Commit b76d05f5 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

fix syntax error in kicad_plugin.cpp, carve out class_page_info.cpp, and add PAGE_INFO::Custom

parent 0025ac7d
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ set(COMMON_SRCS
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 KiCad Developers, see CHANGELOG.TXT for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <common.h>
const wxString PAGE_INFO::Custom( wxT( "User" ) );
// Standard page sizes in mils, all constants
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA4( wxSize( 8283, 11700 ), wxT( "A4" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA4( wxSize( 11700, 8267 ), wxT( "A4" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA3( wxSize( 16535, 11700 ), wxT( "A3" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA2( wxSize( 23400, 16535 ), wxT( "A2" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA1( wxSize( 33070, 23400 ), wxT( "A1" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA0( wxSize( 46800, 33070 ), wxT( "A0" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA( wxSize( 11000, 8500 ), wxT( "A" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageB( wxSize( 17000, 11000 ), wxT( "B" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageC( wxSize( 22000, 17000 ), wxT( "C" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageD( wxSize( 34000, 22000 ), wxT( "D" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageE( wxSize( 44000, 34000 ), wxT( "E" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageGERBER(wxSize( 32000, 32000 ), wxT( "GERBER" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageUser( wxSize( 17000, 11000 ), Custom );
int PAGE_INFO::s_user_width = 17000;
int PAGE_INFO::s_user_height = 11000;
wxArrayString PAGE_INFO::GetStandardSizes()
wxArrayString ret;
static const PAGE_INFO* stdPageSizes[] = {
// &pageGERBER, // standard?
for( unsigned i=0; i < DIM( stdPageSizes ); ++i )
ret.Add( stdPageSizes[i]->GetType() );
return ret;
PAGE_INFO::PAGE_INFO( const wxSize& aSizeMils, const wxString& aType ) :
m_type( aType ),
m_size( aSizeMils ),
m_portrait( false )
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
m_left_margin = GOST_LEFTMARGIN;
m_right_margin = GOST_RIGHTMARGIN;
m_top_margin = GOST_TOPMARGIN;
m_bottom_margin = GOST_BOTTOMMARGIN;
m_left_margin = m_right_margin = m_top_margin = m_bottom_margin = 400;
PAGE_INFO::PAGE_INFO( const wxString& aType )
SetType( aType );
bool PAGE_INFO::SetType( const wxString& aType )
bool rc = true;
if( aType == pageA4.GetType() )
*this = pageA4;
else if( aType == pageA3.GetType() )
*this = pageA3;
else if( aType == pageA2.GetType() )
*this = pageA2;
else if( aType == pageA1.GetType() )
*this = pageA1;
else if( aType == pageA0.GetType() )
*this = pageA0;
else if( aType == pageA.GetType() )
*this = pageA;
else if( aType == pageB.GetType() )
*this = pageB;
else if( aType == pageC.GetType() )
*this = pageC;
else if( aType == pageD.GetType() )
*this = pageD;
else if( aType == pageE.GetType() )
*this = pageE;
else if( aType == pageGERBER.GetType() )
*this = pageGERBER;
else if( aType == pageUser.GetType() )
// pageUser is const, and may not and does not hold the custom size,
// so customize *this later
*this = pageUser;
// customize:
m_size.x = s_user_width;
m_size.y = s_user_height;
rc = false;
return rc;
bool PAGE_INFO::IsCustom() const
return m_type == Custom;
void PAGE_INFO::SetPortrait( bool isPortrait )
if( m_portrait != isPortrait )
// swap x and y in m_size
m_size = wxSize( m_size.y, m_size.x );
m_portrait = isPortrait;
// margins are not touched.
static int clampWidth( int aWidthInMils )
if( aWidthInMils < 4000 ) // 4" is about a baseball card
aWidthInMils = 4000;
else if( aWidthInMils > 44000 ) //44" is plotter size
aWidthInMils = 44000;
return aWidthInMils;
static int clampHeight( int aHeightInMils )
if( aHeightInMils < 4000 )
aHeightInMils = 4000;
else if( aHeightInMils > 44000 )
aHeightInMils = 44000;
return aHeightInMils;
void PAGE_INFO::SetUserWidthMils( int aWidthInMils )
s_user_width = clampWidth( aWidthInMils );
void PAGE_INFO::SetUserHeightMils( int aHeightInMils )
s_user_height = clampHeight( aHeightInMils );
void PAGE_INFO::SetWidthMils( int aWidthInMils )
m_size.x = clampWidth( aWidthInMils );
int PAGE_INFO::GetWidthMils() const
return m_size.x;
void PAGE_INFO::SetHeightMils( int aHeightInMils )
m_size.y = clampHeight( aHeightInMils );
int PAGE_INFO::GetHeightMils() const
return m_size.y;
const wxSize& PAGE_INFO::GetSizeMils() const
return m_size;
......@@ -174,198 +174,6 @@ bool EnsureTextCtrlWidth( wxTextCtrl* aCtrl, const wxString* aString )
// Standard page sizes in mils, all constants
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA4( wxSize( 8283, 11700 ), wxT( "A4" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA4( wxSize( 11700, 8267 ), wxT( "A4" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA3( wxSize( 16535, 11700 ), wxT( "A3" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA2( wxSize( 23400, 16535 ), wxT( "A2" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA1( wxSize( 33070, 23400 ), wxT( "A1" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA0( wxSize( 46800, 33070 ), wxT( "A0" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageA( wxSize( 11000, 8500 ), wxT( "A" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageB( wxSize( 17000, 11000 ), wxT( "B" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageC( wxSize( 22000, 17000 ), wxT( "C" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageD( wxSize( 34000, 22000 ), wxT( "D" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageE( wxSize( 44000, 34000 ), wxT( "E" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageGERBER(wxSize( 32000, 32000 ), wxT( "GERBER" ) );
const PAGE_INFO PAGE_INFO::pageUser( wxSize( 17000, 11000 ), wxT( "User" ) );
int PAGE_INFO::s_user_width = 17000;
int PAGE_INFO::s_user_height = 11000;
wxArrayString PAGE_INFO::GetStandardSizes()
wxArrayString ret;
static const PAGE_INFO* stdPageSizes[] = {
// &pageGERBER, // standard?
for( unsigned i=0; i < DIM( stdPageSizes ); ++i )
ret.Add( stdPageSizes[i]->GetType() );
return ret;
PAGE_INFO::PAGE_INFO( const wxSize& aSizeMils, const wxString& aType ) :
m_type( aType ),
m_size( aSizeMils ),
m_portrait( false )
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
m_left_margin = GOST_LEFTMARGIN;
m_right_margin = GOST_RIGHTMARGIN;
m_top_margin = GOST_TOPMARGIN;
m_bottom_margin = GOST_BOTTOMMARGIN;
m_left_margin = m_right_margin = m_top_margin = m_bottom_margin = 400;
PAGE_INFO::PAGE_INFO( const wxString& aType )
SetType( aType );
bool PAGE_INFO::SetType( const wxString& aType )
bool rc = true;
if( aType == pageA4.GetType() )
*this = pageA4;
else if( aType == pageA3.GetType() )
*this = pageA3;
else if( aType == pageA2.GetType() )
*this = pageA2;
else if( aType == pageA1.GetType() )
*this = pageA1;
else if( aType == pageA0.GetType() )
*this = pageA0;
else if( aType == pageA.GetType() )
*this = pageA;
else if( aType == pageB.GetType() )
*this = pageB;
else if( aType == pageC.GetType() )
*this = pageC;
else if( aType == pageD.GetType() )
*this = pageD;
else if( aType == pageE.GetType() )
*this = pageE;
else if( aType == pageGERBER.GetType() )
*this = pageGERBER;
else if( aType == pageUser.GetType() )
// pageUser is const, and may not and does not hold the custom size,
// so customize *this later
*this = pageUser;
// customize:
m_size.x = s_user_width;
m_size.y = s_user_height;
rc = false;
return rc;
void PAGE_INFO::SetPortrait( bool isPortrait )
if( m_portrait != isPortrait )
// swap x and y in m_size
m_size = wxSize( m_size.y, m_size.x );
m_portrait = isPortrait;
// margins are not touched.
static int clampWidth( int aWidthInMils )
if( aWidthInMils < 4000 ) // 4" is about a baseball card
aWidthInMils = 4000;
else if( aWidthInMils > 44000 ) //44" is plotter size
aWidthInMils = 44000;
return aWidthInMils;
static int clampHeight( int aHeightInMils )
if( aHeightInMils < 4000 )
aHeightInMils = 4000;
else if( aHeightInMils > 44000 )
aHeightInMils = 44000;
return aHeightInMils;
void PAGE_INFO::SetUserWidthMils( int aWidthInMils )
s_user_width = clampWidth( aWidthInMils );
void PAGE_INFO::SetUserHeightMils( int aHeightInMils )
s_user_height = clampHeight( aHeightInMils );
void PAGE_INFO::SetWidthMils( int aWidthInMils )
m_size.x = clampWidth( aWidthInMils );
int PAGE_INFO::GetWidthMils() const
return m_size.x;
void PAGE_INFO::SetHeightMils( int aHeightInMils )
m_size.y = clampHeight( aHeightInMils );
int PAGE_INFO::GetHeightMils() const
return m_size.y;
const wxSize& PAGE_INFO::GetSizeMils() const
return m_size;
wxString ReturnUnitSymbol( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, const wxString& formatString )
wxString tmp;
......@@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ bool PS_PLOTTER::start_plot( FILE* fout )
// converted to internal units.
wxSize pageSize = pageInfo.GetSizeMils();
if( pageInfo.GetType().Cmp( wxT( "User" ) ) == 0 )
if( pageInfo.IsCustom() )
fprintf( output_file, "%%%%DocumentMedia: Custom %d %d 0 () ()\n",
wxRound( pageSize.y * 10 * CONV_SCALE ),
wxRound( pageSize.x * 10 * CONV_SCALE ) );
else // ( if sheet->m_Name does not equal "User" )
else // a standard paper size
fprintf( output_file, "%%%%DocumentMedia: %s %d %d 0 () ()\n",
TO_UTF8( pageInfo.GetType() ),
wxRound( pageSize.y * 10 * CONV_SCALE ),
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::Process_PageSettings( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_user_size( wxT( "User" ) )
m_user_size( PAGE_INFO::Custom )
m_Parent = parent;
m_Screen = m_Parent->GetScreen();
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::initDialog()
const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = m_Parent->GetPageSettings();
if( wxT( "User" ) != pageInfo.GetType() )
if( !pageInfo.IsCustom() )
m_landscapeCheckbox->SetValue( !pageInfo.IsPortrait() );
setCurrentPageSizeSelection( pageInfo.GetType() );
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::onRadioButtonSelected()
if( wxT( "User" ) == m_PageSizeBox->GetStringSelection() )
if( PAGE_INFO::Custom == m_PageSizeBox->GetStringSelection() )
m_landscapeCheckbox->Enable( false );
......@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::SavePageSettings( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString paperType = m_PageSizeBox->GetString( radioSelection );
// construct pageInfo _after_ user settings have been established in case the
// paperType is "User", otherwise User with and height will not go into effect right away.
// paperType is custom, otherwise User width and height will not go into effect right away.
PAGE_INFO pageInfo( paperType );
if( wxT( "User" ) != paperType )
if( PAGE_INFO::Custom != paperType )
pageInfo.SetPortrait( !m_landscapeCheckbox->IsChecked() );
m_Parent->SetPageSettings( pageInfo );
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ line %d, \aAbort reading file.\n" ),
aMsgDiag << FROM_UTF8( line );
if( pagename == wxT( "User" ) )
if( pagename == PAGE_INFO::Custom )
if( width && height )
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ line %d, \aAbort reading file.\n" ),
// portrait only supported in non "User" sizes
// portrait only supported in non custom sizes
else if( orient && !strcmp( orient, "portrait" ) )
pageInfo.SetPortrait( true );
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ bool SCH_SCREEN::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
if( fprintf( aFile, "$Descr %s %d %d%s\n", TO_UTF8( m_paper.GetType() ),
m_paper.GetType() != wxT( "User" ) && m_paper.IsPortrait() ?
!m_paper.IsCustom() && m_paper.IsPortrait() ?
" portrait" : ""
) < 0
|| fprintf( aFile, "encoding utf-8\n") < 0
......@@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ class LibNameList;
static const wxString Custom; /// "User" defined page type
PAGE_INFO( const wxString& aType = wxT( "A3" ) );
PAGE_INFO( const wxSize& aSizeMils, const wxString& aName );
......@@ -155,6 +158,12 @@ public:
bool SetType( const wxString& aStandardPageDescriptionName );
const wxString& GetType() const { return m_type; }
* Function IsCustom
* returns true if the type is "User"
bool IsCustom() const;
* Function SetPortrait
* will rotate the paper page 90 degrees. This PAGE_INFO may either be in
......@@ -843,9 +843,9 @@ static bool WriteSheetDescr( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings, const TITLE_BLOCK&
fprintf( File, "$SHEETDESCR\n" );
fprintf( File, "Sheet %s %d %d%s\n",
TO_UTF8( aPageSettings.GetType() ),
aPageSettings.GetType() != wxT( "User" ) && aPageSettings.IsPortrait() ?
!aPageSettings.IsCustom() && aPageSettings.IsPortrait() ?
" portrait" : ""
......@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ static bool ReadSheetDescr( BOARD* aBoard, LINE_READER* aReader )
char* orient = strtok( NULL, delims );
// only keep width and height if page size is "User"
if( wname == wxT( "User" ) )
if( wname == PAGE_INFO::Custom )
if( width && height )
......@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ void KICAD_PLUGIN::loadSHEET()
char* height = strtok( NULL, delims );
char* orient = strtok( NULL, delims );
// only parse the width and height if page size is "User"
if( wname == wxT( "User" ) )
// only parse the width and height if page size is custom ("User")
if( wname == PAGE_INFO::Custom )
if( width && height )
......@@ -2742,9 +2742,9 @@ void KICAD_PLUGIN::saveSHEET() const
// paper is described in mils
fprintf( m_fp, "Sheet %s %d %d%s\n",
TO_UTF8( pageInfo.GetType() ),
pageInfo.GetType() != wxT( "User" ) && pageInfo.IsPortrait() ?
!pageInfo.IsCustom() && pageInfo.IsPortrait() ?
" portrait" : ""
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