Commit b28e976e authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Eeschema: BOM list generation: some fixes and enhancements.

drawframe.cpp: commit a fix about scrollbars  from lajos kamocsay
parent bed96be7
......@@ -554,68 +554,80 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPosition )
virtualSize = drawingRect.GetSize();
else if( drawingRect.Contains( logicalClientRect ) )
virtualSize = drawingRect.GetSize();
int drawingCenterX = drawingRect.x + ( drawingRect.width / 2 );
int clientCenterX = logicalClientRect.x + ( logicalClientRect.width / 2 );
int drawingCenterY = drawingRect.y + ( drawingRect.height / 2 );
int clientCenterY = logicalClientRect.y + ( logicalClientRect.height / 2 );
if( logicalClientRect.width > drawingRect.width )
if( drawingRect.GetLeft() < logicalClientRect.GetLeft() && drawingRect.GetRight() > logicalClientRect.GetRight() )
if( drawingCenterX > clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = ( drawingCenterX - logicalClientRect.GetLeft() ) * 2;
else if( drawingCenterX < clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = ( logicalClientRect.GetRight() - drawingCenterX ) * 2;
virtualSize.x = logicalClientRect.width;
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.GetSize().x;
else if( logicalClientRect.width < drawingRect.width )
if( drawingCenterX > clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width +
( (drawingRect.GetLeft() - logicalClientRect.GetLeft() ) * 2 );
else if( drawingCenterX < clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width +
( (logicalClientRect.GetRight() - drawingRect.GetRight() ) * 2 );
int drawingCenterX = drawingRect.x + ( drawingRect.width / 2 );
int clientCenterX = logicalClientRect.x + ( logicalClientRect.width / 2 );
if( logicalClientRect.width > drawingRect.width )
if( drawingCenterX > clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = ( drawingCenterX - logicalClientRect.GetLeft() ) * 2;
else if( drawingCenterX < clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = ( logicalClientRect.GetRight() - drawingCenterX ) * 2;
virtualSize.x = logicalClientRect.width;
else if( logicalClientRect.width < drawingRect.width )
if( drawingCenterX > clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width +
( (drawingRect.GetLeft() - logicalClientRect.GetLeft() ) * 2 );
else if( drawingCenterX < clientCenterX )
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width +
( (logicalClientRect.GetRight() - drawingRect.GetRight() ) * 2 );
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width;
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width;
virtualSize.x = drawingRect.width;
if( logicalClientRect.height > drawingRect.height )
if( drawingRect.GetTop() < logicalClientRect.GetTop() && drawingRect.GetBottom() > logicalClientRect.GetBottom() )
if( drawingCenterY > clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = ( drawingCenterY - logicalClientRect.GetTop() ) * 2;
else if( drawingCenterY < clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = ( logicalClientRect.GetBottom() - drawingCenterY ) * 2;
virtualSize.y = logicalClientRect.height;
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.GetSize().y;
else if( logicalClientRect.height < drawingRect.height )
if( drawingCenterY > clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height +
( ( drawingRect.GetTop() - logicalClientRect.GetTop() ) * 2 );
else if( drawingCenterY < clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height +
( ( logicalClientRect.GetBottom() - drawingRect.GetBottom() ) * 2 );
int drawingCenterY = drawingRect.y + ( drawingRect.height / 2 );
int clientCenterY = logicalClientRect.y + ( logicalClientRect.height / 2 );
if( logicalClientRect.height > drawingRect.height )
if( drawingCenterY > clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = ( drawingCenterY - logicalClientRect.GetTop() ) * 2;
else if( drawingCenterY < clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = ( logicalClientRect.GetBottom() - drawingCenterY ) * 2;
virtualSize.y = logicalClientRect.height;
else if( logicalClientRect.height < drawingRect.height )
if( drawingCenterY > clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height +
( ( drawingRect.GetTop() - logicalClientRect.GetTop() ) * 2 );
else if( drawingCenterY < clientCenterY )
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height +
( ( logicalClientRect.GetBottom() - drawingRect.GetBottom() ) * 2 );
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height;
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height;
virtualSize.y = drawingRect.height;
if( screen->m_Center )
screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -( wxRound( (double) virtualSize.x / 2.0 ) );
......@@ -110,29 +110,52 @@ bool SCH_REFERENCE_LIST::sortByValueAndRef( const SCH_REFERENCE& item1,
const SCH_REFERENCE& item2 )
int ii = item1.CompareValue( item2 );
if( ii == 0 )
ii = RefDesStringCompare( item1.GetRef(), item2.GetRef() );
if( ii == 0 )
ii = item1.m_Unit - item2.m_Unit;
if( ii == 0 )
ii = item1.m_SheetNum - item2.m_SheetNum;
if( ii == 0 )
ii = item1.m_CmpPos.x - item2.m_CmpPos.x;
if( ii == 0 )
ii = item1.m_CmpPos.y - item2.m_CmpPos.y;
if( ii == 0 )
ii = item1.m_TimeStamp - item2.m_TimeStamp;
return ii < 0;
* Helper function to calculate in a component value string
* the value, depending on multiplier symbol:
* pico
* nano
* micro (u)
* milli (m)
* kilo (k ou K)
* Mega
* Giga
* Tera
* with notations like 1K; 1.5K; 1,5K; 1k5
* returns true if the string is a value, false if not
* (a value is a string starting by a number)
static bool engStrToDouble( wxString aStr, double* aDouble )
// A trick to take care of strings without a multiplier
aStr.Append( wxT( "R" ) );
// Regular expression for a value string, e.g., 47k2
static wxRegEx valueRegEx( wxT( "^([0-9]+)([pnumRkMGT.])([0-9]*)" ) );
static wxRegEx valueRegEx( wxT( "^([0-9]+)([pnumRkKMGT.,])([0-9]*)([pnumRkKMGT]*)" ) );
if( !valueRegEx.Matches( aStr ) )
return false;
......@@ -141,6 +164,7 @@ static bool engStrToDouble( wxString aStr, double* aDouble )
+ wxT( "." )
+ valueRegEx.GetMatch( aStr, 3 ) );
wxString multiplierString = valueRegEx.GetMatch( aStr, 2 );
wxString post_multiplierString = valueRegEx.GetMatch( aStr, 4 );
double multiplier;
switch( (wxChar)multiplierString[0] )
......@@ -158,6 +182,7 @@ static bool engStrToDouble( wxString aStr, double* aDouble )
multiplier = 1e-3;
case 'k':
case 'K':
multiplier = 1e3;
case 'M':
......@@ -170,12 +195,46 @@ static bool engStrToDouble( wxString aStr, double* aDouble )
multiplier = 1e12;
case 'R':
case '.':
case '.': // floatting point separator
case ',': // floatting point separator (some languages)
multiplier = 1;
switch( (wxChar)post_multiplierString[0] )
case 'p':
multiplier = 1e-12;
case 'n':
multiplier = 1e-9;
case 'u':
multiplier = 1e-6;
case 'm':
multiplier = 1e-3;
case 'k':
case 'K':
multiplier = 1e3;
case 'M':
multiplier = 1e6;
case 'G':
multiplier = 1e9;
case 'T':
multiplier = 1e12;
case 'R':
LOCALE_IO dummy; // set to C floatting point standard
valueStr.ToDouble( aDouble );
*aDouble *= multiplier;
......@@ -183,11 +242,41 @@ static bool engStrToDouble( wxString aStr, double* aDouble )
/* sort the list of references by value.
* Components are grouped by type and are sorted by value:
* The value of a component accept multiplier symbols (p, n, K ..)
* groups are made by first letter of reference
bool SCH_REFERENCE_LIST::sortByValueOnly( const SCH_REFERENCE& item1,
const SCH_REFERENCE& item2 )
wxString text1 = item1.GetComponent()->GetField( VALUE )->GetText();
wxString text2 = item2.GetComponent()->GetField( VALUE )->GetText();
// First, group by type, assuming 2 first letter of references
// are different for different types of components.
wxString text1 = item1.GetComponent()->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetText().Left(2);
wxString text2 = item2.GetComponent()->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetText().Left(2);
if( text1[0] != text2[0] )
return text1[0] < text2[0];
// Compare the second letter, if exists
if( text1.length() > 1 && text2.length() > 1 )
if( (text1[1] < '0') || (text1[1] > '9') ||
(text2[1] < '0') || (text2[1] > '9') )
return text1[1] < text2[1];
// Inside a group of components of same value, it could be good to group per footprints
text1 = item1.GetComponent()->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->GetText();
text2 = item2.GetComponent()->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->GetText();
int same_footprint = text1.IsEmpty() || text2.IsEmpty();
if( same_footprint == 0 )
same_footprint = text1.CmpNoCase( text2 );
// We can compare here 2 values relative to components of the same type
// assuming references are correctly chosen
text1 = item1.GetComponent()->GetField( VALUE )->GetText();
text2 = item2.GetComponent()->GetField( VALUE )->GetText();
double value1, value2;
......@@ -204,7 +293,11 @@ bool SCH_REFERENCE_LIST::sortByValueOnly( const SCH_REFERENCE& item1,
return false;
if( match1 && match2 )
if( value1 == value2 )
return same_footprint < 0;
return value1 < value2;
// Fall back to normal string compare
int ii = text1.CmpNoCase( text2 );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class DIALOG_BUILD_BOM : public DIALOG_BUILD_BOM_BASE
wxConfig* m_Config;
wxString m_ListFileName;
wxString m_ListFileName; // The full filename of the file report.
void OnRadioboxSelectFormatSelected( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -34,17 +34,27 @@ private:
char aExportSeparatorSymbol,
bool aRunBrowser );
void GenereListeOfItems( const wxString& FullFileName, bool aIncludeSubComponents );
void CreateExportList( const wxString& FullFileName, bool aIncludeSubComponents );
void GenereListeOfItems( bool aIncludeSubComponents );
* Function CreateParstList
* Function CreateExportList
* prints a list of components, in a form which can be imported by a
* spreadsheet. Form is:
* cmp value; number of components; \<footprint\>; \<field1\>; ...;
* list of references having the same value
* reference; cmp value; \<footprint\>; \<field1\>; ...;
* Components are sorted by reference
void CreatePartsList( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aIncludeSubComponents );
void CreateExportList( bool aIncludeSubComponents );
* Function CreatePartsList
* prints a list of components, in a form which can be imported by a spreadsheet.
* components having the same value and the same footprint
* are grouped on the same line
* Form is:
* value; number of components; list of references; \<footprint\>; \<field1\>; ...;
* list is sorted by values
void CreatePartsList();
int PrintComponentsListByRef( FILE* f, SCH_REFERENCE_LIST& aList,
bool CompactForm, bool aIncludeSubComponents );
......@@ -55,11 +65,7 @@ private:
int PrintComponentsListByPart( FILE* f, SCH_REFERENCE_LIST& aList,
bool aIncludeSubComponents );
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
wxString PrintFieldData( SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, bool CompactForm = false );
void PrintFieldData( FILE* f, SCH_COMPONENT* DrawLibItem, bool CompactForm = false );
bool IsFieldChecked( int aFieldId );
......@@ -416,13 +416,15 @@ public:
* Function SortByValueOnly
* sort the list of references by value.
* <p>
* Components are sorted in the following order:
* Components are grouped by type and are sorted in the following order:
* <ul>
* <li>Value of component.</li>
* <li>Numeric value of reference designator.</li>
* <li>Unit number when component has multiple parts.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* groups are made by the first letter of reference
* or the 2 first letters when existing
void SortByValueOnly()
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