• Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
    Pcbnew s-experssion footprint library implementation. · 1468a4ae
    Wayne Stambaugh authored
    * Add footprint methods to PCB_IO.
    * Add FP_CACHE and FP_CACHE_ITEM for handling new footprint library design.
    * Add code to save legacy libraries in new format.
    * Change behavior of BOARD_ITEM::GetLayerName() to return the default layer
      name when the item does not have a BOARD as a parent.
    * Minor changes to the module output formatter when writing to module library
      files (no BOARD as parent).
    * Add new (and some that I forgot along the way) CMake flags to
    * Add -Wno-narrowing to GCC flags to stop GCC 4.7 from complaining about
      a conversion from int to unsigned in the Boost polygon library.
    * Add INPUT_STREAM_READER to richio.cpp to allow using any object derived
      from wxInputStream as a LINE_READER (needs to be validated).
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