• dickelbeck's avatar
    ++pcbnew & gerbview · 860fbb16
    dickelbeck authored
      * Moved ReturnLayerName() to static BOARD::GetDefaultLayerName() and migrated
        to a Specctra DSN compatible default layer naming scheme:
            Component becomes Front, Copper becomes Back.
      * set_color.h: Cmp becomes Front, Cu becomes Back.
      * D_PAD::DisplayInfo() changed to use actual copper layer names.
      * more layer setup dialog work, moved all programmatic wxControl instantiation
        into the wxFormbuilder environment, but this is fraught with danger:
        wxFlexGridSizer used the tallest control to establish the row heights, so
        be careful about changing control borders in the scroll panel. The vertical
        size can explode since just a couple of pixels times the number of rows
        is substantial.  Currently I am setting a 5 pixel border only left, top, and right
        but not bottom.
      * Set copper layer count is back in place as a hack until I can get the enabled
        layer bit map fully operational.
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