• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    LEGACY_PLUGIN is now in full use: · e88bc8e5
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
    *) for footprint access into *.mod files and 
    *) BOARD save/load
    The item_io.cpp and ioascii.cpp have been set off to the side for reference
    as *.notused, for awhile.
    The CMake options USE_NEW_PCBNEW_LOAD and USE_NEW_PCBNEW_SAVE are gone,
    this is now the mandatory usage of the LEGACY_PLUGIN.  This should reduce
    code maintenance for awhile until the s-expression plugin comes into 
    play.  But at least for legacy format, there is not two code bodies
    to maintain any more.
    A new LEGACY_PLUGIN footprint library caching scheme is in place which 
    needs some testing.  It should not be any faster, but might give better 
    results in a networked environment if there is *.mod files on the server.
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