Commit fff34db7 authored by charras's avatar charras

pcbnew: added oblong thermal relief for oblong pads (from a contribution) ....

pcbnew: added oblong thermal relief for oblong pads (from a contribution) . added contributor to kicad list
parent 7beb0f22
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ void InitKiCadAbout( wxAboutDialogInfo& info )
info.AddDeveloper( SetMsg( wxT( "Jerry Jacobs <>" ) ) );
info.AddDeveloper( SetMsg( wxT( "Dick Hollenbeck <>" ) ) );
info.AddDeveloper( SetMsg( wxT( "KBool Library <>" ) ) );
info.AddDeveloper( SetMsg( wxT( "Vesa Solonen <>" ) ) );
/* Add document writers */
info.AddDocWriter( wxT( "Jean-Pierre Charras <>" ) );
......@@ -400,7 +400,8 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::SwapData( SCH_COMPONENT* copyitem )
m_Fields.swap( copyitem->m_Fields ); // std::vector's swap()
// Reparent items after copying data (after swap() m_Pareny member does not points the right parent):
// Reparent items after copying data
// (after swap(), m_Parent member does not points the right parent):
for( int ii = 0; ii < copyitem->GetFieldCount(); ++ii )
copyitem->GetField(ii)->m_Parent = copyitem;
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ COMMON_GLOBL wxString g_BuildVersion
# include "config.h"
# else
(wxT("(20081008-unstable)")) /* main program version */
(wxT("(20081019-unstable)")) /* main program version */
# endif
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ COMMON_GLOBL wxString g_BuildAboutVersion
# include "config.h"
# else
(wxT("(20081008-unstable)")) /* svn date & rev (normally overridden) */
(wxT("(20081019-unstable)")) /* svn date & rev (normally overridden) */
# endif
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......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void AddTextBoxWithClearancePolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
// Local Variables:
/* how many segments are used to create a polygon from a circle: */
static int s_CircleToSegmentsCount = 16; /* default value. the real value will be changed to 32
* if g_Zone_Arc_Approximation == 1
* if g_Zone_Arc_Approximation == 1
/** function AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList
......@@ -380,13 +380,13 @@ void AddThermalReliefPadPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end.y );
/* add the radius lines */
corners_buffer.push_back( copper_tickness.x / 2);
corners_buffer.push_back( copper_tickness.y / 2);
corners_buffer.push_back( copper_tickness.x / 2 );
corners_buffer.push_back( copper_tickness.y / 2 );
// Now, add the 4 holes ( each is the pattern, rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270 deg
angle = 450; // TODO: problems with kbool if angle = 0 (bad filled polygon on some pads, but not alls)
int angle_pad = aPad.m_Orient; // Pad orientation
angle = 450; // TODO: problems with kbool if angle = 0 (bad filled polygon on some pads, but not alls)
int angle_pad = aPad.m_Orient; // Pad orientation
for( unsigned ihole = 0; ihole < 4; ihole++ )
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ void AddThermalReliefPadPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < corners_buffer.size(); ii += 2 )
corner = wxPoint( corners_buffer[ii], corners_buffer[ii + 1] );
RotatePoint( &corner, angle + angle_pad ); // Rotate by segment angle and pad orientation
RotatePoint( &corner, angle + angle_pad ); // Rotate by segment angle and pad orientation
corner += PadShapePos;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
......@@ -408,6 +408,145 @@ void AddThermalReliefPadPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
case PAD_OVAL:
// Oval pad support along the lines of round and rectangular pads
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer; // Polygon buffer as vector
int dx = (aPad.m_Size.x / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius x
int dy = (aPad.m_Size.y / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius y
wxPoint shape_offset;
if( dx > dy ) // Some coordinate fiddling, depending on the shape offset direction
shape_offset = wxPoint( (dx - dy), 0 );
// Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( copper_tickness.x / 2, copper_tickness.y / 2 ) );
// Arc start point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
if( copper_tickness.x > dx - dy ) // If copper thickness is more than shape offset, we need to calculate arc intercept point.
corner.x = copper_tickness.x / 2;
corner.y =
(int) sqrt( (double) ( dy * dy ) -
( ( corner.x - (dx - dy) ) * ( corner.x - (dx - dy) ) ) );
corner.x -= (dx - dy);
corner.x = copper_tickness.x / 2;
corner.y = dy;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
corner.x = ( (dx - dy) - copper_tickness.x ) / 2;
// Arc stop point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
corner_end.y = copper_tickness.y / 2;
corner_end.x = (int) sqrt( (double) ( ( dx * dx ) - ( corner_end.y * corner_end.y ) ) );
shape_offset = wxPoint( 0, (dx - dy) );
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( copper_tickness.x / 2, -copper_tickness.y / 2 ) );
if( copper_tickness.y > dy - dx )
corner.y = copper_tickness.y / 2;
corner.x =
(int) sqrt( (double) ( dx *
dx ) -
( ( corner.y - (dy - dx) ) * ( corner.y - (dy - dx) ) ) );
corner.y = ( -copper_tickness.y / 2 ) + (dy - dx);
corner.y = -copper_tickness.y / 2;
corner.x = dx;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
corner.y = ( (dy - dx) - copper_tickness.y ) / 2;
corner_end.x = copper_tickness.x / 2;
corner_end.y = -(int) sqrt( (double) ( ( dy * dy ) - ( corner_end.x * corner_end.x ) ) );
// calculate intermediate points till limit is reached
if( dx > dy )
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x > corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
//corners_buffer.push_back(corner + shape_offset); // TODO: about one mil geometry error forms somewhere.
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end ); // Enabling the line above shows intersection point.
/* Create 2 holes, rotated by pad rotation.
angle = aPad.m_Orient;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
for( int ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += PadShapePos;
aBooleng->AddPoint( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle += 1800; // this is calculate hole 3
if( angle >= 3600 )
angle -= 3600;
// Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
for( int i = 0; i < corners_buffer.size(); i++ )
wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[i];
swap = wxPoint( -swap.x, swap.y );
corners_buffer[i] = swap;
// Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
angle = aPad.m_Orient;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
for( int ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += PadShapePos;
aBooleng->AddPoint( cpos.x, cpos.y );
angle += 1800;
if( angle >= 3600 )
angle -= 3600;
case PAD_RECT: // draw 4 Holes
/* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
......@@ -552,7 +691,7 @@ void AddRoundedEndsSegmentPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
startp = aEnd;
int delta_angle = ArcTangente( endp.y, endp.x ); // delta_angle is in 0.1 degrees
seg_len = (int) sqrt( ((double)endp.y * endp.y) + ((double)endp.x * endp.x) );
seg_len = (int) sqrt( ( (double) endp.y * endp.y ) + ( (double) endp.x * endp.x ) );
if( !aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
return; // error!
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