// invalidate CPU L1 and L2 caches
phys_addr = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].phys_addr + DW2BYTE(jptr->jpeg_wp) - CHUNK_SIZE;
virt_addr = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_ptr + jptr->jpeg_wp - INTERFRAME_PARAMS_SZ;
outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (CHUNK_SIZE - 1));
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(virt_addr, CHUNK_SIZE);
// printk(KERN_DEBUG "this channel start address: phys_addr = 0x%x; buf_ptr = 0x%x",
// circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].phys_addr, circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_ptr);
// printk(KERN_DEBUG "invalidate cache for channel %d: phys_addr = 0x%x; virt_addr = 0x%x\n",
// jptr->chn_num, phys_addr, virt_addr);
// printk(KERN_DEBUG "\t\tcurrent parameters: offset256 = 0x%x, fpga_prev_cntr = 0x%x, jpeg_wp = 0x%x, xferred = 0x%x\n",
// stat.offset256, jptr->fpga_cntr_prev, jptr->jpeg_wp, xferred);
return 1;
......@@ -289,7 +316,8 @@ inline static void set_default_interframe(struct interframe_params_t *params)
params->width = 2592;
params->byrshift = 3;
params->color = 0;
params->quality2 = 100;
params->quality2 = circbuf_quality;
//params->quality2 = 100;
......@@ -313,6 +341,8 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
// set_globalParam (0x306,get_globalParam (0x306)+1);
dma_addr_t phys_addr;
void *virt_addr;
struct interframe_params_t *interframe;
int len_offset = X393_BUFFSUB(jptr->jpeg_wp, INTERFRAME_PARAMS_SZ + 1);
int jpeg_len = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_ptr[len_offset] & FRAME_LENGTH_MASK;
......@@ -328,6 +358,19 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
set_globalParam(G_FRAME_SIZE, jpeg_len);
// invalidate CPU L1 and L2 caches
phys_addr = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].phys_addr + DW2BYTE(frame_params_offset);
//virt_addr = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_ptr + frame_params_offset;
virt_addr = interframe;
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(virt_addr, CHUNK_SIZE);
outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (CHUNK_SIZE - 1));
if (jptr->chn_num == 0) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "this channel start address: phys_addr = 0x%x; buf_ptr = 0x%x",
circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].phys_addr, circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_ptr);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "invalidate cache for channel %d: phys_addr = 0x%x; virt_addr = 0x%x\n",
jptr->chn_num, phys_addr, virt_addr);
return interframe;
......@@ -644,6 +687,9 @@ void reset_compressor(unsigned int chn)
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].jpeg_rp = 0;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].fpga_cntr_prev = 0;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].flags = 0;
/* debug code follows */
jpeg_hw_wp[chn] = 0;
/* debug code end */
......@@ -1361,6 +1361,7 @@ struct p_names_t {
#define LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT 11
#define LSEEK_CIRC_FREE 12
#define LSEEK_CIRC_USED 13
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