Commit f7755bdc authored by Andrey Fedorushkov's avatar Andrey Fedorushkov

pcbnew: show clearance when move or drag via

parent c4c2cd3a
......@@ -874,8 +874,10 @@ void SEGVIA::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, int draw_mode, const wxPoint
if( DisplayOpt.ShowTrackClearanceMode == SHOW_CLEARANCE_ALWAYS )
if( ShowClearance( this ) )
GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, m_Start + aOffset, radius + GetClearance(), 0, color );
// for Micro Vias, draw a partial cross : X on component layer, or + on copper layer
// (so we can see 2 superimposed microvias ):
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