Commit ea04a4af authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

eeschema: netlist dialog: fix a very minor issue.

parent b7504145
......@@ -475,18 +475,22 @@ void NETLIST_DIALOG::GenNetlist( wxCommandEvent& event )
fn.SetExt( fileExt );
wxString fullfilname = fn.GetFullName();
if( fn.GetPath().IsEmpty() )
fn.SetPath( wxGetCwd() );
wxString fullfilename = fn.GetFullPath();
if( !GetUseDefaultNetlistName() || currPage->m_IdNetType >= NET_TYPE_CUSTOM1 )
wxFileDialog dlg( this, title, fn.GetPath(),
fullfilname, fileWildcard,
fullfilename, fileWildcard,
wxFD_SAVE );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
fullfilname = dlg.GetPath();
fullfilename = dlg.GetPath();
......@@ -496,7 +500,7 @@ void NETLIST_DIALOG::GenNetlist( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_Parent->SetNetListerCommand( wxEmptyString );
m_Parent->CreateNetlist( currPage->m_IdNetType, fullfilname, netlist_opt );
m_Parent->CreateNetlist( currPage->m_IdNetType, fullfilename, netlist_opt );
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