Commit 385eb407 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

histograms debugging, project setup files updated

parent 4ddade87
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.ant.AntBuilderLaunchConfigurationType">
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_PROVIDER" value="org.eclipse.ant.ui.AntClasspathProvider"/>
<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH" value="true"/>
<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_BUILDER_ENABLED" value="false"/>
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_DISABLED_BUILDER" value="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder"/>
<mapAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TOOL_ARGUMENTS"/>
<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TRIGGERS_CONFIGURED" value="true"/>
......@@ -11,16 +11,6 @@
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ inline int get_image_start_chn(int last_chunk_offset, unsigned int len32, int ch
return X393_BUFFSUB_CHN(last_chunk_offset + CHUNK_SIZE - INSERTED_BYTES(len32) - CCAM_MMAP_META, len32, chn);
/* debug code follows */
void stop_compressor(unsigned int chn)
......@@ -503,8 +503,9 @@ void stop_compressor(unsigned int chn) = 1;
mode.run_set = 1;
x393_cmprs_control_reg(mode, chn);
set_x393_cmprs_control_reg(mode, chn);
void dump_state(unsigned int chn)
int img_start, last_image_chunk;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ unsigned long get_imageParamsThis (int sensor_port, int n);
unsigned long get_imageParamsPrev (int sensor_port, int n);
unsigned long get_imageParamsPast(int sensor_port, int n, int frame);
unsigned long * get_imageParamsFramePtr(int sensor_port, int n, int frame);
unsigned long * get_imageParamsPastPtr (int sensor_port, int n, int frame);
void set_imageParamsThis (int sensor_port, int n, unsigned long d);
unsigned long get_globalParam (int sensor_port, int n);
......@@ -69,9 +71,5 @@ void schedule_this_pgm_func (int sensor_port, struct framepars_t * this_fr
//inline void _processParsSeq (int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, int frame8, int maxahead);
int processPars (int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc, int frame8, int maxahead);
///*** TODO: Add option (flag?) to write "single" (like single compress, single sensor) so it will not make all the next frames "single"
int framepars_init (struct platform_device *pdev);
int framepars_remove (struct platform_device *pdev);
// *** TODO: Add option (flag?) to write "single" (like single compress, single sensor) so it will not make all the next frames "single"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#undef ISR_HISTOGRAMS // to histograms-related disable code in ISR - not needed in NC393
// These wait queues will be advanced each frame after the histogram data is transferred to the FPGA.
// It will happen even if the corresponding task is disabled, with the only exception:
// hist_c_wait_queue will not be awaken in the current frame if it is too late (frame counter incremented while serving tasklet)
......@@ -28,3 +32,4 @@ int get_histograms (int sensor_port, int sensor_chn, unsigned long frame, int ne
//int histograms_init_hardware(void);
void histograms_dma_ctrl(int mode); // 0 - reset, 1 - disable, 2 - enable
......@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ static ssize_t imu_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, lof
switch ((int) file->private_data) {
case DEV393_MINOR(DEV393_LOGGER) :
if (!file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) {
if (!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
return -EINVAL; // readonly
if (p >= sizeof(wbuf)) return -EINVAL; // bigger than all
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int klogger_393_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
__func__,buffer_size,buffer_size, (int) klog393_buf);
res = register_chrdev(DEV393_MAJOR(DEV393_KLOGGER), DEV393_NAME(DEV393_KLOGGER), &framepars_fops);
if (res < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "framepars_init: couldn't get a major number %d (DEV393_MAJOR(DEV393_KLOGGER)).\n",
dev_err(dev, "klogger_393_probe: couldn't get a major number %d (DEV393_MAJOR(DEV393_KLOGGER)).\n",
return res;
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ const unsigned long param_depend_tab[]=
/// not need ONCHANGE_INITSENSOR | ONCHANGE_AFTERINIT - they will be scheduled by pgm_sensorphase if needed for the sensor
......@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ const unsigned long param_depend_tab[]=
P_COMP_BAYER, ONCHANGE_COMPMODE , // NC393 - derivative from P_BAYER, flips, ...
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr, ///< pointer
unsigned char orientation_short[2];
int maker_offset;
u32 frame = jptr->frame;
int frame_index = frame & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK;
// int frame_index = frame & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK;
// NC393: current parameters are valid at compressor done interrupt (after frame sync interrupts latest valid is new frame number - 2
if (index_time<0) index_time+=get_globalParam (sensor_port, G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2;
// struct exif_datetime_t
......@@ -655,11 +655,12 @@ static irqreturn_t frame_sync_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr = dev_id;
x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t cmdframeseq_mode = {.d32 = 0};
cmdframeseq_mode.interrupt_cmd = IRQ_CLEAR;
unsigned long flags;
int frame16;
u32 aframe;
cmdframeseq_mode.interrupt_cmd = IRQ_CLEAR;
u32 aframe = GLOBALPARS(jptr->chn_num, G_THIS_FRAME); // thisFrameNumber(jptr->chn_num); // current absolute frame number
aframe = GLOBALPARS(jptr->chn_num, G_THIS_FRAME); // thisFrameNumber(jptr->chn_num); // current absolute frame number
frame16 = getHardFrameNumber(jptr->chn_num, 0); // Use sensor frame number
updateFramePars (jptr->chn_num,
......@@ -728,7 +729,7 @@ void tasklet_compressor_function(unsigned long arg)
dma_addr_t phys_addr_start, phys_addr_end;
void *virt_addr_start;
int sensor_port = image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[arg].chn_num; // == arg & 3
// int sensor_port = image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[arg].chn_num; // == arg & 3
const struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr = &image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[arg];
unsigned int sz;
u32 ccam_dma_size = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].buf_size;
......@@ -760,10 +761,10 @@ implement 2 modes of controlling when to calculate histograms:
1 - add mask to 3 frame number LSB (i.e. - 0/10000000/10001000/10101010/11111111) - 3 contol bits - en/dis and mode
2 - requested in advance (i.e. by autoexposure when writing new exposure or white balance - when writing balance
mode 1 will provide easy way to display histograms (no need to repetively request them),
mode 1 will provide easy way to display histograms (no need to repeatedly request them),
mode 2 - useful for autoexposure
Modify waiting (LSEEK_*) for histogrames so they will only unfreeze if the histogram is available (skipping multiple frames))
Modify waiting (LSEEK_*) for histograms so they will only unfreeze if the histogram is available (skipping multiple frames))
For displaying histograms - try use latest available - not waiting fro a particular frame.
......@@ -774,19 +775,16 @@ For displaying histograms - try use latest available - not waiting fro a particu
void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
// int is_compressor_irq = 1; // TODO: add interrupts from frame sync if compressor is off
int hist_en;
int sensor_port = image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[arg].chn_num; // == arg & 3
int tasklet_disable=get_globalParam(sensor_port, G_TASKLET_CTL);
unsigned long thisFrameNumber=getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port);
unsigned long prevFrameNumber=thisFrameNumber-1;
unsigned long * hash32p=&(aframepars[sensor_port][(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_GTAB_R]); // same gamma for all sub-channels
unsigned long * framep= &(aframepars[sensor_port][(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_FRAME]);
// const struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr = &image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[arg];
// dma_addr_t phys_addr_start, phys_addr_end;
// void *virt_addr_start;
// unsigned int sz;
int subchn,hist_indx;
// Time is out?
......@@ -817,8 +815,11 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
default: // calculate always (safer)
// Actually in NC393 nothing has to be done with histograms at interrupts - do all the processing when histograms are requested
if (hist_en) {
histograms_check_init(); // check if histograms are initialized and initialize if not (structures and hardware)
// after updateFramePars gammaHash are from framepars[this-1]
for (subchn=0;subchn<MAX_SENSORS;subchn++) if (((hist_indx=get_hist_index(sensor_port,subchn)))>=0){
......@@ -842,12 +843,12 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "%s : port= %d, === already next frame (1)\n", __func__, sensor_port);
return; // already next frame
#endif // ifdef ISR_HISTOGRAMS
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
// Process parameters
......@@ -882,6 +883,7 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
if (hist_en) {
histograms_check_init(); // check if histograms are initialized and initialize if not (structures and hardware)
// after updateFramePars gammaHash are from framepars[this-1]
// after updateFramePars gammaHash are from framepars[this-1]
......@@ -904,6 +906,7 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "%s : port= %d, === already next frame (1)\n", __func__, sensor_port);
return; // already next frame
#endif // ifdef ISR_HISTOGRAMS
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_c_wait_queue); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
......@@ -1141,7 +1144,6 @@ int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
dev_info(dev, "reset_qtables(0) (policy = COMMON_CACHE)\n");
reset_qtables(0); // force initialization at next access (with COMMON_CACHE chyannel is ignored, with PER_CHN_CACHE - do for each chennel)
// framepars_init(pdev);
g_dev_ptr = dev;
return 0;
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int is_fpga_programmed(void) ///< @return 0 - bitstream is NOT loaded, 1 - bitst
if (!zynq_devcfg_ptr){
zynq_devcfg_ptr = ioremap(0xf8007000, 0x00010000);
if (!zynq_devcfg_ptr)
return -ENOMEM;
return 0; // -ENOMEM;
return (readl(zynq_devcfg_ptr + 0x000c) & 4)? 1: 0;
......@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ int setup_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
/** Control (stop/single/run/reset) memory controller for a sensor channel */
int control_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
int cmd, ///< command: 0 stop, 1 - single, 2 - repetitive, 3 - reset
int reset_frame, ///< reset addresses to the start of frame, reset buffer (1 of 4) pointer.
///< Should only be used if the channel controller was stopped before
x393cmd_t x393cmd, ///< how to apply commands - directly or through channel sequencer
int frame16) ///< Frame number the command should be applied to (if not immediate mode)
///< @return 0 -OK
......@@ -140,7 +142,9 @@ int control_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
.single = 0, // [ 9] (0) run single frame
.repetitive = 1, // [ 10] (1) run repetitive frames
.disable_need = 0, // [ 11] (0) disable 'need' generation, only 'want' (compressor channels)
.skip_too_late = 1}; // [ 12] (0) Skip over missed blocks to preserve frame structure (increment pointers)
.skip_too_late = 1, // [ 12] (0) Skip over missed blocks to preserve frame structure (increment pointers)
.abort_late = 1};// [ 14] (0) abort frame if not finished by the new frame sync (wait pending memory transfers)
mcntrl_mode.reset_frame = reset_frame;
switch (cmd){
mcntrl_mode.enable = 0;
......@@ -192,7 +196,6 @@ int control_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
return 0;
/** Setup memory controller for a compressor channel */
int setup_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
int window_width, ///< 13-bit - in 8*16=128 bit bursts
......@@ -285,26 +288,30 @@ int setup_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3
/** Control memory controller (stop/single/run/reset) for a compressor channel */
int control_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
int cmd, ///< command: 0 stop, 1 - single, 2 - repetitive, 3 - reset
int reset_frame, ///< reset addresses to the start of frame, reset buffer (1 of 4) pointer.
///< Should only be used if the channel controller was stopped before
int extra_pages, ///< extra pages needed (1) - number of previous pages to keep in a 4-page buffer
int disable_need, ///< disable "need" (yield to sensor channels - they can not wait)
x393cmd_t x393cmd, ///< how to apply commands - directly or through channel sequencer
int frame16) ///< Frame number the command should be applied to (if not immediate mode)
///< @return 0 - OK
x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t mcntrl_mode = {.enable = 1, // [ 0] (1) enable requests from this channel ( 0 will let current to finish, but not raise want/need)
.chn_nreset = 1, // [ 1] (1) 0: immediately reset all the internal circuitry
x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t mcntrl_mode = {.chn_nreset = 1, // [ 0] (1) 0: immediately reset all the internal circuitry
.enable = 1, // [ 1] (1) enable requests from this channel ( 0 will let current to finish, but not raise want/need)
.write_mem = 0, // [ 2] (0) 0 - read from memory, 1 - write to memory
.extra_pages = 1, // [ 4: 3] (0) 2-bit number of extra pages that need to stay (not to be overwritten) in the buffer
.keep_open = 0, // [ 5] (0) (NA in linescan) for 8 or less rows - do not close page between accesses (not used in scanline mode)
.byte32 = 1, // [ 6] (1) (NA in linescan) 32-byte columns (0 - 16-byte), not used in scanline mode
.reset_frame = 0, // [ 8] (0) reset frame number
.reset_frame = 1, // [ 8] (0) reset frame number
.single = 0, // [ 9] (0) run single frame
.repetitive = 1, // [ 10] (1) run repetitive frames
.disable_need = 1, // [ 11] (0) disable 'need' generation, only 'want' (compressor channels)
.skip_too_late = 1};// [ 12] (0) Skip over missed blocks to preserve frame structure (increment pointers)
mcntrl_mode.disable_need = disable_need; // non-constant parameter
mcntrl_mode.extra_pages = extra_pages; // non-constant parameter
.skip_too_late = 1, // [ 12] (0) Skip over missed blocks to preserve frame structure (increment pointers)
.copy_frame = 1, // [ 13] (0) Copy frame number from the master (sensor) channel. Combine with reset_frame to reset bjuffer
.abort_late = 1};// [ 14] (0) abort frame if not finished by the new frame sync (wait pending memory transfers)
mcntrl_mode.disable_need = disable_need;
mcntrl_mode.extra_pages = extra_pages;
mcntrl_mode.reset_frame = reset_frame;
switch (cmd){
mcntrl_mode.enable = 0;
......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ struct elphel_video_buf_t
int frames_in_buffer[4]; ///< Number of frames in channel 0 buffer
int setup_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, int window_width, int window_height, int window_left,
int window_top, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int control_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, int cmd, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int setup_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, int window_width, int window_height, int window_left,
int window_top, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int control_sensor_memory (int num_sensor, int cmd, int reset_frame, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int setup_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, int window_width, int window_height, int window_left,
int window_top, int tile_width, int tile_height, int tile_vstep,
x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int control_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, int cmd, int extra_pages, int disable_need, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int control_compressor_memory (int num_sensor, int cmd, int reset_frame, int extra_pages, int disable_need, x393cmd_t x393cmd, int frame16);
int frames_in_buffer_minus_one (int num_sensor);
void memchan_enable (int chn, int enable);
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
<li> bit 3 - no overlap, single frames: program - acquire/compress same frame</ul>*/
#define P_BGFRAME 16 ///< Background measurement mode - will use 16-bit mode and no FPN correction
//#define P_IMGSZMEM 17 ///< image size in video memory (calculated when channel 0 is programmed) NC393: Not used ???
#define P_COMP_BAYER 17 ///< derivative, readonly - calculated from P_BAYER and COMPMOD_BYRSH to separate sensor and compressor channels
//#define P_COMP_BAYER 17 ///< -> 119 derivative, readonly - calculated from P_BAYER and COMPMOD_BYRSH to separate sensor and compressor channels
// image page numbers depend on image size/pixel depth, so changing any of them will invalidate all pages
#define P_PAGE_ACQ 18 ///< Number of image page buffer to acquire to (0.1?) NC393: Not used ???
#define P_PAGE_READ 19 ///< Number of image page buffer to read from to (0.1?) NC393: Not used ???
......@@ -458,6 +458,8 @@
#define P_RFOCUS_TOP 117 ///< relative (0x10000 - 1.0)focus WOI top margin, inclusive (3 LSB will be zeroed as it should be multiple of 8x8 block height)
#define P_RFOCUS_HEIGHT 118 ///< relative (0x10000 - 1.0)focus WOI height (3 LSB will be zeroed as it should be multiple of 8x8 block height)
#define P_COMP_BAYER 119 ///< compressor bayer (before applying P_COMPMOD_BYRSH)
#define P_MEMSENSOR_DLY 120 ///< sensor-to-memory channel frame sync delay in mclk cycles (5ns @200MHz)
// Obsolete in x393, may need something different
#ifdef NC353
#define P_SDRAM_CHN20 125 ///< data to be written to the SDRAM CH2 REG 0 (last moment) TODO: Obsolete in x393, may need something different
......@@ -501,7 +503,7 @@
// the following 8 values should go in the same sequence as fields in the histogram page
// 393: per sub-channel
//// Will need to have them per-subchannel (4x)
//Next 8 copied to histograms data
#define P_FRAME 136 ///< Frame number (reset with JPEG pointers) -(read only)
#define P_GAINR 137 ///< R channel gain 8.16 (0x10000 - 1.0). Combines both analog gain and digital scaling
#define P_GAING 138 ///< G channel gain ("red line")
......@@ -510,6 +512,7 @@
#define P_EXPOS 141 ///< P_RW_EXPOS 1 exposure time - now in microseconds?
#define P_VEXPOS 142 ///< video exposure (if 0 - use P_RW_EXPOS in ms)
#define P_FOCUS_VALUE 143 ///< (readonly) - sum of all blocks focus values inside focus WOI
#define P_COMPMOD_BYRSH 144 ///< Bayer shift in compressor
#define P_PORTRAIT 145 ///< Quantization coefficients optimized for vertical scan lines
......@@ -678,7 +681,8 @@
#define GLOBALS_PRESERVE 0x20 /// number of parameters that are not erased during initGlobalPars
#define GLOBALPARS(p, x) (aglobalPars[p][(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS]) ///< should work in drivers and applications, First 32 parameter values are not erased with initGlobalPars
#define GLOBALPARS(p, x) (aglobalPars[p][(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS]) ///< should work in drivers and applications, First 32 parameter values are not erased with initGlobalPars
#define GLOBALPARS_SNGL(x) (globalPars[(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS]) ///< for applications that use just one port
#define G_DEBUG (FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS + 2) ///< Each bit turns on/off some debug outputs
#define G_TEST_CTL_BITS (FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS + 3) ///< turn some features on/off in the drivers for debugging purposes
......@@ -879,7 +883,8 @@
/// if defined 1 - will wakeup each frame, regardless of the availability of the histograms
/// Number of frames handled in the buffer (increased to 16 for NC393).
......@@ -1074,7 +1079,6 @@ struct p_names_t {
......@@ -1190,6 +1194,8 @@ struct p_names_t {
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