Last commit
Last update
complex_hierarchy AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
ecc83 AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
electric Gerbview:
flat_hierarchy AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
interf_u Pcbnew: fix issues: Ensure pads type connector have a drill size= 0, like SMD pads. Ensure keepout zones have no net.
kit-dev-coldfire-xilinx_5213 AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
microwave CMakeLists.txt: use elseif token instead of elif which create issues with some cmake version.
pic_programmer AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
pspice Demo files cleanup and update
sonde xilinx AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
test_pads_inside_pads AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
test_xil_95108 AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
video AUTHORS.txt: add some contributor names (I certainly forgot some other contributors, and I apologize).
CMakeLists.txt Libedit: fix bug (svg export does not work)