Commit efb34166 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

*) retain grid origin in the BOARD and save it in legacy and kicad board files.

*) add hotkey for setting the grid origin as 'S', in board editor, module editor.
*) re-position the function interface for cursor movement from BASE_SCREEN into
   class EDA_DRAW_FRAME.  This is a prelude to getting rid of BASE_SCREEN or
   splitting it up.
parent 744dd80e
......@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ GRID_TYPE& BASE_SCREEN::GetGrid( size_t aIndex )
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition,
wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::getNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition,
const wxPoint& aGridOrigin, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
wxPoint pt;
wxPoint pt;
wxRealPoint gridSize;
if( aGridSize )
......@@ -299,13 +299,13 @@ wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition,
gridSize = GetGridSize();
wxPoint gridOrigin = m_GridOrigin;
double offset = fmod( gridOrigin.x, gridSize.x );
double offset = fmod( aGridOrigin.x, gridSize.x );
int x = KiROUND( (aPosition.x - offset) / gridSize.x );
pt.x = KiROUND( x * gridSize.x + offset );
offset = fmod( gridOrigin.y, gridSize.y );
offset = fmod( aGridOrigin.y, gridSize.y );
int y = KiROUND( (aPosition.y - offset) / gridSize.y );
pt.y = KiROUND ( y * gridSize.y + offset );
......@@ -313,19 +313,19 @@ wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition,
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetCursorPosition( bool aOnGrid, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::getCursorPosition( bool aOnGrid, const wxPoint& aGridOrigin, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
if( aOnGrid )
return GetNearestGridPosition( m_crossHairPosition, aGridSize );
return getNearestGridPosition( m_crossHairPosition, aGridOrigin, aGridSize );
return m_crossHairPosition;
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetCrossHairScreenPosition() const
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::getCrossHairScreenPosition() const
wxPoint pos = m_crossHairPosition - m_DrawOrg;
double scalar = GetScalingFactor();
double scalar = GetScalingFactor();
pos.x = KiROUND( (double) pos.x * scalar );
pos.y = KiROUND( (double) pos.y * scalar );
......@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetCrossHairScreenPosition() const
void BASE_SCREEN::SetCrossHairPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aSnapToGrid )
void BASE_SCREEN::setCrossHairPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, const wxPoint& aGridOrigin, bool aSnapToGrid )
if( aSnapToGrid )
m_crossHairPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
m_crossHairPosition = getNearestGridPosition( aPosition, aGridOrigin );
m_crossHairPosition = aPosition;
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
* depending on the application.
#include <macros.h>
#include <base_struct.h>
#include <class_title_block.h>
#include <common.h>
......@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ void StripTrailingZeros( wxString& aStringValue, unsigned aTrailingZeroAllowed )
/* Convert a value to a string using double notation.
* For readability, the mantissa has 3 or more digits (max 8 digits),
* For readability, the mantissa has 3 or more digits,
* the trailing 0 are removed if the mantissa has more than 3 digits
* and some trailing 0
* This function should be used to display values in dialogs because a value
......@@ -198,23 +199,19 @@ void StripTrailingZeros( wxString& aStringValue, unsigned aTrailingZeroAllowed )
wxString ReturnStringFromValue( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, int aValue, bool aAddUnitSymbol )
wxString stringValue;
double value_to_print;
value_to_print = To_User_Unit( aUnit, aValue );
double value_to_print = To_User_Unit( aUnit, aValue );
#if defined( EESCHEMA )
stringValue.Printf( wxT( "%.3f" ), value_to_print );
stringValue.Printf( wxT( "%.8f" ), value_to_print );
stringValue.Printf( wxT( "%.4f" ), value_to_print );
wxString stringValue = wxString::Format( wxT( "%.3f" ), value_to_print );
// Strip trailing zeros. However, keep at least 3 digits in mantissa
// For readability
StripTrailingZeros( stringValue, 3 );
std::string s = Double2Str( value_to_print );
wxString stringValue = FROM_UTF8( s.c_str() );
if( aAddUnitSymbol )
......@@ -269,8 +266,6 @@ double From_User_Unit( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, double aValue )
int ReturnValueFromString( EDA_UNITS_T aUnits, const wxString& aTextValue )
double value;
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
m_state = STATE_NO_BLOCK; /* State (enum BLOCK_STATE_T) of block. */
m_command = BLOCK_IDLE; /* Type (enum BLOCK_COMMAND_T) of operation. */
m_state = STATE_NO_BLOCK; // State (enum BLOCK_STATE_T) of block.
m_command = BLOCK_IDLE; // Type (enum BLOCK_COMMAND_T) of operation.
m_color = BROWN;
......@@ -62,24 +62,24 @@ void BLOCK_SELECTOR::SetMessageBlock( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame )
case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/
case BLOCK_MOVE: // Move
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: // Move with preselection list
msg = _( "Block Move" );
case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */
case BLOCK_DRAG: // Drag
msg = _( "Block Drag" );
case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */
case BLOCK_COPY: // Copy
msg = _( "Block Copy" );
case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */
case BLOCK_DELETE: // Delete
msg = _( "Block Delete" );
case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save */
case BLOCK_SAVE: // Save
msg = _( "Block Save" );
......@@ -87,20 +87,20 @@ void BLOCK_SELECTOR::SetMessageBlock( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame )
msg = _( "Block Paste" );
case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */
case BLOCK_ZOOM: // Window Zoom
msg = _( "Win Zoom" );
case BLOCK_ROTATE: /* Rotate 90 deg */
case BLOCK_ROTATE: // Rotate 90 deg
msg = _( "Block Rotate" );
case BLOCK_FLIP: /* Flip */
case BLOCK_FLIP: // Flip
msg = _( "Block Flip" );
case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: /* mirror */
case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: // mirror
msg = _( "Block Mirror" );
......@@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ void DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoin
if( aErase )
block->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode, block->GetColor() );
block->SetLastCursorPosition( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
block->SetEnd( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
block->SetLastCursorPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
block->SetEnd( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
block->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode, block->GetColor() );
if( block->GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_INIT )
if( block->GetWidth() || block->GetHeight() )
/* 2nd point exists: the rectangle is not surface anywhere */
// 2nd point exists: the rectangle is not surface anywhere
block->SetState( STATE_BLOCK_END );
......@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ void AbortBlockCurrentCommand( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
if( aPanel->IsMouseCaptured() ) /* Erase current drawing on screen */
if( aPanel->IsMouseCaptured() ) // Erase current drawing on screen
/* Clear block outline. */
// Clear block outline.
aPanel->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
aPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
/* Delete the picked wrapper if this is a picked list. */
// Delete the picked wrapper if this is a picked list.
if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() != BLOCK_PASTE )
......@@ -114,26 +114,18 @@ EDA_DRAW_FRAME::EDA_DRAW_FRAME( wxWindow* aParent,
m_snapToGrid = true;
m_MsgFrameHeight = EDA_MSG_PANEL::GetRequiredHeight();
//#define ZOOM_DISPLAY_SIZE 60
//#define COORD_DISPLAY_SIZE 165
//#define DELTA_DISPLAY_SIZE 245
CreateStatusBar( 6 );
// set the size of the status bar subwindows:
wxWindow* stsbar = GetStatusBar();
int dims[] = {
// balance of status bar on far left is set to a default or whatever is left over.
// remainder of status bar on far left is set to a default or whatever is left over.
// When using GetTextSize() remember the width of '1' is not the same
// When using GetTextSize() remember the width of character '1' is not the same
// as the width of '0' unless the font is fixed width, and it usually won't be.
// zoom:
......@@ -148,7 +140,9 @@ EDA_DRAW_FRAME::EDA_DRAW_FRAME( wxWindow* aParent,
// units display, Inches is bigger than mm
GetTextSize( _( "Inches" ), stsbar ).x + 10,
// Size for the panel used as "Current tool in play": will take longest string from
// void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnSelectTool( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) in pcbnew/edit.cpp
GetTextSize( wxT( "Add layer alignment target" ), stsbar ).x + 10,
SetStatusWidths( DIM( dims ), dims );
......@@ -381,7 +375,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectGrid( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_LastGridSizeId = id - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000;
screen->SetGrid( id );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( screen->RefPos( true ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( RefPos( true ) );
......@@ -409,7 +403,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
GetScreen()->SetZoom( selectedZoom );
RedrawScreen( GetScreen()->GetScrollCenterPosition(), false );
RedrawScreen( GetScrollCenterPosition(), false );
......@@ -495,7 +489,7 @@ wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) const
wxPoint pos = aPosition;
if( m_currentScreen != NULL && m_snapToGrid )
pos = m_currentScreen->GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
return pos;
......@@ -878,7 +872,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
// Calculate the scroll bar position in internal units to place the
// center position at the center of client rectangle.
screen->SetScrollCenterPosition( centerPositionIU );
SetScrollCenterPosition( centerPositionIU );
double posX = centerPositionIU.x - clientRectIU.width /2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.x;
double posY = centerPositionIU.y - clientRectIU.height/2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.y;
......@@ -931,3 +925,61 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, noRefresh );
//-----< BASE_SCREEN API moved here >--------------------------------------------
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCrossHairPosition( bool aInvertY ) const
return GetScreen()->getCrossHairPosition();
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetCrossHairPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aSnapToGrid )
GetScreen()->setCrossHairPosition( aPosition, GetGridOrigin(), aSnapToGrid );
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCursorPosition( bool aOnGrid, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
return GetScreen()->getCursorPosition( aOnGrid, GetGridOrigin(), aGridSize );
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) const
return GetScreen()->getNearestGridPosition( aPosition, GetGridOrigin(), aGridSize );
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCrossHairScreenPosition() const
return GetScreen()->getCrossHairScreenPosition();
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetMousePosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
GetScreen()->setMousePosition( aPosition );
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::RefPos( bool useMouse ) const
return GetScreen()->refPos( useMouse );
const wxPoint& EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetScrollCenterPosition() const
return GetScreen()->getScrollCenterPosition();
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetScrollCenterPosition( const wxPoint& aPoint )
GetScreen()->setScrollCenterPosition( aPoint );
//-----</BASE_SCREEN API moved here >--------------------------------------------
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawCrossHair( wxDC* aDC, EDA_COLOR_T aColor )
if( m_cursorLevel != 0 || aDC == NULL || !m_showCrossHair )
wxPoint cursor = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cursor = GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_XOR );
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ wxPoint EDA_DRAW_PANEL::GetScreenCenterLogicalPosition()
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::MoveCursorToCrossHair()
MoveCursor( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
MoveCursor( GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -433,10 +433,10 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent& event )
double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();
wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale );
center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale );
GetParent()->GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );
GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );
Scroll( x, y );
......@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawBackGround( wxDC* DC )
DrawAuxiliaryAxis( DC, GR_COPY );
if( GetParent()->m_showGridAxis )
DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_COPY );
DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_COPY, GetParent()->GetGridOrigin() );
......@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawGrid( wxDC* aDC )
if( screenGridSize.x < MIN_GRID_SIZE || screenGridSize.y < MIN_GRID_SIZE )
org = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( org, &gridSize );
org = GetParent()->GetNearestGridPosition( org, &gridSize );
// Setting the nearest grid position can select grid points outside the clip box.
// Incrementing the start point by one grid step should prevent drawing grid points
......@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawGrid( wxDC* aDC )
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawAuxiliaryAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode )
wxPoint origin = GetParent()->GetOriginAxisPosition();
wxPoint origin = GetParent()->GetAuxOrigin();
if( origin == wxPoint( 0, 0 ) )
......@@ -768,33 +768,30 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawAuxiliaryAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode )
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawGridAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode )
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawGridAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, const wxPoint& aGridOrigin )
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
if( !GetParent()->m_showGridAxis
|| ( screen->m_GridOrigin.x == 0 && screen->m_GridOrigin.y == 0 ) )
if( !GetParent()->m_showGridAxis || ( !aGridOrigin.x && !aGridOrigin.y ) )
EDA_COLOR_T color = GetParent()->GetGridColor();
wxSize pageSize = GetParent()->GetPageSizeIU();
EDA_COLOR_T color = GetParent()->GetGridColor();
wxSize pageSize = GetParent()->GetPageSizeIU();
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
// Draw the Y axis
GRDashedLine( &m_ClipBox, aDC,
0, color );
// Draw the X axis
GRDashedLine( &m_ClipBox, aDC,
0, color );
......@@ -846,7 +843,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseLeaving( wxMouseEvent& event )
cross_hair_pos.x = dc.DeviceToLogicalX( cross_hair_pos.x );
cross_hair_pos.y = dc.DeviceToLogicalY( cross_hair_pos.y );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( cross_hair_pos );
GetParent()->SetCrossHairPosition( cross_hair_pos );
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
......@@ -876,7 +873,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseWheel( wxMouseEvent& event )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( dc ) );
GetParent()->SetCrossHairPosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( dc ) );
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
......@@ -970,7 +967,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
DC.SetBackground( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );
// Compute the cursor position in drawing (logical) units.
screen->SetMousePosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ) );
GetParent()->SetMousePosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ) );
int kbstat = 0;
......@@ -986,7 +983,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
// Calling Double Click and Click functions :
if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
GetParent()->OnLeftDClick( &DC, screen->RefPos( true ) );
GetParent()->OnLeftDClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );
// inhibit a response to the mouse left button release,
// because we have a double click, and we do not want a new
......@@ -1003,7 +1000,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;
if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK && !ignoreEvt )
GetParent()->OnLeftClick( &DC, screen->RefPos( true ) );
GetParent()->OnLeftClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );
else if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
......@@ -1027,7 +1024,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
m_PanStartCenter.y *= ppuy;
m_PanStartCenter = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
m_PanStartCenter = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
m_PanStartEventPosition = event.GetPosition();
......@@ -1101,10 +1098,10 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();
wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale ) / ppux;
center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale ) / ppuy;
GetParent()->GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );
GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );
......@@ -1164,7 +1161,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
* (a filter creates a delay for the real block command start, and
* we must remember this point)
m_CursorStartPos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_CursorStartPos = GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
if( m_enableBlockCommands && !(localbutt & GR_M_DCLICK) )
......@@ -1323,17 +1320,14 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event )
BASE_SCREEN* Screen = GetScreen();
// Some key commands use the current mouse position: refresh it.
pos = wxGetMousePosition() - GetScreenPosition();
// Compute the cursor position in drawing units. Also known as logical units to wxDC.
pos = wxPoint( DC.DeviceToLogicalX( pos.x ), DC.DeviceToLogicalY( pos.y ) );
Screen->SetMousePosition( pos );
GetParent()->SetMousePosition( pos );
GetParent()->GeneralControl( &DC, pos, localkey );
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ fp_poly
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::RedrawScreen( const wxPoint& aCenterPoint, bool aWarpPointe
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::RedrawScreen2( const wxPoint& posBefore )
wxPoint dPos = posBefore - m_canvas->GetClientSize() / 2; // relative screen position to center before zoom
wxPoint newScreenPos = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() ); // screen position of crosshair after zoom
wxPoint newScreenPos = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( GetCrossHairPosition() ); // screen position of crosshair after zoom
wxPoint newCenter = m_canvas->ToLogicalXY( newScreenPos - dPos );
AdjustScrollBars( newCenter );
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::Zoom_Automatique( bool aWarpPointer )
screen->SetScalingFactor( bestzoom );
if( screen->m_FirstRedraw )
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( GetScrollCenterPosition() );
RedrawScreen( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition(), aWarpPointer );
RedrawScreen( GetScrollCenterPosition(), aWarpPointer );
......@@ -120,19 +120,19 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
int id = event.GetId();
bool zoom_at_cursor = false;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
wxPoint center = screen->GetScrollCenterPosition();
wxPoint center = GetScrollCenterPosition();
switch( id )
center = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
center = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( screen->SetPreviousZoom() )
RedrawScreen2( center );
zoom_at_cursor = true;
center = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
center = GetCrossHairPosition();
// fall thru
case ID_ZOOM_IN:
......@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
center = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
center = m_canvas->ToDeviceXY( GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( screen->SetNextZoom() )
RedrawScreen2( center );
zoom_at_cursor = true;
center = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
center = GetCrossHairPosition();
// fall thru
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
center = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
center = GetCrossHairPosition();
RedrawScreen( center, true );
......@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ void DISPLAY_FOOTPRINTS_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPositi
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ void DISPLAY_FOOTPRINTS_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPositi
case ' ':
screen->m_O_Curseur = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
case WXK_NUMPAD8: /* cursor moved up */
......@@ -399,14 +399,14 @@ void DISPLAY_FOOTPRINTS_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPositi
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
block->SetState( state );
block->SetCommand( command );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines, AbortBlockCurrentCommand );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( block->GetEnd() );
SetCrossHairPosition( block->GetEnd() );
if( block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_ABORT )
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
// Compute the rotation center and put it on grid:
wxPoint rotationPoint = block->Centre();
rotationPoint = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( rotationPoint );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( rotationPoint );
rotationPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( rotationPoint );
SetCrossHairPosition( rotationPoint );
SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_ROTATED, rotationPoint );
RotateListOfItems( block->GetItems(), rotationPoint );
......@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC )
/* Compute the rotation center and put it on grid */
wxPoint rotationPoint = block->Centre();
rotationPoint = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( rotationPoint );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( rotationPoint );
rotationPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( rotationPoint );
SetCrossHairPosition( rotationPoint );
SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_ROTATED, rotationPoint );
RotateListOfItems( block->GetItems(), rotationPoint );
......@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC )
/* Compute the mirror center and put it on grid */
wxPoint mirrorPoint = block->Centre();
mirrorPoint = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint );
mirrorPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint );
SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint );
SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_MIRRORED_X, mirrorPoint );
MirrorX( block->GetItems(), mirrorPoint );
......@@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC )
/* Compute the mirror center and put it on grid */
wxPoint mirrorPoint = block->Centre();
mirrorPoint = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint );
mirrorPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint );
SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint );
SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_MIRRORED_Y, mirrorPoint );
MirrorY( block->GetItems(), mirrorPoint );
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
/* Repaint new view. */
block->SetMoveVector( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
block->SetMoveVector( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
block->Draw( aPanel, aDC, block->GetMoveVector(), g_XorMode, block->GetColor() );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < block->GetCount(); ii++ )
......@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( state );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( command );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines, AbortBlockCurrentCommand );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetRight(),
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetRight(),
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
SaveCopyInUndoList( m_component );
pt = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre();
pt = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pt );
pt = GetNearestGridPosition( pt );
NEGATE( pt.y );
if ( m_component )
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
m_component->MirrorSelectedItemsH( pt );
else if( block_cmd == BLOCK_MIRROR_X)
m_component->MirrorSelectedItemsV( pt );
else if( block_cmd == BLOCK_ROTATE)
else if( block_cmd == BLOCK_ROTATE )
m_component->RotateSelectedItems( pt );
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
SaveCopyInUndoList( m_component );
pt = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre();
pt = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pt );
pt = GetNearestGridPosition( pt );
NEGATE( pt.y );
if ( m_component )
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint&
// Repaint new view
block->SetMoveVector( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
block->SetMoveVector( parent->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, g_XorMode );
block->Draw( aPanel, aDC, block->GetMoveVector(), g_XorMode, block->GetColor() );
......@@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ static void DrawSegment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosi
wxPoint endpos = aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
SCH_EDIT_FRAME * frame = ( SCH_EDIT_FRAME * ) aPanel->GetParent();
SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();
wxPoint endpos = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
if( frame->GetForceHVLines() ) /* Coerce the line to vertical or horizontal one: */
ComputeBreakPoint( (SCH_LINE*) s_wires.GetLast()->Back(), endpos );
......@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type )
SCH_LINE* segment;
SCH_LINE* nextSegment;
wxPoint cursorpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cursorpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
// We should know if a segment is currently in progress
segment = (SCH_LINE*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
......@@ -426,8 +427,9 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC )
if( m_itemToRepeat->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T ) // If repeat component then put in move mode
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() -
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition() -
( (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_itemToRepeat )->GetPosition();
m_itemToRepeat->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
( (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_itemToRepeat )->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
m_itemToRepeat->Move( pos );
......@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ static int s_LastShape = '\\';
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
// Create and place a new bus entry at cursor position
SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY* busEntry = new SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY( screen->GetCrossHairPosition(), s_LastShape );
SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY* busEntry = new SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY( GetCrossHairPosition(), s_LastShape );
busEntry->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( busEntry );
addCurrentItemToList( aDC );
......@@ -57,10 +56,9 @@ SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateBusBusEntry( wxDC* aDC )
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
// Create and place a new bus entry at cursor position
SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY* busEntry = new SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY( screen->GetCrossHairPosition(), s_LastShape );
SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY* busEntry = new SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY( GetCrossHairPosition(), s_LastShape );
busEntry->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( busEntry );
addCurrentItemToList( aDC );
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KIC
wxString msg;
wxPoint gridPosition = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
wxPoint gridPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
// Check the on grid position first. There is more likely to be multiple items on
// grid than off grid.
......@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
snapToGrid = true;
if( snapToGrid )
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
// Update cursor position.
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false);
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false);
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey )
wxRealPoint gridSize;
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
wxPoint oldpos;
wxPoint pos = aPosition;
......@@ -320,10 +319,10 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
snapToGrid = true;
if( snapToGrid )
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -359,14 +358,14 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
// Update the cursor position.
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -403,8 +402,8 @@ void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
wxPoint oldpos;
wxPoint pos = aPosition;
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -441,14 +440,14 @@ void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
// Update cursor position.
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void DIALOG_ERC::OnLeftClickMarkersList( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_lastMarkerFound = marker;
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( marker->m_Pos );
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( marker->m_Pos );
m_parent->RedrawScreen( marker->m_Pos, false);
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void DIALOG_ERC::OnLeftDblClickMarkersList( wxCommandEvent& event )
// (NULL if not found)
if( m_lastMarkerFound )
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( m_lastMarkerFound->m_Pos );
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( m_lastMarkerFound->m_Pos );
m_parent->RedrawScreen( m_lastMarkerFound->m_Pos, true);
// prevent a mouse left button release event in
// coming from the ERC dialog double click
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static void moveBitmap( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosit
// Draw the bitmap at it's new position.
image->SetPosition( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
image->SetPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
image->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ SCH_BITMAP* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateNewImage( wxDC* aDC )
return NULL;
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SCH_BITMAP* image = new SCH_BITMAP( pos );
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::MoveImage( SCH_BITMAP* aImageItem, wxDC* aDC )
SetUndoItem( aImageItem );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aImageItem->GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aImageItem->GetPosition() );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
......@@ -77,20 +77,20 @@ SCH_TEXT* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateNewText( wxDC* aDC, int aType )
switch( aType )
textItem = new SCH_TEXT( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_TEXT( GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_LABEL( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_LABEL( GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_HIERLABEL( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_HIERLABEL( GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem->SetShape( lastGlobalLabelShape );
textItem = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL( GetCrossHairPosition() );
textItem->SetShape( lastGlobalLabelShape );
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindDrcMarker( wxFindDialogEvent& event )
sheetFoundIn->LastScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( lastMarker->GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( lastMarker->GetPosition() );
RedrawScreen( lastMarker->GetPosition(), warpCursor );
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& aReference,
if( centerAndRedraw )
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
RedrawScreen( pos, aWarpMouse );
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::FindComponentAndItem( const wxString& aReference,
if( aWarpMouse )
m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( &dc );
......@@ -351,7 +351,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindSchematicItem( wxFindDialogEvent& aEvent )
SetScreen( sheet->LastScreen() );
sheet->LastScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( data.GetPosition() );
// careful here
SetCrossHairPosition( data.GetPosition() );
RedrawScreen( data.GetPosition(), warpCursor );
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ SCH_COMPONENT* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Component( wxDC* aDC,
SCH_COMPONENT* component;
component = new SCH_COMPONENT( *Entry, m_CurrentSheet, unit, convert,
GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition(), true );
GetCrossHairPosition(), true );
// Set the m_ChipName value, from component name in lib, for aliases
// Note if Entry is found, and if Name is an alias of a component,
......@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DisplayCurrentSheet()
Zoom_Automatique( false );
screen->m_FirstRedraw = false;
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( GetScrollCenterPosition() );
RedrawScreen( screen->GetScrollCenterPosition(), true );
RedrawScreen( GetScrollCenterPosition(), true );
// Now refresh m_canvas. Should be not necessary, but because screen has changed
......@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
/* local variables */
/* Hotkey list: */
// local variables
// Hotkey list:
* Common commands
/* Fit on Screen */
// Fit on Screen
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Fit on Screen" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME, ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, GR_KB_CTRL + '0'
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( wxT( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4,
/* Refresh Screen */
// Refresh Screen
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( wxT( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
......@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( wxT( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, GR_KB_CTRL
/* Zoom In */
// Zoom In
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( wxT( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( wxT( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, GR_KB_CTRL + '+', ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
/* Zoom Out */
// Zoom Out
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( wxT( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT );
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( wxT( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, GR_KB_CTRL + '-', I
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( wxT( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ), HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD, ' ' );
/* Undo */
// Undo
static EDA_HOTKEY HkUndo( wxT( "Undo" ), HK_UNDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Z', (int) wxID_UNDO );
/* Redo */
// Redo
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRedo( wxT( "Redo" ), HK_REDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Y', (int) wxID_REDO );
......@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
DisplayHotkeyList( this, s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr );
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: /* Reset the relative coord */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Reset the relative coord
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_ZOOM_IN:
......@@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
DisplayHotkeyList( this, s_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr );
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: /* Reset the relative coord */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Reset the relative coord
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_ZOOM_IN:
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LIB_EDIT_FRAME( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aParent,
GetScreen()->m_Center = true;
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
......@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ double LIB_EDIT_FRAME::BestZoom()
BoundaryBox = m_component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );
dx = BoundaryBox.GetWidth();
dy = BoundaryBox.GetHeight();
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ double LIB_EDIT_FRAME::BestZoom()
dx = pageInfo.GetSizeIU().x;
dy = pageInfo.GetSizeIU().y;
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();
......@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
STATUS_FLAGS oldFlags = m_drawItem->GetFlags();
m_drawItem->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode, NULL, DefaultTransform );
( (LIB_POLYLINE*) m_drawItem )->DeleteSegment( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
( (LIB_POLYLINE*) m_drawItem )->DeleteSegment( GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_drawItem->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode, NULL, DefaultTransform );
m_drawItem->SetFlags( oldFlags );
m_lastDrawItem = NULL;
......@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ LIB_ITEM* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LocateItemUsingCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition,
if( item == NULL )
return NULL;
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
wxPoint pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
if( item == NULL && aPosition != pos )
item = locateItem( pos, aFilterList );
......@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::addJunctionMenuEntries( wxMenu* aMenu, SCH_JUNCTION* aJunct
void AddMenusForWire( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Wire, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
SCH_SCREEN* screen = frame->GetScreen();
wxPoint pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString msg;
wxPoint pos = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString msg;
if( Wire == NULL )
......@@ -691,9 +691,9 @@ void AddMenusForWire( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Wire, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION, _( "Delete Connection" ),
KiBitmap( delete_connection_xpm ) );
SCH_LINE* line = screen->GetWireOrBus( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
SCH_LINE* line = screen->GetWireOrBus( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( line && !line->IsEndPoint( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
if( line && !line->IsEndPoint( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE, _( "Break Wire" ),
KiBitmap( break_line_xpm ) );
......@@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ void AddMenusForWire( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Wire, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
void AddMenusForBus( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Bus, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
wxPoint pos = frame->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString msg;
wxPoint pos = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString msg;
if( Bus == NULL )
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::PlacePin()
newpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true );
newpos = GetCrossHairPosition( true );
// Test for an other pin in same new position:
for( Pin = m_component->GetNextPin(); Pin != NULL; Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMovePin( wxDC* DC )
startPos.x = OldPos.x;
startPos.y = -OldPos.y;
// m_canvas->CrossHairOff( DC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( startPos );
SetCrossHairPosition( startPos );
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ static void DrawMovePin( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosi
// Redraw pin in new position
CurrentPin->Move( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
CurrentPin->Move( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
CurrentPin->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode,
&showPinText, DefaultTransform );
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CreatePin( wxDC* DC )
if( SynchronizePins() )
pin->SetFlags( IS_LINKED );
pin->Move( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
pin->Move( GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
pin->SetLength( LastPinLength );
pin->SetOrientation( LastPinOrient );
pin->SetType( LastPinType );
......@@ -555,10 +555,10 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
if( SynchronizePins() )
Pin->SetFlags( IS_LINKED );
wxPoint savepos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint savepos = GetCrossHairPosition();
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( DC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( Pin->GetPosition().x,
-Pin->GetPosition().y ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( Pin->GetPosition().x, -Pin->GetPosition().y ) );
// Add this new pin in list, and creates pins for others parts if needed
m_drawItem = Pin;
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
m_lastDrawItem = Pin;
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( savepos );
SetCrossHairPosition( savepos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( DC );
......@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ const wxSize SCH_BASE_FRAME::GetPageSizeIU() const
const wxPoint& SCH_BASE_FRAME::GetOriginAxisPosition() const
const wxPoint& SCH_BASE_FRAME::GetAuxOrigin() const
wxASSERT( GetScreen() );
return GetScreen()->GetOriginAxisPosition();
return GetScreen()->GetAuxOrigin();
void SCH_BASE_FRAME::SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
void SCH_BASE_FRAME::SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition )
wxASSERT( GetScreen() );
GetScreen()->SetOriginAxisPosition( aPosition );
GetScreen()->SetAuxOrigin( aPosition );
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ void SCH_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
// Display absolute coordinates:
double dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x );
double dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y );
double dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().x );
double dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().y );
if ( g_UserUnit == MILLIMETRES )
......@@ -147,8 +147,9 @@ void SCH_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
SetStatusText( line, 2 );
// Display relative coordinates:
dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dx );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dy );
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
case wxID_PASTE:
HandleBlockBegin( &dc, BLOCK_PASTE, screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
HandleBlockBegin( &dc, BLOCK_PASTE, GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
OnLeftClick( &dc, screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
OnLeftClick( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition() );
OnLeftClick( &dc, screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
OnLeftClick( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
oldWires.SetOwnership( false ); // Prevent DLIST for deleting items in destructor.
screen->ExtractWires( oldWires, true );
screen->BreakSegment( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
screen->BreakSegment( GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( oldWires.GetCount() != 0 )
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
screen->SetCurItem( AddJunction( &dc, screen->GetCrossHairPosition(), true ) );
screen->SetCurItem( AddJunction( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition(), true ) );
screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc );
screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
......@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteConnection( bool aFullConnection )
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
wxPoint pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( screen->GetConnection( pos, pickList, aFullConnection ) != 0 )
......@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteItemAtCrossHair( wxDC* DC )
SCH_ITEM* item;
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
item = LocateItem( screen->GetCrossHairPosition(), SCH_COLLECTOR::ParentItems );
item = LocateItem( GetCrossHairPosition(), SCH_COLLECTOR::ParentItems );
if( item )
......@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ static void moveItem( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPositio
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );
item->SetPosition( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
item->SetPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
// Draw the item item at it's new position.
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );
......@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::MoveItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem, wxDC* aDC )
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
if( aItem->Type() != SCH_SHEET_PIN_T )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aItem->GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aItem->GetPosition() );
......@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnDragItem( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
// is to simulate a block drag command
if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK )
if( !HandleBlockBegin( &dc, BLOCK_DRAG, screen->GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
if( !HandleBlockBegin( &dc, BLOCK_DRAG, GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
// Give a non null size to the search block:
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ double SCH_EDIT_FRAME::BestZoom()
double bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( dx / 2, dy / 2 ) );
SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( dx / 2, dy / 2 ) );
return bestzoom;
......@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ static void MoveOrResizeSheet( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint&
if( sheet->IsResized() )
int width = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - sheet->GetPosition().x;
int height = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - sheet->GetPosition().y;
int width = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition().x - sheet->GetPosition().x;
int height = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition().y - sheet->GetPosition().y;
// If the sheet doesn't have any pins, clamp the minimum size to the default values.
width = ( width < MIN_SHEET_WIDTH ) ? MIN_SHEET_WIDTH : width;
......@@ -263,12 +263,13 @@ static void MoveOrResizeSheet( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint&
sheet->GetMinWidth() + gridSizeX : width;
wxPoint grid = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( wxPoint( pos.x + width, pos.y + height ) );
wxPoint grid = aPanel->GetParent()->GetNearestGridPosition(
wxPoint( pos.x + width, pos.y + height ) );
sheet->Resize( wxSize( grid.x - pos.x, grid.y - pos.y ) );
else if( sheet->IsMoving() )
moveVector = screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - pos;
moveVector = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() - pos;
sheet->Move( moveVector );
......@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ SCH_SHEET* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateSheet( wxDC* aDC )
m_itemToRepeat = NULL;
SCH_SHEET* sheet = new SCH_SHEET( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
SCH_SHEET* sheet = new SCH_SHEET( GetCrossHairPosition() );
sheet->SetFlags( IS_NEW | IS_RESIZED );
sheet->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
......@@ -338,7 +339,9 @@ SCH_SHEET* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateSheet( wxDC* aDC )
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( MoveOrResizeSheet, ExitSheet );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( sheet->GetResizePosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( sheet->GetResizePosition() );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
......@@ -356,7 +359,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReSizeSheet( SCH_SHEET* aSheet, wxDC* aDC )
GetChars( aSheet->GetClass() ) ) );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aSheet->GetResizePosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aSheet->GetResizePosition() );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
......@@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveSheet( SCH_SHEET* aSheet, wxDC* aDC )
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aSheet->GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aSheet->GetPosition() );
if( !aSheet->IsNew() )
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static void AbortSymbolTraceOn( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
bool newItem = item->IsNew();
item->EndEdit( parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ), true );
item->EndEdit( parent->GetCrossHairPosition( true ), true );
if( newItem )
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ static void AbortSymbolTraceOn( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
LIB_ITEM* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CreateGraphicItem( LIB_COMPONENT* LibEntry, wxDC* DC )
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( SymbolDisplayDraw, AbortSymbolTraceOn );
wxPoint drawPos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true );
wxPoint drawPos = GetCrossHairPosition( true );
// no temp copy -> the current version of component will be used for Undo
// This is normal when adding new items to the current component
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GraphicItemBeginDraw( wxDC* DC )
if( m_drawItem == NULL )
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true );
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition( true );
if( m_drawItem->ContinueEdit( pos ) )
......@@ -264,21 +264,20 @@ static void RedrawWhileMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
if( item == NULL )
BASE_SCREEN* Screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
item->SetEraseLastDrawItem( aErase );
// if item is the reference field, we must add the current unit id
if( item->Type() == LIB_FIELD_T )
int unit = ((LIB_EDIT_FRAME*)aPanel->GetParent())->GetUnit();
wxString text = ((LIB_FIELD*)item)->GetFullText( unit );
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, Screen->GetCrossHairPosition( true ),
int unit = ((LIB_EDIT_FRAME*)aPanel->GetParent())->GetUnit();
wxString text = ((LIB_FIELD*)item)->GetFullText( unit );
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ),
UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode, &text,
DefaultTransform );
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, Screen->GetCrossHairPosition( true ),
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ),
DefaultTransform );
......@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveDrawSymbol( wxDC* DC )
if( m_drawItem->Type() == LIB_FIELD_T )
m_drawItem->BeginEdit( IS_MOVED, m_drawItem->GetPosition() );
m_drawItem->BeginEdit( IS_MOVED, GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_drawItem->BeginEdit( IS_MOVED, GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( RedrawWhileMovingCursor, AbortSymbolTraceOn );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, true );
......@@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::StartModifyDrawSymbol( wxDC* DC )
m_drawItem->BeginEdit( IS_RESIZED, GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_drawItem->BeginEdit( IS_RESIZED, GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( SymbolDisplayDraw, AbortSymbolTraceOn );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, true );
......@@ -322,14 +321,13 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::StartModifyDrawSymbol( wxDC* DC )
static void SymbolDisplayDraw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase )
BASE_SCREEN* Screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
LIB_ITEM* item = ( (LIB_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent() )->GetDrawItem();
if( item == NULL )
item->SetEraseLastDrawItem( aErase );
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, Screen->GetCrossHairPosition( true ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode, NULL,
item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, g_XorMode, NULL,
DefaultTransform );
......@@ -357,7 +355,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::EndDrawGraphicItem( wxDC* DC )
if( m_drawItem->IsNew() )
m_component->AddDrawItem( m_drawItem );
m_drawItem->EndEdit( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_drawItem->EndEdit( GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );
m_drawItem = NULL;
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadOneSymbol()
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );
......@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::PlaceAnchor()
if( m_component == NULL )
wxPoint offset( -GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition().x, GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition().y );
const wxPoint& cross_hair = GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint offset( -cross_hair.x, cross_hair.y );
OnModify( );
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv )
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::OnSetRelativeOffset( wxCommandEvent& event )
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
......@@ -348,18 +348,16 @@ double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
* search for line static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 1000;
* and replace by static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 10000;
LIB_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
double bestzoom = 16.0; // default value for bestzoom
lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );
LIB_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
double bestzoom = 16.0; // default value for bestzoom
CMP_LIBRARY* lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );
if( lib )
component = lib->FindComponent( m_entryName );
if( component == NULL )
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
return bestzoom;
......@@ -382,7 +380,7 @@ double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
if( bestzoom < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0] )
bestzoom = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0];
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( BoundaryBox.Centre() );
SetScrollCenterPosition( BoundaryBox.Centre() );
return bestzoom;
......@@ -171,10 +171,11 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_BLOCK_STOP )
screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMoveVector( wxPoint( screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x -
screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y -
screen->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
const wxPoint& cross_hair = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint( cross_hair.x - screen->m_BlockLocate.GetRight(),
cross_hair.y - screen->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
screen->m_BlockLocate.Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode, Color );
......@@ -195,10 +196,10 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Move( wxDC* DC )
wxPoint delta;
wxPoint oldpos;
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( NULL );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
......@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ public:
const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings() const { return m_paper; }
void SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings ) { m_paper = aPageSettings; }
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const
return m_originAxisPosition;
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition )
m_originAxisPosition = aPosition;
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
wxPoint oldpos;
wxPoint pos = aPosition;
pos = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ double GERBVIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
double x = (double) bbox.GetWidth() / (double) size.x;
double y = (double) bbox.GetHeight() / (double) size.y;
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( bbox.Centre() );
SetScrollCenterPosition( bbox.Centre() );
double best_zoom = std::max( x, y );
return best_zoom;
......@@ -733,17 +733,17 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock )
const wxPoint& GERBVIEW_FRAME::GetOriginAxisPosition() const
const wxPoint& GERBVIEW_FRAME::GetAuxOrigin() const
wxASSERT( m_gerberLayout );
return m_gerberLayout->GetOriginAxisPosition();
return m_gerberLayout->GetAuxOrigin();
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition )
wxASSERT( m_gerberLayout );
m_gerberLayout->SetOriginAxisPosition( aPosition );
m_gerberLayout->SetAuxOrigin( aPosition );
......@@ -800,8 +800,8 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
double theta, ro;
dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
// atan2 in the 0,0 case returns 0
theta = RAD2DEG( atan2( -dy, dx ) );
......@@ -829,9 +829,8 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
// Display absolute coordinates:
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y );
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().x );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().y );
wxString absformatter;
......@@ -859,8 +858,8 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
if( !m_DisplayOptions.m_DisplayPolarCood ) // display relative cartesian coordinates
// Display relative coordinates:
dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dx );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dy );
......@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ public:
GBR_LAYOUT* m_gerberLayout;
GBR_LAYOUT* m_gerberLayout;
wxPoint m_grid_origin;
......@@ -126,8 +128,14 @@ public:
const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings() const; // overload
const wxSize GetPageSizeIU() const; // overload
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const; // overload
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ); // overload
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const; // overload
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ); // overload
const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const { return m_grid_origin; } // overload
void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ) // overload
m_grid_origin = aPoint;
const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const; // overload
void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ); // overload
......@@ -31,30 +31,28 @@
* and see this list for some ascii keys (space ...)
/* local variables */
/* Hotkey list: */
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( wxT( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( wxT( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( wxT( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( wxT( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( wxT( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchUnits( wxT( "Switch Units" ), HK_SWITCH_UNITS, 'U' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkTrackDisplayMode( wxT( "Track Display Mode" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2NextCopperLayer( wxT( "Switch to Next Layer" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2PreviousCopperLayer( wxT( "Switch to Previous Layer" ),
// local variables
// Hotkey list:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ), HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD, ' ' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSetGridOrigin( wxT("Set Grid Origin"), HK_SET_GRID_ORIGIN, 'S' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( wxT( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( wxT( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( wxT( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( wxT( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( wxT( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchUnits( wxT( "Switch Units" ), HK_SWITCH_UNITS, 'U' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkTrackDisplayMode( wxT( "Track Display Mode" ), HK_SWITCH_GBR_ITEMS_DISPLAY_MODE, 'F' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2NextCopperLayer( wxT( "Switch to Next Layer" ), HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_NEXT, '+' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2PreviousCopperLayer( wxT( "Switch to Previous Layer" ), HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_PREVIOUS, '-' );
// List of common hotkey descriptors
EDA_HOTKEY* s_Gerbview_Hotkey_List[] = {
&HkZoomIn, &HkZoomOut, &HkZoomRedraw, &HkZoomCenter,
&HkZoomAuto, &HkSwitchUnits, &HkResetLocalCoord,
&HkZoomIn, &HkZoomOut, &HkZoomRedraw, &HkZoomCenter,
&HkZoomAuto, &HkSwitchUnits, &HkResetLocalCoord, &HkSetGridOrigin,
......@@ -130,8 +128,12 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: /*Reset the relative coord */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Reset the relative coord
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* GERBVIEW_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aTypeloc
bool found = false;
if( aTypeloc == CURSEUR_ON_GRILLE )
ref = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( ref );
ref = GetNearestGridPosition( ref );
LAYER_NUM layer = getActiveLayer();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ public:
wxSize m_ModuleTextSize; ///< Default footprint texts size
int m_ModuleTextWidth;
int m_ModuleSegmentWidth;
wxPoint m_AuxOrigin; ///< origin for plot exports
wxPoint m_GridOrigin; ///< origin for grid offsets
D_PAD m_Pad_Master;
......@@ -55,52 +55,55 @@ typedef void ( *END_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK )( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC
class EDA_DRAW_PANEL : public wxScrolledWindow
int m_currentCursor; ///< Current mouse cursor shape id.
int m_defaultCursor; ///< The default mouse cursor shape id.
bool m_showCrossHair; ///< Indicate if cross hair is to be shown.
int m_cursorLevel; ///< Index for cursor redraw in XOR mode.
int m_scrollIncrementX; ///< X axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
int m_scrollIncrementY; ///< Y axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
wxPoint m_CursorStartPos; ///< Used for testing the cursor movement.
wxPoint m_PanStartCenter; ///< Initial scroll center position when pan started
wxPoint m_PanStartEventPosition; ///< Initial position of mouse event when pan started
int m_currentCursor; ///< Current mouse cursor shape id.
int m_defaultCursor; ///< The default mouse cursor shape id.
bool m_showCrossHair; ///< Indicate if cross hair is to be shown.
int m_cursorLevel; ///< Index for cursor redraw in XOR mode.
int m_scrollIncrementX; ///< X axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
int m_scrollIncrementY; ///< Y axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
wxPoint m_CursorStartPos; ///< Used for testing the cursor movement.
wxPoint m_PanStartCenter; ///< Initial scroll center position when pan started
wxPoint m_PanStartEventPosition; ///< Initial position of mouse event when pan started
/// The drawing area used to redraw the screen which is usually the visible area
/// of the drawing in internal units.
EDA_RECT m_ClipBox;
EDA_RECT m_ClipBox;
bool m_abortRequest; ///< Flag used to abort long commands.
bool m_abortRequest; ///< Flag used to abort long commands.
bool m_enableZoomNoCenter; ///< True to enable zooming around the crosshair instead of the center
bool m_enableMiddleButtonPan; ///< True to enable middle mouse button panning.
bool m_panScrollbarLimits; ///< has meaning only if m_enableMiddleButtonPan = true
///< true to limit panning to scrollbar current limits
///< false to used unlimited pan
bool m_enableZoomNoCenter; ///< True to enable zooming around the crosshair instead of the center
bool m_enableMiddleButtonPan; ///< True to enable middle mouse button panning.
bool m_panScrollbarLimits; ///< has meaning only if m_enableMiddleButtonPan = true
///< true to limit panning to scrollbar current limits
///< false to used unlimited pan
bool m_enableAutoPan; ///< True to enable automatic panning.
bool m_enableAutoPan; ///< True to enable automatic panning.
/// true to request an auto pan. Valid only when m_enableAutoPan = true.
bool m_requestAutoPan;
bool m_requestAutoPan; ///< true to request an auto pan. Valid only when m_enableAutoPan = true.
bool m_ignoreMouseEvents; ///< Ignore mouse events when true.
bool m_ignoreMouseEvents; ///< Ignore mouse events when true.
/* Used to inhibit a response to a mouse left button release, after a double click
* (when releasing the left button at the end of the second click. Used in Eeschema
* to inhibit a mouse left release command when switching between hierarchical sheets
* on a double click.
bool m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease; ///< Ignore the next mouse left button release when true.
bool m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease; ///< Ignore the next mouse left button release when true.
bool m_enableBlockCommands; ///< True enables block commands.
bool m_enableBlockCommands; ///< True enables block commands.
int m_minDragEventCount; /* Count the drag events. Used to filter mouse moves before starting a
* block command. A block command can be started only if
* in order to avoid spurious block commands. */
* Count the drag events. Used to filter mouse moves before starting a
* block command. A block command can be started only if
* MinDragEventCount > MIN_DRAG_COUNT_FOR_START_BLOCK_COMMAND in order to avoid
* spurious block commands.
int m_minDragEventCount;
/// True when drawing in mirror mode. Used by the draw arc function, because arcs
/// are oriented, and in mirror mode, orientations are reversed.
bool m_PrintIsMirrored;
bool m_PrintIsMirrored;
/// Mouse capture move callback function.
MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK m_mouseCaptureCallback;
......@@ -108,9 +111,10 @@ private:
/// Abort mouse capture callback function.
END_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK m_endMouseCaptureCallback;
// useful to avoid false start block in certain cases
// (like switch from a sheet to an other sheet
int m_canStartBlock; // >= 0 (or >= n) if a block can start
/// useful to avoid false start block in certain cases
/// (like switch from a sheet to an other sheet
/// >= 0 (or >= n) if a block can start
int m_canStartBlock;
......@@ -155,9 +159,8 @@ public:
void SetEnableBlockCommands( bool aEnable ) { m_enableBlockCommands = aEnable; }
bool GetPrintMirrored() const { return m_PrintIsMirrored; }
void SetPrintMirrored( bool aMirror ) { m_PrintIsMirrored = aMirror; }
bool GetPrintMirrored() const { return m_PrintIsMirrored; }
void SetPrintMirrored( bool aMirror ) { m_PrintIsMirrored = aMirror; }
void SetCanStartBlock( int aStartBlock ) { m_canStartBlock = aStartBlock; }
......@@ -196,8 +199,9 @@ public:
* the grid origin is set by user, and is not (0,0)
* @param aDC = current Device Context
* @param aDrawMode = draw mode (GR_COPY, GR_OR ..)
* @param aGridOrigin = the absolute coordinate of grid origin for snap.
void DrawGridAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode );
void DrawGridAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, const wxPoint& aGridOrigin );
void OnEraseBackground( wxEraseEvent& event ) { }
......@@ -324,7 +328,7 @@ public:
* warps the cursor to the current cross hair position.
void MoveCursorToCrossHair();
* Function ToDeviceXY
* transforms logical to device coordinates
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ private:
TITLE_BLOCK m_titles;
/// Position of the origin axis, which is used in exports mostly, but not yet in EESCHEMA
wxPoint m_originAxisPosition;
/// Origin of the auxilliary axis, which is used in exports mostly, but not yet in EESCHEMA
wxPoint m_aux_origin;
DLIST< SCH_ITEM > m_drawList; ///< Object list for the screen.
/// @todo use DLIST<SCH_ITEM> or superior container
......@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ public:
const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings() const { return m_paper; }
void SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings ) { m_paper = aPageSettings; }
void SetFileName( const wxString& aFileName ) { m_fileName = aFileName; }
void SetFileName( const wxString& aFileName ) { m_fileName = aFileName; }
const wxString& GetFileName() const { return m_fileName; }
const wxString& GetFileName() const { return m_fileName; }
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const { return m_originAxisPosition; }
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { m_originAxisPosition = aPosition; }
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const { return m_aux_origin; }
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { m_aux_origin = aPosition; }
const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const { return m_titles; }
//TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const { return (TITLE_BLOCK&) m_titles; }
......@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ void ParseHotkeyConfig( const wxString& data, struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescLis
enum common_hotkey_id_commnand {
......@@ -58,8 +58,15 @@ public:
const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings () const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxSize GetPageSizeIU() const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ); // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition ); // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
static wxPoint zero;
return zero;
void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ) {} // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ); // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
......@@ -131,8 +131,11 @@ public:
const PAGE_INFO& GetPageSettings() const; // overload
const wxSize GetPageSizeIU() const; // overload
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const; // overload
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ); // overload
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const; // overload
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ); // overload
const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const; // overload
void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ); // overload
const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const; // overload
void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ); // overload
......@@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ extern const wxChar* traceAutoSave;
class EDA_BASE_FRAME : public wxFrame
ID_DRAWFRAME_TYPE m_Ident; // Id Type (pcb, schematic, library..)
ID_DRAWFRAME_TYPE m_Ident; ///< Id Type (pcb, schematic, library..)
wxPoint m_FramePos;
wxSize m_FrameSize;
wxAuiToolBar* m_mainToolBar; // Standard horizontal Toolbar
wxAuiToolBar* m_mainToolBar; ///< Standard horizontal Toolbar
bool m_FrameIsActive;
wxString m_FrameName; // name used for writing and reading setup
// It is "SchematicFrame", "PcbFrame" ....
wxString m_AboutTitle; // Name of program displayed in About.
wxString m_FrameName; ///< name used for writing and reading setup
///< It is "SchematicFrame", "PcbFrame" ....
wxString m_AboutTitle; ///< Name of program displayed in About.
wxAuiManager m_auimgr;
......@@ -404,47 +404,47 @@ protected:
EDA_DRAW_PANEL* m_canvas;
/// Tool ID of previously active draw tool bar button.
int m_lastDrawToolId;
int m_lastDrawToolId;
/// The shape of the KiCad cursor. The default value (0) is the normal cross
/// hair cursor. Set to non-zero value to draw the full screen cursor.
/// @note This is not the system mouse cursor.
int m_cursorShape;
int m_cursorShape;
/// True shows the X and Y axis indicators.
bool m_showAxis;
bool m_showAxis;
/// True shows the grid axis indicators.
bool m_showGridAxis;
bool m_showGridAxis;
/// True shows the origin axis used to indicate the coordinate offset for
/// drill, gerber, and component position files.
bool m_showOriginAxis;
bool m_showOriginAxis;
/// True shows the drawing border and title block.
bool m_showBorderAndTitleBlock;
bool m_showBorderAndTitleBlock;
/// Choice box to choose the grid size.
wxComboBox* m_gridSelectBox;
wxComboBox* m_gridSelectBox;
/// Choice box to choose the zoom value.
wxComboBox* m_zoomSelectBox;
wxComboBox* m_zoomSelectBox;
/// The tool bar that contains the buttons for quick access to the application draw
/// tools. It typically is located on the right side of the main window.
wxAuiToolBar* m_drawToolBar;
wxAuiToolBar* m_drawToolBar;
/// The options tool bar typcially located on the left edge of the main window.
wxAuiToolBar* m_optionsToolBar;
wxAuiToolBar* m_optionsToolBar;
/// Panel used to display information at the bottom of the main window.
EDA_MSG_PANEL* m_messagePanel;
EDA_MSG_PANEL* m_messagePanel;
int m_MsgFrameHeight;
int m_MsgFrameHeight;
// MAC Uses overlay to workaround the wxINVERT and wxXOR miss
wxOverlay m_overlay;
wxOverlay m_overlay;
......@@ -480,8 +480,89 @@ public:
virtual const wxSize GetPageSizeIU() const = 0;
virtual const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const = 0;
virtual void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) = 0;
* Function GetAuxOrigin
* returns the origin of the axis used for plotting and various exports.
virtual const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const = 0;
virtual void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition ) = 0;
* Function GetGridOrigin
* returns the absolute coordinates of the origin of the snap grid. This is
* treated as a relative offset, and snapping will occur at multiples of the grid
* size relative to this point.
virtual const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const = 0;
virtual void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition ) = 0;
//-----<BASE_SCREEN API moved here>------------------------------------------
* Function GetCrossHairPosition
* return the current cross hair position in logical (drawing) coordinates.
* @param aInvertY Inverts the Y axis position.
* @return The cross hair position in drawing coordinates.
wxPoint GetCrossHairPosition( bool aInvertY = false ) const;
* Function SetCrossHairPosition
* sets the screen cross hair position to \a aPosition in logical (drawing) units.
* @param aPosition The new cross hair position.
* @param aGridOrigin Origin point of the snap grid.
* @param aSnapToGrid Sets the cross hair position to the nearest grid position to
* \a aPosition.
void SetCrossHairPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aSnapToGrid = true );
* Function GetCursorPosition
* returns the current cursor position in logical (drawing) units.
* @param aOnGrid Returns the nearest grid position at the current cursor position.
* @param aGridOrigin Origin point of the snap grid.
* @param aGridSize Custom grid size instead of the current grid size. Only valid
* if \a aOnGrid is true.
* @return The current cursor position.
wxPoint GetCursorPosition( bool aOnGrid, wxRealPoint* aGridSize = NULL ) const;
* Function GetNearestGridPosition
* returns the nearest \a aGridSize location to \a aPosition.
* @param aPosition The position to check.
* @param aGridSize The grid size to locate to if provided. If NULL then the current
* grid size is used.
* @return The nearst grid position.
wxPoint GetNearestGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, wxRealPoint* aGridSize = NULL ) const;
* Function GetCursorScreenPosition
* returns the cross hair position in device (display) units.b
* @return The current cross hair position.
wxPoint GetCrossHairScreenPosition() const;
void SetMousePosition( const wxPoint& aPosition );
* Function RefPos
* Return the reference position, coming from either the mouse position
* or the cursor position.
* @param useMouse If true, return mouse position, else cursor's.
* @return wxPoint - The reference point, either the mouse position or
* the cursor position.
wxPoint RefPos( bool useMouse ) const;
const wxPoint& GetScrollCenterPosition() const;
void SetScrollCenterPosition( const wxPoint& aPoint );
//-----</BASE_SCREEN API moved here>-----------------------------------------
virtual const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const = 0;
virtual void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ) = 0;
......@@ -718,13 +799,13 @@ public:
void DrawWorkSheet( wxDC* aDC, BASE_SCREEN* aScreen, int aLineWidth,
double aScale, const wxString &aFilename );
void DisplayToolMsg( const wxString& msg );
virtual void RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
virtual bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu ) = 0;
virtual void ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPosition );
void DisplayToolMsg( const wxString& msg );
virtual void RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
virtual bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu ) = 0;
virtual void ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPosition );
* Function OnActivate (virtual)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
m_paper = aPageSettings;
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const
static wxPoint zero( 0, 0 );
return zero;
......@@ -35,14 +35,9 @@
void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
int aHotKey )
wxRealPoint gridSize;
wxPoint oldpos;
wxPoint pos = aPosition;
pos = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
wxPoint pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
wxPoint oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
wxRealPoint gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -74,14 +69,14 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static void moveItem( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPositio
WORKSHEET_DATAITEM *item = screen->GetCurItem();
wxCHECK_RET( (item != NULL), wxT( "Cannot move NULL item." ) );
wxPoint position = screen->GetCrossHairPosition()
wxPoint position = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition()
- ( initialCursorPosition - initialPositionUi );
if( (item->GetFlags() & LOCATE_STARTPOINT) )
......@@ -285,12 +285,13 @@ static void abortMoveItem( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
wxCHECK_RET( aItem != NULL, wxT( "Cannot move NULL item" ) );
initialPosition = aItem->GetStartPos();
initialPositionUi = aItem->GetStartPosUi();
initialCursorPosition = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
initialCursorPosition = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( (aItem->GetFlags() & LOCATE_ENDPOINT) )
......@@ -300,8 +301,8 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::MoveItem( WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* aItem )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( initialPositionUi, false );
initialCursorPosition = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( initialPositionUi, false );
initialCursorPosition = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( m_canvas->IsPointOnDisplay( initialCursorPosition ) )
......@@ -317,6 +318,7 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::MoveItem( WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* aItem )
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( aItem );
* Save in Undo list the layout, and place an item being moved.
* @param aItem is the item moved
......@@ -180,7 +180,11 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode,
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Reset the relative coord
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ double PL_EDITOR_FRAME::BestZoom()
double bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( dx / 2, dy / 2 ) );
SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( dx / 2, dy / 2 ) );
return bestzoom;
......@@ -369,42 +369,44 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
wxPoint originCoord;
int Xsign = 1;
int Ysign = 1;
switch( m_originSelectChoice )
case 0: // Origin = paper Left Top corner
case 0: // Origin = paper Left Top corner
case 1: // Origin = page Right Bottom corner
Xsign = -1;
Ysign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, RB_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 1: // Origin = page Right Bottom corner
Xsign = -1;
Ysign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, RB_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 2: // Origin = page Left Bottom corner
Ysign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, LB_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 2: // Origin = page Left Bottom corner
Ysign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, LB_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 3: // Origin = page Right Top corner
Xsign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, RT_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 3: // Origin = page Right Top corner
Xsign = -1;
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, RT_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 4: // Origin = page Left Top corner
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, LT_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
case 4: // Origin = page Left Top corner
dummy.SetStart( 0, 0, LT_CORNER );
originCoord = dummy.GetStartPosUi();
screen->m_GridOrigin = originCoord;
SetGridOrigin( originCoord );
// Display absolute coordinates:
wxPoint coord = screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - originCoord;
wxPoint coord = GetCrossHairPosition() - originCoord;
double dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, coord.x*Xsign );
double dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, coord.y*Ysign );
......@@ -441,8 +443,8 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
SetStatusText( line, 2 );
// Display relative coordinates:
int dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
int dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
int dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
int dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dx * Xsign );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dy * Ysign );
line.Printf( locformatter, dXpos, dYpos );
......@@ -594,10 +596,11 @@ WORKSHEET_DATAITEM * PL_EDITOR_FRAME::GetSelectedItem()
WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* PL_EDITOR_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition )
const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
TITLE_BLOCK t_block = GetTitleBlock();
EDA_COLOR_T color = RED; // Needed, not used
const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
TITLE_BLOCK t_block = GetTitleBlock();
EDA_COLOR_T color = RED; // Needed, not used
screen-> m_ScreenNumber = GetPageNumberOption() ? 1 : 2;
......@@ -623,9 +626,9 @@ WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* PL_EDITOR_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition )
// Choose item in list if more than 1 item
if( list.size() > 1 )
wxArrayString choices;
wxArrayString choices;
wxString text;
wxPoint cursPos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cursPos = GetCrossHairPosition();
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < list.size(); ++ii )
......@@ -656,7 +659,7 @@ WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* PL_EDITOR_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition )
if( selection < 0 )
return NULL;
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( cursPos );
SetCrossHairPosition( cursPos );
drawitem = list[selection];
......@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ class PL_EDITOR_FRAME : public EDA_DRAW_FRAME
// usefull when there are some items which are
// only on page 1, not on page 1
wxPoint m_grid_origin;
/// The last filename chosen to be proposed to the user
wxString m_lastFileName;
......@@ -90,12 +92,21 @@ public:
return (PL_EDITOR_SCREEN*) m_canvas->GetScreen();
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
static wxPoint dummy( 0,0 );
static wxPoint dummy; // ( 0,0 );
return dummy;
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) {} // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPosition ) {} // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
return m_grid_origin;
void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ) // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
m_grid_origin = aPoint;
const TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() const; // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ); // overload EDA_DRAW_FRAME
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoPlace( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Erase ratsnest if needed */
// Erase ratsnest if needed
if( GetBoard()->IsElementVisible(RATSNEST_VISIBLE) )
DrawGeneralRatsnest( &dc );
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoMoveModulesOnPcb( bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb )
/* Confirmation */
// Confirmation
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Move modules?" ) ) )
......@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoMoveModulesOnPcb( bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb )
if( PlaceModulesHorsPcb && edgesExist )
if( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition().y < (bbbox.GetBottom() + 2000) )
if( GetCrossHairPosition().y < (bbbox.GetBottom() + 2000) )
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
pos.y = bbbox.GetBottom() + 2000;
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
/* calculate the area needed by footprints */
// calculate the area needed by footprints
surface = 0.0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < moduleList.size(); ii++ )
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoMoveModulesOnPcb( bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb )
Xsize_allowed = (int) ( sqrt( surface ) * 4.0 / 3.0 );
start = current = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
start = current = GetCrossHairPosition();
Ymax_size = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < moduleList.size(); ii++ )
......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoMoveModulesOnPcb( bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb )
Ymax_size = 0;
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( current + Module->GetPosition() -
Module->GetBoundingBox().GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( current + Module->GetPosition() -
Module->GetBoundingBox().GetPosition() );
Ymax_size = std::max( Ymax_size, Module->GetBoundingBox().GetHeight() );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -148,17 +148,31 @@ const wxSize PCB_BASE_FRAME::GetPageSizeIU() const
const wxPoint& PCB_BASE_FRAME::GetOriginAxisPosition() const
const wxPoint& PCB_BASE_FRAME::GetAuxOrigin() const
wxASSERT( m_Pcb );
return m_Pcb->GetOriginAxisPosition();
return m_Pcb->GetAuxOrigin();
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint )
wxASSERT( m_Pcb );
m_Pcb->SetOriginAxisPosition( aPosition );
m_Pcb->SetAuxOrigin( aPoint );
const wxPoint& PCB_BASE_FRAME::GetGridOrigin() const
wxASSERT( m_Pcb );
return m_Pcb->GetGridOrigin();
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint )
wxASSERT( m_Pcb );
m_Pcb->SetGridOrigin( aPoint );
......@@ -258,7 +272,7 @@ double PCB_BASE_FRAME::BestZoom()
double bestzoom = std::max( iu_per_du_X, iu_per_du_Y );
GetScreen()->SetScrollCenterPosition( ibbbox.Centre() );
SetScrollCenterPosition( ibbbox.Centre() );
return bestzoom;
......@@ -268,21 +282,19 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::CursorGoto( const wxPoint& aPos, bool aWarp )
// factored out of pcbnew/find.cpp
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen();
INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas );
// There may be need to reframe the drawing.
if( !m_canvas->IsPointOnDisplay( aPos ) )
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( aPos );
SetCrossHairPosition( aPos );
RedrawScreen( aPos, aWarp );
// Put cursor on item position
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( &dc );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( aPos );
SetCrossHairPosition( aPos );
if( aWarp )
......@@ -560,8 +572,8 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
double theta, ro;
dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
theta = ArcTangente( -dy, dx ) / 10;
......@@ -598,8 +610,8 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
// Display absolute coordinates:
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y );
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().x );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, GetCrossHairPosition().y );
// The following sadly is an if Eeschema/if Pcbnew
wxString absformatter;
......@@ -642,8 +654,8 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
if( !DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ) // display relative cartesian coordinates
// Display relative coordinates:
dx = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dx = GetCrossHairPosition().x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = GetCrossHairPosition().y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dx );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, dy );
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ private:
static bool InstallBlockCmdFrame( PCB_BASE_FRAME* parent, const wxString& title )
wxPoint oldpos = parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint oldpos = parent->GetCrossHairPosition();
parent->GetCanvas()->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static bool InstallBlockCmdFrame( PCB_BASE_FRAME* parent, const wxString& title
int cmd = dlg->ShowModal();
parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
parent->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
parent->GetCanvas()->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );
......@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */
case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/
case BLOCK_DRAG: // Drag
case BLOCK_MOVE: // Move
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: // Move with preselection list
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */
case BLOCK_COPY: // Copy
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
......@@ -315,35 +315,35 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace" ) );
case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag (not used, for future enhancements)*/
case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */
case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/
case BLOCK_DRAG: // Drag (not used, for future enhancements)
case BLOCK_MOVE: // Move
case BLOCK_COPY: // Copy
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: // Move with preselection list
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_MOVE );
nextcmd = true;
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( drawMovingBlock );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */
case BLOCK_DELETE: // Delete
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( NULL );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_STOP );
case BLOCK_ROTATE: /* Rotation */
case BLOCK_ROTATE: // Rotation
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( NULL );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_STOP );
case BLOCK_FLIP: /* Flip */
case BLOCK_FLIP: // Flip
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( NULL );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_STOP );
case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save (not used, for future enhancements)*/
case BLOCK_SAVE: // Save (not used, for future enhancements)
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_STOP );
if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCount() )
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */
case BLOCK_ZOOM: // Window Zoom
// Turn off the redraw block routine now so it is not displayed
// with one corner at the new center of the screen
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ static void drawMovingBlock( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& a
if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_BLOCK_STOP )
screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMoveVector( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() -
screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMoveVector( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() -
screen->m_BlockLocate.GetLastCursorPosition() );
......@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Delete()
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* itemsList = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetItems();
itemsList->m_Status = UR_DELETED;
/* unlink items and clear flags */
// unlink items and clear flags
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < itemsList->GetCount(); ii++ )
BOARD_ITEM* item = (BOARD_ITEM*) itemsList->GetPickedItem( ii );
......@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Rotate()
wxPoint centre; // rotation cent-re for the rotation transform
int rotAngle = 900; // rotation angle in 0.1 deg.
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
centre = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre();
......@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Rotate()
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
/* Move and rotate the track segments */
// Move and rotate the track segments
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like track segment on a copper layer)
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
......@@ -716,14 +716,14 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Flip()
#define INVERT( pos ) (pos) = center.y - ( (pos) - center.y )
wxPoint memo;
wxPoint center; /* Position of the axis for inversion of all elements */
wxPoint center; // Position of the axis for inversion of all elements
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* itemsList = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetItems();
itemsList->m_Status = UR_FLIPPED;
memo = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
memo = GetCrossHairPosition();
center = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre();
......@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Flip()
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
/* Move and rotate the track segments */
// Move and rotate the track segments
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like track segment on a copper layer)
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
......@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Move()
/* Move track segments */
// Move track segments
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like a track segment on a copper layer)
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
......@@ -127,12 +127,14 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
BLOCK_STATE_T state = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetState();
BLOCK_COMMAND_T command = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand();
m_canvas->CallEndMouseCapture( DC );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( state );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( command );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines, AbortBlockCurrentCommand );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetRight(),
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetRight(),
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetBottom() ) );
......@@ -142,9 +144,9 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace" ) );
case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */
case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */
case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */
case BLOCK_DRAG: // Drag
case BLOCK_MOVE: // Move
case BLOCK_COPY: // Copy
itemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate );
if( itemsCount )
......@@ -164,13 +166,13 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: // Move with preselection list
nextcmd = true;
m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( DrawMovingBlockOutlines );
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetState( STATE_BLOCK_MOVE );
case BLOCK_DELETE: /* Delete */
case BLOCK_DELETE: // Delete
itemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate );
if( itemsCount )
......@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
DeleteMarkedItems( currentModule );
case BLOCK_SAVE: /* Save */
case BLOCK_SAVE: // Save
......@@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_FLIP: /* mirror */
case BLOCK_FLIP: // mirror
itemsCount = MarkItemsInBloc( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate );
if( itemsCount )
......@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
MirrorMarkedItems( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre() );
case BLOCK_ZOOM: /* Window Zoom */
case BLOCK_ZOOM: // Window Zoom
Window_Zoom( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate );
......@@ -249,28 +251,28 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
case BLOCK_DRAG: /* Drag */
case BLOCK_MOVE: /* Move */
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/
case BLOCK_DRAG: // Drag
case BLOCK_MOVE: // Move
case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: // Move with preselection list
SaveCopyInUndoList( currentModule, UR_MODEDIT );
MoveMarkedItems( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetMoveVector() );
m_canvas->Refresh( true );
case BLOCK_COPY: /* Copy */
case BLOCK_COPY: // Copy
SaveCopyInUndoList( currentModule, UR_MODEDIT );
CopyMarkedItems( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetMoveVector() );
case BLOCK_PASTE: /* Paste */
case BLOCK_PASTE: // Paste
case BLOCK_FLIP: /* Mirror by popup menu, from block move */
case BLOCK_FLIP: // Mirror by popup menu, from block move
SaveCopyInUndoList( currentModule, UR_MODEDIT );
MirrorMarkedItems( currentModule, GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.Centre() );
......@@ -304,8 +306,8 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase )
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME * moduleEditFrame = FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GetActiveFootprintEditor();
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME* moduleEditFrame = FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GetActiveFootprintEditor();
wxASSERT( moduleEditFrame );
MODULE* currentModule = moduleEditFrame->GetBoard()->m_Modules;
......@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
if( currentModule )
wxPoint move_offset = -block->GetMoveVector();
wxPoint move_offset = -block->GetMoveVector();
BOARD_ITEM* item = currentModule->GraphicalItems();
for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
......@@ -351,15 +353,15 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
/* Repaint new view. */
block->SetMoveVector( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
// Repaint new view.
block->SetMoveVector( moduleEditFrame->GetCrossHairPosition() - block->GetLastCursorPosition() );
block->Draw( aPanel, aDC, block->GetMoveVector(), g_XorMode, block->GetColor() );
if( currentModule )
BOARD_ITEM* item = currentModule->GraphicalItems();
wxPoint move_offset = - block->GetMoveVector();
wxPoint move_offset = - block->GetMoveVector();
for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
......@@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ private:
ZONE_CONTAINERS m_ZoneDescriptorList;
wxPoint m_grid_origin;
// if true m_highLight_NetCode is used
HIGH_LIGHT_INFO m_highLight; // current high light data
HIGH_LIGHT_INFO m_highLightPrevious; // a previously stored high light data
......@@ -231,9 +233,6 @@ private:
TITLE_BLOCK m_titles; ///< text in lower right of screen and plots
PCB_PLOT_PARAMS m_plotOptions;
/// Position of the origin axis, which is used in exports mostly
wxPoint m_originAxisPosition;
/// Number of pads connected to the current net.
int m_nodeCount;
......@@ -387,6 +386,20 @@ public:
return (int) m_markers.size();
* Function SetAuxOrigin
* sets the origin point used for plotting.
void SetAuxOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ) { m_designSettings.m_AuxOrigin = aPoint; }
const wxPoint& GetAuxOrigin() const { return m_designSettings.m_AuxOrigin; }
* Function SetGridOrigin
* sets the origin point of the grid.
void SetGridOrigin( const wxPoint& aPoint ) { m_designSettings.m_GridOrigin = aPoint; }
const wxPoint& GetGridOrigin() const { return m_designSettings.m_GridOrigin; }
* Function ResetHighLight
* Reset all high light data to the init state
......@@ -594,9 +607,6 @@ public:
const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& GetPlotOptions() const { return m_plotOptions; }
void SetPlotOptions( const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aOptions ) { m_plotOptions = aOptions; }
const wxPoint& GetOriginAxisPosition() const { return m_originAxisPosition; }
void SetOriginAxisPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { m_originAxisPosition = aPosition; }
TITLE_BLOCK& GetTitleBlock() { return m_titles; }
void SetTitleBlock( const TITLE_BLOCK& aTitleBlock ) { m_titles = aTitleBlock; }
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ BOARD_ITEM* PCB_BASE_FRAME::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
m_Collector->Collect( m_Pcb, scanList, GetScreen()->RefPos( true ), guide );
m_Collector->Collect( m_Pcb, scanList, RefPos( true ), guide );
#if 0
// debugging: print out the collected items, showing their priority order too.
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ BOARD_ITEM* PCB_BASE_FRAME::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
if( item->Type() != PCB_ZONE_T )
/* Found a TYPE ZONE */
// Found a TYPE ZONE
if( item->GetTimeStamp() == timestampzone ) // Remove it, redundant, zone already found
m_Collector->Remove( ii );
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ BOARD_ITEM* PCB_BASE_FRAME::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
wxMenu itemMenu;
/* Give a title to the selection menu. This is also a cancel menu item */
// Give a title to the selection menu. This is also a cancel menu item
wxMenuItem * item_title = new wxMenuItem( &itemMenu, -1, _( "Selection Clarification" ) );
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
......@@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
snapToGrid = false;
if( snapToGrid )
pos = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
// Put cursor in new position, according to the zoom keys (if any).
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
/* Put cursor on grid or a pad centre if requested. If the tool DELETE is active the
* cursor is left off grid this is better to reach items to delete off grid,
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
if( Magnetize( this, GetToolId(), igridsize, curs_pos, &pos ) )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false );
......@@ -335,19 +335,19 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
if( !g_Drc_On || !g_CurrentTrackSegment ||
(BOARD_ITEM*)g_CurrentTrackSegment != this->GetCurItem() ||
!LocateIntrusion( m_Pcb->m_Track, g_CurrentTrackSegment,
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer, GetScreen()->RefPos( true ) ) )
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer, RefPos( true ) ) )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( curs_pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( curs_pos, snapToGrid );
if( oldpos != GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -373,5 +373,5 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aH
OnHotKey( aDC, aHotKey, aPosition );
UpdateStatusBar(); /* Display new cursor coordinates */
UpdateStatusBar(); // Display new cursor coordinates
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void RemoteCommand( const char* cmdline )
pos = pad->GetPosition();
if( netcode > 0 ) /* highlight the pad net*/
if( netcode > 0 ) // highlight the pad net
pcb->SetHighLightNet( netcode );
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void RemoteCommand( const char* cmdline )
if( module ) // if found, center the module on screen, and redraw the screen.
frame->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
frame->RedrawScreen( pos, false );
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::CreateSVGFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
m_plotOpts.SetValueColor( color );
PAGE_INFO pageInfo = m_board->GetPageSettings();
wxPoint axisorigin = m_board->GetOriginAxisPosition();
wxPoint axisorigin = m_board->GetAuxOrigin();
if( PageIsBoardBoundarySize() )
......@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::CreateSVGFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
m_board->SetPageSettings( currpageInfo );
m_plotOpts.SetUseAuxOrigin( true );
wxPoint origin = bbox.GetOrigin();
m_board->SetOriginAxisPosition( origin );
m_board->SetAuxOrigin( origin );
LOCALE_IO toggle;
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::CreateSVGFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
delete plotter;
m_board->SetOriginAxisPosition( axisorigin );
m_board->SetAuxOrigin( axisorigin );
m_board->SetPageSettings( pageInfo );
return true;
/* Creation of the panel properties of the module editor. */
// Creation of the panel properties of the module editor.
void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::InitBoardProperties()
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ModPositionX, m_CurrentModule->GetPosition().x );
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::InitModeditProperties()
m_LastSelected3DShapeIndex = -1;
/* Init 3D shape list */
// Init 3D shape list
S3D_MASTER* draw3D = m_CurrentModule->Models();
while( draw3D )
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::InitModeditProperties()
_( "Use this attribute for \"virtual\" components drawn on board\n"
"(like a old ISA PC bus connector)" ) );
/* Controls on right side of the dialog */
// Controls on right side of the dialog
switch( m_CurrentModule->GetAttributes() & 255 )
case 0:
......@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( change_layer )
m_CurrentModule->Flip( m_CurrentModule->GetPosition() );
/* Update 3D shape list */
// Update 3D shape list
int ii = m_3D_ShapeNameListBox->GetSelection();
if( ii >= 0 )
......@@ -660,23 +660,23 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::OnEditReference( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxPoint tmp = m_Parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint tmp = m_Parent->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_Parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( m_ReferenceCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_Parent->SetCrossHairPosition( m_ReferenceCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_ReferenceCopy->SetParent( m_CurrentModule );
m_Parent->InstallTextModOptionsFrame( m_ReferenceCopy, NULL );
m_Parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_Parent->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_ReferenceCtrl->SetValue( m_ReferenceCopy->GetText() );
void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::OnEditValue( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxPoint tmp = m_Parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint tmp = m_Parent->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_Parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( m_ValueCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_Parent->SetCrossHairPosition( m_ValueCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_ValueCopy->SetParent( m_CurrentModule );
m_Parent->InstallTextModOptionsFrame( m_ValueCopy, NULL );
m_Parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_Parent->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_ValueCtrl->SetValue( m_ValueCopy->GetText() );
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::initModeditProperties()
......@@ -213,8 +211,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::initModeditProperties()
/* Initialize 3D info displayed in dialog box from values in aStruct3DSource
// Initialize 3D info displayed in dialog box from values in aStruct3DSource
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::Transfert3DValuesToDisplay( S3D_MASTER * aStruct3DSource )
if( aStruct3DSource )
......@@ -247,9 +244,8 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::TransfertDisplayTo3DValues( int aIndexSelectio
struct3DDest->m_MatPosition = m_3D_Offset->GetValue();
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::On3DShapeNameSelected(wxCommandEvent& event)
if( m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex >= 0 )
TransfertDisplayTo3DValues( m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex );
......@@ -268,9 +264,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::On3DShapeNameSelected(wxCommandEvent& event)
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::Remove3DShape(wxCommandEvent& event)
if( m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex >= 0 )
TransfertDisplayTo3DValues( m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex );
......@@ -293,9 +287,7 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::Remove3DShape(wxCommandEvent& event)
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::BrowseAndAdd3DLib( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString fullfilename, shortfilename;
wxString fullpath;
......@@ -364,16 +356,13 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::BrowseAndAdd3DLib( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
EndModal( -1 );
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// First, test for invalid chars in module name
wxString footprintName = m_FootprintNameCtrl->GetValue();
......@@ -486,25 +475,22 @@ void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::OnEditReference(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxPoint tmp = m_parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( m_referenceCopy->GetTextPosition() );
wxPoint tmp = m_parent->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( m_referenceCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_parent->InstallTextModOptionsFrame( m_referenceCopy, NULL );
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_ReferenceCtrl->SetValue( m_referenceCopy->GetText() );
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::OnEditValue(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxPoint tmp = m_parent->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( m_valueCopy->GetTextPosition() );
wxPoint tmp = m_parent->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( m_valueCopy->GetTextPosition() );
m_parent->InstallTextModOptionsFrame( m_valueCopy, NULL );
m_parent->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_parent->SetCrossHairPosition( tmp );
m_ValueCtrl->SetValue( m_valueCopy->GetText() );
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::SetParams()
if( m_Choice_Drill_Offset->GetSelection() == 0 )
m_FileDrillOffset = wxPoint( 0, 0 );
m_FileDrillOffset = m_parent->GetOriginAxisPosition();
m_FileDrillOffset = m_parent->GetAuxOrigin();
if( m_UnitDrillIsInch )
m_Precision = precisionListForInches;
......@@ -201,14 +201,18 @@ void DIALOG_SET_GRID::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
bool PCB_BASE_FRAME::InvokeDialogGrid()
wxPoint grid_origin = GetGridOrigin();
DIALOG_SET_GRID dlg( this, &m_UserGridUnit, g_UserUnit, &m_UserGridSize,
&GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin, &m_FastGrid1, &m_FastGrid2,
&grid_origin, &m_FastGrid1, &m_FastGrid2,
m_gridSelectBox->GetStrings() );
int ret = dlg.ShowModal();
if( ret == wxID_OK )
SetGridOrigin( grid_origin );
GetScreen()->AddGrid( m_UserGridSize, m_UserGridUnit, ID_POPUP_GRID_USER );
// If the user grid is the current option, recall SetGrid()
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ DIMENSION* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::EditDimension( DIMENSION* aDimension, wxDC* aDC )
if( aDimension == NULL )
status_dimension = 1;
pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
aDimension = new DIMENSION( GetBoard() );
aDimension->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void BuildDimension( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();
DIMENSION* Dimension = (DIMENSION*) screen->GetCurItem();
wxPoint pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
if( Dimension == NULL )
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::BeginMoveDimensionText( DIMENSION* aItem, wxDC* DC )
aItem->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
SetMsgPanel( aItem );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aItem->Text().GetTextPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aItem->Text().GetTextPosition() );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( MoveDimensionText, AbortMoveDimensionText );
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ static void MoveDimensionText( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint&
if( aErase )
dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
dimension->Text().SetTextPosition( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
dimension->Text().SetTextPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
dimension->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Start_Move_EdgeMod( EDGE_MODULE* aEdge, wxDC* DC )
aEdge->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR );
aEdge->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
MoveVector.x = MoveVector.y = 0;
CursorInitialPosition = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
CursorInitialPosition = GetCrossHairPosition();
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowCurrentOutlineWhileMoving, Abort_Move_ModuleOutline );
SetCurItem( aEdge );
m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static void ShowCurrentOutlineWhileMoving( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
edge->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR, MoveVector );
MoveVector = -(screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - CursorInitialPosition);
MoveVector = -(aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() - CursorInitialPosition);
edge->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR, MoveVector );
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static void ShowNewEdgeModule( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint&
edge->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
edge->SetEnd( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
edge->SetEnd( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
// Update relative coordinate.
edge->SetEnd0( edge->GetEnd() - module->GetPosition() );
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ EDGE_MODULE* FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Edge_Module( EDGE_MODULE* aEdge,
aEdge->SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT );
// Initialize the starting point of the new segment or arc
aEdge->SetStart( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
aEdge->SetStart( GetCrossHairPosition() );
// Initialize the ending point of the new segment or arc
aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ EDGE_MODULE* FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Edge_Module( EDGE_MODULE* aEdge,
aEdge->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleSegmentWidth );
aEdge->SetStart( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
aEdge->SetStart( GetCrossHairPosition() );
aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );
// Update relative coordinate.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
#include <dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.h>
/* Handles the selection of command events. */
// Handles the selection of command events.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
int id = event.GetId();
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Should not be executed, just in case */
// Should not be executed, just in case
if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() != BLOCK_IDLE )
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_IDLE );
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
ZONE_CONTAINER* zone_cont = (ZONE_CONTAINER*) GetCurItem();
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
/* add corner between zone_cont->m_CornerSelection
* and zone_cont->m_CornerSelection+1
......@@ -644,12 +644,12 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
SendMessageToEESCHEMA( module );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( module->GetPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( module->GetPosition() );
StartMoveModule( module, &dc, id == ID_POPUP_PCB_DRAG_MODULE_REQUEST );
case ID_POPUP_PCB_GET_AND_MOVE_MODULE_REQUEST: /* get module by name and move it */
case ID_POPUP_PCB_GET_AND_MOVE_MODULE_REQUEST: // get module by name and move it
SetCurItem( GetModuleByName() );
module = (MODULE*) GetCurItem();
......@@ -658,9 +658,9 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( module->IsLocked() )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Footprint %s found, but it is locked" ),
module->GetReference().GetData() );
wxString msg = wxString::Format(
_( "Footprint %s found, but it is locked" ),
module->GetReference().GetData() );
DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg );
......@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* This is a simple rotation, no other editing in progress */
// This is a simple rotation, no other editing in progress
if( !GetCurItem()->IsMoving() )
SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurItem(), UR_ROTATED, ((MODULE*)GetCurItem())->GetPosition() );
......@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* This is a simple rotation, no other editing in progress */
// This is a simple rotation, no other editing in progress
if( !GetCurItem()->IsMoving() )
SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurItem(), UR_ROTATED_CLOCKWISE,
((MODULE*)GetCurItem())->GetPosition() );
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* This is a simple flip, no other editing in progress */
// This is a simple flip, no other editing in progress
if( !GetCurItem()->IsMoving() )
SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurItem(), UR_FLIPPED, ((MODULE*)GetCurItem())->GetPosition() );
......@@ -1108,14 +1108,18 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
TRACK* track = (TRACK*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
track->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, GR_XOR );
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST itemsListPicker;
TRACK* newtrack = GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( pos, track, &itemsListPicker );
SaveCopyInUndoList( itemsListPicker, UR_UNSPECIFIED );
track->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, GR_XOR );
newtrack->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, GR_XOR );
/* compute the new ratsnest, because connectivity could change */
// compute the new ratsnest, because connectivity could change
TestNetConnection( &dc, track->GetNet() );
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveTextePcb( TEXTE_PCB* aTextePcb, wxDC* aDC, bool aE
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( aTextePcb->GetTextPosition() );
SetCrossHairPosition( aTextePcb->GetTextPosition() );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( Move_Texte_Pcb, Abort_Edit_Pcb_Text );
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveTextePcb( TEXTE_PCB* aTextePcb, wxDC* aDC, bool aE
/* Move PCB text following the cursor. */
// Move PCB text following the cursor.
static void Move_Texte_Pcb( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase )
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ static void Move_Texte_Pcb( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aP
if( aErase )
TextePcb->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
TextePcb->SetTextPosition( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
TextePcb->SetTextPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
TextePcb->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ TEXTE_PCB* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CreateTextePcb( wxDC* aDC, TEXTE_PCB* aText )
textePcb->SetMirrored( true );
textePcb->SetSize( GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_PcbTextSize );
textePcb->SetTextPosition( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
textePcb->SetTextPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );
textePcb->SetThickness( GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_PcbTextWidth );
InstallTextPCBOptionsFrame( textePcb, aDC );
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include <class_drawsegment.h>
static void Abort_EditEdge( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC );
static void Abort_EditEdge( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* DC );
static void DrawSegment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase );
static void Move_Segment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase );
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Start_Move_DrawItem( DRAWSEGMENT* drawitem, wxDC* DC )
drawitem->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR );
drawitem->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
s_InitialPosition = s_LastPosition = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
s_InitialPosition = s_LastPosition = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetMsgPanel( drawitem );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( Move_Segment, Abort_EditEdge );
SetCurItem( drawitem );
......@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ static void Move_Segment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPos
segment->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
wxPoint delta;
delta = aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() - s_LastPosition;
delta = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() - s_LastPosition;
segment->SetStart( segment->GetStart() + delta );
segment->SetEnd( segment->GetEnd() + delta );
s_LastPosition = aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
s_LastPosition = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
segment->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
......@@ -153,17 +153,17 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Delete_Drawings_All_Layer( LAYER_NUM aLayer )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Delete everything on layer %s?" ),
GetChars( GetBoard()->GetLayerName( aLayer ) ) );
wxString msg = wxString::Format(
_( "Delete everything on layer %s?" ),
GetChars( GetBoard()->GetLayerName( aLayer ) ) );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = GetBoard()->m_Drawings; item; item = PtNext )
PtNext = item->Next();
......@@ -202,38 +202,38 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Delete_Drawings_All_Layer( LAYER_NUM aLayer )
static void Abort_EditEdge( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
static void Abort_EditEdge( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* DC )
DRAWSEGMENT* Segment = (DRAWSEGMENT*) Panel->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
DRAWSEGMENT* Segment = (DRAWSEGMENT*) aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
if( Segment == NULL )
Panel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
aPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
if( Segment->IsNew() )
Panel->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
aPanel->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
Segment ->DeleteStructure();
Segment = NULL;
wxPoint pos = Panel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
Panel->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( s_InitialPosition );
Panel->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, true );
Panel->GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
wxPoint pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
aPanel->GetParent()->SetCrossHairPosition( s_InitialPosition );
aPanel->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxDefaultPosition, true );
aPanel->GetParent()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
Segment->Draw( Panel, DC, GR_OR );
Segment->Draw( aPanel, DC, GR_OR );
Panel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
( (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Panel->GetParent() )->SetCurItem( NULL );
aPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
( (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent() )->SetCurItem( NULL );
......@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ DRAWSEGMENT* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_DrawSegment( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, STROKE_T s
Segment->SetWidth( s_large );
Segment->SetShape( shape );
Segment->SetAngle( 900 );
Segment->SetStart( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Segment->SetEnd( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Segment->SetStart( GetCrossHairPosition() );
Segment->SetEnd( GetCrossHairPosition() );
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawSegment, Abort_EditEdge );
else /* The ending point ccordinate Segment->m_End was updated by he function
......@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ static void DrawSegment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosi
wxPoint pt;
CalculateSegmentEndPoint( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition(),
CalculateSegmentEndPoint( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition(),
Segment->GetStart().x, Segment->GetStart().y,
&pt.x, &pt.y );
Segment->SetEnd( pt );
else // here the angle is arbitrary
Segment->SetEnd( aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Segment->SetEnd( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Segment->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
TRACK* TrackOnStartPoint = NULL;
LAYER_MSK layerMask = GetLayerMask( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( aTrack == NULL ) // Starting a new track segment
......@@ -595,17 +595,17 @@ TRACK* LocateIntrusion( TRACK* listStart, TRACK* aTrack, LAYER_NUM aLayer, const
static void PushTrack( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel )
PCB_SCREEN* screen = ( (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) (panel->GetParent()) )->GetScreen();
BOARD* pcb = ( (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) (panel->GetParent()) )->GetBoard();
wxPoint cursor = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cv, vec, n;
TRACK* track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* other;
double det;
int dist;
double f;
other = LocateIntrusion( pcb->m_Track, track, screen->m_Active_Layer, screen->RefPos( true ) );
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetParent()->GetScreen();
BOARD* pcb = ( (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) (panel->GetParent()) )->GetBoard();
wxPoint cursor = panel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint cv, vec, n;
TRACK* track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* other;
double det;
int dist;
double f;
other = LocateIntrusion( pcb->m_Track, track, screen->m_Active_Layer, panel->GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );
// are we currently pointing into a conflicting trace ?
if( !other )
......@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ void ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPo
if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );
if( g_Drc_On )
PushTrack( aPanel );
......@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ void ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPo
* horizontal, vertical or 45 degrees.
wxPoint hp = g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetEnd();
CalculateSegmentEndPoint( screen->GetCrossHairPosition(),
CalculateSegmentEndPoint( frame->GetCrossHairPosition(),
......@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ void ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPo
else // Here the angle is arbitrary
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );
// Redraw the new track
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ TEXTE_MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::CreateTextModule( MODULE* Module, wxDC* DC )
Text = new TEXTE_MODULE( Module );
/* Add the new text object to the beginning of the draw item list. */
// Add the new text object to the beginning of the draw item list.
if( Module )
Module->GraphicalItems().PushFront( Text );
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ TEXTE_MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::CreateTextModule( MODULE* Module, wxDC* DC )
std::min( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize.x, GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize.y ), true );
Text->SetSize( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize );
Text->SetThickness( GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextWidth );
Text->SetTextPosition( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Text->SetTextPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );
InstallTextModOptionsFrame( Text, NULL );
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ static void AbortMoveTextModule( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
if( Text->IsMoving() )
Text->SetOrientation( TextInitialOrientation );
/* Redraw the text */
// Redraw the text
Panel->RefreshDrawingRect( Text->GetBoundingBox() );
// leave it at (0,0) so we can use it Rotate when not moving.
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::StartMoveTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC )
TextInitialOrientation = Text->GetOrientation();
// Center cursor on initial position of text
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( TextInitialPosition );
SetCrossHairPosition( TextInitialPosition );
SetMsgPanel( Text );
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::PlaceTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC )
m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( Text->GetBoundingBox() );
Text->DrawUmbilical( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR, -MoveVector );
/* Update the coordinates for anchor. */
// Update the coordinates for anchor.
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) Text->GetParent();
if( Module )
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::PlaceTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC )
Text->SetOrientation( tmp );
// Set the new position for text.
Text->SetTextPosition( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Text->SetTextPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );
wxPoint textRelPos = Text->GetTextPosition() - Module->GetPosition();
RotatePoint( &textRelPos, -Module->GetOrientation() );
Text->SetPos0( textRelPos );
......@@ -253,12 +253,12 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::PlaceTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC )
/* Redraw text. */
// Redraw text.
m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( Text->GetBoundingBox() );
Text->SetTextPosition( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
Text->SetTextPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ static void Show_MoveTexte_Module( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPo
Text->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR, MoveVector );
MoveVector = TextInitialPosition - screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
MoveVector = TextInitialPosition - aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
// Draw umbilical if text moved
if( MoveVector.x || MoveVector.y )
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
// Save the auxiliary origin for the rest of the module
GencadOffsetX = GetOriginAxisPosition().x;
GencadOffsetY = GetOriginAxisPosition().y;
GencadOffsetX = GetAuxOrigin().x;
GencadOffsetY = GetAuxOrigin().y;
// No idea on *why* this should be needed... maybe to fix net names?
Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );
......@@ -708,8 +708,8 @@ static bool CreateHeaderInfoData( FILE* aFile, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame )
fputs( "UNITS INCH\n", aFile );
msg.Printf( wxT( "ORIGIN %g %g\n" ),
MapXTo( aFrame->GetOriginAxisPosition().x ),
MapYTo( aFrame->GetOriginAxisPosition().y ) );
MapXTo( aFrame->GetAuxOrigin().x ),
MapYTo( aFrame->GetAuxOrigin().y ) );
fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );
fputs( "INTERTRACK 0\n", aFile );
......@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@
/* Window events */
// Window events
/* Sash drag events */
// Sash drag events
/* Toolbar events */
// Toolbar events
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ EVT_TOOL( ID_FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_DONE,
/* listbox events */
// listbox events
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv )
void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::OnSetRelativeOffset( wxCommandEvent& event )
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
......@@ -587,8 +587,8 @@ void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -619,42 +619,42 @@ void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
case ' ':
screen->m_O_Curseur = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
case WXK_NUMPAD8: /* cursor moved up */
case WXK_NUMPAD8: // cursor moved up
case WXK_UP:
pos.y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y );
m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );
case WXK_NUMPAD2: /* cursor moved down */
case WXK_NUMPAD2: // cursor moved down
case WXK_DOWN:
pos.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y );
m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );
case WXK_NUMPAD4: /* cursor moved left */
case WXK_NUMPAD4: // cursor moved left
case WXK_LEFT:
pos.x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x );
m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );
case WXK_NUMPAD6: /* cursor moved right */
case WXK_NUMPAD6: // cursor moved right
pos.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x );
m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
UpdateStatusBar(); /* Display new cursor coordinates */
UpdateStatusBar(); // Display new cursor coordinates
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
MODULE* module;
char line[1024];
File_Place_Offset = GetOriginAxisPosition();
File_Place_Offset = GetAuxOrigin();
// Calculating the number of useful modules (CMS attribute, not VIRTUAL)
int moduleCount = 0;
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SelectHighLight( wxDC* DC )
// optionally, modify the "guide" here as needed using its member functions
m_Collector->Collect( GetBoard(), GENERAL_COLLECTOR::PadsTracksOrZones,
GetScreen()->RefPos( true ), guide );
RefPos( true ), guide );
BOARD_ITEM* item = (*m_Collector)[0];
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* This can be useful if the new function cannot be executed while an item is currently
* being edited ( For example, one cannot start a new wire when a component is moving.)
* Note: If an hotkey is a special key, be sure the corresponding wxWidget keycode (WXK_XXXX)
* Note: If a hotkey is a special key, be sure the corresponding wxWidget keycode (WXK_XXXX)
* is handled in the hotkey_name_descr s_Hotkey_Name_List list (see hotkeys_basic.cpp)
* and see this list for some ascii keys (space ...)
......@@ -60,10 +60,8 @@ static EDA_HOTKEY HkFindItem( wxT( "Find Item" ), HK_FIND_ITEM, 'F' + GR_KB_CTRL
static EDA_HOTKEY HkBackspace( wxT( "Delete track segment" ), HK_BACK_SPACE, WXK_BACK );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkAddNewTrack( wxT( "Add new track" ), HK_ADD_NEW_TRACK, 'X' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkAddVia( wxT( "Add Via" ), HK_ADD_VIA, 'V' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchTrackPosture( wxT( "Switch Track Posture" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDragTrackKeepSlope( wxT( "Drag track keep slope" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchTrackPosture( wxT( "Switch Track Posture" ), HK_SWITCH_TRACK_POSTURE, '/' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDragTrackKeepSlope( wxT( "Drag track keep slope" ), HK_DRAG_TRACK_KEEP_SLOPE, 'D' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkPlaceItem( wxT( "Place Item" ), HK_PLACE_ITEM, 'P' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkAddMicroVia( wxT( "Add MicroVia" ), HK_ADD_MICROVIA, 'V' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkEndTrack( wxT( "End Track" ), HK_END_TRACK, WXK_END );
......@@ -73,15 +71,14 @@ static EDA_HOTKEY HkRotateItem( wxT( "Rotate Item" ), HK_ROTATE_ITEM, 'R' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveItem( wxT( "Move Item" ), HK_MOVE_ITEM, 'M' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkCopyItem( wxT( "Copy Item" ), HK_COPY_ITEM, 'C' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDragFootprint( wxT( "Drag Footprint" ), HK_DRAG_ITEM, 'G' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkGetAndMoveFootprint( wxT( "Get and Move Footprint" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkLock_Unlock_Footprint( wxT( "Lock/Unlock Footprint" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkGetAndMoveFootprint( wxT( "Get and Move Footprint" ), HK_GET_AND_MOVE_FOOTPRINT, 'T' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkLock_Unlock_Footprint( wxT( "Lock/Unlock Footprint" ), HK_LOCK_UNLOCK_FOOTPRINT, 'L' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDelete( wxT( "Delete Track or Footprint" ), HK_DELETE, WXK_DELETE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchHighContrastMode( wxT("Switch Highcontrast mode"),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ), HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD, ' ' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitchHighContrastMode( wxT("Switch Highcontrast mode"), HK_SWITCH_HIGHCONTRAST_MODE,'H');
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSetGridOrigin( wxT("Set Grid Origin"), HK_SET_GRID_ORIGIN, 'S' );
/* Fit on Screen */
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME );
......@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ EDA_HOTKEY* common_Hotkey_List[] =
&HkHelp, &HkZoomIn, &HkZoomOut,
&HkZoomRedraw, &HkZoomCenter, &HkZoomAuto,
&HkSwitchUnits, &HkResetLocalCoord,
&HkSwitchUnits, &HkResetLocalCoord, &HkSetGridOrigin,
&HkUndo, &HkRedo,
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::RecordMacros(wxDC* aDC, int aNumber)
if( m_RecordingMacros < 0 )
m_RecordingMacros = aNumber;
m_Macros[aNumber].m_StartPosition = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition( false );
m_Macros[aNumber].m_StartPosition = GetCrossHairPosition( false );
msg.Printf( _( "Recording macro %d" ), aNumber );
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::RecordMacros(wxDC* aDC, int aNumber)
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CallMacros( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aNumber )
PCB_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
wxPoint tPosition;
wxString msg;
......@@ -59,19 +58,19 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CallMacros( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aNumbe
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
tPosition = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
tPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetMousePosition( tPosition );
SetMousePosition( tPosition );
GeneralControl( aDC, tPosition );
for( std::list<MACROS_RECORD>::iterator i = m_Macros[aNumber].m_Record.begin();
i != m_Macros[aNumber].m_Record.end();
i++ )
wxPoint tmpPos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( tPosition + i->m_Position );
wxPoint tmpPos = GetNearestGridPosition( tPosition + i->m_Position );
screen->SetMousePosition( tmpPos );
SetMousePosition( tmpPos );
GeneralControl( aDC, tmpPos, i->m_HotkeyCode );
......@@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
MACROS_RECORD macros_record;
macros_record.m_HotkeyCode = aHotkeyCode;
macros_record.m_Idcommand = HK_Descr->m_Idcommand;
macros_record.m_Position = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ) -
macros_record.m_Position = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ) -
m_Macros[m_RecordingMacros].m_Record.push_back( macros_record );
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Add key [%c] in macro %d" ), aHotkeyCode, m_RecordingMacros );
......@@ -162,8 +161,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
CallMacros( aDC, screen->GetCrossHairPosition( false ),
hk_id - HK_CALL_MACROS_0 );
CallMacros( aDC, GetCrossHairPosition( false ), hk_id - HK_CALL_MACROS_0 );
......@@ -222,7 +220,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
OnSelectGrid( cmd );
......@@ -344,8 +341,14 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: /*Reset the relative coord */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Set the relative coord
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() );
OnModify(); // because grid origin is saved in board, show as modified
......@@ -498,7 +501,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
// get any module, locked or not locked and toggle its locked status
if( !itemCurrentlyEdited )
wxPoint pos = screen->RefPos( true );
wxPoint pos = RefPos( true );
module = GetBoard()->GetFootprint( pos, screen->m_Active_Layer, true );
else if( GetCurItem()->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
......@@ -513,7 +516,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosit
SetMsgPanel( module );
case HK_DRAG_ITEM: // Start drag module or track segment
......@@ -586,7 +588,7 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotkeyDeleteItem( wxDC* aDC )
if( ItemFree )
wxPoint pos = GetScreen()->RefPos( false );
wxPoint pos = RefPos( false );
MODULE* module = GetBoard()->GetFootprint( pos, UNDEFINED_LAYER, false );
if( module == NULL )
......@@ -51,12 +51,17 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPos
case HK_HELP: // Display Current hotkey list
case HK_HELP: // Display Current hotkey list
DisplayHotkeyList( this, g_Module_Editor_Hokeys_Descr );
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: /*Reset the relative coord */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // set local (relative) coordinate origin
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() );
......@@ -557,8 +557,12 @@ void PCB_IO::format( BOARD* aBoard, int aNestLevel ) const
Double2Str( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_SolderPasteMarginRatio ).c_str() );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(aux_axis_origin %s %s)\n",
FMTIU( aBoard->GetOriginAxisPosition().x ).c_str(),
FMTIU( aBoard->GetOriginAxisPosition().y ).c_str() );
FMTIU( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin().x ).c_str(),
FMTIU( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin().y ).c_str() );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(grid_origin %s %s)\n",
FMTIU( aBoard->GetGridOrigin().x ).c_str(),
FMTIU( aBoard->GetGridOrigin().y ).c_str() );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(visible_elements %X)\n",
aBoard->GetDesignSettings().GetVisibleElements() );
......@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadSETUP()
BIU gx = biuParse( line + SZ( "AuxiliaryAxisOrg" ), &data );
BIU gy = biuParse( data );
m_board->SetOriginAxisPosition( wxPoint( gx, gy ) );
// m_board->SetAuxOrigin( wxPoint( gx, gy ) ); gets overwritten by SetDesignSettings() below
bds.m_AuxOrigin = wxPoint( gx, gy );
else if( TESTLINE( "Layers" ) )
......@@ -851,13 +852,11 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadSETUP()
else if( TESTLINE( "GridOrigin" ) )
/* @todo
BIU gx = biuParse( line + SZ( "GridOrigin" ), &data );
BIU gy = biuParse( data );
BIU x = biuParse( line + SZ( "GridOrigin" ), &data );
BIU y = biuParse( data );
GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin.x = Ox;
GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin.y = Oy;
// m_board->SetGridOrigin( wxPoint( x, y ) ); gets overwritten by SetDesignSettings() below
bds.m_GridOrigin = wxPoint( x, y );
else if( TESTLINE( "VisibleElements" ) )
......@@ -3071,14 +3070,8 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveSETUP( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
if( bds.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio != 0 )
fprintf( m_fp, "Pad2PasteClearanceRatio %g\n", bds.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio );
/* @todo no aFrame
if ( aFrame->GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin != wxPoint( 0, 0 ) )
fprintf( m_fp, "GridOrigin %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aFrame->GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin ).c_str() );
fprintf( m_fp, "AuxiliaryAxisOrg %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aBoard->GetOriginAxisPosition() ).c_str() );
fprintf( m_fp, "GridOrigin %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aBoard->GetGridOrigin() ).c_str() );
fprintf( m_fp, "AuxiliaryAxisOrg %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin() ).c_str() );
fprintf( m_fp, "VisibleElements %X\n", bds.GetVisibleElements() );
......@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::Create_1_Module( const wxString& aModuleName )
GetBoard()->Add( module );
// Update parameters: position, timestamp ...
newpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
newpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
module->SetPosition( newpos );
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE* aModule )
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
SetCrossHairPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
PlaceModule( aModule, NULL );
// Put it on FRONT layer,
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::LoadModuleFromLibrary( const wxString& aLibrary,
wxDC* aDC )
MODULE* module;
wxPoint curspos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
wxPoint curspos = GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString moduleName, keys;
wxString libName = aLibrary;
bool allowWildSeach = true;
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::LoadModuleFromLibrary( const wxString& aLibrary,
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( curspos );
SetCrossHairPosition( curspos );
if( module )
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ bool Magnetize( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame, int aCurrentTool, wxSize aGridSize,
TRACK* currTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
BOARD_ITEM* currItem = frame->GetCurItem();
PCB_SCREEN* screen = frame->GetScreen();
wxPoint pos = screen->RefPos( true );
wxPoint pos = frame->RefPos( true );
// D( printf( "currTrack=%p currItem=%p currTrack->Type()=%d currItem->Type()=%d\n", currTrack, currItem, currTrack ? currTrack->Type() : 0, currItem ? currItem->Type() : 0 ); )
......@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ bool Magnetize( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame, int aCurrentTool, wxSize aGridSize,
currTrack = NULL;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == capture_always )
doPad = true;
......@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
#include <protos.h>
/* Routines Locales */
// Routines Locales
static void AbortMoveAndEditTarget( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC );
static void ShowTargetShapeWhileMovingMouse( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel,
wxDC* aDC,
const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase );
/* Local variables : */
// Local variables :
static int MireDefaultSize = 5000;
static PCB_TARGET s_TargetCopy( NULL ); /* Used to store "old" values of the
* current item parameters before
MainBoxSizer->Add( LeftBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
MainBoxSizer->Add( RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
/* Create of the command buttons. */
// Create of the command buttons.
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ PCB_TARGET* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CreateTarget( wxDC* DC )
target->SetLayer( EDGE_N );
target->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().m_EdgeSegmentWidth );
target->SetSize( MireDefaultSize );
target->SetPosition( m_canvas->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
target->SetPosition( GetCrossHairPosition() );
PlaceTarget( target, DC );
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PlaceTarget( PCB_TARGET* aTarget, wxDC* DC )
/* Redraw the contour of the track while moving the mouse */
// Redraw the contour of the track while moving the mouse
static void ShowTargetShapeWhileMovingMouse( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase )
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ static void ShowTargetShapeWhileMovingMouse( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
if( aErase )
target->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
target->SetPosition( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
target->SetPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
target->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -132,32 +132,31 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
if( module == NULL // No module loaded
|| (module->GetFlags() != 0) )
if( module == NULL // No module loaded
|| (module->GetFlags() != 0) )
SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_MODEDIT );
SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_MODEDIT );
// set the new relative internal local coordinates of footprint items
wxPoint moveVector = module->GetPosition() -
module->MoveAnchorPosition( moveVector );
// set the new relative internal local coordinates of footprint items
wxPoint moveVector = module->GetPosition() - GetCrossHairPosition();
module->MoveAnchorPosition( moveVector );
// Usually, we do not need to change twice the anchor position,
// so deselect the active tool
SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor(), wxEmptyString );
SetCurItem( NULL );
// Usually, we do not need to change twice the anchor position,
// so deselect the active tool
SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor(), wxEmptyString );
SetCurItem( NULL );
m_canvas->DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_XOR );
GetScreen()->m_GridOrigin = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
m_canvas->DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_COPY );
m_canvas->DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_XOR, GetBoard()->GetGridOrigin() );
SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() );
m_canvas->DrawGridAxis( DC, GR_COPY, GetBoard()->GetGridOrigin() );
......@@ -497,9 +497,9 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
snapToGrid = false;
if( snapToGrid )
pos = GetScreen()->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -532,14 +532,14 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
if( oldpos != GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
GetScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void MoveFootprint( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
/* Redraw the module at the new position. */
g_Offset_Module = module->GetPosition() - aPanel->GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
g_Offset_Module = module->GetPosition() - aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
DrawModuleOutlines( aPanel, aDC, module );
DrawSegmentWhileMovingFootprint( aPanel, aDC );
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::PlaceModule( MODULE* aModule, wxDC* aDC, bool aDoNotRecreat
if( g_Show_Module_Ratsnest && ( GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_PAD_OK ) && aDC )
TraceModuleRatsNest( aDC );
newpos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
newpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
aModule->SetPosition( newpos );
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv )
void FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::OnSetRelativeOffset( wxCommandEvent& event )
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
......@@ -644,8 +644,8 @@ void FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
cmd.SetEventObject( this );
pos = screen->GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition();
gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
switch( aHotKey )
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
case ' ':
screen->m_O_Curseur = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();
case WXK_NUMPAD8: /* cursor moved up */
......@@ -704,14 +704,14 @@ void FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
if( oldpos != screen->GetCrossHairPosition() )
if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
screen->SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );
if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ static void Show_Pad_Move( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPo
bool aErase )
TRACK* Track;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
D_PAD* pad = s_CurrentSelectedPad;
if( pad == NULL ) // Should not occur
......@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ static void Show_Pad_Move( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPo
if( aErase )
pad->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
pad->SetPosition( screen->GetCrossHairPosition() );
pad->SetPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
pad->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < g_DragSegmentList.size(); ii++ )
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void Abort_MoveTrack( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
frame->SetCurItem( NULL );
aPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
/* Undo move and redraw trace segments. */
// Undo move and redraw trace segments.
for( unsigned jj=0 ; jj < g_DragSegmentList.size(); jj++ )
TRACK* track = g_DragSegmentList[jj].m_Track;
......@@ -101,12 +101,11 @@ static void Abort_MoveTrack( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
/* Redraw the moved node according to the mouse cursor position */
// Redraw the moved node according to the mouse cursor position
static void Show_MoveNode( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aErase )
wxPoint moveVector;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
int tmp = DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill;
......@@ -118,8 +117,8 @@ static void Show_MoveNode( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPo
aErase = false;
/* set the new track coordinates */
wxPoint Pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
// set the new track coordinates
wxPoint Pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
moveVector = Pos - s_LastPos;
s_LastPos = Pos;
......@@ -202,7 +201,6 @@ static void Show_Drag_Track_Segment_With_Cte_Slope( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC
double xi1 = 0, yi1 = 0, xi2 = 0, yi2 = 0; // calculated intersection points
double tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2; // temporary storage of points
int dx, dy;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
bool update = true;
TRACK* Track;
TRACK* tSegmentToStart = NULL, * tSegmentToEnd = NULL;
......@@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ static void Show_Drag_Track_Segment_With_Cte_Slope( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC
/* Undraw the current moved track segments before modification*/
// Undraw the current moved track segments before modification
// if( erase )
......@@ -258,13 +256,13 @@ static void Show_Drag_Track_Segment_With_Cte_Slope( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC
/* Compute the new track segment position */
wxPoint Pos = screen->GetCrossHairPosition();
// Compute the new track segment position
wxPoint Pos = aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();
dx = Pos.x - s_LastPos.x;
dy = Pos.y - s_LastPos.y;
//move the line by dx and dy
// move the line by dx and dy
tx1 = (double) ( Track->GetStart().x + dx );
ty1 = (double) ( Track->GetStart().y + dy );
tx2 = (double) ( Track->GetEnd().x + dx );
......@@ -613,13 +611,13 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveOneNodeOrSegment( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC, int aC
/* Change highlighted net: the new one will be highlighted */
// Change highlighted net: the new one will be highlighted
if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
HighLight( aDC );
PosInit = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
PosInit = GetCrossHairPosition();
if( aTrack->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
......@@ -637,7 +635,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::StartMoveOneNodeOrSegment( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC, int aC
STATUS_FLAGS diag = aTrack->IsPointOnEnds( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition(), -1 );
STATUS_FLAGS diag = aTrack->IsPointOnEnds( GetCrossHairPosition(), -1 );
wxPoint pos;
switch( aCommand )
......@@ -754,7 +752,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Start_DragTrackSegmentAndKeepSlope( TRACK* track, wxDC* DC
if( !TrackToEndPoint || ( TrackToEndPoint->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T ) )
s_EndSegmentPresent = false;
/* Change high light net: the new one will be highlighted */
// Change high light net: the new one will be highlighted
if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
......@@ -791,8 +789,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Start_DragTrackSegmentAndKeepSlope( TRACK* track, wxDC* DC
UndrawAndMarkSegmentsToDrag( m_canvas, DC );
PosInit = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
s_LastPos = GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition();
PosInit = GetCrossHairPosition();
s_LastPos = GetCrossHairPosition();
m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( Show_Drag_Track_Segment_With_Cte_Slope, Abort_MoveTrack );
GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( track->GetNet() );
......@@ -823,7 +821,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Start_DragTrackSegmentAndKeepSlope( TRACK* track, wxDC* DC
/* Place a dragged (or moved) track segment or via */
// Place a dragged (or moved) track segment or via
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PlaceDraggedOrMovedTrackSegment( TRACK* Track, wxDC* DC )
int errdrc;
......@@ -841,7 +839,7 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PlaceDraggedOrMovedTrackSegment( TRACK* Track, wxDC* DC )
if( errdrc == BAD_DRC )
return false;
/* Redraw the dragged segments */
// Redraw the dragged segments
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < g_DragSegmentList.size(); ii++ )
errdrc = m_drc->Drc( g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track, GetBoard()->m_Track );
......@@ -855,7 +853,7 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PlaceDraggedOrMovedTrackSegment( TRACK* Track, wxDC* DC )
Track->SetState( IN_EDIT, false );
/* Draw dragged tracks */
// Draw dragged tracks
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < g_DragSegmentList.size(); ii++ )
Track = g_DragSegmentList[ii].m_Track;
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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