• stambaughw's avatar
    CVPcb code refactoring, global variable elimination, and UI updates. · aa51c05d
    stambaughw authored
    * Add methods to read and write project file parameters using dynamically defined list.
    * Remove all global variables defined in CVPcb code.
    * Dynamically define project file settings so class member variables can be used.
    * Separate reading and writing application settings from project file settings.
    * Make application UI objects and dialogs respect system UI font.
    * Remove non-standard widget colors from CVPcb dialogs.
    * Changed CVPcb object link list implementation to use wxList.
    * Changed project library and path dialog to make OK button save project file instead of confusing "Save Cfg" button.
    * Eliminate some duplicate file wildcard and extension definitions.
    * The usual code reformatting, commenting, and spelling fixes.
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