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3d-viewer Pcbnew: fix Bug #1413701 (Segfault on highlight "unconnected" net 0 in Pcbnew ). Also, remove now useless code and other very minor fixes.
CMakeModules Set default footprint library table and 3D model library environment variables.
Documentation Convert coding policy document from odt to markdown for inclusion in developer's documentation.
bitmap2component Pcbnew: fix Bug #1413701 (Segfault on highlight "unconnected" net 0 in Pcbnew ). Also, remove now useless code and other very minor fixes.
bitmaps_png Very minor fixes.
common Set default footprint library table and 3D model library environment variables.
cvpcb Pcbnew: simplify draw code in default canvas and plot functions by removing the plot LINE option, which is not existing in all plotters, not existing in opengl/cairo canvas, and not usefull in default canvas.
demos Fix compat with swig 3.03
eeschema Fix serious memory leak in schematic part library manager.
gerbview Pcbnew: fix Bug #1413701 (Segfault on highlight "unconnected" net 0 in Pcbnew ). Also, remove now useless code and other very minor fixes.
helpers/tools_to_build_newstroke-font See CHANGELOG.txt
include Set default footprint library table and 3D model library environment variables.
kicad Minor and very minors fixes: move -DKICAD_USE_WEBKIT definition to the main CMakeLists.txt. Remove duplicate semi-colon at end of some lines.
lib_dxf Pcbnew: very minor fixes and update: update clipper version. uncrustify polytri/* and fix some warning compil.
new Jettison FP_LIB_TABLE::ConvertFromLegacy() into a static function, where it
packaging Aesthetic enhancements ( use few svg icons from Konstantin Baranowskiy).
pagelayout_editor Very minor fixes: add missing const return type to some GetBoundingBox() declarations. Change few functions names to better names in some places (like GetName() to GetPinName() )
patches OSX build fixes.
pcb_calculator Minor and very minors fixes: move -DKICAD_USE_WEBKIT definition to the main CMakeLists.txt. Remove duplicate semi-colon at end of some lines.
pcbnew Pcbnew: fix Bug #1418135 (scrollbars never shown in design rules dialog, in netclasses grid list, which prevent to use many netclasses). Also fix very minor other issues.
polygon Very minor fixes: add missing const return type to some GetBoundingBox() declarations. Change few functions names to better names in some places (like GetName() to GetPinName() )
potrace 1) Add "rules" to base of tree for copying into BZR_HOME/rules.
qa Fix the pcb bouncing box test adding the track clearance.
resources/linux/mime Very minor fixes.
scripting Misc minor fixes (Fix some minor compil warnings).
scripts Loading commit data...
template Loading commit data...
tools Loading commit data...
utils Loading commit data...
webviewer Loading commit data...
.bzrignore Loading commit data...
.gitconfig Loading commit data...
AUTHORS.txt Loading commit data...
CHANGELOG.txt Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
COPYRIGHT.txt Loading commit data...
CTestConfig.cmake Loading commit data...
Doxyfile Loading commit data...
INSTALL.txt Loading commit data...
README.txt Loading commit data...
TODO.txt Loading commit data...
copyright.h Loading commit data...
license_for_documentation.txt Loading commit data...
rules Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...