Commit c586d973 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Eeschema: fix bug #142970 (broken append sheet function)

Fix a few minor coverity warnings.
parent 035b231b
......@@ -359,19 +359,60 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::AppendOneEEProject()
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Importing schematic " ) + fullFileName );
// Keep trace of the last item in list.
// New items will be loaded after this one.
SCH_ITEM* bs = screen->GetDrawItems();
if( bs )
while( bs->Next() )
bs = bs->Next();
// load the project
bool success = LoadOneEEFile( screen, fullFileName, true );
if( success )
// load sub-sheets
EDA_ITEM* bs = screen->GetDrawItems();
// the new loaded items need cleaning to avoid duplicate parameters
// which should be unique (ref and time stamp).
// Clear ref and set a new time stamp for new items
if( bs == NULL )
bs = screen->GetDrawItems();
bs = bs->Next();
while( bs )
// do not append hierarchical sheets
if( bs->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
SCH_ITEM* nextbs = bs->Next();
// To avoid issues with the current hieratchy,
// do not load included sheets files and give new filenames
// and new sheet names.
// There are many tricky cases (loops, creation of complex hierarchies
// with duplicate file names, duplicate sheet names...)
// So the included sheets names are renamed if existing,
// and filenames are just renamed to avoid loops and
// creation of complex hierarchies.
// If someone want to change it for a better append function, remember
// these cases need work to avoid issues.
if( bs->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
screen->Remove( (SCH_SHEET*) bs );
SCH_SHEET * sheet = (SCH_SHEET *) bs;
time_t newtimestamp = GetNewTimeStamp();
sheet->SetTimeStamp( newtimestamp );
// Check for existing subsheet name in the current sheet
wxString tmp = sheet->GetName();
sheet->SetName( wxEmptyString );
const SCH_SHEET* subsheet = GetScreen()->GetSheet( tmp );
if( subsheet )
sheet->SetName( wxString::Format( wxT( "Sheet%8.8lX" ), (long) newtimestamp ) );
sheet->SetName( tmp );
sheet->SetFileName( wxString::Format( wxT( "file%8.8lX.sch" ), (long) newtimestamp ) );
sheet->SetScreen( new SCH_SCREEN( &Kiway() ) );
sheet->GetScreen()->SetFileName( sheet->GetFileName() );
// clear annotation and init new time stamp for the new components
else if( bs->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T )
......@@ -383,7 +424,7 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::AppendOneEEProject()
bs = bs->Next();
bs = nextbs;
......@@ -1191,9 +1191,6 @@ LIB_ITEM* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LocateItemUsingCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition,
LIB_ITEM* item = locateItem( aPosition, aFilterList );
if( item == NULL )
return NULL;
wxPoint pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );
if( item == NULL && aPosition != pos )
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ again." );
// EELAYER i j
// and the last line is
// Skip all lines until end end of header EELAYER END is found
// Skip all lines until the end of header "EELAYER END" is found
while( reader.ReadLine() )
line = reader.Line();
......@@ -112,16 +112,13 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnLeftClick( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition )
item = LocateAndShowItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::SheetsOnly );
if( item )
if( item ) // The user has clicked on a sheet: this is an enter sheet command
m_CurrentSheet->Push( (SCH_SHEET*) item );
wxCHECK_RET( m_CurrentSheet->Last() != g_RootSheet,
wxT( "Cannot leave root sheet. Bad Programmer!" ) );
else if( m_CurrentSheet->Last() != g_RootSheet )
{ // The user has clicked ouside a sheet:this is an leave sheet command
......@@ -276,10 +276,11 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::ResolveAll(
for( int i = 0; i < aComponents.GetCount(); ++i )
SCH_COMPONENT* c = dynamic_cast<SCH_COMPONENT*>( aComponents[i] );
wxASSERT( c );
SCH_COMPONENT* cmp = dynamic_cast<SCH_COMPONENT*>( aComponents[i] );
wxASSERT( cmp );
c->Resolve( aLibs );
if( cmp ) // cmp == NULL should not occur.
cmp->Resolve( aLibs );
......@@ -673,6 +673,7 @@ public:
// Avoid non initialized variables:
pageStreamHandle = streamLengthHandle = fontResDictHandle = 0;
pageTreeHandle = 0;
virtual PlotFormat GetPlotterType() const
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include <class_board_design_settings.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <dialog_netlist.h>
......@@ -331,6 +332,10 @@ void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnTestFootprintsClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_NETLIST::OnCompileRatsnestClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Rebuild the board connectivity:
if( m_parent->IsGalCanvasActive() )
m_parent->Compile_Ratsnest( m_dc, true );
......@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ReadPcbNetlist( const wxString& aNetlistFileName,
// Rebuild the board connectivity:
if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );
Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, true );
SetMsgPanel( board );
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