1. 27 Oct, 2013 1 commit
    • Wayne Stambaugh's avatar
      Eeschema find/replace bug fixes and improvements (fixes 1208616). · f0b2565f
      Wayne Stambaugh authored
      * Fix replace bug to handle case sensitivity properly.
      * Fix replace bug where the item index was getting updated incorrectly.
      * Fix replace infinite loop bug on replace all.
      * Make find/replace view update code a separate function.
      * Rearrange find/replace trace string to add tracing to EDA_ITEM::Replace().
      * Add IsComplexHierarchy method to SCH_SHEET_LIST for future find/replace
  2. 26 Oct, 2013 2 commits
  3. 25 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  4. 24 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  5. 23 Oct, 2013 2 commits
  6. 22 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  7. 20 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  8. 19 Oct, 2013 2 commits
  9. 18 Oct, 2013 7 commits
  10. 17 Oct, 2013 7 commits
  11. 15 Oct, 2013 3 commits
  12. 14 Oct, 2013 4 commits
  13. 13 Oct, 2013 2 commits
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      *) Switch over to FP_LIB_TABLE::Footprint*() functions. · afd6f292
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
      *) Set environment variable KISYSMOD before loading FP_LIB_TABLE so that
         FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW::SetFullURI() can do substitution up front.
      *) De-emphasize the lib path in some of the footprint frames but keep it
         so the footprint editor can export a current library to another.
         You can even export a GITHUB library to a pretty library for local 
      *) Start the PLUGIN options editor.
      *) Enhance cursor positioning in DIALOG_FP_LIB_TABLE.
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      specctra_export.cpp: fix a bug in my export function to 3D viewer which... · 7f648995
      jean-pierre charras authored
      specctra_export.cpp: fix a bug in my export function to 3D viewer which generates bad shapes for holes generated by outlines
      inside the main board outlines.
      specctra_export.cpp: always approximate arcs in outlines by 36 segm for 360 degrees,
      even for arc angle which differs from 90 degrees.
      90 degrees is the default when creating an arc, but the arc value can be edited and have any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
      Previously, 9 segments were used regardless the arc angle.