• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    PCB common library header rationalization. · edd35b4e
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * All header files used to create the PCB common library now compile as
      stand alone code.  This prevents the need to define them in a specific
      order to make source code compile properly.  It should also now be
      possible to relocate the source code to build the common PCB library
      to a separate folder.
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3d_aux.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_canvas.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_class.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_draw.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_frame.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_read_mesh.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_struct.h Loading commit data...
3d_toolbar.cpp Loading commit data...
3d_viewer.h Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
trackball.cpp Loading commit data...
trackball.h Loading commit data...