Commit a8139da3 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Try to use UTF8 only in kicad files

parent c4bff796
......@@ -7,10 +7,18 @@
#include <wx/wx.h>
// comment this line to use old Kicad behavior (use local convention)
// uncomment this line to use UTF8 only convention in kicad files
#define USE_UTF8_ONLY
#ifdef USE_UTF8_ONLY
#define CONV_TO_UTF8( wxstring ) ( (const char*) wxConvUTF8.cWX2MB( wxstring ) )
#define CONV_FROM_UTF8( utf8string ) ( wxConvUTF8.cMB2WC( utf8string ) )
#define CONV_TO_UTF8( wxstring ) ( (const char*) wxConvCurrent->cWX2MB( wxstring ) )
#define CONV_FROM_UTF8( utf8string ) ( wxConvCurrent->cMB2WC( utf8string ) )
#define CONV_TO_UTF8( wxstring ) ( (const char*) ( (wxstring).c_str() ) )
#define CONV_FROM_UTF8( utf8string ) (utf8string)
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