Commit c3c6b9ef authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Pcbnew: Now, archive modules function archives footprints with default...

Pcbnew: Now, archive modules function archives footprints with default orientation (0 degrees) and default side (Front layer)
parent 9cc4f5d0
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ArchiveModulesOnBoard( const wxString& aLibName, bool aNewM
wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Library" ), path,
wxEmptyString, ModuleFileWildcard,
wxFD_SAVE );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
......@@ -413,12 +413,26 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ArchiveModulesOnBoard( const wxString& aLibName, bool aNewM
fclose( lib_module );
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;
for( int ii = 1; Module != NULL; ii++, Module = Module->Next() )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;
for( int ii = 1; module != NULL; ii++, module = module->Next() )
if( Save_Module_In_Library( fileName, Module,
aNewModulesOnly ? false : true,
false ) == 0 )
// Save footprints in default orientation (0.0) and default layer (FRONT layer)
int orient = module->GetOrientation();
if ( orient != 0 )
module->SetOrientation( 0 );
int layer = module->GetLayer();
if(layer != LAYER_N_FRONT )
module->Flip( module->m_Pos );
bool success = Save_Module_In_Library( fileName, module,
aNewModulesOnly ? false : true, false );
// Restore previous orientation and/or side
if(layer != module->GetLayer() )
module->Flip( module->m_Pos );
if ( orient != 0 )
module->SetOrientation( orient );
if( !success )
/* Check for request to stop backup (ESCAPE key actuated) */
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