Last commit
Last update
3d-viewer Add pl_editor_doc.icns, from Orson. Fix Bug #1217504 (bad look of Module Properties Dialog, 3D fields).
CMakeModules switch to newer boost version.
Documentation REMOVE: USE_PCBNEW_NANOMETERS by making it the only way to go in pcbnew, effectively removing the deci-mils build.
bitmap2component Pcbnew fix Bug #1192203 (I hope ...)
bitmaps_png Initial release of pl_editor, the page layout and title block editor.
common Pcbnew: enhancements for blind/buried vias palcement, and save blind/buried vias allowed option in .kicad_pcb file
cvpcb Lay basis for a more full featured usage of boost, including compiled libraries such as unit_test_framework, system, etc. Move headers now into boost_root/include/boost/.
demos Pcbnew: Fix a bug when reading a netlist which forces pcbnew to read lib files to find a footprint even if the right footprint is already loaded (which explains the long time to load netlists)
eeschema Add <aliases> and <alias> to generic netlist XML format, required by new support.
gerbview *) retain grid origin in the BOARD and save it in legacy and kicad board files.
helpers/tools_to_build_newstroke-font See CHANGELOG.txt
include Pcbnew: enhancements for blind/buried vias palcement, and save blind/buried vias allowed option in .kicad_pcb file
kicad Lay basis for a more full featured usage of boost, including compiled libraries such as unit_test_framework, system, etc. Move headers now into boost_root/include/boost/.
new remove -std=c++0x compiler option since nobody is ready for it, and accordingly back into auto_ptr from unique_ptr
packaging Last (minor) fixes for the stable version
pagelayout_editor Pl_Editor: fix some minor issues.
patches remove boost and make it an external project, so the procedure for upgrading is better documented
pcb_calculator Pl_Editor: fix minor issues in multi-lines texts
pcbnew Pcbnew: enhancements for blind/buried vias placement ( separate keys to add a buried via or a through via), and save" blind/buried vias allowed" option in .kicad_pcb file
polygon Fix MinGW build issue for missing isinf() in PolyLine.cpp.
potrace 1) Add "rules" to base of tree for copying into BZR_HOME/rules.
resources Pcbnew: fix some minor issues.
scripting Initial release of pl_editor, the page layout and title block editor.
scripts Clarify, extend, and rename ky*.py to
template Add GOST page layout description files in template
tools Loading commit data...
.bzrignore Loading commit data...
AUTHORS.txt Loading commit data...
CHANGELOG.txt Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
COPYRIGHT.txt Loading commit data...
CTestConfig.cmake Loading commit data...
Doxyfile Loading commit data...
HOW_TO_CONTRIBUTE.txt Loading commit data...
INSTALL.txt Loading commit data...
README.txt Loading commit data...
TODO.txt Loading commit data...
copyright.h Loading commit data...
license_for_documentation.txt Loading commit data...
notes_about_pcbnew_new_file_format.odt Loading commit data...
rules Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...