Last commit
Last update
3d-viewer changed layer constants XXX_CU and XXXX_CMP to XXX_BACK and XXX_FRONT
CMakeModules code cleaning and a minor problem fixed in Gerbview printing option
Documentation Compiler warning, object name, bug, and string fixes.
bitmaps Use CMAKE_COMMAND macro because it is expanded to include full path
common minot patch for OSX
cvpcb fixed build problem for specctra.cpp stand alone.
demos set eol-style native on new files
eeschema Pcbnew: print dialog: added pads drill option (like in plot dialog)
gerbview minot patch for OSX
include expose DisplayColorFrame
internat minot patch for OSX
kicad fixed build problem for specctra.cpp stand alone.
packaging fixed compil error, and a display problem in eeschema
pcbnew allow user to change layer color
polygon fixed a potential bug in fill zone.
resources Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
scripts Applied Torsten PCBNew DRC patch and testcase, update email, update scripts
share Applied Torsten PCBNew DRC patch and testcase, update email, update scripts
template cvpcb doc update. others updates and minor bugs fixes.
AUTHORS.txt Applied Torsten PCBNew DRC patch and testcase, update email, update scripts
CHANGELOG.txt Gerbview: Added support of arcs in polygons outlines. Need more tests, but works.
CMakeLists.txt AUI support into topmost CMakeLists.txt
COPYRIGHT.txt Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
Doxyfile Hotkey submenu added, fixed typos. See CHANGELOG.txt
INSTALL.txt Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
README.txt Loading commit data...
TODO.txt Loading commit data...
copyright.h Loading commit data...
notes_about_pcbnew_new_file_format.odt Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...
version.txt Loading commit data...