Commit be7d0c8f authored by Miguel Angel Ajo's avatar Miguel Angel Ajo

missing QA tests for the python scripting QA

parent 48334f66
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import unittest
if __name__ == '__main__':
testsuite = unittest.TestLoader().discover('testcases',pattern="*.py")
import unittest
class TestQAWorks(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.pcb = None
def test_assert_true( self ):
self.assertTrue( True )
def test_assert_equal( self ):
self.assertEqual(2, 1+1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
import code
import unittest
import pcbnew
class TestPCBLoad(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.pcb = pcbnew.LoadBoard("data/complex_hierarchy.kicad_pcb")
def test_pcb_load(self):
def test_pcb_track_count(self):
tracks = list(self.pcb.GetTracks())
def test_pcb_modules(self):
modules = list(self.pcb.GetModules())
self.assertEqual(len(modules), 72)
def test_pcb_module_references(self):
board_refs = list(module.GetReference() for
module in self.pcb.GetModules())
known_refs = [u'P1', u'P3', u'C2', u'C1', u'D1', u'Q3', u'Q5', u'Q7',
u'Q6', u'Q1', u'Q2', u'Q4', u'Q8', u'P2', u'U1', u'U4',
u'P4', u'P5', u'P6', u'U3', u'R9', u'R15', u'RV1', u'RV2',
u'C3', u'C4', u'C5', u'C6', u'C7', u'C8', u'C9', u'D2',
u'D3', u'D4', u'D5', u'D6', u'D7', u'R3', u'R4', u'R5',
u'R6', u'R7', u'R8', u'R10', u'R11', u'R12', u'R13',
u'R14', u'R16', u'R17', u'R18', u'R19', u'R20', u'R21',
u'R22', u'MIRE', u'C10', u'C11',
u'U2', u'C14', u'C12', u'R23', u'R24', u'D9', u'D8', u'R25',
u'R26', u'R27', u'R28']
for ref in known_refs:
self.assertTrue(ref in board_refs)
def test_pcb_netcount(self):
#def test_interactive(self):
# code.interact(local=locals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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