• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    Configuration and compile documentation improvements. · 4d465ec8
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Improve the stable and testing build version option logic.
    * Use CMake FindPythonInterp to configure the Python interpreter.
    * Use Python interpreter to determine the system Python module install
      path if not already defined on the command line.
    * Add header symbol checks for asinh(), acosh(), and atanh().
    * Add test source to check for isinf() which can be defined as a C++template.
    * Replace conditional compile on windows systems for aXXXh() with CMake
      configuration tests.
    * A few minor MSVC compile fixes.
    * Fix incorrect python environment string in fixswigimports.py
    * Create a separate document for KiCad CMake build options.
    * Create a separate how to compile KiCad on Windows document.
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