Commit 0ec6662c authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

fixed frame number to raw info

parent 705ca5de
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
//#define DEBUG
#define DEBUG
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
......@@ -702,6 +702,8 @@ static inline int membridge_is_busy(void){
int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
unsigned long frame_num;
//unsigned long frame_num_this, frame_num_past;
int p_color, p_pf_height;
int width_marg, height_marg, width_bursts;
......@@ -728,6 +730,7 @@ int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
// wait for target frame here
// if target_frame is less or equal than current frame
// update sizes (local vars)
......@@ -754,27 +757,34 @@ int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
buf_size = pElphel_buf->raw_chn0_size*PAGE_SIZE;
// membridge busy lock
if (membridge_locked==0){
return -EBUSY;
/** TODO: wait for the next frame then read past parameter
* if target_frame from sysfs < current frame then wait for current+1
* if target_frame from sysfs > current frame then wait for target_frame+1
// if went through - get frame number and parameters
frame_num = getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port);
//frame_num_this = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_FRAME);
//frame_num_past = get_imageParamsPast(sensor_port,P_FRAME,frame_num);
width_marg = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_ACTUAL_WIDTH);
// get all required parameters under spinlock
width_marg = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_ACTUAL_WIDTH);
height_marg = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_ACTUAL_HEIGHT);
p_color = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_COLOR);
p_color = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_COLOR);
p_pf_height = get_imageParamsThis(sensor_port,P_PF_HEIGHT);
......@@ -787,7 +797,7 @@ int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
width_bursts = (width_marg >> 4) + ((width_marg & 0xf) ? 1 : 0);
pr_debug("VIDEOMEM: width_marg=%d height_marg=%d width_burts=%d",width_marg, height_marg, width_bursts);
pr_debug("VIDEOMEM: frame_num=%d width_marg=%d height_marg=%d width_burts=%d", frame_num, width_marg, height_marg, width_bursts);
setup_membridge_memory(sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
0, ///< 0 - from fpga mem to system mem, 1 - otherwise
......@@ -799,7 +809,7 @@ int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
0, ///< START X ...
0, ///< START Y ...
DIRECT, ///< how to apply commands - directly or through channel sequencer
target_frame); ///< Frame number the command should be applied to (if not immediate mode)
frame_num); ///< Frame number the command should be applied to (if not immediate mode)
// setup membridge system memory - everything is in QW
......@@ -830,7 +840,7 @@ int membridge_start(int sensor_port, unsigned long target_frame){
pr_debug("membridge status is %d\n",status.busy);
// fill out raw_info
raw_info.frame_num[sensor_port] = target_frame;
raw_info.frame_num[sensor_port] = frame_num;
raw_info.width[sensor_port] = width_marg;
raw_info.height[sensor_port] = height_marg;
raw_info.bpp[sensor_port] = 8;
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