Commit ea6aba82 authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

Better Hotkey.cpp code for eeschema

parent c3a1b404
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-aug-10 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
+ eeschema
better hotkeys.cpp code.
2007-Aug-08 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -5,15 +5,14 @@
/* Fichier TRIGO.CPP */
#include "fctsys.h"
#define global extern
#include "trigo.h"
bool DistanceTest( int seuil, int dx, int dy, int spot_cX, int spot_cY )
* Calcul de la distance du curseur souris a un segment de droite :
......@@ -291,6 +290,27 @@ void RotatePoint( int* pX, int* pY, int cx, int cy, int angle )
void RotatePoint( wxPoint* point, int angle )
* Fonction surchargee!
* calcule les nouvelles coord du point point,
* pour une rotation d'angle angle ( en 1/10 degre)
int ox, oy;
ox = point->x;
oy = point->y;
RotatePoint( &ox, &oy, angle );
point->x = ox;
point->y = oy;
void RotatePoint( wxPoint* point, const wxPoint& centre, int angle )
......@@ -312,6 +332,7 @@ void RotatePoint( wxPoint* point, const wxPoint& centre, int angle )
void RotatePoint( double* pX, double* pY, double cx, double cy, int angle )
......@@ -297,10 +297,6 @@ int hotkey = 0;
m_CurrentScreen->m_O_Curseur = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur;
case '\t': // Switch to drag mode, when block moving
((WinEDA_SchematicFrame*)this)->HandleBlockEndByPopUp(BLOCK_DRAG, DC);
case WXK_NUMPAD8 : /* Deplacement curseur vers le haut */
case WXK_UP :
MousePositionInPixels.y -= delta.y;
......@@ -325,33 +321,6 @@ int hotkey = 0;
if ( m_Ident == SCHEMATIC_FRAME )
if ( g_ItemToRepeat && (g_ItemToRepeat->m_Flags == 0) )
else wxBell();
if ( m_Ident == LIBEDITOR_FRAME )
if ( LibItemToRepeat && (LibItemToRepeat->m_Flags == 0) &&
(LibItemToRepeat->m_StructType == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE) )
(LibDrawPin*) LibItemToRepeat);
else wxBell();
case 0:
default: hotkey = g_KeyPressed;
......@@ -367,8 +336,7 @@ int hotkey = 0;
RedrawActiveWindow(DC, TRUE);
if ( (oldpos.x != m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.x) ||
(oldpos.y != m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.y) )
if ( oldpos != m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur )
curpos = m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur;
m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = oldpos;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
/* Prototype des fonctions de trigo.cpp */
void RotatePoint(int *pX, int *pY, int angle);
void RotatePoint(int *pX, int *pY, int cx, int cy, int angle);
void RotatePoint(wxPoint* point, int angle );
void RotatePoint(wxPoint *point, const wxPoint & centre, int angle);
void RotatePoint(double *pX, double *pY, int angle);
void RotatePoint(double *pX, double *pY, double cx, double cy, int angle);
......@@ -22,37 +23,6 @@ int ArcTangente(int dy, int dx);
bool DistanceTest( int seuil, int dx, int dy, int spot_cX, int spot_cY );
/* Table lookup de 1/COS(X) en fonction de tg(X) */
eda_global float invcostab[17]
#if defined MAIN
= { 1.0, 1/0.998, 1/0.9923, 1/0.9829, 1/0.97014, 1/0.9545,
1/0.93633, 1/0.91615, 1/0.8944, 1/0.8715, 1/0.848, 1/0.82404,
1/0.8, 1/0.7761, 1/0.75257, 1/0.7295, 1/0.707 }
/* Table lookup de 256*COS(X) en fonction de tg(X) */
eda_global long costab[17]
#if defined MAIN
= { 256, 255, 253, 251, 248, 244, 240, 234, 229,
223, 217, 211, 205, 198, 192, 187, 181 }
/* Table lookup de 256*SIN(X) en fonction de tg(X) */
eda_global long sintab[17]
#if defined MAIN
= { 0, 16, 32, 47, 62, 76, 90, 103, 114,
125, 136, 145, 154, 161, 168, 175, 181 }
/* Macro NEW_COORD */
......@@ -1120,9 +1120,8 @@ public:
int BestZoom( void ); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void SetToolbars( void );
void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
SCH_SCREEN* GetScreen( void ) { return (SCH_SCREEN*) m_CurrentScreen; }
void OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct );
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