Commit b1cd83c1 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Icons in GAL context menus.

parent 6083f3b0
......@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_interactive.h>
#include <tool/context_menu.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <cassert>
m_titleSet( false ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( NULL )
m_titleSet( false ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( NULL ), m_icon( NULL )
setCustomEventHandler( boost::bind( &CONTEXT_MENU::handleCustomEvent, this, _1 ) );
......@@ -42,31 +42,7 @@ CONTEXT_MENU::CONTEXT_MENU( const CONTEXT_MENU& aMenu ) :
m_titleSet( aMenu.m_titleSet ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( aMenu.m_tool ),
m_toolActions( aMenu.m_toolActions ), m_customHandler( aMenu.m_customHandler )
// Copy all the menu entries
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aMenu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
wxMenuItem* item = aMenu.FindItemByPosition( i );
if( item->IsSubMenu() )
#ifdef DEBUG
// Submenus of a CONTEXT_MENU are supposed to be CONTEXT_MENUs as well
assert( dynamic_cast<CONTEXT_MENU*>( item->GetSubMenu() ) );
CONTEXT_MENU* menu = new CONTEXT_MENU( static_cast<const CONTEXT_MENU&>( *item->GetSubMenu() ) );
AppendSubMenu( menu, item->GetItemLabel(), wxEmptyString );
wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, item->GetId(), item->GetItemLabel(),
wxEmptyString, item->GetKind() );
Append( newItem );
copyItem( item, newItem );
copyFrom( aMenu );
......@@ -81,31 +57,7 @@ CONTEXT_MENU& CONTEXT_MENU::operator=( const CONTEXT_MENU& aMenu )
m_toolActions = aMenu.m_toolActions;
m_customHandler = aMenu.m_customHandler;
// Copy all the menu entries
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aMenu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
wxMenuItem* item = aMenu.FindItemByPosition( i );
if( item->IsSubMenu() )
#ifdef DEBUG
// Submenus of a CONTEXT_MENU are supposed to be CONTEXT_MENUs as well
assert( dynamic_cast<CONTEXT_MENU*>( item->GetSubMenu() ) );
CONTEXT_MENU* menu = new CONTEXT_MENU( static_cast<const CONTEXT_MENU&>( *item->GetSubMenu() ) );
AppendSubMenu( menu, item->GetItemLabel(), wxEmptyString );
wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, item->GetId(), item->GetItemLabel(),
wxEmptyString, item->GetKind() );
Append( newItem );
copyItem( item, newItem );
copyFrom( aMenu );
return *this;
......@@ -138,7 +90,7 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::SetTitle( const wxString& aTitle )
void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId )
void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId, const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon )
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -146,7 +98,12 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId )
wxLogWarning( wxT( "Adding more than one menu entry with the same ID may result in"
"undefined behaviour" ) );
Append( new wxMenuItem( this, aId, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, aId, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL );
if( aIcon )
item->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( aIcon ) );
Append( item );
......@@ -154,10 +111,14 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
/// ID numbers for tool actions need to have a value higher than m_actionId
int id = m_actionId + aAction.GetId();
const BITMAP_OPAQUE* icon = aAction.GetIcon();
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, id,
aAction.GetMenuItem(), aAction.GetDescription(), wxITEM_NORMAL );
if( icon )
item->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( icon ) );
if( aAction.HasHotKey() )
int key = aAction.GetHotKey() & ~MD_MODIFIER_MASK;
......@@ -180,6 +141,22 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu, const wxString& aLabel )
if( aMenu->m_icon )
wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, -1, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL );
newItem->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( aMenu->m_icon ) );
newItem->SetSubMenu( aMenu );
Append( newItem );
AppendSubMenu( aMenu, aLabel );
void CONTEXT_MENU::Clear()
m_titleSet = false;
......@@ -277,7 +254,39 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::copyItem( const wxMenuItem* aSource, wxMenuItem* aDest ) cons
if( aSource->IsCheckable() )
aDest->Check( aSource->IsChecked() );
if( aSource->GetKind() == wxITEM_NORMAL )
aDest->SetBitmap( aSource->GetBitmap() );
void CONTEXT_MENU::copyFrom( const CONTEXT_MENU& aMenu )
m_icon = aMenu.m_icon;
// Copy all the menu entries
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aMenu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
wxMenuItem* item = aMenu.FindItemByPosition( i );
wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( this, item->GetId(), item->GetItemLabel(),
item->GetHelp(), item->GetKind() );
if( item->GetKind() == wxITEM_NORMAL )
newItem->SetBitmap( item->GetBitmap() );
if( item->IsSubMenu() )
#ifdef DEBUG
// Submenus of a CONTEXT_MENU are supposed to be CONTEXT_MENUs as well
assert( dynamic_cast<CONTEXT_MENU*>( item->GetSubMenu() ) );
CONTEXT_MENU* menu = new CONTEXT_MENU( static_cast<const CONTEXT_MENU&>( *item->GetSubMenu() ) );
newItem->SetSubMenu( menu );
Append( newItem );
Append( newItem );
copyItem( item, newItem );
......@@ -59,14 +59,25 @@ public:
void SetTitle( const wxString& aTitle );
* Function SetIcon()
* Assigns an icon for the entry.
* @param aIcon is the icon to be assigned. NULL is used to remove icon.
void SetIcon( const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon )
m_icon = aIcon;
* Function Add()
* Adds an entry to the menu. After highlighting/selecting the entry, a TOOL_EVENT command is
* sent that contains ID of the entry.
* @param aLabel is the text label show in the menu.
* @param aId is the ID that is sent in the TOOL_EVENT. It should be unique for every entry.
* @param aIcon is an optional icon.
void Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId );
void Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId, const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon = NULL );
* Function Add()
......@@ -76,6 +87,15 @@ public:
void Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction );
* Function Add()
* Adds a context menu as a submenu. The difference between this function and wxMenu::AppendSubMenu()
* is the capability to handle icons.
* @param aMenu is the submenu to be added.
* @param aLabel is the caption displayed for the menu entry.
void Add( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu, const wxString& aLabel );
* Function Clear()
* Removes all the entries from the menu (as well as its title). It leaves the menu in the
......@@ -112,6 +132,9 @@ private:
void copyItem( const wxMenuItem* aSource, wxMenuItem* aDest ) const;
///> Common part of copy constructor and assignment operator.
void copyFrom( const CONTEXT_MENU& aMenu );
///> Initializes handlers for events.
void setupEvents();
......@@ -146,6 +169,9 @@ private:
/// Custom events handler, allows to translate wxEvents to TOOL_EVENTs.
boost::function<OPT_TOOL_EVENT(const wxMenuEvent& aEvent)> m_customHandler;
/// Optional icon
const BITMAP_OPAQUE* m_icon;
friend class TOOL_INTERACTIVE;
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
......@@ -46,10 +48,11 @@ class TOOL_ACTION
TOOL_ACTION( const std::string& aName, TOOL_ACTION_SCOPE aScope = AS_CONTEXT,
int aDefaultHotKey = 0, const wxString aMenuItem = wxEmptyString,
const wxString& aMenuDesc = wxEmptyString, TOOL_ACTION_FLAGS aFlags = AF_NONE ) :
const wxString& aMenuDesc = wxEmptyString, const BITMAP_OPAQUE* aIcon = NULL,
m_name( aName ), m_scope( aScope ), m_defaultHotKey( aDefaultHotKey ),
m_currentHotKey( aDefaultHotKey ), m_menuItem( aMenuItem ),
m_menuDescription( aMenuDesc ), m_id( -1 ), m_flags( aFlags )
m_menuDescription( aMenuDesc ), m_icon( aIcon ), m_id( -1 ), m_flags( aFlags )
TOOL_MANAGER::GetActionList().push_back( this );
......@@ -202,6 +205,14 @@ public:
return m_flags & AF_NOTIFY;
* Returns an icon associated with the action. It is used in context menu.
const BITMAP_OPAQUE* GetIcon() const
return m_icon;
friend class ACTION_MANAGER;
......@@ -224,7 +235,7 @@ private:
wxString m_menuDescription;
// Icon for menu entry
// KiBitmap m_bitmap;
const BITMAP_OPAQUE* m_icon;
/// Unique ID for fast matching. Assigned by ACTION_MANAGER.
int m_id;
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ using boost::optional;
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_NewTrack( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.NewTrack",
_( "New Track" ), _( "Starts laying a new track." ) );
_( "New Track" ), _( "Starts laying a new track." ), add_tracks_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_EndTrack( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.EndTrack",
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static TOOL_ACTION ACT_AutoEndRoute( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.AutoEndRoute",
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_Drag( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.Drag",
_( "Drag Track/Via" ), _( "Drags a track or a via." ) );
_( "Drag Track/Via" ), _( "Drags a track or a via." ), drag_track_segment_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceThroughVia( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceVia",
......@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ static TOOL_ACTION ACT_RouterOptions( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.RouterOptions",
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchPosture( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SwitchPosture",
_( "Switch Track Posture" ), _( "Switches posture of the currenly routed track." ) );
_( "Switch Track Posture" ), _( "Switches posture of the currenly routed track." ),
change_entry_orient_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SetDpDimensions( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SetDpDimensions",
......@@ -143,14 +144,22 @@ public:
wxString msg;
m_board = aBoard;
Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_WIDTH, _( "Custom size" ),
wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK );
wxMenuItem* custom_width = new wxMenu( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CUSTOM_WIDTH, _( "Custom size" ),
_( "Allows to specify any track/via size" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
//custom->SetBitmap(); // TODO missing icon
Append( custom_width );
Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_AUTO_WIDTH, _( "Use the starting track width" ),
_( "Route using the width of the starting track." ), wxITEM_CHECK );
wxMenuItem* auto_width = new wxMenu( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_AUTO_WIDTH,
_( "Use the starting track width" ),
_( "Route using the width of the starting track" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
auto_width->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( auto_track_width_xpm ) );
Append( auto_width );
Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_VALUES, _( "Use netclass values" ),
wxMenuItem* net_width = new wxMenu( ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_USE_NETCLASS_VALUES,
_( "Use netclass values" ),
_( "Use track and via sizes from the net class" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
//net_width->SetBitmap(); // TODO missing icon
Append( net_width );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < bds.m_TrackWidthList.size(); i++ )
......@@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ using namespace KIGFX;
using boost::optional;
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_NewTrack( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.NewTrack", AS_CONTEXT, 'X',
_( "New Track" ), _( "Starts laying a new track." ) );
_( "New Track" ), _( "Starts laying a new track." ), add_tracks_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_EndTrack( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.EndTrack", AS_CONTEXT, WXK_END,
_( "End Track" ), _( "Stops laying the current track." ) );
_( "End Track" ), _( "Stops laying the current track." ), checked_ok_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_AutoEndRoute( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.AutoEndRoute", AS_CONTEXT, 'F',
_( "Auto-end Track" ), _( "Automagically finishes currently routed track." ) );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_Drag( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.Drag", AS_CONTEXT, 'G',
_( "Drag Track/Via" ), _( "Drags a track or a via." ) );
_( "Drag Track/Via" ), _( "Drags a track or a via." ), drag_track_segment_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceThroughVia( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceVia", AS_CONTEXT, 'V',
_( "Place Through Via" ), _( "Adds a through-hole via at the end of currently routed track." ) );
_( "Place Through Via" ), _( "Adds a through-hole via at the end of currently routed track." ), via_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceBlindVia( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.PlaceBlindVia", AS_CONTEXT, 'Z',
_( "Place Blind/Buried Via" ), _( "Adds a blind or buried via at the end of currently routed track." ) );
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static TOOL_ACTION ACT_CustomTrackWidth( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.CustomTrackWi
_( "Custom Track Width" ), _( "Shows a dialog for changing the track width and via size." ) );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchPosture( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SwitchPosture", AS_CONTEXT, '/',
_( "Switch Track Posture" ), _( "Switches posture of the currenly routed track." ) );
_( "Switch Track Posture" ), _( "Switches posture of the currenly routed track." ), change_entry_orient_xpm );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SetDpDimensions( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter.SetDpDimensions", AS_CONTEXT, 'D',
_( "Differential Pair Dimensions..." ), _( "Sets the width and gap of the currently routed differential pair." ) );
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class CONTEXT_TRACK_WIDTH_MENU: public CONTEXT_MENU
SetIcon( width_track_via_xpm );
setCustomEventHandler( boost::bind( &CONTEXT_TRACK_WIDTH_MENU::handleCustomEvent,
this, _1 ) );
......@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ public:
trackMenu->SetBoard( aBoard );
AppendSubMenu( trackMenu, _( "Select Track Width" ) );
Add( trackMenu, _( "Select Track/Via Width" ) );
Add( ACT_CustomTrackWidth );
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class ZONE_CONTEXT_MENU : public CONTEXT_MENU
SetIcon( add_zone_xpm );
Add( COMMON_ACTIONS::zoneFill );
Add( COMMON_ACTIONS::zoneFillAll );
Add( COMMON_ACTIONS::zoneUnfill );
......@@ -251,9 +251,10 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::AddMenuItem( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction, const SELECTION_CO
void SELECTION_TOOL::AddSubMenu( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu, const wxString& aLabel, const SELECTION_CONDITION& aCondition )
void SELECTION_TOOL::AddSubMenu( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu, const wxString& aLabel,
const SELECTION_CONDITION& aCondition )
m_menu.AppendSubMenu( aMenu, aLabel );
m_menu.Add( aMenu, aLabel );
m_menuConditions.push_back( aCondition );
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