• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    Improve Eeschema find code and add initial replace plumbing. · d9e0ab02
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Replace Eeschema find code with a collector based implementation.
    * Fixed a search bug when all subsequent searches of an item would ignore
      the remaining valid child items when an item had more than one child
      item that matched the search criteria.
    * Add SCH_FIND_COLLECTOR class to find all items that meet the specified
      search criteria.
    * Add SCH_FIND_COLLECT0R_DATA to keep track of information for all matching
    * Use collector to iterate over the list of items that match the search
      criteria rather than trying to start at the last matched item.
    * Remove unused searching methods from sheet path and sheet path list
    * Add replace and replace all functionality to Eeschema find dialog.
    * Push matching methods down to EDA_ITEM class so they can be used by
      other derived objects.
    * Add method to EDA_ITEM to test if item supports replacing.
    * Add flag to find/replace data to support replace feature.
    * Disable wild card matching check box when dialog is in replace mode as
      wild card replacement is not supported at this time.
    * The usual Doxygen comment and coding policy fixes.
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