Commit 168fe2f3 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

fixed TRIGGER_PERIOD == 0 (stop)

parent a93c7321
......@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ int pgm_limitfps (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} P_CLK_SENSOR == 0, abort command\n",sensor_port);
return -1;
if (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] !=1) { // <256 - single trig, here only ==1 is for single
if (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] >1 ) { // <256 - single trig, here only ==1 is for single
min_period_camsync = sensor_to_camsync(min_period, thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR]);
if (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] < min_period_camsync) SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_TRIG_PERIOD, min_period_camsync); // set it (and propagate to the later frames)
// if (async && (thispars->pars[P_FPSFLAGS] & 2) && (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] > period)) {
......@@ -1273,6 +1273,7 @@ int pgm_limitfps (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3
if (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] > period_camsync) {
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_TRIG_PERIOD, period_camsync); // set it (and propagate to the later frames)
MDP(DBGB_PADD, sensor_port,"SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_TRIG_PERIOD, 0x%x)\n", period_camsync)
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_TRIG_PERIOD, 0x%x) - was too low\n", sensor_port, period_camsync);
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