Commit f311bb4d authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras


    Enhanced algorithms to calculate board connections:
    Previously, a track was seen connected to a pad only if the track end is
    exactly on the pad position.
    Now a track is seen connected to a pad if the track end is inside the pad shape.
    Algorithm to calculate pads connections to track is still very fast.
    However some other functions (drag pads, track len calculation ...)
    still need the track end exactly on the pad position.
Dead code removal.
parent 2ae221d9
......@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ KiCad ChangeLog 2010
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2011-Dec-04, UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Enhanced algorithms to calculate board connections:
Previously, a track was seen connected to a pad only if the track end is
exactly on the pad position.
Now a track is seen connected to a pad if the track end is inside the pad shape.
Algorithm to calculate pads connections to track is still very fast.
However some other functions (drag pads, track len calculation ...)
still need the track end exactly on the pad position.
2011-Nov-27 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ Pcbnew:
2011-Sept-01, UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Add Fabrizio Tappero <fabrizio-dot-tappero[at]gmail-dot-com> in contribuotors list.
Add Fabrizio Tappero <fabrizio-dot-tappero[at]gmail-dot-com> in contributors list.
Graphic texts ans labels: fix fully broken undo/redo code relative to the way undo/redo command
handles changes (maintly move) for labels
......@@ -933,19 +933,11 @@ public:
bool Other_Layer_Route( TRACK* track, wxDC* DC );
void HighlightUnconnectedPads( wxDC* DC );
* Function DisplayNetStatus
* shows the status of the net at the current mouse position or the
* PCB status if no segment selected.
void DisplayNetStatus( wxDC* DC );
* Function Delete_Segment
* removes 1 segment of track.
* 2 cases:
* If There is evidence of new track: delete new segment.
* Otherwise, delete segment under the cursor.
* removes a track segment.
* If a new track is in progress: delete the current new segment.
* Otherwise, delete segment under the mouse cursor.
TRACK* Delete_Segment( wxDC* DC, TRACK* Track );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -216,21 +216,6 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Other_Layer_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* DC )
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DisplayNetStatus( wxDC* DC )
TRACK* pt_segm;
int layerMask = (1 << getActiveLayer());
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->RefPos( true );
pt_segm = GetBoard()->GetTrace( GetBoard()->m_Track, pos, layerMask );
if( pt_segm == NULL )
GetBoard()->DisplayInfo( this );
TestNetConnection( DC, pt_segm->GetNet() );
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Show_1_Ratsnest( EDA_ITEM* item, wxDC* DC )
D_PAD* pt_pad = NULL;
......@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ static void EnsureEndTrackOnPad( D_PAD* Pad );
static PICKED_ITEMS_LIST s_ItemsListPicker;
/* Routine to cancel the route if a track is being drawn, or exit the application EDITRACK.
/* Function called to abort a track creation
static void Abort_Create_Track( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Panel->GetParent();
BOARD * pcb = frame->GetBoard();
TRACK* track = (TRACK*) frame->GetCurItem();
BOARD* pcb = frame->GetBoard();
TRACK* track = (TRACK*) frame->GetCurItem();
if( track && ( track->Type()==PCB_VIA_T || track->Type()==PCB_TRACE_T ) )
......@@ -88,16 +88,19 @@ static void Abort_Create_Track( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
frame->SetCurItem( NULL );
* This function starts a new track segment.
* If a new track segment is in progress, ends this current new segment,
* and created a new one.
TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
D_PAD* pt_pad = NULL;
TRACK* TrackOnStartPoint = NULL;
int layerMask = g_TabOneLayerMask[( (PCB_SCREEN*) GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer];
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
if( aTrack == NULL ) /* Starting a new track */
if( aTrack == NULL ) /* Starting a new track segment */
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor, Abort_Create_Track );
......@@ -118,15 +121,16 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
// Search for a starting point of the new track, a track or pad
LockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );
D_PAD* pad = NULL;
if( LockPoint ) // An item (pad or track) is found
if( LockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
pt_pad = (D_PAD*) LockPoint;
pad = (D_PAD*) LockPoint;
/* A pad is found: put the starting point on pad center */
pos = pt_pad->m_Pos;
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( pt_pad->GetNet() );
pos = pad->m_Pos;
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( pad->GetNet() );
else /* A track segment is found */
......@@ -171,15 +175,8 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Start = pos;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End = pos;
if( pt_pad )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = pt_pad;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = TrackOnStartPoint;
if( pad )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_PadsConnected.push_back( pad );
if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
......@@ -226,7 +223,7 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
/* Current track is Ok: current segment is kept, and a new one is
* created unless the current segment is null, or 2 last are null
* if a 2 segments track build.
* if this is a 2 segments track build.
bool CanCreateNewSegment = true;
......@@ -248,11 +245,9 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
if( g_Raccord_45_Auto )
Add45DegreeSegment( aDC );
TRACK* oneBeforeLatest = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* previousTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* newTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment->Copy();
g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( newTrack );
......@@ -260,15 +255,15 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
newTrack->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, OFF );
oneBeforeLatest->end = GetBoard()->GetPad( oneBeforeLatest, END );
D_PAD* pad = GetBoard()->GetPad( previousTrack, END );
if( oneBeforeLatest->end )
if( pad )
oneBeforeLatest->SetState( END_ONPAD, ON );
newTrack->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );
newTrack->m_PadsConnected.push_back( pad );
previousTrack->m_PadsConnected.push_back( pad );
newTrack->start = oneBeforeLatest->end;
newTrack->start = previousTrack->end;
D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
......@@ -277,9 +272,7 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
newTrack->SetLayer( ( (PCB_SCREEN*) GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer );
if( !GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
newTrack->m_Width = GetBoard()->GetCurrentTrackWidth();
D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
......@@ -441,37 +434,38 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::End_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
D( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );
/* The track here is non chained to the list of track segments.
/* The track here is now chained to the list of track segments.
* It must be seen in the area of net
* As close as possible to the segment base (or end), because
* This helps to reduce the computing time */
/* Attaching the end of the track. */
// Attaching the end point of the new track to a pad or a track
BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* LockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );
if( LockPoint ) /* End of trace is on a pad. */
if( LockPoint )
if( LockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
if( LockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T ) // End of track is on a pad.
EnsureEndTrackOnPad( (D_PAD*) LockPoint );
else /* End of is on a different track, it will possibly create an anchor. */
else // If end point of is on a different track,
// creates a lock point if not exists
TRACK* adr_buf = (TRACK*) LockPoint;
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( adr_buf->GetNet() );
/* Possible establishment of a hanging point. */
// Creates a lock point (if not already exists):
LockPoint = GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End,
&s_ItemsListPicker );
// Delete Null segments:
// Delete null length segments:
DeleteNullTrackSegments( GetBoard(), g_CurrentTrackList );
// Insert new segments if they exist. This can be NULL on a double click
// on the start point
// Insert new segments if they exist.
// g_FirstTrackSegment can be NULL on a double click on the starting point
if( g_FirstTrackSegment != NULL )
int netcode = g_FirstTrackSegment->GetNet();
......@@ -491,17 +485,15 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::End_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
TraceAirWiresToTargets( aDC );
DrawTraces( DrawPanel, aDC, firstTrack, newCount, GR_OR );
int i = 0;
for( track = firstTrack; track && i<newCount; ++i, track = track->Next() )
for( track = firstTrack; track && i < newCount; ++i, track = track->Next() )
track->m_Flags = 0;
track->SetState( BUSY, OFF );
// erase the old track, if exists
// delete the old track, if it exists and is redundant
if( g_AutoDeleteOldTrack )
EraseRedundantTrack( aDC, firstTrack, newCount, &s_ItemsListPicker );
......@@ -510,10 +502,13 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::End_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
SaveCopyInUndoList( s_ItemsListPicker, UR_UNSPECIFIED );
s_ItemsListPicker.ClearItemsList(); // s_ItemsListPicker is no more owner of picked items
/* compute the new ratsnest */
// compute the new ratsnest
TestNetConnection( aDC, netcode );
GetBoard()->DisplayInfo( this );
// Redraw the entire new track.
DrawTraces( DrawPanel, aDC, firstTrack, newCount, GR_OR );
wxASSERT( g_FirstTrackSegment == NULL );
......@@ -982,7 +977,7 @@ void ComputeBreakPoint( TRACK* track, int SegmentCount, wxPoint end )
/* Delete track segments which have len = 0; after creating a new track
/* Delete track segments which have len = 0 after creating a new track
* return a pointer on the first segment (start of track list)
void DeleteNullTrackSegments( BOARD* pcb, DLIST<TRACK>& aTrackList )
......@@ -1034,7 +1029,7 @@ void DeleteNullTrackSegments( BOARD* pcb, DLIST<TRACK>& aTrackList )
firsttrack->start = LockPoint;
if( LockPoint && LockPoint->Type()==PCB_PAD_T )
if( LockPoint && LockPoint->Type()==PCB_PAD_T )
firsttrack->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, ON );
track = firsttrack;
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