Last commit
Last update
3d-viewer Rework on DXF export.
CMakeModules Pcbnew: fix bug #1313076 (Filled Zones on technical layers) does not show up on 3D rendering
Documentation Add DRC and website improvements to road map.
bitmap2component Modular-Kicad milestone B), major portions:
bitmaps_png Footprint Editor: minor cosmetic enhancement (which could avoid a report like bug #1302255)
common Fix for context menu hanging up in GAL.
cvpcb Upstream merge.
demos Merged the new Interactive Push and Shove router.
eeschema Plot DXF: better generation of filled zone polygons.
gerbview Pcbnew: plot dialog: remove obscure and useless option about texts which are not value or reference.
helpers/tools_to_build_newstroke-font See CHANGELOG.txt
include Fix for context menu hanging up in GAL.
kicad Pcbnew: plot dialog: remove obscure and useless option about texts which are not value or reference.
lib_dxf Pcbnew: very minor fixes and update: update clipper version. uncrustify polytri/* and fix some warning compil.
new Jettison FP_LIB_TABLE::ConvertFromLegacy() into a static function, where it
packaging Minor code cleanup in 3d viewer (remove dead or useless code). Some minor other fixes.
pagelayout_editor Pcbnew: plot dialog: remove obscure and useless option about texts which are not value or reference.
patches [MacOSX] wxPython patch revised for
pcb_calculator Try some new Mac support ideas.
pcbnew Ratsnest is computed for legacy boards in GAL view.
polygon Constification of HitTest and GetParent
potrace 1) Add "rules" to base of tree for copying into BZR_HOME/rules.
qa Fix py26 testing for OSX, assertIsNotNone unavailable for py26
resources Corrected the error message about required OpenGL version for GAL. Fixed pcb_calculator .desktop file.
scripting Fix a mismatch between method signature in scripting/python_scripting.cpp and scripting/python_scripting.h
scripts Loading commit data...
template Loading commit data...
tools Loading commit data...
utils Loading commit data...
.bzrignore Loading commit data...
AUTHORS.txt Loading commit data...
CHANGELOG.txt Loading commit data...
CMakeLists.txt Loading commit data...
COPYRIGHT.txt Loading commit data...
CTestConfig.cmake Loading commit data...
Doxyfile Loading commit data...
INSTALL.txt Loading commit data...
README.txt Loading commit data...
TODO.txt Loading commit data...
copyright.h Loading commit data...
license_for_documentation.txt Loading commit data...
rules Loading commit data...
uncrustify.cfg Loading commit data...