1. 20 Mar, 2014 1 commit
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      * KIWAY Milestone A): Make major modules into DLL/DSOs. · 2c67c3ff
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
      !   The initial testing of this commit should be done using a Debug build so that
          all the wxASSERT()s are enabled.  Also, be sure and keep enabled the
          USE_KIWAY_DLLs option.  The tree won't likely build without it.  Turning it
          off is senseless anyways.  If you want stable code, go back to a prior version,
          the one tagged with "stable".
      *   Relocate all functionality out of the wxApp derivative into more finely
          targeted purposes:
          a) DLL/DSO specific
          b) PROJECT specific
          c) EXE or process specific
          d) configuration file specific data
          e) configuration file manipulations functions.
          All of this functionality was blended into an extremely large wxApp derivative
          and that was incompatible with the desire to support multiple concurrently
          loaded DLL/DSO's ("KIFACE")s and multiple concurrently open projects.
          An amazing amount of organization come from simply sorting each bit of
          functionality into the proper box.
      *   Switch to wxConfigBase from wxConfig everywhere except instantiation.
      *   Remove "Return" prefix on many function names.
      *   Remove obvious comments from CMakeLists.txt files, and from else() and endif()s.
      *   Fix building boost for use in a DSO on linux.
      *   Remove some of the assumptions in the CMakeLists.txt files that windows had
          to be the host platform when building windows binaries.
      *   Reduce the number of wxStrings being constructed at program load time via
          static construction.
      *   Pass wxConfigBase* to all SaveSettings() and LoadSettings() functions so that
          these functions are useful even when the wxConfigBase comes from another
          source, as is the case in the KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME.
      *   Move the setting of the KIPRJMOD environment variable into class PROJECT,
          so that it can be moved into a project variable soon, and out of FP_LIB_TABLE.
      *   Add the KIWAY_PLAYER which is associated with a particular PROJECT, and all
          its child wxFrames and wxDialogs now have a Kiway() member function which
          returns a KIWAY& that that window tree branch is in support of.  This is like
          wxWindows DNA in that child windows get this member with proper value at time
          of construction.
      *   Anticipate some of the needs for milestones B) and C) and make code
          adjustments now in an effort to reduce work in those milestones.
      *   No testing has been done for python scripting, since milestone C) has that
          being largely reworked and re-thought-out.
  2. 04 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  3. 03 Feb, 2014 5 commits
  4. 02 Feb, 2014 5 commits
  5. 01 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  6. 30 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  7. 29 Jan, 2014 4 commits
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      Add specific bitmaps in export IDF and export DSN menus. · f43ed909
      jean-pierre charras authored
      Add missing calls to Show( false ) to some main frames (Kicad, eeschema, gerbview), to force config saving when closing these windows.
      Code cleanup and minor coding style fixes in footprint_wizard_frame.
    • Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
      Make option KICAD_KEEPCASE actually functional for Eeschema, and make the setting default ON. · 2ac58935
      Dick Hollenbeck authored
      The desire is to migrate designs *away from* case independence, and to create
      designs which use literally (case specific) interpreted component names. But for
      backwards compatibility, you may turn OFF this option if you really must.
      (Remember that with KiCad using text data files, typically you would be better
      off simply doctoring those files into a case literal state with a text editor
      and move forward into the brave new world of case specificity. Also, BOM
      generators may not work properly when you have this option turned OFF, the xml
      export's referential integrity is broken on library part name. Hence the default
      is ON now, as of 29-Jan-2014.
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      Add specific bitmaps in export IDF and export DSN menus. · ce6b907f
      jean-pierre charras authored
      Add missing calls to Show( false ) to some main frames (Kicad, eeschema, gerbview), to force config saving when closing these windows.
      Code cleanup and minor coding style fixes  in footprint_wizard_frame
    • unknown's avatar
      Pcbnew: export IDF fixes · 690a0016
      unknown authored
  8. 28 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  9. 27 Jan, 2014 6 commits
  10. 26 Jan, 2014 5 commits
  11. 25 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  12. 24 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  13. 22 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  14. 21 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  15. 20 Jan, 2014 2 commits