Commit fba479cf authored by f3nix's avatar f3nix

Describe windows debug build.

parent 97f7365f
......@@ -49,22 +49,33 @@ or a newer version.
Start msys so you have a bash shell. Decide where your wxWidgets build directory
will be. It must be where you can access it from within the msys environment,
such as home/<user>. Edit your msys/1.0/etc/fstab file if needed to provide
access to this build directory from msys. Unzip the wmMWS zip file into this
build directory. Change directories into there, and then
rm *.cache
./configure --enable-unicode=yes --enable-shared=no --enable-monolithic --with-msw --with-opengl
access to this build directory from msys. (Note that if you want you can build
a "debug" version of the wxWidgets library at this point, instead of the release
version, or in addition to the the release version.)
Unzip the wmMWS zip file into the build directory. Change directories into there,
and then:
mkdir build-release
mkdir build-debug
-- release
cd build-release
../configure --enable-unicode --enable-monolithic --disable-shared --with-msw --with-opengl
make install
-- debug
cd build-debug
../confgiure --enable-unicode --enable-monolithic --enable-debug --enable-debug_gdb --disable-shared --with-msw --with-opengl
make install
I think the default is to install into /usr/local/wxMSW-2.8.7. You can probably
pass --prefix=<wxInstallDir> to configure above to change where "make install"
puts everything. We will refer to <wxInstallDir> again below. Without the
--prefix=<wxInstallDir> passed to configure, <wxInstallDir> will likely be
Also note that if you want you can build a "debug" version of the wxWidgets
library at this point, instead of the release version, or in addition to the
the release version.
Verify that wx-config is in your path. Modify your PATH environment variable
if need be so you can run wx-config from a command prompt. You may have to
restart your msys shell, depending on how you modify your PATH.
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