• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    * Remove virtual BOARD_ITEM::{Get,Set}Position() which in turn means all · c2fa1b88
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
        derived classes' implementations of these functions become non virtual and
        can be truly _inlined_ for speed!  All GetPosition() in derived classes were also
        changed to return const wxPoint&, that is, a reference rather than a
        full copy of the position wxPoint. There was no need for polymorphism in
        {Get,Set}Position() since we never call these functions via generic pointer.
      * Remove BOARD::{Get,Set}Position() since they were only there to satisfy
        the pure virtuals established in BOARD_ITEM, which are now gone.
      * Added const wxPoint& CPolyLine::GetPos(), made CPolyLine::Get{X,Y}() inline.
      * Derive CPolyPt from wxPoint so we can return "const wxPoint&" fromt
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