Commit d9c3de9b authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

footprint editor: fix crashes. In this fix, I removed the assumption the...

footprint editor: fix crashes. In this fix, I removed the assumption the parent frame is the board editor.
However, this assumption is still present here and there  in the moduleframe code.
parent fb346a0c
......@@ -65,14 +65,17 @@ static FOOTPRINT_LIST MList;
bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE* aModule )
MODULE* newModule;
PCB_BASE_FRAME* parent = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) GetParent();
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );
if( frame == NULL ) // happens if no board editor opened
return false;
if( aModule == NULL )
if( ! parent->GetBoard() || ! parent->GetBoard()->m_Modules )
if( ! frame->GetBoard() || ! frame->GetBoard()->m_Modules )
return false;
aModule = SelectFootprint( parent->GetBoard() );
aModule = SelectFootprint( frame->GetBoard() );
if( aModule == NULL )
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <hotkeys.h>
#include <module_editor_frame.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <kiway.h>
static PCB_SCREEN* s_screenModule; // the PCB_SCREEN used by the footprint editor
......@@ -416,21 +417,21 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateLibAndModuleSelected( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateLoadModuleFromBoard( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent )
PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) GetParent();
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );
aEvent.Enable( frame->GetBoard()->m_Modules != NULL );
aEvent.Enable( frame && frame->GetBoard()->m_Modules != NULL );
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateInsertModuleInBoard( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent )
PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) GetParent();
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );
MODULE* module_in_edit = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
bool canInsert = ( module_in_edit && !module_in_edit->GetLink() );
bool canInsert = frame && module_in_edit && !module_in_edit->GetLink();
// If the source was deleted, the module can inserted but not updated in the board.
if( module_in_edit && module_in_edit->GetLink() ) // this is not a new module
if( frame && module_in_edit && module_in_edit->GetLink() ) // this is not a new module
BOARD* mainpcb = frame->GetBoard();
MODULE* source_module = mainpcb->m_Modules;
......@@ -451,12 +452,12 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateInsertModuleInBoard( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateReplaceModuleInBoard( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent )
PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) GetParent();
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, false );
MODULE* module_in_edit = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
bool canReplace = ( module_in_edit && module_in_edit->GetLink() );
bool canReplace = frame && module_in_edit && module_in_edit->GetLink();
if( module_in_edit && module_in_edit->GetLink() ) // this is not a new module
if( canReplace ) // this is not a new module, but verify if the source is still on board
BOARD* mainpcb = frame->GetBoard();
MODULE* source_module = mainpcb->m_Modules;
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