Commit fef50dd8 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Changed way of naming VIEW_ITEM update flags to be more explicit.

VIEW_ITEMs save the layer numbers they use, it allowed to speed up removal of items.
parent d0fc362e
......@@ -73,15 +73,6 @@ EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL( wxWindow* aParentWindow, wxWindowID aWin
m_view->SetPainter( m_painter );
m_view->SetGAL( m_gal );
// View uses layers to display EDA_ITEMs (item may be displayed on several layers, for example
// pad may be shown on pad, pad hole and solder paste layers). There are usual copper layers
// (eg. F.Cu, B.Cu, internal and so on) and layers for displaying objects such as texts,
// silkscreen, pads, vias, etc.
for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT; i++ )
m_view->AddLayer( i );
m_viewControls = new KiGfx::WX_VIEW_CONTROLS( m_view, this );
Connect( wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler( EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::onPaint ), NULL, this );
......@@ -50,6 +50,15 @@ VIEW::VIEW( bool aIsDynamic ) :
// Redraw everything at the beginning
for( int i = 0; i < TARGETS_NUMBER; ++i )
MarkTargetDirty( i );
// View uses layers to display EDA_ITEMs (item may be displayed on several layers, for example
// pad may be shown on pad, pad hole and solder paste layers). There are usual copper layers
// (eg. F.Cu, B.Cu, internal and so on) and layers for displaying objects such as texts,
// silkscreen, pads, vias, etc.
for( int i = 0; i < VIEW_MAX_LAYERS; i++ )
AddLayer( i );
......@@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ void VIEW::Add( VIEW_ITEM* aItem )
int layers[VIEW_MAX_LAYERS], layers_count;
aItem->ViewGetLayers( layers, layers_count );
aItem->saveLayers( layers, layers_count );
for( int i = 0; i < layers_count; i++ )
......@@ -103,12 +113,14 @@ void VIEW::Remove( VIEW_ITEM* aItem )
if( m_dynamic )
aItem->m_view = NULL;
// fixme: this is so sloooow!
for( LayerMapIter i = m_layers.begin(); i != m_layers.end(); ++i )
int layers[VIEW::VIEW_MAX_LAYERS], layers_count;
aItem->getLayers( layers, layers_count );
for( int i = 0; i < layers_count; ++i )
VIEW_LAYER* l = & ( ( *i ).second );
l->items->Remove( aItem );
l->isDirty = true;
VIEW_LAYER& l = m_layers[layers[i]];
l.items->Remove( aItem );
l.isDirty = true;
......@@ -595,7 +607,9 @@ void VIEW::draw( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer, bool aImmediate ) const
void VIEW::draw( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, bool aImmediate ) const
int layers[VIEW_MAX_LAYERS], layers_count;
aItem->ViewGetLayers( layers, layers_count );
aItem->getLayers( layers, layers_count );
// Sorting is needed for drawing order dependent GALs (like Cairo)
SortLayers( layers, layers_count );
for( int i = 0; i < layers_count; ++i )
......@@ -773,26 +787,30 @@ void VIEW::clearGroupCache()
void VIEW::invalidateItem( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aUpdateFlags )
int layers[VIEW_MAX_LAYERS], layers_count;
aItem->ViewGetLayers( layers, layers_count );
aItem->getLayers( layers, layers_count );
// Iterate through layers used by the item and recache it immediately
for( int i = 0; i < layers_count; i++ )
if( aUpdateFlags == VIEW_ITEM::APPEARANCE )
updateItemAppearance( aItem, layers[i] );
else if( aUpdateFlags == VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY )
int layerId = layers[i];
if( aUpdateFlags & VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY )
// Reinsert item
// Reinsert item in order to update bounding box
Remove( aItem );
Add( aItem );
updateItemGeometry( aItem, layers[i]); /// TODO is it still necessary?
if( isCached( layerId ) )
updateItemGeometry( aItem, layerId ); /// TODO is it still necessary?
else if( aUpdateFlags & VIEW_ITEM::COLOR )
updateItemColor( aItem, layerId );
// Mark those layers as dirty, so the VIEW will be refreshed
m_layers[layers[i]].isDirty = true;
MarkTargetDirty( m_layers[layers[i]].target ); // TODO remove?
m_layers[layerId].isDirty = true;
MarkTargetDirty( m_layers[layerId].target ); // TODO remove?
......@@ -812,7 +830,7 @@ void VIEW::sortLayers()
void VIEW::updateItemAppearance( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer )
void VIEW::updateItemColor( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer )
wxASSERT( (unsigned) aLayer < m_layers.size() );
......@@ -875,13 +893,13 @@ void VIEW::RecacheAllItems( bool aImmediately )
VIEW_LAYER* l = &( ( *i ).second );
// Obviously, there is only one cached target that has to be recomputed
if( isCached( l->id ) )
m_gal->SetTarget( l->target );
m_gal->SetLayerDepth( l->renderingOrder );
recacheLayer visitor( this, m_gal, l->id, aImmediately );
l->items->Query( r, visitor );
l->isDirty = false;
......@@ -71,6 +71,20 @@ void VIEW_ITEM::ViewRelease()
void VIEW_ITEM::getLayers( int* aLayers, int& aCount ) const
int* layersPtr = aLayers;
for( int i = 0; i < m_layers.size(); ++i )
if( m_layers[i] )
*layersPtr++ = i;
aCount = m_layers.count();
int VIEW_ITEM::getGroup( int aLayer ) const
for( int i = 0; i < m_groupsSize; ++i )
......@@ -472,13 +472,13 @@ public:
inline bool IsHighlighted() const { return m_Flags & HIGHLIGHTED; }
inline bool IsBrightened() const { return m_Flags & BRIGHTENED; }
inline void SetSelected() { SetFlags( SELECTED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void SetHighlighted() { SetFlags( HIGHLIGHTED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void SetBrightened() { SetFlags( BRIGHTENED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void SetSelected() { SetFlags( SELECTED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
inline void SetHighlighted() { SetFlags( HIGHLIGHTED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
inline void SetBrightened() { SetFlags( BRIGHTENED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
inline void ClearSelected() { ClearFlags( SELECTED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void ClearHighlighted() { ClearFlags( HIGHLIGHTED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void ClearBrightened() { ClearFlags( BRIGHTENED ); ViewUpdate( APPEARANCE ); }
inline void ClearSelected() { ClearFlags( SELECTED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
inline void ClearHighlighted() { ClearFlags( HIGHLIGHTED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
inline void ClearBrightened() { ClearFlags( BRIGHTENED ); ViewUpdate( COLOR ); }
void SetModified();
......@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ private:
void clearGroupCache();
/// Updates colors that are used for an item to be drawn
void updateItemAppearance( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer );
void updateItemColor( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer );
/// Updates all informations needed to draw an item
void updateItemGeometry( VIEW_ITEM* aItem, int aLayer );
......@@ -31,14 +31,16 @@
#define __VIEW_ITEM_H
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <math/box2.h>
#include <view/view.h>
#include <gal/definitions.h>
namespace KiGfx
// Forward declarations
class GAL;
class PAINTER;
class VIEW;
* Class VIEW_ITEM -
......@@ -62,12 +64,14 @@ public:
* - ALL: all flags above */
enum ViewUpdateFlags {
ALL = 0xff
APPEARANCE = 0x01, /// Visibility flag has changed
COLOR = 0x02, /// Color has changed
GEOMETRY = 0x04, /// Position or shape has changed
ALL = 0xff
VIEW_ITEM() : m_view( NULL ), m_visible( true ), m_groups( NULL ), m_groupsSize( 0 ) {}
VIEW_ITEM() : m_view( NULL ), m_visible( true ), m_groups( NULL ),
m_groupsSize( 0 ) {}
* Destructor. For dynamic views, removes the item from the view.
......@@ -165,6 +169,15 @@ public:
friend class VIEW;
* Function getLayers()
* Returns layer numbers used by the item.
* @param aLayers[]: output layer index array
* @param aCount: number of layer indices in aLayers[]
virtual void getLayers( int* aLayers, int& aCount ) const;
* Function viewAssign()
* Assigns the item to a given dynamic VIEW. Called internally by the VIEW.
......@@ -229,6 +242,25 @@ protected:
* @returns true in case it is cached at least for one layer.
virtual bool storesGroups() const;
/// Stores layer numbers used by the item.
std::bitset<VIEW::VIEW_MAX_LAYERS> m_layers;
* Function saveLayers()
* Saves layers used by the item.
* @param aLayers is an array containing layer numbers to be saved.
* @param aCount is the size of the array.
virtual void saveLayers( int* aLayers, int aCount )
for( int i = 0; i < aCount; ++i )
} // namespace KiGfx
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