Last commit
Last update
3d-viewer committed patch for zones 3D view
CMakeModules AUI support into topmost CMakeLists.txt
Documentation Added Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala compiling note
bitmaps Use CMAKE_COMMAND macro because it is expanded to include full path
common fixed tagged translation
cvpcb fix some problems (not all) when using wxAUI.
demos set eol-style native on new files
eeschema Component library pin editing bug fixes from Brian Sidebotham.
gerbview Gerbview: fixed an update conflict.
include Component library pin editing bug fixes from Brian Sidebotham.
internat rework on zones:try to fix a filling problem with kbool
kicad Comment translations.
packaging fixed compil error, and a display problem in eeschema
pcbnew fixing uppercase/lowercase problem in an included file (polyline.h is really PolyLine.h).
polygon Fixed my filling problem in pcbnew by changing some parameters in kbool
resources Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
scripts Cleanup TODO list, update kicad-get-rss script
share EESchema UI normalization and configuration updates and Gerbview parser bug fix.
template cvpcb doc update. others updates and minor bugs fixes.
AUTHORS.txt Added: handling multiple user paths in library path list in Cvpcb. Other minor changes
CHANGELOG.txt Pcbnew: control of masks clearance: Pad Editor Dialog rewritten to handle local mask clearances and a local Net clearance
CMakeLists.txt AUI support into topmost CMakeLists.txt
COPYRIGHT.txt Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
Doxyfile Hotkey submenu added, fixed typos. See CHANGELOG.txt
INSTALL.txt Big cleanup of sourcetree root structure, added Documentation subfolder, moved packaging stuff for osx and windows (nsis) to packaging.
README.txt Loading commit data...
TODO.txt Loading commit data...
copyright.h Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...
version.txt Loading commit data...