Commit da75c526 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Hot keys settings are synchronized between GAL & legacy

parent 99e52289
......@@ -350,6 +350,15 @@ bool EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
return false;
int EDA_DRAW_FRAME::WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList, wxString* aFullFileName )
int result = EDA_BASE_FRAME::WriteHotkeyConfig( aDescList, aFullFileName );
if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
return result;
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include <macros.h>
#include <dialog_hotkeys_editor.h>
#include <menus_helpers.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <wx/apptrait.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
......@@ -482,6 +483,20 @@ EDA_HOTKEY* GetDescriptorFromHotkey( int aKey, EDA_HOTKEY** aList )
EDA_HOTKEY* GetDescriptorFromCommand( int aCommand, EDA_HOTKEY** aList )
for( ; *aList != NULL; aList++ )
EDA_HOTKEY* hk_decr = *aList;
if( hk_decr->m_Idcommand == aCommand )
return hk_decr;
return NULL;
int EDA_BASE_FRAME::WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList,
wxString* aFullFileName )
......@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@
#include <tool/action_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_event.h>
#include <tool/tool_action.h>
#include <draw_frame.h>
#include <hotkeys_basic.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <cassert>
......@@ -61,18 +64,6 @@ void ACTION_MANAGER::RegisterAction( TOOL_ACTION* aAction )
m_actionNameIndex[aAction->m_name] = aAction;
m_actionIdIndex[aAction->m_id] = aAction;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check if there are two global actions assigned to the same hotkey
if( aAction->GetScope() == AS_GLOBAL )
BOOST_FOREACH( const TOOL_ACTION* action, m_actionHotKeys[aAction->m_currentHotKey] )
assert( action->GetScope() != AS_GLOBAL );
#endif /* not NDEBUG */
if( aAction->HasHotKey() )
m_actionHotKeys[aAction->m_currentHotKey].push_back( aAction );
......@@ -181,3 +172,86 @@ bool ACTION_MANAGER::RunHotKey( int aHotKey ) const
return false;
void ACTION_MANAGER::UpdateHotKeys()
std::list<TOOL_ACTION*>& actions = GetActionList();
for( std::list<TOOL_ACTION*>::iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it )
TOOL_ACTION* aAction = *it;
int hotkey = processHotKey( aAction, true );
if( hotkey > 0 )
m_actionHotKeys[hotkey].push_back( aAction );
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check if there are two global actions assigned to the same hotkey
BOOST_FOREACH( std::list<TOOL_ACTION*>& action_list, m_actionHotKeys | boost::adaptors::map_values )
int global_actions_cnt = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_ACTION* action, action_list )
if( action->GetScope() == AS_GLOBAL )
assert( global_actions_cnt <= 1 );
#endif /* not NDEBUG */
int ACTION_MANAGER::processHotKey( TOOL_ACTION* aAction, bool aForceUpdate )
int hotkey = 0;
if( aForceUpdate )
hotkey = aAction->getDefaultHotKey();
hotkey = aAction->GetHotKey();
if( ( hotkey & TOOL_ACTION::LEGACY_HK ) )
hotkey = hotkey & ~TOOL_ACTION::LEGACY_HK; // it leaves only HK_xxx identifier
EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame = static_cast<EDA_DRAW_FRAME*>( m_toolMgr->GetEditFrame() );
EDA_HOTKEY* hk_desc = frame->GetHotKeyDescription( hotkey );
if( hk_desc )
hotkey = hk_desc->m_KeyCode;
// Convert modifiers to the ones used by the Tool Framework
if( hotkey & GR_KB_CTRL )
hotkey &= ~GR_KB_CTRL;
hotkey |= MD_CTRL;
if( hotkey & GR_KB_ALT )
hotkey &= ~GR_KB_ALT;
hotkey |= MD_ALT;
if( hotkey & GR_KB_SHIFT )
hotkey &= ~GR_KB_SHIFT;
hotkey |= MD_SHIFT;
hotkey = 0;
aAction->setHotKey( hotkey );
return hotkey;
......@@ -114,33 +114,15 @@ wxMenuItem* CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId, const BITMAP_OPA
wxMenuItem* CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
/// ID numbers for tool actions need to have a value higher than ACTION_ID
int id = ACTION_ID + aAction.GetId();
const BITMAP_OPAQUE* icon = aAction.GetIcon();
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, id, aAction.GetMenuItem(),
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, getMenuId( aAction ), aAction.GetMenuItem(),
aAction.GetDescription(), wxITEM_NORMAL );
if( icon )
item->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( icon ) );
if( aAction.HasHotKey() )
int key = aAction.GetHotKey() & ~MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
int mod = aAction.GetHotKey() & MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
int flags = wxACCEL_NORMAL;
switch( mod )
case MD_ALT: flags = wxACCEL_ALT; break;
case MD_CTRL: flags = wxACCEL_CTRL; break;
case MD_SHIFT: flags = wxACCEL_SHIFT; break;
wxAcceleratorEntry accel( flags, key, id, item );
item->SetAccel( &accel );
m_toolActions[id] = &aAction;
m_toolActions[getMenuId( aAction )] = &aAction;
return Append( item );
......@@ -198,11 +180,44 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Clear()
void CONTEXT_MENU::UpdateAll()
runOnSubmenus( boost::bind( &CONTEXT_MENU::UpdateAll, _1 ) );
void CONTEXT_MENU::updateHotKeys()
for( std::map<int, const TOOL_ACTION*>::const_iterator it = m_toolActions.begin();
it != m_toolActions.end(); ++it )
int id = it->first;
const TOOL_ACTION& action = *it->second;
if( action.HasHotKey() )
int key = action.GetHotKey() & ~MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
int mod = action.GetHotKey() & MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
int flags = wxACCEL_NORMAL;
wxMenuItem* item = FindChildItem( id );
if( item )
switch( mod )
case MD_ALT: flags = wxACCEL_ALT; break;
case MD_CTRL: flags = wxACCEL_CTRL; break;
case MD_SHIFT: flags = wxACCEL_SHIFT; break;
wxAcceleratorEntry accel( flags, key, id, item );
item->SetAccel( &accel );
void CONTEXT_MENU::onMenuEvent( wxMenuEvent& aEvent )
......@@ -332,6 +332,12 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::RunAction( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction, bool aNow, void* aPara
void TOOL_MANAGER::UpdateHotKeys()
bool TOOL_MANAGER::invokeTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool )
wxASSERT( aTool != NULL );
......@@ -723,6 +729,7 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::SetEnvironment( EDA_ITEM* aModel, KIGFX::VIEW* aView,
m_view = aView;
m_viewControls = aViewControls;
m_editFrame = aFrame;
......@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ public:
void InstallOptionsDisplay( wxCommandEvent& event );
MODULE* Get_Module( const wxString& CmpName );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const { return NULL; }
void Process_Settings( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -353,6 +353,18 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG g_Viewlib_Hokeys_Descr[] =
EDA_HOTKEY* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, schematic_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
* Hot keys. Some commands are relative to the item under the mouse cursor
* Commands are case insensitive
......@@ -581,6 +593,17 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_HOTKEY* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, libEdit_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem )
if( aHotKey == 0 )
......@@ -749,6 +772,18 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
return true;
EDA_HOTKEY* LIB_VIEW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, viewlib_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool LIB_VIEW_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_ITEM* aItem )
......@@ -337,6 +337,9 @@ public:
double BestZoom(); // Returns the best zoom
void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
bool OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem = NULL );
bool GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey = 0 );
......@@ -357,6 +357,10 @@ public:
void ReCreateVToolbar();
void ReCreateOptToolbar();
void ReCreateMenuBar();
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
bool OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem = NULL );
......@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ public:
bool GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey = 0 );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey
* handle hot key events.
......@@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ public:
void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey.
* ** Commands are case insensitive **
......@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG GerbviewHokeysDescr[] =
EDA_HOTKEY* GERBVIEW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, gerbviewHotkeyList );
return HK_Descr;
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem )
#define CHANGE( x ) ( x ) = not (x )
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include <kiway_player.h>
class wxSingleInstanceChecker;
......@@ -324,6 +324,18 @@ public:
void SkipNextLeftButtonReleaseEvent();
///> @copydoc EDA_BASE_FRAME::WriteHotkeyConfig
int WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList, wxString* aFullFileName = NULL );
* Function GetHotKeyDescription
* Searches lists of hot key identifiers (HK_xxx) used in the frame to find a matching
* hot key descriptor.
* @param aCommand is the hot key identifier.
* @return Hot key descriptor or NULL if none found.
virtual EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const = 0;
virtual bool OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_ITEM* aItem = NULL );
......@@ -196,12 +196,21 @@ void DisplayHotkeyList( EDA_BASE_FRAME* aFrame, struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aList
* Function GetDescriptorFromHotkey
* Return a EDA_HOTKEY * pointer from a key code for OnHotKey() function
* Returns a EDA_HOTKEY* pointer from a key code for OnHotKey() function
* @param aKey = key code (ascii value, or wxWidgets value for function keys
* @param aList = pointer to a EDA_HOTKEY list of commands
* @return the corresponding EDA_HOTKEY pointer from the EDA_HOTKEY List
EDA_HOTKEY* GetDescriptorFromHotkey( int aKey, EDA_HOTKEY** aList );
EDA_HOTKEY* GetDescriptorFromHotkey( int aKey, EDA_HOTKEY** aList );
* Function GetDescriptorFromCommand
* Returns a EDA_HOTKEY* pointer from a hot key identifier.
* @param aCommand = hot key identifier (@see hotkeys.h)
* @param aList = pointer to a EDA_HOTKEY list of commands
* @return the corresponding EDA_HOTKEY pointer from the EDA_HOTKEY List
EDA_HOTKEY* GetDescriptorFromCommand( int aCommand, EDA_HOTKEY** aList );
* Function ReadHotkeyConfig
......@@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ public:
bool RunHotKey( int aHotKey ) const;
* Function UpdateHotKeys()
* Updates TOOL_ACTIONs hot key assignment according to the current frame's Hot Key Editor settings.
void UpdateHotKeys();
* Function GetActionList()
* Returns list of TOOL_ACTIONs. TOOL_ACTIONs add themselves to the list upon their
* creation.
* @return List of TOOL_ACTIONs.
......@@ -104,6 +111,13 @@ public:
///> Resolves a reference to legacy hot key settings to a particular hot key.
///> @param aAction is the action to be resolved.
///> @param aForceUpdate determines whether it should be resolved only when the current hot key
///> setting contains a reference to legacy settings, or update the hot key basing on the
///> originally assigned reference.
int processHotKey( TOOL_ACTION* aAction, bool aForceUpdate = false );
///> Tool manager needed to run actions
TOOL_MANAGER* m_toolMgr;
......@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ private:
void setTool( TOOL_INTERACTIVE* aTool );
///> Updates hot key settings for TOOL_ACTIONs in this menu.
void updateHotKeys();
///> Traverses the submenus tree looking for a submenu capable of handling a particular menu
///> event. In case it is handled, it is returned the aToolEvent parameter.
void runEventHandlers( const wxMenuEvent& aMenuEvent, OPT_TOOL_EVENT& aToolEvent );
......@@ -180,6 +183,12 @@ private:
///> Runs a function on the menu and all its submenus.
void runOnSubmenus( boost::function<void(CONTEXT_MENU*)> aFunction );
///> Returns the corresponding wxMenuItem identifier for a TOOL_ACTION object.
static inline int getMenuId( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
return aAction.GetId() + ACTION_ID;
///> Flag indicating that the menu title was set up.
bool m_titleSet;
......@@ -96,30 +96,6 @@ public:
return m_currentHotKey;
* Function ChangeHotKey()
* Assigns a new hot key.
* @param aNewHotKey is the new hot key.
void ChangeHotKey( int aNewHotKey )
assert( false );
// hotkey has to be changed in the ACTION_MANAGER, or change the implementation
m_currentHotKey = aNewHotKey;
* Function RestoreHotKey()
* Changes the assigned hot key to the default one.
void RestoreHotKey()
assert( false );
// hotkey has to be changed in the ACTION_MANAGER, or change the implementation
m_currentHotKey = m_defaultHotKey;
* Function HasHotKey()
* Checks if the action has a hot key assigned.
......@@ -128,7 +104,7 @@ public:
bool HasHotKey() const
return m_currentHotKey > 0;
return m_currentHotKey != 0;
......@@ -204,9 +180,35 @@ public:
return m_icon;
* Creates a hot key code that refers to a legacy hot key setting, instead of a particular key.
* @param aHotKey is an ID of hot key to be referred (see @hotkeys.h).
inline static int LegacyHotKey( int aHotKey )
assert( ( aHotKey & LEGACY_HK ) == 0 );
return aHotKey | LEGACY_HK;
friend class ACTION_MANAGER;
/// Returns the hot key assigned in the object definition. It may refer to a legacy hot key setting
/// (if LEGACY_HK flag is set).
int getDefaultHotKey()
return m_defaultHotKey;
/// Changes the assigned hot key.
void setHotKey( int aHotKey )
// it is not the right moment to use legacy hot key, it should be given in the object definition
assert( ( aHotKey & LEGACY_HK ) == 0 );
m_currentHotKey = aHotKey;
/// Name of the action (convention is: app.[tool.]
std::string m_name;
......@@ -236,6 +238,10 @@ private:
/// Generic parameter
void* m_param;
/// Flag to determine the hot key settings is not a particular key, but a reference to legacy
/// hot key setting.
static const int LEGACY_HK = 0x800000;
......@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ public:
RunAction( aAction, aNow, (void*) NULL );
///> @copydoc ACTION_MANAGER::UpdateHotKeys()
void UpdateHotKeys();
* Function FindTool()
* Searches for a tool with given ID.
......@@ -431,6 +431,9 @@ public:
m_useCmpFileForFpNames = aUseCmpfile;
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey.
* ** Commands are case insensitive **
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ public:
* the output format is: shortcut "key" "function"
* lines starting with # are comments
int WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList, wxString* aFullFileName = NULL);
virtual int WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList, wxString* aFullFileName = NULL );
* Function ReadHotkeyConfigFile
......@@ -126,6 +126,17 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG PlEditorHokeysDescr[] =
EDA_HOTKEY* PL_EDITOR_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, s_Common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, s_PlEditor_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool PL_EDITOR_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode,
const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem )
......@@ -236,6 +236,9 @@ public:
void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey.
* ** Commands are case insensitive **
......@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ private:
void LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg ); // override virtual
void SaveSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg ); // override virtual
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int ) const { return NULL; }
* Function OnActivate
......@@ -371,6 +371,17 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG g_Module_Viewer_Hokeys_Descr[] = {
EDA_HOTKEY* FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, module_viewer_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_ITEM* aItem )
......@@ -107,6 +107,17 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CallMacros( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aNumbe
EDA_HOTKEY* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, board_edit_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_ITEM* aItem )
......@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@
* See hotkeys.cpp
EDA_HOTKEY* FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const
EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, common_Hotkey_List );
if( HK_Descr == NULL )
HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromCommand( aCommand, module_edit_Hotkey_List );
return HK_Descr;
bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotKey, const wxPoint& aPosition,
EDA_ITEM* aItem )
......@@ -136,10 +136,13 @@ public:
void OnSaveLibraryAs( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey
* handle hot key events.
* <p?
* <p>
* Some commands are relative to the item under the mouse cursor. Commands are
* case insensitive
* </p>
......@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ private:
bool GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey = 0 );
///> @copydoc EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetHotKeyDescription()
EDA_HOTKEY* GetHotKeyDescription( int aCommand ) const;
* Function OnHotKey
* handle hot key events.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void CONDITIONAL_MENU::AddSeparator( const SELECTION_CONDITION& aCondition, int
// Do not delete entries - they are going to be reused
// Clear, but do not delete entries - they are going to be reused
for( std::list<ENTRY>::iterator it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it )
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