Commit 0d5bd2de authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

more debugging with updated fpga code

parent 1769750d
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ int putlong_meta(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int * indx, unsigned long
// Uses struct exif_time that should be updated from the user space (once a day),
// calculates date/time ignoring leap seconds if not updated in time
* 393: Continue to use same static buffers for exif_time
* 393: Continue to use same static buffers for exif_time - common to all channels
char * encode_time(char buf[27], unsigned long sec, unsigned long usec) {
unsigned long s,d,m,y,y4,lp,h;
......@@ -422,11 +422,11 @@ char * encode_time(char buf[27], unsigned long sec, unsigned long usec) {
int store_meta(int sensor_port) { //called from IRQ service - put current metadata to meta_buffer, return page index
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
int retval=aexif_wp[sensor_port];
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][aexif_wp[sensor_port] * aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]], ameta_buffer[sensor_port],aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]);
int meta_index=aexif_wp[sensor_port];
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][meta_index * aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]], ameta_buffer[sensor_port], aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]);
if (aexif_wp[sensor_port] > MAX_EXIF_FRAMES) aexif_wp[sensor_port] = 1;
return retval;
return meta_index;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ open() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@ int pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (
x393_lens_height_m1_t vign_hight1 = {.d32=0};
x393_lens_height_m1_t vign_hight2 = {.d32=0};
x393_sens_mode_t sens_mode = {.d32=0};
x393_camsync_mode_t camsync_mode = {.d32=0};
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"{%d} frame16=%d\n",sensor_port,frame16);
MDP(DBGB_PSFN, sensor_port,"frame16=%d\n",frame16)
......@@ -681,7 +682,61 @@ int pgm_initsensor (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (
MDP(DBGB_PADD, sensor_port,"X393_SEQ_SEND1(0x%x, 0x%x, x393_sens_mode, 0x%x)\n",
sensor_port, frame16, sens_mode.d32)
self.set_camsync_period (0) # reset circuitry
self.X393_gpio.set_gpio_ports (port_a = True)
self.set_camsync_mode (
en = True,
en_snd = True,
en_ts_external = external_timestamp,
triggered_mode = trigger_mode,
master_chn = 0,
chn_en = sensor_mask)
void x393_camsync_mode (x393_camsync_mode_t d); // CAMSYNC mode
// CAMSYNC mode
typedef union {
struct {
u32 en: 1; // [ 0] (1) Enable CAMSYNC module
u32 en_set: 1; // [ 1] (1) Set 'en' bit
u32 en_snd: 1; // [ 2] (1) Enable sending timestamps (valid with 'en_snd_set')
u32 en_snd_set: 1; // [ 3] (0) Set 'en_snd'
u32 ext: 1; // [ 4] (1) Use external (received) timestamps, if available. O - use local timestamps
u32 ext_set: 1; // [ 5] (0) Set 'ext'
u32 trig: 1; // [ 6] (1) Sensor triggered mode (0 - free running sensor)
u32 trig_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) Set 'trig'
u32 master_chn: 2; // [ 9: 8] (0) master sensor channel (zero delay in internal trigger mode, delay used for flash output)
u32 master_chn_set: 1; // [ 10] (0) Set 'master_chn'
u32 ts_chns: 4; // [14:11] (1) Channels to generate timestmp messages (bit mask)
u32 ts_chns_set: 4; // [18:15] (0) Sets for 'ts_chns' (each bit controls corresponding 'ts_chns' bit)
u32 :13;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_camsync_mode_t;
self.set_camsync_mode (
en = True,
en_snd = True,
en_ts_external = False,
triggered_mode = False,
master_chn = 0,
chn_en = sensor_mask)
camsync_mode.en = 1;
camsync_mode.en_set = 1;
camsync_mode.ext = 0;
camsync_mode.ext_set = 1;
camsync_mode.trig = 0;
camsync_mode.trig_set = 1;
x393_camsync_mode (camsync_mode); // immediate mode, bypass sequencer CAMSYNC mode
// (TODO NC393: Make it possible to synchronize writes (through sequencer)
set_x393_camsync_trig_period (0); // reset circuitry (immediate mode)
if (frame16 >= 0) return -1; // should be ASAP
//TODO: seems nothing to do here - all in the sensor-specific function:
//Adding setup compressor report status mode - maybe move elsethere? Needed for comprfessor frame reporting, has to be done just once
......@@ -1378,6 +1433,7 @@ int pgm_sensorin (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3
x393_sensio_width_t sensio_width = {.d32=0};
x393_sens_sync_mult_t sync_mult = {.d32=0};
x393_gamma_ctl_t gamma_ctl = {.d32=0};
int n_scan_lines, n_ph_lines;
int flips;
int bayer_modified;
......@@ -1450,7 +1506,7 @@ int pgm_sensorin (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3
// Change Bayer for gamma/histograms?
if (bayer_modified) {
gamma_ctl.bayer = thispars->pars[P_BAYER] ^ flips ^ sensor->bayer;
gamma_ctl.bayer = thispars->pars[P_BAYER] ^ flips ^ sensor->bayer ^ 3; // 3 added for NC393
gamma_ctl.bayer_set = 1;
//NC393: Other needed bits are set in pgm_initsensor (they must be set just once)
......@@ -1462,6 +1518,31 @@ int pgm_sensorin (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3
#if 0
typedef union {
struct {
u32 run: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) Run mode
u32 run_set: 1; // [ 2] (0) Set 'run'
u32 qbank: 3; // [ 5: 3] (0) Quantization table bank
u32 qbank_set: 1; // [ 6] (0) Set 'qbank'
u32 dcsub: 1; // [ 7] (0) Subtract DC enable
u32 dcsub_set: 1; // [ 8] (0) Set 'qbank'
u32 cmode: 4; // [12: 9] (0) Color format
u32 cmode_set: 1; // [ 13] (0) Set 'cmode'
u32 multiframe: 1; // [ 14] (0) Multi/single frame mode
u32 multiframe_set: 1; // [ 15] (0) Set 'multiframe'
u32 : 2;
u32 bayer: 2; // [19:18] (0) Bayer shift
u32 bayer_set: 1; // [ 20] (0) Set 'bayer'
u32 focus: 2; // [22:21] (0) Focus mode
u32 focus_set: 1; // [ 23] (0) Set 'focus'
u32 : 8;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_mode_t;
// Control for the gamma-conversion module
typedef union {
......@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ int add_sensor_proc(int port, int index, int (*sens_func)(int sensor_port, struc
#define X393_SEQ_SEND1S(port,frame,func,data,subchn) {if ((frame) < 0) seqr_##func (0, (data), (port), (subchn)); \
else seqa_##func ((frame), (data), (port), (subchn)); }
/** Tells if parameter is modifies
* @param x parameter index to test
* @return nonzero if modified */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -305,7 +305,8 @@
<li> bit 2 - async (snapshot, ext trigger) mode, 0 - continuous NOTE: Only this bit is used now
<li> bit 3 - no overlap, single frames: program - acquire/compress same frame</ul>*/
#define P_BGFRAME 16 ///< Background measurement mode - will use 16-bit mode and no FPN correction
#define P_IMGSZMEM 17 ///< image size in video memory (calculated when channel 0 is programmed) NC393: Not used ???
//#define P_IMGSZMEM 17 ///< image size in video memory (calculated when channel 0 is programmed) NC393: Not used ???
#define P_COMP_BAYER 17 ///< derivative, readonly - calculated from P_BAYER and COMPMOD_BYRSH to separate sensor and compressor channels
// image page numbers depend on image size/pixel depth, so changing any of them will invalidate all pages
#define P_PAGE_ACQ 18 ///< Number of image page buffer to acquire to (0.1?) NC393: Not used ???
#define P_PAGE_READ 19 ///< Number of image page buffer to read from to (0.1?) NC393: Not used ???
......@@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ struct p_names_t {
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