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3d-viewer better code compatibility with others compilers (MSVC)
CMakeModules Update FindZLIB.cmake to version 2.6.1 + add MSYS path.
bitmaps *.o files need to be unique within a link image, else the debugger will not properly show symbols from the modules with the name clash.
common cyrillic font support, russian GOST support
cvpcb better code compatibility with others compilers (MSVC)
demos CMake:
eeschema Eeschema: solved minor problems in libedit in functions locate and move fields.
gerbview more aperture macro work
include gerbview cleanup, and working towards aperture macro support
internat typo
kicad Beautify code see change_log.txt
nsis_win_installer minor changes (typo, about dialog) before release
pcbnew Eeschema: solved minor problems in libedit in functions locate and move fields.
polygon Thermal shapes modification for round and oblong pads.
resources CMake:
scripts a script to change the silkscreen font size globally and to turn off component value texts
share solved a minor bug (pcbnew): arcs incorrectly printed in mirror mode
template Menu and statusbar strings made more clear
CMake.TODO CMake:
CMakeLists.txt cyrillic font support, russian GOST support
Doxyfile Beautification, Doxyfile edits
GUI_Translation_HOWTO.odt removed some errors and typo in GUI_Translation_HOWTO
GUI_Translation_HOWTO.pdf removed some errors and typo in GUI_Translation_HOWTO
UIpolicies.txt UIpolicy.txt
change_log.txt Thermal shapes modification for round and oblong pads.
copyright.h Loading commit data...
freeroute.jnlp Loading commit data...
how-to-build-for-windows.txt.deprecated Loading commit data...
how-to-build-kicad.txt Loading commit data...
install.txt Loading commit data...
libs.linux Loading commit data...
libs.macosx Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
makefile.g95 Loading commit data...
makefile.gtk Loading commit data...
makefile.macosx Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
regex_doc.txt Loading commit data...
running_kicad_under_W98.txt Loading commit data...
todo.txt Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...
version.txt Loading commit data...