Commit f687f9ef authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

catch some IO_ERRORs

parent 5efdac01
......@@ -226,6 +226,30 @@ struct APP_SINGLE_TOP : public wxApp
return wxApp::OnExit();
int OnRun() // overload wxApp virtual
return wxApp::OnRun();
catch( const std::exception& e )
wxLogError( "Unhandled exception class: %s what: %s",
typeid(e).name(), e.what() );
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
wxLogError( "Unhandled exception class: %s what: %s",
typeid( ioe ).name(), TO_UTF8( ioe.errorText ) );
wxLogError( "Unhandled exception of unknown type" );
return -1;
* Function MacOpenFile
* is specific to MacOSX (not used under Linux or Windows).
......@@ -119,6 +119,20 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::SetNewPkg( const wxString& aFootprintName )
#if 0
This code block was based on two major assumptions that are no longer true:
1) Footprint library basenames would remain the same.
(But no, basenames have been renamed in the github repo.)
2) *.mod files would still be around and merely reside in the FP_LIB_TABLE.
(But no, they have been converted to *.pretty.)
There is a newer replacement code block in the #else region.
* Function missingLegacyLibs
* tests the list of \a aLibNames by URI to determine if any of them are missing from
......@@ -171,21 +185,6 @@ static bool missingLegacyLibs( FP_LIB_TABLE* aTbl, SEARCH_STACK& aSStack,
#if 0
This code block was based on two major assumptions that are no longer true:
1) Footprint library basenames would remain the same.
(But no, basenames have been renamed in the github repo.)
2) *.mod files would still be around and merely reside in the FP_LIB_TABLE.
(But no, they have been converted to *.pretty.)
There is a newer replacement code block in the #else region.
* Function convertFromLegacy
* converts the footprint names in \a aNetList from the legacy format to the #FPID format.
......@@ -460,7 +459,6 @@ bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReadNetListAndLinkFiles()
#else // new strategy
/// Return true if the resultant FPID has a certain nickname. The guess
/// is only made if this footprint resides in only one library.
/// @return int - 0 on success, 1 on not found, 2 on ambiguous i.e. multiple matches
......@@ -548,40 +546,52 @@ bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReadNetListAndLinkFiles()
for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_netlist.GetCount(); i++ )
COMPONENT* component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );
if( component->GetFPID().IsLegacy() )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_netlist.GetCount(); i++ )
int guess = guessNickname( tbl, (FPID*) &component->GetFPID() );
COMPONENT* component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );
switch( guess )
if( component->GetFPID().IsLegacy() )
case 0:
DBG(printf("%s: guessed OK ref:%s fpid:%s\n", __func__,
TO_UTF8( component->GetReference() ), component->GetFPID().Format().c_str() );)
m_modified = true;
case 1:
msg += wxString::Format( _(
"Component '%s' footprint '%s' was <b>not found</b> in any library.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )
int guess = guessNickname( tbl, (FPID*) &component->GetFPID() );
switch( guess )
case 0:
DBG(printf("%s: guessed OK ref:%s fpid:%s\n", __func__,
TO_UTF8( component->GetReference() ), component->GetFPID().Format().c_str() );)
m_modified = true;
case 1:
msg += wxString::Format( _(
"Component '%s' footprint '%s' was <b>not found</b> in any library.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )
case 2:
msg += wxString::Format( _(
"Component '%s' footprint '%s' was found in <b>multiple</b> libraries.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )
case 2:
msg += wxString::Format( _(
"Component '%s' footprint '%s' was found in <b>multiple</b> libraries.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
wxString msg = ioe.errorText;
msg += wxT( "\n\n" );
msg += _( "First check your fp-lib-table entries." );
wxMessageBox( msg, wxT( "Problematic fp-lib-tables" ) );
return false;
if( msg.size() )
......@@ -593,7 +603,13 @@ bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReadNetListAndLinkFiles()
dlg.MessageSet( wxT( "\nYou will need to reassign them manually if you want them "
"to be updated correctly the next time you import the "
"netlist in Pcbnew." ) );
#if 1
dlg.Show( true ); // modeless lets user watch while fixing the problems, but its not working.
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