Commit a664e14b authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

Renaming the sheet filename now works in simple and complex hierarchies

parent 8ef96230
......@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
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2008-Feb-29 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Renaming the sheet filename now works in simple and complex hierarchies.
Use carefully because this can change the whole schematic structure.
2008-Feb-28 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -43,14 +43,13 @@ DrawSheetStruct::DrawSheetStruct( const wxPoint& pos ) :
m_NbLabel = 0;
m_Layer = LAYER_SHEET;
m_Pos = pos;
m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp();
m_SheetNameSize = m_FileNameSize = 60;
m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp();
m_SheetNameSize = m_FileNameSize = 60;
m_AssociatedScreen = NULL;
m_SheetName.Printf( wxT("Sheet%8.8lX"), m_TimeStamp);
m_FileName.Printf( wxT("file%8.8lX.sch"), m_TimeStamp);
m_SheetNumber = 1;
m_SheetName.Printf( wxT( "Sheet%8.8lX" ), m_TimeStamp );
m_FileName.Printf( wxT( "file%8.8lX.sch" ), m_TimeStamp );
m_SheetNumber = 1;
m_NumberOfSheets = 1;
......@@ -336,7 +335,8 @@ bool DrawSheetStruct::SearchHierarchy( wxString filename, SCH_SCREEN** screen )
if( strct->Type() == DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE )
DrawSheetStruct* ss = (DrawSheetStruct*) strct;
if( ss->m_AssociatedScreen && ss->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName.CmpNoCase( filename ) == 0 )
if( ss->m_AssociatedScreen &&
ss->m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName.CmpNoCase( filename ) == 0 )
*screen = ss->m_AssociatedScreen;
return true;
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ bool DrawSheetStruct::LocatePathOfScreen( SCH_SCREEN* screen, DrawSheetPath* lis
bool DrawSheetStruct::Load( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame )
bool success = true;
bool success = true;
if( !m_AssociatedScreen )
......@@ -404,21 +404,21 @@ bool DrawSheetStruct::Load( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame )
m_AssociatedScreen = new SCH_SCREEN( SCHEMATIC_FRAME );
success = frame->LoadOneEEFile( m_AssociatedScreen, m_FileName);
if ( success )
EDA_BaseStruct* bs = m_AssociatedScreen->EEDrawList;
while( bs )
if( bs->Type() == DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE )
DrawSheetStruct* sheetstruct = (DrawSheetStruct*) bs;
if( !sheetstruct->Load( frame ) )
success = false;
bs = bs->Pnext;
success = frame->LoadOneEEFile( m_AssociatedScreen, m_FileName );
if( success )
EDA_BaseStruct* bs = m_AssociatedScreen->EEDrawList;
while( bs )
if( bs->Type() == DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE )
DrawSheetStruct* sheetstruct = (DrawSheetStruct*) bs;
if( !sheetstruct->Load( frame ) )
success = false;
bs = bs->Pnext;
return success;
......@@ -448,20 +448,116 @@ int DrawSheetStruct::CountSheets()
wxString DrawSheetStruct::GetFileName(void)
wxString DrawSheetStruct::GetFileName( void )
return m_FileName;
return m_FileName;
void DrawSheetStruct::SetFileName(const wxString & aFilename)
void DrawSheetStruct::SetFileName( const wxString& aFilename )
m_FileName = aFilename;
m_FileName = aFilename;
/** Function ChangeFileName
* Set a new filename and manage data and associated screen
* The main difficulty is the filename change in a complex hierarchy.
* - if new filename is not already used: change to the new name (and if an existing file is found, load it on request)
* - if new filename is already used (a complex hierarchy) : add the sheet to the complex hierarchy.
bool DrawSheetStruct::ChangeFileName( WinEDA_SchematicFrame * aFrame, const wxString& aFileName )
if( (GetFileName() == aFileName) && m_AssociatedScreen )
return true;
SCH_SCREEN* Screen_to_use = NULL;
wxString msg;
bool LoadFromFile = false;
if( g_RootSheet->SearchHierarchy( aFileName, &Screen_to_use ) ) //do we reload the data from the existing hierarchy
msg.Printf( _(
"A Sub Hierarchy named %s exists, Use it (The data in this sheet will be replaced)?" ),
aFileName.GetData() );
if( ! IsOK( NULL, msg ) )
DisplayInfo(NULL, _("Sheet Filename Renaming Aborted"));
return false;
else if( wxFileExists( aFileName ) ) //do we reload the data from an existing file
msg.Printf( _(
"A file named %s exists, load it (otherwise keep current sheet data if possible)?" ),
aFileName.GetData() );
if( IsOK( NULL, msg ) )
LoadFromFile = true;
m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount--; //be careful with these
if( m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount == 0 )
SAFE_DELETE( m_AssociatedScreen );
m_AssociatedScreen = NULL; //will be created later
// if an associated screen exists, shared between this sheet and others sheets, what we do ?
if( m_AssociatedScreen && ( m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount > 1 ))
msg = _("This sheet uses shared data in a complex hierarchy" ) ;
msg << wxT("\n");
msg << _("Do we convert it in a simple hierarchical sheet (otherwise delete current sheet data)");
if( IsOK( NULL, msg ) )
LoadFromFile = true;
wxString oldfilename = m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName;
m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName = aFileName;
aFrame->SaveEEFile( m_AssociatedScreen, FILE_SAVE_AS );
m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName = oldfilename;
m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount--; //be careful with these
m_AssociatedScreen = NULL; //will be created later
SetFileName( aFileName );
// if we use new data (from file or from internal hierarchy), delete the current sheet data
if( m_AssociatedScreen && (LoadFromFile || Screen_to_use) )
if( m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount == 0 )
SAFE_DELETE( m_AssociatedScreen );
m_AssociatedScreen = NULL; //so that we reload..
if ( LoadFromFile )
Load( aFrame );
else if ( Screen_to_use )
m_AssociatedScreen = Screen_to_use;
//just make a new screen if needed.
if( !m_AssociatedScreen )
m_AssociatedScreen = new SCH_SCREEN( SCHEMATIC_FRAME );
m_AssociatedScreen->m_RefCount++; //be careful with these
m_AssociatedScreen->m_FileName = aFileName;
return true;
/* DrawSheetLabelStruct */
......@@ -646,7 +742,7 @@ EDA_BaseStruct* DrawSheetPath::LastDrawList()
void DrawSheetPath::Push( DrawSheetStruct* sheet )
wxASSERT( m_numSheets <= DSLSZ );
wxASSERT( m_numSheets <= DSLSZ );
if( m_numSheets < DSLSZ )
m_sheets[m_numSheets] = sheet;
......@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ public:
bool LocatePathOfScreen( SCH_SCREEN* screen, DrawSheetPath* list );
int CountSheets();
wxString GetFileName(void);
void SetFileName(const wxString & aFilename);
void SetFileName(const wxString & aFilename); // Set a new filename without changing anything else
bool ChangeFileName(WinEDA_SchematicFrame * aFrame, const wxString & aFileName); // Set a new filename and manage data and associated screen
//void RemoveSheet(DrawSheetStruct* sheet);
//to remove a sheet, just delete it
......@@ -257,21 +257,19 @@ SCH_SCREEN * WinEDA_SchematicFrame::CreateNewScreen(
void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::SaveProject( )
/* Sauvegarde toutes les feuilles du projet
* et cr�e une librairie archive des composants, de nom <root_name>.chche.lib
/* Saves the entire project and creates an archive for components
* the library archive name is <root_name>.cache.lib
SCH_SCREEN* screen_tmp, *screen;
SCH_SCREEN* screen;
wxString LibArchiveFileName;
screen_tmp = (SCH_SCREEN*)GetScreen(); //save...
EDA_ScreenList ScreenList;
for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL;
screen = ScreenList.GetNext() )
printf("SaveEEFile, %s\n", (const char*)screen->m_FileName.mb_str() );
printf("SaveEEFile, %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(screen->m_FileName) );
SaveEEFile( screen, FILE_SAVE_AS );
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